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Fantasy Moonspell Academy for the Supernatural

Forgot face claim for Ein.

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O.o Interest meter is over 900- I'll stop here, this joke is way too overused.


(One tail, Yellow and white on the tip, which isn't in there and a pair of yellow ears with white tips that aren't in there either, just use imagination. u.u)

Name: Kit Soki

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Species: Kitsune

Element: Fire (Blue)

Pet: A fox.

Weapon: Shiny Silver Kunai

Instrument: Wooden Flute

Extra Classes: Music

Personality: Kit is a mischievous, devilish trickster at heart, playing pranks, but not taking it too far, he's against violence and refuses to utilize it, if not needed. He's very friendly and talkative, but apart from that, his curious side is what sets him apart. He'll go to the bottom of every mistery, search every nook and crany, and conduct multiple experiments until he gets a solid answer, much like a scientist, but with one tail and fox ears.

Jamie 'Bloo' Fritz


Bloo boy (people who hate him), Bub (by boyfriends)


Unknown (looks 16)







Appearance: 5'2'' underweight petite black hair and eyes





Rapier (fencing sword)


Guitar and Piano

Extra Classes:


Basic Personality:

Bloo is an introvert to say the least. He would rather play piano or guitar than socialize with actual people. He is quite smart though. He wouldn't be able to play piano or guitar otherwise. He is loyal and loving to the boyfriend he may have and has a "If you're going down, I'm going down with you." attitude.


Jamie grew up in a small cottage with his human mother, father and little brother.

He was a very curious child and this got him into trouble.

On the eve of his 16th birthday he walked out into the forest without anything but his guitar.

He planned on playing music until the sun had risen.

He was jumped by a vampire who bit him turning him into a vampire.

He wondered back to his home where he killed his entire family; his brother, his mother then his father.

Horrified with what he had done, he packed a bag of which there was; clothes; headphones; a phone; a blanket; a pillow; and a pocket knife.

He dubbed himself Bloo to forget what he did.

also, do the dragons have to only


Dragon like attributes?

or are they allowed to pretty much look

completely human

but be able to shift or morph into dragons??

--A-- sorry this question is stupid
Muffin you may join the rp thread but please note you will have to have a pet at some point :3 yewitz take all the time you need ^.^
Yes, they can be human looking and shift into dragons. Or if they are mad or relaxed they will have dragon features (horns, wings, different hair colour etc)
Ok, so, I honestly don't know how any one finds pictures or faceclaims to match their characters

I'll just describe him in his human form,

maybe draw a lil portrait for his scaley form :>

Name - Mjöll

Nicknames - I can't decide any for him. That's for everyone else. cx

Mjöll is of Icelandic origin, as that's where he was born, and his name means something around 'freshly fallen snow.'

Appearance - (Appears about 16-17)

He has platinum blonde hair and deep, deep blue eyes. Though, he has sectoral heterochromia,(a section of his iris is a different color) and that section is a very pale blue.

His skin is pale, and he has soft, rounder features. Mjöll has scales covering his body like freckles, mostly seen on his neck and shoulders.

And his clothing is mainly casual, just a simple shirt, pants, and shoes. Sometimes a jacket, even in hot weather.

Personality - A bit obnoxious, a bit flirtatious, a tad angsty and arrogant,


and the like.

He acts like a five year old child, especially when he's hungry.

Though he does have days where he's quiet, usually has a book, and reads a lot.

He is friendly, though, and he loves company.

He feeds off of attention.


Element - Ice (I think we've established that by now)

Pet - Mjöll can usually be seen with a small amphithere wrapped around his neck. He calls it 'Blómi.'

Weapon - Does his really sharp nails count?

Or his dragon form? Hopefully, yeah? 'Cause he doesn't really have a weapon other then that.

Maybe he could use Blómi.

Instruments - hE LOVES VIOLINS SO HE's gOnna have a vioLin.

he will Sherlock Holmes this violin.

A tad extra because I don't know what to add??:

He's homosexual.


and I forgot to add in the appearance, he's tall

just a smidge below six feet.

if I forgot anything I'm sorry ;;<;; gotta scram now bYe!!!!!??

Passed. Please find our rp thread and as for weapon, claws is a possibility but they will need something like a sword, dagger, scythe and stuff etc hell even chains! But you don't have to decide now ^.^ I also forgot to mention if using a foreign language, please give translations too!
HHathats okay. It's nice to have a character with a personality like yours! If you have any questions or requests, just pm me!
Name:Adam Bartholomew

Race:hybrid (Angel,demon)

Element: light & shadow




Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.ae8cdb616e3783b37d7d0f65370396b8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122189" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.ae8cdb616e3783b37d7d0f65370396b8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Weapon:spear<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.a2d8c3f9a35c2fd4c0904a7257efffc9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122401" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.a2d8c3f9a35c2fd4c0904a7257efffc9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Pet:iggy (a chameleon)

Powers:Adam has three separate forms each with their own set of abilities

Fathers form:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.51888365745515112e6e728148180e2c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122188" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.51888365745515112e6e728148180e2c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Unnatural speed:
Very fast

Unending thirst:regeneration based on blood consumption

Hunter of prey:heightened senses

Bigger and badder:can summon lesser demons

Be afraid:if he he looks you in the eyes it may paralyze target

Chaos bolt:the most draining ability fires a bolt of energy infused demonic blood with a randomly generated elemental effect (fire,lightening,ice,etc)

Mothers form: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.0e27382f7d4a50772c973d0630f4d376.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122187" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.0e27382f7d4a50772c973d0630f4d376.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Divine aura:gives off a powerful aura that weakens power of those who are evil

Searing spear:a spear as hot as the sun on strike

Holy blade:a divine sword deals massive damage to evil targets

Power of light:a powerful healing effect can restore allies to full potential,can restore self to half

Orb:transform into a small ball of light for quick travel

Divine verdict:final attack=highest damage output can insta-kill or revive the dead...at a severe cost

True self<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.254907a42d17a6395db4f3360908e117.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122190" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpg.254907a42d17a6395db4f3360908e117.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

can walk through walls,and immunize self to physical damage

Unseen:can remove self from the visible spectrum of MOST lifeforms

Absorption:can absorb energy in all forms,cold cannot be absorbed

Redirection:can reform absorbed energy as he sees fit

FORMS ARE RANDOM(I'll roll before transforming)

Skills:plays violin,can read music,expirienced in Brazilian jiu jitsu,tae quon do,boxing,judo,fencing,fiction writing

Personality:overachieving,and doesn't take failure well,kind to others,hard on self

Bio:???(to be revealed)

Strengths:multi talented,intelligent,good emotional control

Weaknesses:can't take failure,poor social interaction,cold

Likes:music,learning,success,street taco stands


Other:All forms have a weakness to cold

Extra class's:martial arts(if availible)music

(Hope it's not to much I added to the sheet what I thought I was missing let me know if there's anything else)

@Lizzy Xio



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(Artist Credit: Kuvshinov-Ilya)


Adanael Gabriel

Nickname: Danielle or Adan

Species/Race: Angel (Not very familiar with this kind of entity, but thought I'd give it a try. Pardon me if she seems stereotypical. )

Gender: Female

Age: Her life-span is just nearing 10 years while her materialized image is of an 18-year-old.

Basic Personality: Collected, principled, fierce and graceful.

Light, Earth and Fire

Pet: Caelius the young Gryphon

Weapon: A double-bladed sword that can split into two separate single-edged blades, both with similarly engraved hilt designs. She's able to construct bow and arrows out of light as well.

Instrument: Vocals

Extra Classes: Pet training/taming, Spells and History.
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Can I still join in?


May Graves

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Species: Witch

Element: Light

Weapon: Throwing Knives

Pet: Rabbit (white fur, red eyes. Name: Hikari)

Instrument: Voice, she can also play the piano, though she's usually too shy to perform in front of a large crowd.

Optional Classes: Music


I'll keep most of it a mystery, but May is quiet and reserved. She rarely speaks of her family, or her life outside of school.


Short (about 4'9"). Medium-length black wavy hair, usually worn in a very messy braid. Bright blue eyes. (I'll draw a picture of her when I get a chance.)

(Can I still join in as well, if so here's my character.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c99004796_AlexanderOakly.jpg.ee4d2f72a96fcba9e1484c43dfcc8d3f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122414" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8c99004796_AlexanderOakly.jpg.ee4d2f72a96fcba9e1484c43dfcc8d3f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Alexander Maxson

Age: 17

Species: Hybrid (Half Human Half Vampire)

Element: Shadows

Weapon: Long-Sword

Pet:Black Direwolf (Name: Dread)

Instrument: Piano

Extra Class: Music

Basic Personality: Appears Cold, Quiet and brooding, in reality he is Kind, charitable and compassionate.​



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Name: Juther Nevarro

Species: Kitsune

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Element: Air

Sexuality: Gay

Pet: a young Fox called Hji

Instrument: melodic percussion

Weapon: two small daggers hold in a reversed grip

Optional Classes: Music, Combat

Build: short and not very muscular

Look: No tails.[/imagefloat]
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Name: Anais LaRose (Psst. She's evil.)

Nickname: Anne

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Species: Neko (Ironic, because her pet's a mouse :P )

Element: Darkness. Though she passes off as good, and her darkness has a bright appearance to resist suspicion?

Extra power: Let's say... seductress? She lures the guys into doing what she wants by brainwashing them > :D

Pet: Mouse

Weapon: Sceptor

Instrument: Flute

Extra Classes:

Music (Her flute can also be used in seducing/brainwashing)

Extra: She passes her powers off a light, but in actuality she's as evil as all get out. She looks cute and innocent enough, right?


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