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More like a leech [ CestDanielle ]


You are lost
◆ More Like a Leech [CS] ◆

Character Sheet Storage for the Roleplay [ @CestDanielle ]

The least I wanted was a leech."

Muse A expected a few things when her grandfather left her his fortune and estate, skipping her father in the process but what she certainly didn't expect was to find a vampire lurking in the estate, claiming to be her new bodyguard and servant. Because Muse B has sworn a blood oath to Muse A's family to protect the head of the family until he is released from this oath. In return Muse A is meant to be the one providing Muse B with her blood to keep him strong.

► Character Sheet Thread
Alice let out a deep sigh, staring out the windshield as the landscape blurred by. Honestly, she wasn't even sure why she was doing this. She never wanted her grandfather's money to influence her life, so she really didn't know why she was going to live in the mansion she was given when her grandfather passed away. She wasn't even sure when her grandfather lived here. As far as she knew, he had a (granted, somewhat more luxurious than others) condo in the city.

But this place? This place was unbelievably far away from where she used to live.

She was twenty-three years old and was finally moving out of her parents' house. She should be excited, right? But she was more worried about the fact that she had no idea how to handle these types of affairs. Seriously, how was she going to clean an entire mansion by herself? Unless granddaddy had maids... but she couldn't see him doing that. Granddaddy was many things, but lazy was not among them.

Alice finally pulled up to the grand mansion after what seemed like days but was only mere hours of driving. The whole thing was impressive, but Alice was mostly drawn to the wrap around porch. She loved being outside, and that was one of the biggest reason she'd moved here. She glanced around at the emptiness around her; not a neighbor for miles. She breathed in the fresh air, determined to make the most of this.

After fetching her bags from the trunk, Alice locked her car (although nobody was going to steal it all the way out here) and headed inside. The staircase leading up to the porch had quite a few steps, and she was on the verge of being winded when she got to the top. The front door was painted a brilliant shade of blue, and the handles were made of especially shiny silver. She opened the door, and her breath left her at the sight of the foyer.

There was yet another grand staircase leading up to the upper levels (yes, levels plural) of the place. She was going to have to get used to all these stairs since, for the last twenty-three years, she'd lived in places with only elevators.

To the left was the dining room; the door was open and there was a massive wooden table with chairs inside. To the right was a living room looking place; there were a couple couches, a television, and a fireplace that Alice could see from where she was standing. 

All of this was too overwhelming, and Alice sat down on the bottom step of the staircase, burying her face in her hands. "God, what am I doing here?" she mumbled to herself, letting out another deep sigh.
Another day, another line to the tally in the notebook, laid open atop the wooden desk. 

It was all about waiting, about patience. Yet, it'd been almost two weeks since the last time the master of the estate had left. 

The man had traveled back to the city to visit relatives, but it was certainly known that he had indeed passed away, death had finally taken him away. 

Such a fate was known to be close, for the man had not been well. Perhaps the reason he the mansion in such a hurry, knowing he wouldn't have much time to see family. 

A small sigh echoed in the almost empty room. 

Beside the window, seated in wooden chair was a man. Unnatural pink hair, fair skin and a slim figure. He didn't seem thrilled to be in such a nice house, one many would dream of having - minus the location of it.

It was more so the loneliness that was taking hold. 

All he had was the purpose of being here.

But, there was no one here to fulfill that purpose, and all he could do was wait until another came to this place.

Yet, he worried if anyone would come. What was he suppose to do then? He hadn't been told that, wasn't prepared for such. 

The hummed of a car's engine had snapped him out of his worrying thoughts, making him lean forward in the chair and glance out the window.

A car was pulled up the drive way and parked. So, he wasn't just imagining in. That's a relief.

But he didn't remember that car, which meant it was someone else. That made things a tad bit difficult and complicated. He would have to make the introductions, explain the situation.

Another sigh slipped by his lips, but regardless, he got to his feet and made his way out of the room. He was on the top floor, his room the last at the end of the hallway. 

So, down the stairs he went, each step making him feel less confident than the other. He wasn't good at this, at the whole talking thing. 

He stopped in his tracks as soon as he reached the last set of stairs. Before him, on the bottom, sat a woman, and all he could do was stare down at her; hopefully not making himself look threatening or intimidating. 
Alice thought she heard footsteps behind her, but she discounted it because they were so light and quiet. There's no way any human being could walk that quietly, and there was no way Granddaddy was associated with anything other than humans.

Sighing again, Alice removed her hands from her face, once again taking in the scenery of the mansion. It really was huge if the foyer was any indication. One could probably have a football game in this one room alone. She resolved to explore later. Now, though, all she wanted to do was take a nap and recover from the day.

She rose from the stairs and brushed off her shirt. A shock of black hair fell in her face in the process, and she tucked it behind her ear. "Okay. Now, to find my bedroom," she mumbled to herself, pulling out the map her grandfather had left her. 

According to it, her room was on the second floor, right at the top of the staircase. "I wanted to leave you the best view of the house, sweetheart," he'd said to her when he was on his deathbed. It was a sweet notion, but she still wasn't convinced she wanted any view of the house. 

Alice picked up her bags and turned around. On seeing someone actually standing there, she gasped. The man had almost bubblegum pink hair, and he looked... kind of scary. Like the type that just stared daggers at you instead of actually speaking. 

"Uh, hi," Alice said lamely, still recovering from the shock of seeing someone there. "Who are you?" Probably not the most polite way to initially interact with a stranger, but it was the best she could manage at the moment. 
His eyes connected with hers in a stunned glance.

There it was.

The man bit his bottom lip, a pink colour making a dash across his face. His hands impulsively clasped together, his fingers tangling,twirling, fiddling. 

Yet, his hands were behind his back, for he didn't wish to make it known just how uncomfortable he was, the lack of confidence he had. And though he couldn't see his own his face, he would have relieved that the nervous blush was barely noticeable. Perhaps the faint blush made him look a little more human-like - with his pale skin making him look almost like a ghost.

How was he suppose to explain everything and anything?

He could not remember what he had said to the last human whom he had contact with. for it had been a few decades since that time. 

But, biting his lip and staring down at the woman was not helping the situation. It might have just made him seem even more creepy or intimidating.


The first and only word he spoke in answer.

Damn it, that's not right. Maybe i should start again.

June was already mentally kicking himself for his stupidity and lame answer. The woman obviously deserved a better answer than that.

"I mean.."June furrowed his brows, trying his best effort to piece his words together carefully but still finding a sort of difficulty; for where he should begin, "I'm June Baudin,"

That was the easy part, now for the hard part. June had seen all sorts of reactions from the humans whom he had told this to, within this not so normal family. 

"I'm not sure how to put this without sounding delusional, unstable or what ever else you can come up with, but I'm a not so fictional vampire. And to add to that, I swore an oath to to one of your ancestors, many years ago. So, here I am, serving the family head as a personal servant, guard and butler, if you so wish."

June tried to give the woman a small smile, having hope that it wouldn't be hard to convince her that he was a vampire and everything he had said was true.Though, hewas well prepared to prove himself in the case she didn't believe his words.
Alice stood there, dumbfounded. She wasn't even sure what to say. This man -- this vampire -- looked really nervous, and she now knew why. He was crazy.

She couldn't help but crack a sly smile. "Right. You're a vampire, and I'm a werewolf," she countered, fighting the urge to roll her eyes. She didn't want to come across as mean, but he couldn't possibly expect her to believe that.

Although... she wasn't sure she wanted proof in whatever form he might have in mind.

"Uh. Anyway, I don't need a servant or a butler or whatever," she said, shifting her weight on her two feet. Now, it was her turn to be uncomfortable.

"I mean, why would a... vampire... serve a mortal human anyway? That seems kind of backwards, don't you think? I mean, what do you get out of the deal?" she asked, genuinely curious. There was only one thing humans really had to offer vampires, but there was no way someone would agree to be a mobile blood bank.

But, then again, she wasn't totally convinced this guy was a vampire to begin with. Sure, his skin was pale, but she just saw him blush. Didn't vampires have no blood or something? Hell, there were so many stories about vampires that it was hard to tell.

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