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Futuristic Moonstruck - A Space Roleplay!


Junior Member
I'm pretty easy when it comes to signing up. If you want to omit details and prefer to reveal them in the story then that's cool. As long as you just let me know you're joining in! If you must write a character description, this format is fine! Add in as much or as little as you'd like!

The only rules in regards to characters for this roleplay is that they aren't overpowered, and that any powers they have fit in with the themes of the story.

For example, it makes no sense for you character to be a 20ft giant in this roleplay because he wouldn't get on the spaceship, it would make no sense to be a mermaid because well.... we aren't hanging around water!

No writing other players characters, no controlling or killing of them. Pretty standard tbh!

UPDATE: Please, when the roleplay is re-opened for additional characters I ask that you do not write a bounty hunter/assassin type character. We have a lot of these characters already, and really the overall plot and theme of the roleplay has very little to do with those kind of people and that kind of work.

That said, what we do need are characters with skills in medicine, engineering, pilots, and academic/politician style characters. Most importantly, we need a doctor on our ship!

Even better are characters who have very little skills in anything and are maybe just there to be there and have an adventure! Who knows!

UPDATE: When joining this roleplay, please note that if you are taking part in this you are following the main story. Please do not write lore/history/activities relating solely to your character without discussing it first. Please do not drag in new and huge plots based around combat and battlefields. That is not the theme of this roleplay. As the creator of this roleplay I reserve the right to ask players to leave for doing this.







My characters!

Name: Owain Burton

Age: 34

Appearance: Owain is tall with a slender build, he has dark hair and eyes. Just kind of looks like a regular handsome dude.


Race: Human

Personality: Owain is a charmer, a schmoozer. He's also kind of a little bit of a rogue. He lives by the morals of the old Earth hero Robin Hood. He likes to steal from the rich and give to the poor. He is a natural flirt and is charismatic too, he can often weasel himself out of most sticky situations with gift of the gab - which is just as well as he's a pretty useless fighter.


Name: Reena

Age: 109 (would be the equivalent of about 27 in human years!)

Appearance: Reena is Al'anie. Which means she stands much taller than Owain, and has opalescent purple skin and large eyes. She is humanoid, but has no hair.


Personality: Reena has a dry and sarcastic sense of humour, she's pretty serious and is patient/oranised. Which means that often she and Owain have different ideas on how to handle things. She is a skilled pilot and is fairly decent with combat. She has worked with Owain for many years, and usually when he thinks he's getting out of a sticky situation - Reena recognises his mouth is making it worse. She sticks up for him, but also is not afraid to yell at him for being an idiot.


@Gabrygabra97 - as Drake, a gun for hire
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Are there sign-Up sheets, or should I make my own?

By the way, due to the plot I get Borderlands and Borderlands 2 vibes from this, which I like.


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Birdsie said:
Are there sign-Up sheets, or should I make my own?
By the way, due to the plot I get Borderlands and Borderlands 2 vibes from this, which I like.


Cooper said:
@Cooper, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.
I was about to ask the same thing.
Oh! Shoot, I forgot to edit something in.

Honestly, just






is fine, I prefer to see details unravel throughout the RP so don't get too hung up on it, and really as long you give a vague idea of your character I'm happy!

Feel free to roleplay two characters, I will be for a while until I see which one I gravitate towards more - I'll drop one after that I think!
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Name: Jack Rosenthal

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Occupation: Free-lance Bounty Hunter.

Personality: Serious about his job, but has his own life outside of it. He is a charming fellow and does not try to play the whole 'Badass Bounty Hunter' thing, because he doesn't care. All he wants is to make money through mercenary work and live a good life.

Backstory: I prefer to reveal it through IC, unless no one asks. For now, let's just say this: He's had a normal childhood, it fucked up when he became a teenager, then he got slightly rich, then he decided on mercenary work for some reason.


Weapons: His suit has many functions built in it, including Life support, HUD, scanning system and a radio system. It also has a jump-pack (Do not mistake with a jetpack) that allows him to perform inhumanly long jumps, leaps and escapes. It does not allow him to directly control mid-flight. It's just a jetpack-like propeller that allows him to make very long, high jumps into the air, but not control them as if he was flying.

Example of his Scanning System and HUD.

Two MA-HEX20's . Powerful revolvers, use ordinary .357 ammunition. Have 6 barrels, however their power is insane and recoil much smaller than a normal one's. They weight quite a bit and may be hard to hold for an usual person


T-KR5 is a medium to long range assault rifle. It's maximum lethal range is about 240 meters. It's magazine has 64 bullets and it has a holographic viewfinder. It has a red dot laser projector and a fire suppresor. (A fire suppresor doesn't silence the shot, but helps reduce the recoil and such)



He uses it only as last emergency, for close quarters combat.

He does not rely on it, as he is bad at melee.


Psionic Powers(Humans don't have them): None.

Extra: He is as criminal as it gets.

THEME SONG: [media]

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Oh man, Jack sounds awesome! I like that he's a criminal! Good job! Looking forward to your intro post.

Yeah Owain has a backstory that will also be revealed in the story so don't feel pressured to give all details now! Welcome to the roleplay.


Raisa (Rai) Slavac




Mechanic (explains the arm), however does more illegal jobs in the side.






Rai comes across as your usual mechanic, she is often cool and calm. However her steady hands and cool ways aren't only good for the mechanic's concentration but makes her able to do other less legal jobs. She is a kind and funny person up until you run her up the wrong way.


Let's just say she turned up one day with a stub for an arm. And it went on from there, no one knows about the what happened to her before she opened the mechanic shop.


Apart from the built in personalised weapons she has in her arm there are a few others that she has built her self:




(Descriptions will be put in through out the IC)











Toxi - To sum it up, everyone born the planet Toxicon is born with an immunity to poison and are born with Toxikinesis, the ability to create poison, manipulate existing items to poison, and sense when poison is present. They also always look like animals that have poison, so they take on the attributes of whatever animal they are, but they are always suped up OP ersions


She is bubbly and carefree. She loves meeting new people. Of course, this is mostly just a facade when she is in the middle of a hit. She usually assissinates by getting close to the target and poisoning them, usually through seduction and she emits a poison that kills the target in the middle of the affection, male or female.


She was born on Toxi. She was born as a Butterfly Hybrid. She became an assassin. Yada Yada Ya. (Reealed in RP)


(Unlike most Toxi's she was able to perfect her skills and she gets to choose when she emits poison and all that, so she is one of the first Toxis in a long time, to be able to "safely" hae a relationship with a different alien race, as with her, there is no danger, unless you make her mad...

Toxikinesis - The ability to create, manipulate, and sense poison and other poisonous materials and/or beings

The Poison Dagger - A dagge made completely out of poisonous materials. Someone who is not immune, even touching it can cause intoxication


Charm - As "everyone loves Butterflies," she has a natural charm that is on the same level of success as a Succubus, except she can use it on men and women, not just men.

Wings - Her wings, despite looking as if they are soft and delicate, are sharper than a knife and can cut you. They are also coated in poison.​


Name: Edgar Stockholm

Species: Human/Cyborg

Gender: Male

Age: ???

Occupation: Assassin/Bounty Hunter/Thief

Personality:Edgar is sarcastic at the worst time, and is a heavy drinker and chain smoker. He is cynical and possibly the worst person to go to if you are having an emotional problem. But through this rough exterior, he is loyal and will fight for something he believes in. He will risk almost anything for his friends.

Backstory: To be revealed in RP






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Cooper said:
I'm pretty easy when it comes to signing up. If you want to omit details and prefer to reveal them in the story then that's cool. As long as you just let me know you're joining in! If you must write a character description, this format is fine! Add in as much or as little as you'd like!





My characters!

Name: Owain Burton

Age: 34

Appearance: Owain is tall with a slender build, he has dark hair and eyes. Just kind of looks like a regular handsome dude.


Race: Human

Personality: Owain is a charmer, a schmoozer. He's also kind of a little bit of a rogue. He lives by the morals of the old Earth hero Robin Hood. He likes to steal from the rich and give to the poor. He is a natural flirt and is charismatic too, he can often weasel himself out of most sticky situations with gift of the gab - which is just as well as he's a pretty useless fighter.


Name: Reena

Age: 109 (would be the equivalent of about 27 in human years!)

Appearance: Reena is Al'anie. Which means she stands much taller than Owain, and has opalescent purple skin and large eyes. She is humanoid, but has no hair.


Personality: Reena has a dry and sarcastic sense of humour, she's pretty serious and is patient/oranised. Which means that often she and Owain have different ideas on how to handle things. She is a skilled pilot and is fairly decent with combat. She has worked with Owain for many years, and usually when he thinks he's getting out of a sticky situation - Reena recognises his mouth is making it worse. She sticks up for him, but also is not afraid to yell at him for being an idiot.
I swear to god, Owain looks like Zachary Levi from Chuck.
[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]I swear to god, Owain looks like Zachary Levi from Chuck.

I swear to god, Edgar looks like Adam Jensen from Deus Ex
Name: None yet. The owner may name it.

Race: Ratling

Age: 2


Personality: Playful, needs a lot of care. It uses it's cute appearance as a self-defense mechanism.

Self-defense Mechanisms:

  • Cuteness
  • Acid spit
  • Climbing vertical surfaces

Birdsie said:
Name: None yet. The owner may name it.
Race: Ratling

Age: 2


Personality: Playful, needs a lot of care. It uses it's cute appearance as a self-defense mechanism.

Self-defense Mechanisms:

  • Cuteness
  • Acid spit
  • Climbing vertical surfaces

[QUOTE="Safety Hammer]AGAIN?!

A RP requires something cute to take over the hearts of many.
Birdsie said:
Name: None yet. The owner may name it.
Race: Ratling

Age: 2


Personality: Playful, needs a lot of care. It uses it's cute appearance as a self-defense mechanism.

Self-defense Mechanisms:

  • Cuteness
  • Acid spit
  • Climbing vertical surfaces

I'm so confused
JustCallMeAimee said:
I'm so confused
Good, use your confused feelings. Strike me down and your journey towards the uncertain side of the force shall be complete.

Wait.... that signature of yours.

You watched Lilo & Stitch, didn't you?
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Birdsie said:
Good, use your confused feelings. Strike me down and your journey towards the uncertain side of the force shall be complete.
Wait.... that signature of yours.

You watched Lilo & Stitch, didn't you?
Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.

I did indeed. I am the queen Disney and I know nearly every song in this film and others because I'm a huge nerd.
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JustCallMeAimee said:
Ohana means family and family means no one gets left behind.
I did indeed. I am the queen Disney and I know nearly every song in this film and others because I'm a huge nerd.
Well then.

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