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Realistic or Modern Moonlight Springs RP

Alexis took several long deep breaths, looking very tempted to bolt at any moment. "S-Should I go to the woods then?" She asked nervously as she tugged on the itchy shirt Liz had gave her. The clothes made her stick out a bit more, seeing as everyone else was in the modern times. "Maybe I could hide there? Or I could go take a bath..." She mumbled in thought, gazing at the ground without blinking for over thirty seconds. Her mind sort of just went blank for a minute and nothing crossed her mind or registered during that time. "I should go to the fair..." And then she started stumbling back to the fair. "Maybe they have beans..."
TheKrownedKat TheKrownedKat Magadude Magadude Klythemnestra Klythemnestra TeddiBehr TeddiBehr Compass Compass
Avigayil started frantically searching. Where was it? She couldn't have lost it so easily...! Her breaths were growing panicked and fast. Come on, she needed this knife! She used it on her trips to the woods, and with tensions so high, who knew what could happen?

She quickly left the crowd and started on the road to her little house. No one would notice her leave, they never did.

Tardy Grade Tardy Grade
JokerValentine JokerValentine
"I'm good, thanks," Lukas quietly denied the man's offering, "come, follow me." Lukas led the way towards where he saw the child running away. There was a real good chance that this was nothing, but maybe, just maybe, it was the opening Lukas had been searching for every since he arrived. Whatever the case, Lukas had to go make sure to check it out and, luckily for him, if things went South, he had someone with him to assist him. "Before we go any further, considering that you were'nt exactly born yesterday, I doubt that I need to say this, but," Lukas looked sternly at the man, "we must exercise the utmost caution in this situation, for we have no idea how many of this things are living in the town or are in out immediate area." Lukas then continued to lead the way, making sure both of his guns were secure and ready to be drawn if the situation called for it.
RoninN7 RoninN7

Well no shit they should. This was not the first time Felix had hunted these bizarre, beings, so by no means was this new information to him. However, the hunter nodded in agreement. "If we see one, we don't.... teach it a new trick in front of everyone. The festival is nice as it is. They have a dollar pretzels, man. I love pretzels." One of the very few things he seemed to love in the world. Hell, a doughball seemed to have more value to it than the life of a dog or a vamp. But all moral questions aside, the hunter was ready. "Lead the way. I'm going to go to the bathroom, and I will catch up with you when you've found something-" Felix cut off for a moment, and took from his pocket a pen. Then, sort of in desperation, he looked for anything to write on. He settled for a piece of a paper plate. On it, he wrote seven digits, his phone number. "Call me when you find something.... or someone. I will see what I can find out on my own, after i use the bathroom."
This vamp was gonna get herself killed. Or worse. "I should just let her go" Adeline said to herself as she watched Alexis stumble back towards the fair mumbling something about beans. This wasn't her problem, or her town. Whatever the younger looking vamp did was her own problem, and with the smell of blood coming off of her in waves at Adeline it only reminded the fledgling of her own dilemma. Running her tongue over her fangs, Adeline fisted her hands into the sides of her sweater telling herself. Soon. She had to get out of this town. It was too risky for her to even feed now with Alexis walking around smelling like a five star meal. Yet why do I feel like I just sent a walking steak back into the a tigers' den? Reaching into the front pocket of her jeans, Adeline pulled out another jolly rancher. popping the candy into her mouth, trying to trick her mind into thinking that the watermelon flavour was blood. "I hope I'm not gonna live to regret this" she said pulling the him above her nose again. "Alexis wait up!" and with that, Adeline began her chase after the little vampire again. Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Penelope had finally made her way out of the audience area. She had listened to the music some, and asked around to find out if anyone knew what happened. Since it seemed like nothing big was going down Penelope decided to just ask the Head Priestess once they all got back. Penelope was planning not to stay much longer so she decided to go visit the inn's booth. When she got there most if not everything was already gone.

"Damn Midnight, you cleaned house pretty quickly. Have you gotten to see much at the festival?"

Midnightchan123 Midnightchan123
"Not yet, still got some jewelry and three soap bars left but we made over a thousand today, 1,250 to be exact, that covers the cost of the table and the cost of everything that was produced today with four houndred leftover for some bills or to start a stash for funny money...maybe even enough to plan a vacation for everyone if we get a few more lucrative booths at the next few fairs..." *she looked up and grinned at her fellow witch, excited at the idea*

RolePlayerCassandra RolePlayerCassandra
"Sweet! I made roughly around 1200 as well. I split it though with my new friend Carlos since he helped out." Penelope said.

"A vacation huh? Man, its been awhile since I had one of those." Penelope looked up to the sky with dreamily eyes.

"Well let me help out. I will take a bar of soap and.........." She trailed off, her eyes darting back and forth at the jewelry.

"This necklace!" Penelope reached into her pocket and pulled out some of the money she earned and handed it over to Midnight.
*Midnight chuckled and handed back half* "special discount for coven members" *she picked up the necklace and let out a tiny spell on it, a real charm for good luck and handed it over along with a soap, the amethyst in the little cage seemed to glow a bit aswell*

RolePlayerCassandra RolePlayerCassandra
Ethan was inwardly pissed that Margo had not allowed him to come along. He had most of the town fooled, but the old lady was slow to trust. And she had put him in a position where he couldn't leave without seeming irresponsible. He Cursed under his breath, though he remained concerned looking on the outside. Maybe he could go over to the ladies talking about jewelry, see if they knew anything.
Just as he was making his way over to them, he saw her. A teenaged girl, stumbling through the fair, looking around. He immediately changed course towards her. He was sure he could get some answer out of this one.
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
The people seemed to be having a fun time for the post part but his nose made the affair less than enjoyable. Almost like an out of control concert for his oral senses on top of an already foul mood having not found any trace of the would be hunters.

That was when he decided to step away from the crowd again and try to put a request with the others if they'd see-

A small figure darted in the distance and the image he was seeing overlapped with the scent. A small grin broke out at reaching at least some resolution this night. So he made his way after her and started calling out, trying his best not to scare her as he did so.

"Hey you! Basket case! I got your knife! Stop!"

LillieOrDakotah LillieOrDakotah
Alexis had just gotten into the crowd of people when she heard her name. "Y-You really shouldn't be coming with me!" She told Adeline. "It could be very bad for you. If I smell like you said I do, then everyone will be after me, and by extension, you." This older vampire looked quite... Bad... Not a trace of the smell of blood on her at all. "H-Have you eaten any time near?" She asked and tilted her head a bit. "The-The tavern can help. They lik-like to help..."

Alexis smiled weakly at Adeline and turned to walk. A few steps later she crashed into a larger man and froze. He was certainly taller than her and looked rather scary in her mind. Then again all men were scary to Alexis. "I-I'm sorry sir!" She squeaked and frantically side stepped to the left to get around him. For a moment she forgot she'd committed murder and was only scared because he was a guy.
TeddiBehr TeddiBehr TheKrownedKat TheKrownedKat
"Aww your such a sweetie." Penelope said, putting the necklace around her neck. She shimmied her shoulders to see the necklace move back and forth. It was a nice necklace, Penelope loved the color purple. The girl then gently took the little cage into her hands and brought it up to her eyes for a better look at it. She loved how it somewhat glowed. She tilted it back and forth. She also loved shiny things.

Focus Penelope.

"Hey, did you see what happened on stage from here? Some girl ran into stage and hid behind the singer. Then she ran off with, like a bunch of people chasing after her. It was pretty weird. Even Leslie was running after her." She informed her fellow witch.

Penelope leaned slightly against the table. She was still curious what ended up happening. Living in a small town was great at times. One of the perks being that news travels quickly. She would probably know by tonight what exactly went down. Maybe the girl was really drunk or something.

The cold night air blew Penelope's hair in her face, but she didn't move to fix it. She finally realized why she felt so uneasy. Her empathetic abilities had kicked in. The people were nervous. That or one person was really hysterical. with all these people around it was hard to tell.

Being empathetic could be helpful at times, but not in this situation. She could not pinpoint it to one person with a group this big, and she could not just force everyone to be happy. She was not sure how she would even feel at this moment if she was just feeling her own feelings.
Alexis shook her head frantically, backing away a bit. He didn't seem bad... But looks could be deceiving. "U-Uh, I need to go home... Thank you mister!" She squeaked and backed away into another man and tripped over his shoe.

Carlos gently caught Alexis and put her back on her feet. "Are you alright? It's okay, Ethan won't hurt you... I'm Carlos by the way. Are you alright?" He asked softly and Alexis calmed a bit. Instead of just running, she nodded at him and steadied herself. "Hey Ethan!" Carlos smiled at the new comer. "Glad you ran into her, she seems a bit scared. Did you get hurt in the chaos of tonight?" He asked and Alexis tensed. Carlos knew she smelled like blood, but she could have been a victim of the vampire running loose. Before Carlos could ask anything else, Alexis had yanked free of his grasp and jumped back into the crowd to try and mingle.
TeddiBehr TeddiBehr
By time she had caught up with Alexis, the vampire had already entered the crowd.Throwing a warning to Adeline "Don't worry" said trying to navigate the crowd "I've been in much worse situations than this." tightening the hem of her shirt around her face, Adeline bit into her bottom lip trying to ignore the pain that was emanating from her stomach. Just a little bit more, she told herself. Just until I make sure she's okay.

"H-Have you eaten any time near?" The question startled Adeline, but she just shrugged her shoulder. Pulling down her shirt, showing the jolly rancher between her teeth. "Only thing I need at the moment." She said "Plus I'm gonna be out of here soon, so I'm pretty sure some tavern isn't gonna help me." Pulling her shirt back in place, Adeline opened her mouth only a little too late. Alexis slammed into the guy in front of her. She watched as the vamp froze, muttering an apology only to back into another guy. Before long Alexis had run away back to the crowd. Leaving Adeline with the two men. Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed TeddiBehr TeddiBehr
Melody looked shocked. Things had happened so fast, she didn't know what was going on, and she doubted summoning demons would help in the matter. With nothing to do, the only thing left was for her to head back to the tavern.
"Alexis! Alexiiiis! Where are you? Oh god... we are never gonna find her..." Sighed Liz while looking around the fair, while she didn't had her wig on, some passerbys still gave her some quizzical looks at her attire, but she didn't cared, she was adamant on finding the teen before she did something even more stupid.
The the smell of blood flooded her again. It was Alexis again, but this time she was with another woman... and she was running away again!
"Alexis! Stop for heavens sake! I will help you!" Said Liz, finally overtaking and grabbing the teen vampire by the arm, Liz was much more stronger than the teen, yet her grip was very gentle and her face wasn't one of anger but one of deep concern. "Please stop! I'll help you!" Liz plead.
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Michael rushed past Liza and forgot she was even following him, that is until he saw the girl approaching the festival again, at which point he decided to slow down and stay out of her path to avoid scaring her any more than she already was. As he was shadowing the girl, he saw her run into two men and immediately guessed how it would end, and, surely enough, he was right. Alexis shrieked and ran from them as per the usual. He considered giving chase when he spotted Liza finally catching up to the girl and breathed a sigh of relief. Overhearing some of the conversation between the two men and a new vampire who had just joined them, he decided to approach. "Hey, I don't mean to intrude but I'm just as lost as this guy," Michael caught his breath finally before continuing, "and I should probably suggest not going after her if you plan on catching her, she seems to be afraid of males in general for some reason, caused me a world of trouble when she wandered into the club earlier today."
TeddiBehr TeddiBehr TheKrownedKat TheKrownedKat Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed
Alexis let out a shriek of terror as she struggled to escape Liz's grasp. Originally she'd assumed it was a crazy W.O.L.F. member, but it turned out it was her 'not so friend but friend' Liz. Alexis stopped shrieking and instead clung to Liz. "I did a bad thing... A very bad thing..." She whispered.
Klythemnestra Klythemnestra

Carlos shrugged at the group, looking a bit confused. "I-I think she was wounded in the chaos. That might be what has happened... Did anyone see anything important?"
RoninN7 RoninN7 TeddiBehr TeddiBehr TheKrownedKat TheKrownedKat
"I think she runs in general. I've been chasing her all night trying to see what's wrong" stepping on the tip of her toes, Adeline searched the crowd for any sign of Alexis amongst the crowd but it was useless. even with all her enhanced abilities, Adeline was still just 5'2. Turning her attention back to the men in front of her, Adeline directed her next question to the new male that joined them. "Being that you seem to know her, is she like this all the time? Or am I just lucky tonight?" Pulling out yet another jolly rancher, Adeline once again relied on it as her stomach gave her another twist signaling at her lack of food. "But" She said addressing the three men in front of her. "I'm just as lost as anyone else here. I just came for a quick bite to eat, and here I am running my ass off."
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed TeddiBehr TeddiBehr RoninN7 RoninN7
Margo arrived to the group, a bit late as she was searching other trails when she decided to call it quits. She walked up to the group, and squatted down to the girls level.
"sweetie, you need to calm down." She said in a soothing voice. "you have the whole town worried about you. Now, I'm not gonna make you come with me. hell, I don't think I could if I wanted to, but there's a bed over at the wildlife office, and we might have some food. Probably just canned beans, but it's better than nothing, right? " Margo really didn't want this girl running around her town and causing more trouble. An out of towner is bad enough, a hysterical one is even worse.

Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed @basically everyone
James runs up close behind Margo. Still out of breath he could do nothing but stand there while Margo soothed the out of towner girl. With a lack of anything else to do he decided he would be the girl's somewhat body guard. Or more of a babysitter if things get kind of hectic with her. In case the girl did try to run he would do his best to sprint after her and tackle her, as if he was running a school marathon. "damn," James thought to himself "I really did screw everything up, i had a lot, now I have...a pack I guess. If only my parents were here. They would know what to do." Then James gets lost in deep thought thinking about the life he could have had.
Liz let Alexis cling to her, even putting an hand on her head to calm her down. "It's alright Alex, we'll find a way to let you out of this mess..." Liz then looked at Margo, "Canned beans aren't enough for her special kind of hunger, we have some packs at the club... but on the other hand, the club is not the right place for a minor..." She didn't wanted to let the teen go with people who barelly knew how to deal with a vampire, even if they were supernaturals, and it showed, but then she remembered all the... less than innocent things she did every saturday night, which she guessed the little vampire was way too young or at least childish to witness.
She looked at Alexis, feeling pity for her panicked state, even if she crashed her concert earlier. "So... Were you want to go? We can set up a bed for you in the backstage and I guarrantee you that you'll never go hungry and not hurt anybody..." Liz said with a smile to the teen.
Error404RealityFailed Error404RealityFailed TeddiBehr TeddiBehr

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