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Realistic or Modern Moonlight Springs RP-Werewolf Pack/Wildlife Ordinances and Licensing Federation


Do the monster mash...

W. O. L. F.There are many creatures in Moonlight Springs. We aim to protect them, as well as the residents of this fine town. Following the rules set in place is the only way to remain safe, and anyone found to be jeopardizing the safety of the residents Will be dealt with swiftly. Welcome to Moonlight Springs, and remember:
The wildlife here is Eternal.


Links to use:
Main Town RP link: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/moonlight-springs-rp.344271/
The Roleplay Overview: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/moonlight-springs-rp-overview.344269/
The Witch Roleplay: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/moonlight-springs-rp-witch-coven-the-twilight-brew-inn.343948/
The Vampire Roleplay: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/moonlight-springs-rp-vampire-nest-die-hard-night-club.343955/
The Werewolf Roleplay: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/mo...e-ordinances-and-licensing-federation.344284/
The Character Sheets:
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The BrindlesThe Pack MembersAlpha: Margo Sanders A bit past her prime, Margo has seen it all and is pretty sure she knows it all. She would kill and die to protect her town, no matter the cost…

Beta: CS TBA

Pack Members: Garris Pensive He had no intention of joining any pack, but after a hunt led him into Margo’s territory, he decided settling for a bit might be for the best.

McCartney "Mac" Scarsworth A rebellious soul who ran away from a life destined to be a beta, Mac is currently hiding in Moonlight Springs from a pack that wants her dead.

James Shrilden James wandered into town one night, seemingly packless and looking for a job with W. O. L. F. Does this quiet boy have any secrets hiding under the surface?

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"Okay Brindles, the Summer Festival is starting tomorrow, so we have to be on guard. Humans AND monsters will be coming in from all around to celebrate, and we have to assume that they do not respect Moonlight Spring as much as us, so we will have to be on the lookout for litterers, drunk humans sneaking off into the forest, and general mischievousness." Margo lowers the clipboard she had been reading off of, and looks at her cubs.
" Other than that we're looking at a calm festival, so if you're not on patrol or manning the booth, have fun tomorrow! Get to know the town." She smiles at the group, "Go on and get some sleep. I'll see you all at the festival."
"K Ms.Sanders" As James begins walking back to his room. Before he lies down in bed he pulls out his headphones and a book from the shelf next to his bed and plugs the headphones into his phone. His selection of music is calmer than any of today's music. Sadly the artist isn't displayed on the screen, and he has forgotten the name of the band. He opens his book and reads it from the beginning. When he finishes, he stops the music and plugs his phone into its charger. Then, James carefully puts the book back on the shelf with the other books. The last thing he thinks about before dripping off to sleep is "If only I didn't screw it all up by going to that party."
"Sure. I'll just finish my posting tonight to make sure we're not leaving anything out." Garris gave a shrug before going to the bulletin board with a map of the forest and the section under their jurisdiction. Placing an index finger on the map he traced the route he was supposed to be covering tonight. A few complaints regarding sounds of gunfire by locals made it seem like illegal poachers were stirring up some trouble again. The past few days they'd evaded him but he thought going at night should give him the drop on them.

Tracing the route once more in reverse he grabbed his walky-talky and bag before heading towards the porch. He almost bumped into James as they crossed each other but avoided that fate thanks to the light noise coming from the blaring headphones.The chill of the night air assaulted him suddenly but a layer of fine hair grew in response and he felt his body adjust to the temperature as he strapped the walky to his bag and started jogging to the wood. The mental image of beating up a bunch of would be hunters brought a bit of blood-lust to the surface and the jogging became running.

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