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Realistic or Modern More Zombies; Join the Groups

[QUOTE="An Unknown Person](So... in the RP, the GMs (not me xD ) were planning to make a secondary group... you're interested in joining it? also... you know that you can... kinda of... turn that water gun into a flamethrower... right? xD )

((Id be interested in that. ;) also you spoiled the surprise.))
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Name: Julius Swift

Age: 19

Personality(can be brief): Julius is much less controlling than his older brother, Alec, but has something of a perfection complex. He tries to be the best at what he does and hates failure- and is very bad at dealing with it. He's a sucker for a pretty face and fairly easily manipulated though he likes to think he isn't.

Strengths: Julius is a great cook and can make a decent meal from almost anything- though obviously he needs something to work with. He isn't a magician after all. He's fast and can use almost any weapon he encounters to a fair level of achievement, but none to a great level.

Weaknesses: Attractive people, tries to avoid violence, physically average, not a great shot.


Will be determined when they become more relevant


Name: Zhaine Swift

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0

Age: 17 (Yeah, I know, they look older in the picture but shh)

Personality: Zhaine is a very flirtatious person. It is perhaps his defining trait. Apart from flirting with pretty girls, though, he is a fervent reader and loves books. He makes fun of his twin all the time, but that's because it's his twin, and he'd jump in to protect his brother at a moments notice. He's usually very practical, and believes fantasies belong in books and the bedroom. He's quite a pessimist, though if you ask him he'll tell you that he is a realist. He hates children, and isn't against killing the weak links in a group if it means he'll survive longer.

Strengths: Zhaine is a bit too harsh and unlikely to be sympathetic with others. This is both a strength and a weakness depending on the situation.

Weaknesses: Zhaine is a bit too harsh and unlikely to be sympathetic with others. This is both a strength and a weakness depending on the situation. He also is a bit biggoted in that he thinks he and his family are better than mostly everyone else.


Will be determined when they become more relevant

Name: Ziek Swift

Sexuality: Homosexual

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0

Age: 17 (Yeah, I know, they look older in the picture but shh)

Personality: Ziek is a lot more spontaneous and random than his siblings. He's very childish and much worse at understanding appropriate responses to social interactions. He generally over reacts to small things and is the drama king of the family. His brother tends to help balance him out though, and he isn't much of a problem when the two are together. He loves easily and hates harming people. Truly if it weren't for Zhaine and Julius he'd be dead by now, he's too kind hearted for the apocalypse.

Strengths: Light is very good at gardening and getting food to grow, he's very nurturing in general, and also a fantastic shot. He's the best with a gun in his family, but will only shoot at those who he must.

Weaknesses: He's too kind for the apocalypse and if it weren't for Zhaine and Julius he would stop for every person who he thinks need help. He's a bit slow to pull the trigger right now, to a fault. He's also whiny, short-sighted, and possessive of people he claims.


Will be determined when they become more relevant

These characters are unimportant right now. They are in Indiana/Ohio and will be encountered later ;P


She has brown hair and amber eyes with an averagely tan complexion

Name: Rebecca Emerson

Age: 27

Height: 5'10"

Personality(can be brief): Rebecca is a bit naive, and can change from incredibly sweet to incredibly hostile at the turn of a hat. Most who meet her would agree that there is something not quite right about the girl. She also holds some... strange beliefs, and her mission in the apocalypse is not just survival. She's obsessed with fantasy books, too, which may be where those belief come from.

Strengths: Rebecca is a genius, though most would be unlikely to recognize it through the rest of the mess in her brain. She's also very fast and fair with a gun.

Weaknesses: Rebecca is not right, and she has a hard time making and keeping reliable friends. She's just lucky that Jason is truly in love with her and hasn't left yet. Also, her quest to discover unicorns may lead her into some dangerous situations to say the least. Besides all of that, she's not very strong physically.

History(Opt.): Rebecca was married before the apocalypse began, and she and her husband have been traveling together. He protects her and hunts for her and shelters her. In fact, Jason is probably the reason she's survived so far. Before the end of the world they had been thinking about having kids, though Rebecca wouldn't have been the most fit mother. They moved out to New Mexico because Rebecca insisted they must, and Jason thought that it would be good to get her away from Denver for a while. He's very thankful they did now.

Weapons: Rebecca keeps a butterfly net, several jars, an apple, and a small pistol on her at all times. Currently she has enough ammo to last a few days in the thick New Mexico zombies

Axl "Squits" Kerfor





Axl is a shy girl, not quick to jump into a conversation, and doesn't necessarily get the meaning of "No.". She is rather gullible as she is young and doesn't get sarcasm.


Knowing of guns,

Small, easily hides.


Limited physical strength,

Easily Persuaded.


Glock 43


Arion said:

Axl "Squits" Kerfor





Axl is a shy girl, not quick to jump into a conversation, and doesn't necessarily get the meaning of "No.". She is rather gullible as she is young and doesn't get sarcasm.


Knowing of guns,

Small, easily hides.


Limited physical strength,

Easily Persuaded.


Glock 43


Kid! put the gun down! lemme deal with this!

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/LOL.jpeg.594c8ac915f10d9c7900f4fe9a95cf74.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126031" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/LOL.jpeg.594c8ac915f10d9c7900f4fe9a95cf74.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Ok... I'm sorry, pls don't kill me Mr.GM)



  • LOL.jpeg
    4.4 KB · Views: 53
The eyes look like a really young cat's, like when the eyes look away from eachother. gg
Arion said:
The eyes look like a really young cat's, like when the eyes look away from eachother. gg
I dunno why... but when you said that... I thought of something like this..

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-17_2-5-55.jpeg.27ac6d4794afdc238f226fa2258bf3b3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="126038" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-17_2-5-55.jpeg.27ac6d4794afdc238f226fa2258bf3b3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2016-5-17_2-5-55.jpeg
    3.8 KB · Views: 52

Name: Jonah Kade

Age: 13

Personality(can be brief):Jonah can seem vary harsh and uncaring at times but once he gets to know you, you may find he hs a very loving and caring personality. He is not very Trusting of people especially ones he doesn't know.

Strengths: Caring for animals, tending a field, he's a pretty decent shot, and great with knots

Weaknesses: fighting close quarters, he is very rash and doesn't think before he talks (witch has gotten him in some pretty bad spots), Can't cook to save his life, knows little of technology (he knows only very basic things)including cars and other sorts of machinery, and he is terrible with directions

History(Opt.):prefer to reveal in RP




knife/gun no ammo
he currently has no ammo for his gun but keeps it loaded with fake rounds if he needs to scare someone

and is it alright if I have a horse If not then just rest of the sheet is needed. If I can than here it is


Name: Jasper

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Required info:


gas mask red hair anime - Bing images

Name: Jacen Winters

Age: 19

Personality(can be brief): Very Immature, Funny, Slightly Mentally Disturbed

Strengths: Good with Firearms, can take a beating.

Weaknesses: Being Mentally Inviltrated, Finding Love.

History(Opt.): Jacen used to be a decently rich boy in a family, He then was stalked by a Girl who he fell in love with, Becoming quite messed up in the head. She comitted suicide and he then became depressed. When the apocalypse came, he let out his anger turning him slightly insane.


Fire axe:Fireaxe - Bing images

Desert Eagle:desert eagle - Bing images

Combat Knife:Combat Knife - Bing images
Which group will you want them in? We have a group in Maine — they have the train — and one in New Mexico. You should be able to keep the horse, either way, since we've allowed other pets.
Arion said:

Axl "Squits" Kerfor





Axl is a shy girl, not quick to jump into a conversation, and doesn't necessarily get the meaning of "No.". She is rather gullible as she is young and doesn't get sarcasm.


Knowing of guns,

Small, easily hides.


Limited physical strength,

Easily Persuaded.


Glock 43


Geez I missed this too. Oh man. Off my game. She should be alright. It would be preferable at the moment if she joined the New Mexico group, which I'll be getting off the ground soon.

Name: Liberty Hawkins

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Location: Southwest

Height: 5'6"

Personality(can be brief):

A sociable and pleasant sort, Liberty tends to be pretty assertive. She's caring and has a hard time with leaving others behind, but tries to reason and rationalize. She is very patient and determined, and even in the apocalypse tends to be optimistic and tries to make the best of what's going on.

Strengths: Horses. Riding them, training them, working with them. She is a Competent Hunter and shot.

Weaknesses: Weak ankles. Can't run well because of them.

History(Opt.): Liberty was born to a prestigious horse trainer in New Mexico. She grew up understanding horses better than humans, and from the time she could keep herself there, she was in the saddle and learning how to handle them. She grew up with a crush on the local farrier, which in the long run turned out very helpful since she can do work on hooves now.


Hammer. Rifle. Nails. Horse.


Grullo horse named Viento
Required info: Two years ago I started killing for money and two years later I am doing the same thing even if a couple billion people would eat me if they slightly glanced in my direction ha... now thinking about it nothing much has changed I have a lot of enemy's be they dead or alive and I am pretty shore most people would chop my head off if given the chance so right now I just look for work and try to live day by day


Name: Nathen Smith



Sexuality: bi


Personality(can be brief):most people say a wild card but I just see a path that's best for me and tack it so to you I am probably a wild card with a tendency for violence

Strengths: good with guns, medical care, quick thinker

Weaknesses: unstable, people in general

History(Opt.):I lived my childhood to teen years in a small town in Ireland born to a drug addicted mom and my dad was shot dead in front of me and my seven siblings my mom to high off her tits on heroin to care if not do anything so me and my siblings sat Thayer for an hour before dispatchers finally walked in to see my dads dead body with a bullet between his eyes and the first fly landing on his forehead seeing me sitting on the ground starring at my dads body after I was 19 I left for America and lived Thayer until my quote on quote friend that later on I put a bullet in his head offered me a job as a drug dealer it was only later when a low level mob family offered me a job as a hit man and after a year of killing for my now high level mob family and the funeral of my mother this shit bock out and now I just walk around picking up jobs and living place to place hopping for ether my death or for this all to end

Weapons: Heckler & Koch HK416 5.56x45mm NATO
Picture/Appearance: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRaosdP859R6LhS6BPwGmGHU6o_IadctUigvNZ3sQ3XpPanLZn88WTbTcDVXQ

Name: Kyle Foster

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Height: 1,76 cm

Personality: Kyle comes off as a quiet, level headed and focused guy. He is also witty, making a sarcastic or ironic comment whenever the opportunity shows itself.

He is also witty, staying ironic and sarcastic comments whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Although it doesn't seem like it, and he certainly doesn't come across as it, Kyle deeply cares about the few people he... y'know, care about, and most often than not he will try to talk his way - or others - out of violence.

Interesting to note, whenever he is pressured into either surrendering or spitting something out, he starts acting like, as some would say, a smartass, with witty comebacks and sarcastic comments going all over the roof tops.

His survival strategy? Bail. Simply put, whenever situations are tense, he will run away from it like a madman, and thanks to his late sister, he knows how to freerun, parkour, so he knows how to climb buildings and use the environment for his escape plan.

Strengths: Agile, quick thinking, focused, resiliant

Weaknesses: Stubborn, mediocre accuracy, selfish

History: Kyle was born exactly 4 years before the infection. He grew up in a stable house, with a loving mother, father, an older brother and an older sister. But then the outbreak happened, and in a desperate attempt to escape, him, alongside his sister ran away from the city, leaving the rest of the family for dead.

His sister took care of him for 8 years, teaching him many things like first aid and how to shoot a weapon, but the most important lesson she ever taught him was how to freerun and to use the environment as a means of self defense.

His sister was a professional freerunner, participating in many tournaments in the country, but only winning a handful of them. She told him that if he were to be like his sister and be the "flight over fight" type, weight always mattered. She told him that he would have to keep his backpack relatively empty and only carry sidearm weapons like pistols and SMGs.

She died in a bandit attack when he was 12.

Ever since then, he'd been surviving alone on the streets. Until he got word of a group administering a working train, and decided to parkour his way to the train and join the others.

His main motivation is his sister.

Weapons: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSMC0lr6fKDo-AA1miV2aHmbT9AAlAWXJFZJWa175umXJKQRNyKapBzjjU23g

@Connor Smith, your CS doesn't have the grammar I'd like to see for this roleplay. If you can fix that I may be able to work with you.

@GalacticalMoonMan Looks pretty good, but the zombies only came around in the past two or so years. That's more of a mistake on my part since I don't think I ever really specified how long it's been. I'm assuming you'll be in with the Southwestern group since I closed the Northeastern one for awhile?
@Sleipnir Yeah, I intended for the Southwestern group because Northeastern isn't available, so I thought: "You know what? I'm not even going to write the location because there's only one location available and it's not gonna make any difference if I slap it on there."


Name: Jesse Calloway

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Location: (Northeastern group or Southwestern?) Southwestern

Height: 6'2''

Personality(can be brief): Jesse had been a loner since he was a child. He's wary, not very trusting. But if anyone threatens the people he cares about, they should be prepared for a very, very angry guy on their hands.

Weaknesses: Not much survival experience, he's a bit narcissistic, thinks that he knows best.


Weapons: Two pistols, some ammo, a dagger, and a baseball bat.
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