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Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!

It is Zach! Well spotted. I'm a big fan of his and I think he has the charming schmoozer look!
Also I'm about to reply to the thread, I just had to clean up my bed. Dog puked. Hit my laptop charger too. Dogs are gross.
JustCallMeAimee said:
Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.
I did indeed. I am the queen Disney and I know nearly every song in this film and others because I'm a huge nerd.
Oh, man. I remember that movie xD

I watched it when I was still young and because of me being young back then I didn't understand a lot from it, but it was still good.
JustCallMeAimee said:
I feel yah on that one, I have three dogs.
Cooper said:
Also I'm about to reply to the thread, I just had to clean up my bed. Dog puked. Hit my laptop charger too. Dogs are gross.
Oh geez. I have a dog, he's a huge puker himself x_x
I love bees. They make honey. Wasps on the other hand, gtfo of here.

Ahhhhh, I was just thinking of the Ohana line actually, I think I'm going to have Owain say something similar to the crew at the business meeting. Too cheesy?
Cooper said:
I love bees. They make honey. Wasps on the other hand, gtfo of here.
Ahhhhh, I was just thinking of the Ohana line actually, I think I'm going to have Owain say something similar to the crew at the business meeting. Too cheesy?

I think they should grow more attached though, before you say that they are a family.
Birdsie said:
Oh, man. I remember that movie xD
I watched it when I was still young and because of me being young back then I didn't understand a lot from it, but it was still good.
I'd have been like three/two and a half when it came out. But I remember watching it often as a kid.

Birdsie said:
Oh geez. I have a dog, he's a huge puker himself x_x
My dogs do loads if rubbish like that, including like throwing up on the couch.
I'm going to have him say something like "the only rule I have is that on mission, we're family. You think of us as your brothers and sisters and nobody gets hurt that way and we're all on the same page."
Cooper said:
I'm going to have him say something like "the only rule I have is that on mission, we're family. You think of us as your brothers and sisters and nobody gets hurt that way and we're all on the same page."
Oh man... if you knew Jack's backstory you'd knew how hard he will punch anyone that says something like that to him...

Just kidding.
Haha well that can be a thought that goes through Jack's head I suppose. Owain is just very much about looking after his people when they're his people (I guess when they're on his ship) he feels responsible for them - even if they are capable of looking after themselves.
Name: Zero Slayer

Age: 34 (immortal at 34)

Gender: Male


Fire Spell modified

Race: Shadow/cyborg

Personality: Zero has a mysterious personality, and does not talk to other people much. (More revealed in game)



Shadow step
: a dashing move that is semi teleportation, good for jumping rooftops.

Element bullets

Sniper rifle:
Multiple types

Close range long sword

Backstory: Even though Zero is a cyborg, most of his body is a Shadow's, keeping the modified parts to his hands and parts of his arms, an installment near his eye for better accuracy, and parts of his legs and all of his feet. Other areas are mechanical too. Zero is a bounty hunter, getting missions to snipe from criminals, to corrupt officials. He has been doing this since he was 16. People fear him because he never shows any mercy to his target, or anyone who gets in his way. He is never caught by authorities, or anyone else. Zero has a high bounty of 1 trillion of whatever currency used to find him and bring him, dead or alive.



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Is there anything you can write about your character's appearance and race @Flareshield ? :D

The link to the image appears to be broken!
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Uk'chakh Th'ed


2462 (Equivalent of 54 in Human years)




Ut'charakh, God-Emperor of his species.


Wise, kind, protective.

Weapons & Abilities

As the planet they are on, it's not his original planet, he is able to lift object up to 5000 times heavier than an airplane, thanks to his muscles that developed on the old gravity of his old planet. He has telepathic powers, as his brain is 10 times bigger and better than a human one. It uses magnetic waves to communicate telepathically with his own kind, and can lift objects up to 2 times heavier than him with his mind. He can control humans until they don't know they are being controlled.

After drinking human blood, he would have complete control over them, permanently.

His actual weapons are an ancient sword soaked in the blood of the Ancestors (the old Ut'charakhs):


That sounds like a great character @Gabrygabra97, I just wouldn't want him to control or overpower anyone else's character in the roleplay. There needs to be a limit on how such powers are used to prevent any god-moding in the story, otherwise welcome aboard to the adventure!
Cooper said:
That sounds like a great character @Gabrygabra97, I just wouldn't want him to control or overpower anyone else's character in the roleplay. There needs to be a limit on how such powers are used to prevent any god-moding in the story, otherwise welcome aboard to the adventure!
He will fight ONLY when his planet is in danger. He basically doesen't give a fuck about anyone else. Except for...well, you can get it yourself. He will fight rarely, and he controls only enemies.
That's cool then! I look forward to seeing how both characters will fit in! Write your intros when you are ready :)

NAME: Marvin Graves


AGE: 42

OCCUPATION: Private Contractor




RACE: Human

PERSONALITY: Marv may be somewhat of a very cynical individual, which was caused by his previously shattered idealism, rather abruptly too, leading him to put on his, rather metaphorical, jade-coloured glasses, or rather, born with a fairly pessimistic attitude, boosted by past events that happened to him. Although one may expect him to be a dumb brute, he's certainly more than what he seems to be from afar, although he does tend to bend the rules every now and then, and in a brutish and barbaric manner too, he still seems to have some semblance of good and an idea of social skills left in him, even if it's quite skewed to the point of his mind blurring the line between good and evil, actually going on to believe that good is what he thinks good is. Nevertheless, he's actually a really sour person, thinking that what he does won't really make a difference in the end, but it still allies with his conscience in the definite end, which was completely irrelevant, period. Simply putting it, he does try, from time to time, to be idealistic of the near future, but this is often overshadowed by his aforementioned cynicism, and his bugging depression which he keeps in check with his regular use of humour of the darkest and driest sort. He, at one time, was a confident and wide-eyed individual with bright, fresh mind, but now? He's just your regular gruff old man, who's afflicted with some sort of alcoholism, which is the least of his problems, considering his lead belly, but that too, is irrelevant.

Generally, he's a sarcastic fellow, and a bitter one at that, although there are those rare times when he appears to be slightly whimsical, although that is probably a part of his sarcasm too. He has a real tough personality, left more concrete by his stubbornness. He also seems to harbour a very dry wit, coupled with a knack for using unconventional and radical method to accomplish his goals, most of which are often violent. He's also rather hot-headed to a certain amount, although not to an extreme point, no. But he does seem to keep up with a composed demeanour, possibly a facade as he contains some possibly minor tendencies. But he doesn't seem to have any compunction about killing anyone who gets in his way or in front of his objective. Thus making him one very remorseless and cold-blooded man, and effectively conflicting with the earlier bits of his personality, which in turn, generally classifies him as a troubled man, however, he tends to lean on his more moral side, which is generally kept hidden.








Crazy people/Maniacs





He cracks his knuckles whenever he's annoyed or just too bored.

He seems to arrange his commodities whenever he's eating outside.

He scratches his head or the back of his neck whenever he's nervous or simply out of any ideas.

He'll caress his chin if he just got an idea.

He'll rub his forehead thoroughly if there's a problem at hand.


He smokes... A lot.

And he also drinks... A lot.




A Heavy-Frame Shotgun, renowned for its implementation of the newest weapons cartridge and ammunition system, the TX Striker. Designed to withstand the raw energy of plasma, this shotgun shoots out splinters of plasma, each contained at a cartridge which opens up whenever it leaves the barrels, releasing the plasma in a vigorous manner. While it's designed to reduce recoil and increase stopping power, its range is not really commendable or satisfactory for men looking for some long-range action.

Ray-Gun 4.9


Distinguished by many to be the first pioneers of laser weapons technology. Yet being a rather old weapon, this does manage to pack a huge punch at the expense of a high recoil and a slower rate of fire, yet somewhat balancing fairly between range and accuracy. Using advanced slugs powered by laser to propel it, this weapon is one deadly force to be reckoned with, albeit in more long quarters.

Griz 78


Whilst not big on the damage department, it makes for both its lack of stopping power and size with its high rate of fire and one of the most lowest recoil, seeing as it fires pure bursts of laser.



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