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Realistic or Modern Moonlight Springs RP Overview


Do the monster mash...

Welcome to Moonlight SpringsA quiet and secluded little town surrounded by miles of forests and trees. With our own self-sustaining farms, Moonlight Springs has a tight knit community that trusts and coexists with each other. Here are some key points of interest for our prideful town.

  • Are you just visiting?

    Or do you just want to avoid paying a mortgage?

    Check out a room at the local inn:
    The Twilight Brew
    We promise that it will be an enchanting time.


The Town Roleplay: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/moonlight-springs-rp.344271/
The Witch Roleplay: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/moonlight-springs-rp-witch-coven-the-twilight-brew-inn.343948/
The Vampire Roleplay: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/moonlight-springs-rp-vampire-nest-die-hard-night-club.343955/
The Werewolf Roleplay: https://www.rpnation.com/threads/mo...e-ordinances-and-licensing-federation.344284/
The Character Sheets:
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The Coven of the Eternal Flame
Established in the 1700's, our coven was made to defend our lineage and power. After nearly going extinct during the Salem Witch Trials, we went into hiding until recently. We have chosen the quiet town of Moonlight Springs to practice our magic. Keep going to meet our members.
Leadership Roles
The High Priestess

Leslie Quinn

Background:Born before the Salem Witch Trials, she grew up under two gifted parents.They were of Irish descent. When the Salem Witch Trials came around, her parents were one of the first to be accused. They were killed by fire, and Leslie knew that she was next. So she did the only thing she could do. She faked her death and ran away, running to Ireland. There she found the Quinn family and discovered that she was a witch. A relative of hers started to train her at the age of 13 and she learned quickly, mastering even the most complex of rituals. The final step of her training put her before the gods and they granted her one wish. She wanted to prevent history repeating itself and having something like the Salem Witch Trials occur again, so she wished for immortality. She embarked on a worldwide journey to help witches in need, as well as other creatures who were in hiding. Leslie was a part of major events in history, helping as much as she could while flying under the radar. Now, she has started a coven of her own in the small town of ------.
Age: You shouldn't ask

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 163 lbs.

Race: Earth Witch

Attributes: She is capable of communicating with many different types of animals. She also can sense the life force of all things around her when she concentrates. She also has the ability to communicate with the higher beings that be, but only when she's meditating. She has an Egyptian Mau that she adopted during her times in Egypt. It is tied to her life force, therefore it is immortal, and it is one of her greatest possessions/companions.

Inventory in her Bag of Holding:

  • multiple assortments of hex bags
  • spell books
  • different assortments of stones
  • a vial with pure dirt in it
  • a flask of healing potion
Personality: Leslie is a very caring person and treats her coven like a family, and she is the mama. She is a natural born leader and is very observant to see if she can trust someone. She has a cunning sense to her and cleverness. She is also a bit of a bookworm and knows many rituals and spells. She is straight and has never fallen in love.


  • Self-sustainable Living
  • Animals
  • Going hiking in the woods
  • Food, glorious Food!
  • Rude people
  • Modern technology
  • When humans are big dinguses
  • When humans destroy nature
The General Manager

Name Midnight Potter


Age: 22

Height: 5’0"

Weight: 112lbs

Race: Witch


Personality: Midnight is the kind who waits and listens, she is patient and calm in most circumstances, she has a temper though, one of those silent but deadly ones, the best way to anger her is for everything to go wrong though it has to keep going all day.

Bio: She was always gifted, ever since she was born magic came easy to her but she had a hard time keeping under control, it would react to her emotions, causing accidents in science classes, home ec and the chop shop had a lot of accidents, everyone knew who she was and that wasnt good, when the bullying started she tried everything to keep things under control, she did yoga daily, she did hard exercise, ran herself to exhaustion, anything to gain peace and control until tragedy struck, the other students were bullying her as usual, the sky was clear and she had been secretly reading about magic, hoping to find something, anything to help but she was caught, her nemisis grabbed the book she borrowed and ripped it up right infront of her, causing fury. She saw red, then everything went black, her body having enough of it and causing her to blank out, and she lit the kid on fire, the bully lived with minor to one third degree burns, had to be rushed to the hospital and Midnight was sent to Juvie for a few years, when she turned 18 she was about to be arrested for assault but the bully came foreward and explained everything so they let her go and she moved to *insert town name here* to live with her uncle who was a Wizard and he found out about her talents and helped her learn, at the age of 20 he sent her to the local coven so she could learn more and offer her services where she learned everything related to creating things with fire based magic, how to cook, brew drinks, how to enchant and to become the witch she is today and she has resolved to never get that angry and cause harm again.

Magic: her magic is fire based with enchanting properties and she is what she calls a home ec witch, having studied the different things needed to run an inn and a house full of witches, she makes a mean potion.

Inventory: in her infinite bag of holding she carries around bottles of potion, ointments, cremes, a small satchel of dried meats and fruit incase she is hungry, her phone and a tablet for quick supplies checks, another bag with old bread scraps and fruit for the local fauna, and books, she has every book she owns in there.

Skills: good at making things, decent with electronics and a good poker face
Likes: she doesnt really have any dislikes, she is pretty chill but her favourite things are music, food, fruit, feng shui, she keeps a few bonsai trees, and she loves playing puzzle games
Dislikes: bananas, pineapple anger rap and pop music

Strengths: can be calm in almost any situation

Weaknesses:the situations she cant remain calm in: signs of abuse, violence from others to others, book abuse.
Priestess in Training

Name: Selika Lucis

Age: 18

Height: 5'5''

Weight: 115lbs

Race: Celestial Witch

Appearance: The things in the pictures, but her eyes look like they have galaxies in them. So, they're not green like in the picture.

Personality: Selika is quite the shy girl, but she in no way dislikes being around others. She's always trying to help people in any way she can, no matter how much of an inconvenience it may be. She's also very modest, always talking bad about her own abilities and knowledge of magic. Because of this, she's determined to do her best with studying and learning new spells and such to use.

Magic: As her knowledge is now, she can form illusionary walls (bendy light stuff, I can explain if asked kinda) and can create small celestial familiars that can't actually do much as far as damage goes. She's kind of just like a street performer, except for she's not.

Inventory: She carries around a spell book that contains both spells she knows and spells she has yet to learn. Always has her phone, and you should see her background picture. Aesthetics. Other than that, she doesn't usually have much on her except for a few stray coins and such. Lint, anyone?

Skills: She likes computers, and strives to become a hacker but we all know how that's working out for her. The best she can do is code a dressed-down web page and maybe use a game engine. She spends more time studying witchcraft than computercraft.
She also enjoys playing piano, but that's just a pass-time. Again, almost all her energy goes towards learning more spells for the good of the coven. She just wants to help, y'know?


      • Music
      • SPACE
      • Cats are cool, right?
      • Computers
      • Phones, just don't ask if apple or android is better. Please.

      • The mere mention of Apple
      • Spiders, like no thanks
      • Crowds

      • She's pretty good with her magic, but she doesn't actually think so
      • Not bad at cooking, surprisingly
      • She will name literally any star in the sky. Maybe not literally, but almost.

      • She's too easily persuaded
      • A little airheaded sometimes
      • Not brave enough to speak up so she's usually pushed aside

Other Coven MembersThe following members have proven themselves worthy and are a beneficiary part of our coven
Penelope Baron

Basic Information

Name: Penelope Baron

Age: 19

Height: 5'7

Weight: 135 pounds

Race: Psychic Witch

Appearance, Persona, and Background



Personality: Penelope is a very chill person. Nothing really gets under her skin. She is loyal to a fault and is very friendly. She cares deeply for her friends and is not afraid to go against the grain. She is a type b personality. She is used to following others. Her childhood was spent trying to be like other kids. She eventually grew to just hanging out with people she liked. Friend got dumped? She is there with two tubs of ice cream and a funny movie. Looking for someone to help with the school play? Not really her thing, how about her friend?

Now that’s all about to change. She is going to be way more outgoing and way more social. She wants to be constantly busy. This will probably tire her at first, but she has a goal. There will probably be a few mistakes she makes trying out new things, but that’s how you discover yourself. She wants to be able to look back at her life and see it full of adventure and fun times.

Bio: When Penelope was one years old she and her sister were put up for adoption. They were adopted by the Barons. A nice family, they were the only kids. Their birth parents chose to have a closed adoption so both girls have no information on their heritage. Other than that they had a pretty normal childhood.

One thing always bothered Penelope though. She was a perfect case of always a bridesmaid never a bride. Always second banana. She was the perfect bff, always there when you needed her. She was never in any clubs or sports. Never got really close to someone. It just… didn’t happen. If you ask her to give her life story, all she could come up with was her birth. She just existed for a while.

Once she left high school, she wondered into this little town. She began to look into religion to fill in the emptiness. She discovered Wicca and dove straight in. After a few months her powers began to develop. Shortly after she joined the coven.

Now she has spent about a year in the coven and she is yearning for an adventure. Something to spice up her life. Something to get her name in the history books. How much will she have to change about herself and sacrifice to do so?

Race Lore: N/A

Abilities & Inventory

Racial Attributes: Witches possess magical powers that come from their own souls or "cores" each are only as strong as the people that possess them.

Magic: She can lift objects up to 50 pounds (telekinesis), Empathy (able to feel what others are feeling), Astral projection (send her soul somewhere. If attacked or touched she is sent back to her body. Can only do it for a few minutes.)

Inventory: Her altar and magical tools, A husky named Winter, her crystal collection, A skateboard, Poster of Kat von D, Punk Clothes and nose rings, hygiene objects, laptop, Scrapbook made by her sister, a Henna kit.

Skills: Other than her magic abilities she has an extensive knowledge on the logical side of Witchcraft, She can skateboard, Draw Henna, programming, and Dancing.

Interests and Other Information

Likes: Family and friends, witchcraft, animals, skateboarding, Kat Von D, Computers, Henna, Dancing, reading, and socializing.

Dislikes: rude close minded people, doing nothing, failure, being late, and waking up early.

Strengths: Loves learning, great at designs, is a people person, psychic magic, and programming

Weaknesses: Her wish of having adventure, her family, can get frustrated quickly


Penelope is Non- Binary. She uses she/ her pronouns and they/ them.

Penelope is a lesbian.

Her sister is currently back in their old hometown with the rest of her family. Penelope sometimes sends them letters.

Her family doesn’t know about her being a witch but her sister is getting suspicious.
Jasmine Delacroix


Name: Jasmine Delacroix

Age: 17

Height: 5 foot nothing

Weight: 100 pounds even

Race: Infernal Witch

Personality: Well, it depends. If she's out in public, she's quiet, gloomy- a typical goth girl. Obviously, not many like associating with her in this state, and she returns the favor in kind. If she's just hanging out with the coven, then she's more outgoing and friendly. This is the closest to the "true" Jasmine. And if she's performing a ritual, then she has a tendency to go overboard on the theater.

Bio: The Delacroix family is a very old coven, based out of a tiny town in Louisiana. Jasmine was doing magic at a young age, and found she had a talent for necromancy. While her classmates were worried about English tests, she was reanimating the zombies of local wildlife. Several months ago, the family got word that witch hunters were sniffing around, and sent Jasmine away to Leslie's protection for her own safety. She liked it so much she's decided to stay.

Racial Abilities

Magic: Jasmine can speak to departed souls as long as they're willing to talk, and can reanimate plats and animals. She's starting to learn how to reanimate humans, but it's a tricky business

Likes: Warm summer sun, hanging out with the coven, learning magic

Dislikes: Inquisitive humans, loud music.

Strengths: Very artistic, persuasive, good at precision magic

Weaknesses: Not very strong in terms of raw magic, not comfortable in public.

Belongings: A ritual knife, a black robe, a black cat named Lucky.
Kennedy Corbin

Basic Information

Name: Kennedy Corbin

Age: 18

Height: 5'4

Weight: 125 lbs

Race: Shifter

Appearance, Persona, and Background


Personality: Kennedy is a charming, outgoing, and flirtatious soul. Chances are, if she's talking to you, she's trying to get something out of you or just be plain irritating. However, she isn't exactly going to be trying to outsmart you, seeing as she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed herself. She is sometimes overconfident and cocky even if the odds are stacked against her, but if confidence is key then she's the first one to show it out.

Bio: The Corbin house of magic was a bit of a dark tale. Descending from the depths of hell, or so they claim, they were definitely a group of sacrifices and dark rituals for shifting into demons and such. However, Kennedy's mother was different. She had developed a strange power, one that allows her to change her body to her will. This was the spark that lead to Kennedy developing her ability to transform into animals of different sorts. Kennedy manifested this ability at a young age, when she vaporized a dog

Race Lore: N/A

Abilities & Inventory
Racial Attributes: Similar to all witches, Kennedy possesses an inner core which fuels her magic. However, this is different because this also serves as the axis of transformation of her body. Her bones, muscles, and flesh will always rearrange around this core

Magic: Kennedy's magic revolves around the transformation of her body into various types of animals. As long as she has studied the animal, encountered it, and managed to get a sample of any part of its body, she can imbue it into herself and transform into that animal, or take specific attributes of that particular animal.

Hound - Kennedy's go-to form of transformation. It possesses enhanced strength, accelerated perception, and a powerful bite.

Crane - She can transform into a large crane that is capable of flight and feats of agility

Horse - Kennedy can transform into a horse, or take the speed and strength of the animal. The horse can also be used to warm herself in cold environments.

+Pouch for animal specimens
+Spellbook of her own
+Dark magic diary
+Glass bottles for drinks
+Large pocket knife in her bag

Having no offensive magic, Kennedy has trained her body to be the ideal human being. She is capable of hand to hand combat, using firearms, running at up to 22 miles an hour (and swimming at 7 miles an hour) without transforming. On top of that, she is capable of lifting up to 115 lbs without transforming. Furthermore, she has the skills of an independent person, meaning she's efficient at multitasking, cooking, cleaning, and managing a house. She is proficient in knife fighting amongst other things. Finally, she has a knack for singing and dancing, as she is quite skilled in karaoke and dancing in general.


+Being lazy

+Animal abusers
+Large Metal Sticks
Cordelia Lamouix

Name Cordelia Lamouix

Nickname: Cordi

Age: 20

Height: 5’8

Weight: 125lbs

Race: Psychic witch


Cordelia is one of those women who has your back no matter what. Blood is not thicker than water according to her. In fact, she considers her coven’s ties to be stronger than her family. She keeps happy most of the time and isn’t afraid to admit that she’s a huge flirt. Men, women, other beings? No problem! Attraction comes naturally for her and she uses it to her advantage. Like her hair, she has a fiery personality that some may take the wrong way. Cordelia is passionate in everything she does, says, and believes.


Born into a family of witches in the Deep South, Cordelia has been honing her powers since she could remember. Her sisters and cousins picked their craft up quickly, it took her some time to really embrace hers. This caused strain on her relationships as her family placed praise on her siblings and started showing Cordelia less and less attention and affection as time went on. This caused her to overexert herself and self-sabotage to the point of not being able to work her craft at all. At the age of 16 she had all been shunned by her family and she left in search of a place where she could be loved and shown how to explore her powers in a healthy manner. She found the Coven of the Eternal flame and hasn’t looked back since.


Conjuring of the elements- earth, fire, wind, water, and electricity. She does best with fire, water, and wind. The other two are not her strong suit and she has some trouble with them.

Telekinesis- She can move things with her mind. It takes some time and tires her out quickly if she is moving something heavier than an empty cauldron.


She keeps some family heirlooms she took before she left her family in her room to remind her of where she came from even though she doesn’t speak to them. Also in her room she keeps her spell book, personal hygiene items, a bottle of her favorite perfume, a small knife, crystals, a laptop, and her white Persian cat. She keeps her phone on her at all times.

Skills: she has great communication skills, can cook a mean pot of spaghetti (her favorite comfort food), can wear 6 inch heels all day (well, she thinks it’s a skill), excellent at darts and pool, and can pick up languages like its nothing.

Likes: her coven, her cat Mr. Bigglesworth (named after her favorite movie), beings of all races and genders, flirting, and comedy movies.

Dislikes: being yelled at, ground beef, slut- shaming, being wrong.

Strengths: her love for her coven, conjuring water, fire, and air, and communication.

Weaknesses: her love for her coven, hurt children, and sometimes taking the flirting too far.
Melody Williams


Name: Melody Williams

Nickname: Mel

Age: 17

Height: 5'10

Weight: 170 lbs.

Race: Infernal Witch

Personality: Mel can best be described as "loud". Everything she does is flamboyant and showy, and this can get on people's nerves a little bit. She's also very ambitious, and wants to head the coven one day, but she at least realizes that she's nowhere near that level of power yet.

Bio: Melody's lived in town all her life, but most of the time, she was ordinary. Creepy, but ordinary. One day at school, she caught a witch using telekinesis to pick up a pencil, and managed to get her alone. The witch fessed up, and Melody was inducted into the coven to keep the secret. She soon found her calling as a summoner, and keeps a large record of beings she can call up at a moment's notice.

Magic: Demon Summoning. Melody's voice reaches into the depths of Hell, and she can bring forth demons of low power and bind them to her will with ease. Stronger demons cannot be bound, and must be enticed with promises of payment. This could be an offering of her blood, a magical item, or even a sliver of her soul. Melody can also conjure black flames of Hellfire if she needs to defend herself.

Likes: Magic, running, attention

Dislikes: Quiet, pushy people

Strengths: Brilliant mind

Weaknesses: Physically frail
Zegorum Elia Tooncy


      • "The name's Zegorum Elia Tooncy, but everyone calls me Ziggy, so just Ziggy'll be fine."

      • "I'm a 23 year old Scorpio."
Height: 5'2

Weight: 103

Race: Elemental Witch

Appearance, Persona, and Background



      • "I've been told a lot that while I'm sensitive to the people around me, I lack the ability to truly empathize with another person. I mean, I thought I was fairly happy-go-lucky. Good to know I was wrong."

      • "When I was younger, my twin sister, Zyphora, and I were adopted into the Tooncy family, a clan of pretty prestigious witches. They said they needed someone as powerful as I was to be in the family. I think they just wanted me so they could increase their status, or something."
Race Lore: N/A

Abilities & Inventory
Racial Attributes: Witches possess magical powers that come from their own souls or "cores" each are only as strong as the people that possess them.


      • "I can use practical magic (ie. levitate, make other things levitate, augment my abilities, etc), but I specialize in themanipulation of nature. Sounds pretty awesome, right? Well it's not. It just means I'm very, very good at elemental magic. However, because of certain rules, I can't use my powers all willy-nilly, otherwise I could destroy the Earth's ecosystem-- or die.

      • " Because my powers aren't something I can use excessively, especially in battle, I've trained in combat and the use of various blades and fire arms. I'm no master, but she can get by pretty well."
Interests and Other Information


      • "Magic, guns, and swords... "

      • "Like, pollution, being questioned, and messes."

      • "Preparation. I'm is always prepared. Like, for anything."

      • "I don't want to be abandoned again."
-Her twin sister hates her guts
-She moved out of Tooncy manor when she was 16
-Her fiance was dragged to hell, literally. "Don't ask."
- She's a lightweight

Name: Lorelei
Age: 19
Height: 5'8 with heels
Pets: A white cat, a black dire wolf, and occasionally the passing beastie

Personality: Lorelei can usually be found practicing her spells in the nude somewhere in the woods. Shes atuned to the earth and puts it and its creatures first, given an exception of humans. She has no problem playing offense and defense, she is mysterious but social with her many pets and coven communities. Full moons are her favorite nights, black is her go to color unless she's purifying something, then its white in the form of a sheer robe that is quite revealing. She likes to make herself up to be the black widow type to strangers and only holds close fellow witches, animals and beasts who mean her no harm.
"Join me in the moonlit woods for a naked dance to cleanse the soul and purify the mind, let us find our roots and plant them in the dirt so that we may flourish" ~Lorelei

Items: bag of holding-full of secret stash (including but not limited too, crystals, food, jars of dirt from different locations, different jars of sea, rain, spring, lake water and a jar of murkey swamp water for special occasions. Mushrooms, charcoal, candles, and most spell necessities. As well as plenty of bones And random items.)

Back story: Lorelei Was raised by a pack of animals, or so she says, claiming her Dire Wolf is her spirit guide and sister, raised together. She occasionally has spats with a local warthog tribe that roams the Forrest and plenty of people think she's crazy but she'd settle for no less. Anything you could think to need she probably has it in her bag or knows where to get it. Rumor has it she befriended one of the warthogs and named him Phil, she likes to feed him orange scraps and clam chowder, and the occasional sip of rum. However she claims shed rather cut off her foot than befriend a warthog just to keep her rep up, another rumor states one ate her good stocking, but only one and she's never forgiven them.

Likes: long walks In the woods, animals and anything non human, cherries, gossip, storytelling, and anyone willing to mud wrestle.

Dislikes: being clothed all the time, warthogs, the occasional loud bird, humans, sea food, and anyone with pamphlets because how can all the information required for a long term decision fit on one sheet of folded paper.


View attachment 325410
The Twilight Brew is the town's local inn, which has been proudly standing since 1893. Established by the Quinn Family, this traditional inn has an Irish-themed tavern, fully furnished rooms, and the greatest staff to assist you during your stay.The TavernA traditional Irish tavern, with the best in food and drink from the Isles. Check out our corned beef salad- it's the house specialty!



Die Hard Club & Tavern
Die Hard: Moonlight Springs' best (and only) night club. Humans are welcome to party their hardest on the weekends, drink as much as they can, and even work the tavern during the day. However, Die Hard harbors something much more sinister: Die Hard functions as the local nest's home base. The club attracts plenty of fresh blood as the vampires run the club at night, leaving them free to sleep away sunny days without raising suspicion to humans. Although an easy attraction for prey, vampires are encouraged not to harm or kill humans. Too many deaths or disappearances from one place would raise suspicion.

The Nest
Mirisana Ellisar: nest mother and founder of Die Hard. She is often behind the bar, making the best drinks in Moonlight Springs.

Elizabeth Bartley: local entertainer and star of the club.

Michael Hastings: Michael appears too young to actively engage in the night club's parties, but he occasionally works as a bus boy at Die Hard.

Alexis and Klaus: Neither are familiar with Moonlight Springs, much less the nest, but maybe they are open to becoming part of the family.


W. O. L. F.There are many creatures in Moonlight Springs. We aim to protect them, as well as the residents of this fine town. Following the rules set in place is the only way to remain safe, and anyone found to be jeopardizing the safety of the residents Will be dealt with swiftly. Welcome to Moonlight Springs, and remember:
The wildlife here is Eternal.



Announcement for all RPers looking to join!

Codebreaker Codebreaker will be inactive for an unforeseen amount of time, so if you're looking to join then pay a visit to the RP's discord channel. Just click the link and it'll give you your invitation to the channel.
Don't be shy! We look forward to seeing you there!


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