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Realistic or Modern Moonlight Springs CS

Name: Logan Winters

Age: 17

Height: 5'11

Weight: 154 lbs

Race: Werewolf

Human Form:
Wolf Form:
images (36).jpg

Logan is very polite with anyone he talks to, although he will at least try to act threatening but will ultimately fail in his attempt. He likes to act like a bad guy so people don't get close to him. He's not shy, but just doesn't want to deal with people trying to know know about his past. Something he wants to keep only to himself. As long as people don't go poking around for his past, he doesn't mind company.

He always wears a suit and eyepatch, unless he is either going to bed or in his wolf form for obvious reasons. A suit because he thinks it looks classy, and a eyepatch to cover his scar. He usually transforms into his wolf form in secret, so no one knows that the wolf with the scar is him.

Bio: Logan was born by two loving werewolves, and spent most of his childhood raised by his pack. His parents were far from poor, and would constantly them him to be polite to both the pack and to people outside. Although this got annoying once in awhile, he loved his parents and his pack. Everything to Logan while in the pack was perfect. Until one day where his pack was attacked when he was 10. Logan doesn't quite remember what it was that attack, but it must of been either stronger or had a lot of numbers. It killed what seemed to be all of his pack, and left him for dead with a gash across one of his eye.

Fortunately for him, the neighbouring pack found him and nursed him back to health, as best as they could at least. After recovering to the point where he could walk on his own, he decided to leave to somewhere else. He didn't really care where, just not there. But before going, one of his caretakers gave him a eyepatch to cover up his scar.

Eventually, after going from place to place surviving off of what money his parents had left for seven years, he finds himself in Moonlight Springs. While there, he finds out he doesn't have any money anymore. So, he did what he had to. Get a job. He had zero job experience so it was very hard to find any job, but eventually he did. At the Wildlife and Recreation Center of all thing. Logan first thought this to be hilariously ironic, but soon realized it was more ironic than he thought.

Abilities & Inventory

Racial attributes: Can transform into a wolf when he wants to, although painful, unless there's a full moon which forces him to transform. In Human Form, he has enhanced hearing, smell, and healing. In Wolf Form, he can run up to 25 mph and can bite with 750 pounds of pressure.

Inventory: A cell phone, back up eyepatch, some suits and dress shoes, pajamas, 50 dollars, and a picture of his old pack that he hides in his suits.

Skills: Thanks to him wanting people not to know he is a werewolf, including other werewolves, he has learned to cover his tracks and scent from others.

Interests and Other Information

Likes: Suits, his privacy, the picture of his old pack

Dislikes: People asking questions about his past, and losing one of his suits

Strengths: He can hide his tracks and even disguise his scent.

Weakness: He can't see out of his right eye, and is not that experience in his Wolf Form.

Other: Might have a bit of a suit obbsesion.


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Ethan Price

Age: 23

Height: 6'3"

Race: Human


Personality: On the surface, ethan is the type of guy you would love to meet your parents. He's funny, kind, and always willing to lend a hand to the townspeople. Unfortunately, this is a carefully created persona. Underneath, Ethan is cruel and heartless to monsters, and only kind to humans for as long as it takes to keep his cover. He has spent his entire life without making connections, and doesnt see why he should start now. He has a personal vendetta against witches, but he believes all monsters are bad. He has a soft spot for those who have lost a loved one.

Background: At the age of three, His mother killed his father and ran away with him. His mother told him how his father practiced witchcraft, and how she had discovered how he had planned to use Ethan to further his own power. Since then, he and his mother traveled around the states, learning skills and tricks from other monster hunters. They learned how monsters would act like humans, and how they could use this to their advantage. One of them would befriend the creature and lure it out somewhere alone, and the other one would kill it. This pattern worked until Ethan turned 20, then it all went wrong. They had been attempting to clear a coven one witch at a time, but then the High Priestess discovered their plan. She tried to kill them both, but ethan escaped. His mother had not. Mourning her death, he spent time traveling alone before finding Moonlight Falls, a town absolutely crawling with monsters. He quickly joined up with the hawks, and has been making friends for the past year

Skills: Melee weapon proficiency, charasmatic, knows how to drive many types of vehicles.

Inv: Salt, Silver plated dagger, picture of him and his mom

Likes: getting a job done, Red Vines, and learning new skills

Dislikes: witches, people making fun of his vitiligo, and overly clingy people
Name: Carlos Bear (Bee-Air)

Age: 19

Height: 5'4

Weight: 120

Race: WereWolf

Appearance, Persona, and Background


Personality: Carlos is probably the easiest going person in town. He's a mellow boy who's easy to talk to and not so hyper that it's overwhelming. He's fairly protective about his town, but has a sort of defenseless way of doing it as he doesn't like conflict. Carlos is not good at standing up for himself in any way. He tends to give into whatever anyone says, unless they try to tell him he's wrong. (That's the only thing he might say "Hey, I-I am not wrong! I, um, did what I thought was best!) Overall, he's very sincere with everything he does and may need some confidence coaching

Bio: Carlos was born and raised in Moonlight Springs, born to a purebred wolf family. His parents weren't married because of that blood, they just truly loved each other. So Carlos had one of the friendliest up bringing. His parents are still alive, and he keeps in contact with them as they moved to Florida... (Carlos doesn't like Florida...) Despite being a bit weird in school, he liked to talk with everyone. It was cool, and he got a bit more confident about smiling and possible standing up for himself.

Race Lore: N/A

Abilities & Inventory
Racial Attributes: Shifting to his wolf form, and very good sense of smell

Magic: N/A

Inventory: Carlos has a lucky pen that is made of copper. Other than that he has his phone


Interests and Other Information

-Cold weather

-Hot weather
-Night time

Strengths: Carlos is very good at being friendly to everyone, he's a bit too innocent to everyone, and he's physically strong

Weaknesses: He gets startled easily, terrible at standing up for himself, against violence

(He likes guys not girls...)
Basic Information

Enid Thalia Alleyne



155 lbs

Traditional Witch

Appearance, Persona, and Background


Enid is a stern older witch. She doesn't tolerate foolishness or disrespect, especially when it comes to rituals and the like. When someone needs a listening ear or some advice Enid is usually sought after. She doesn't sugarcoat anything and tells someone what they need rather than what they want to hear. Underneath her seriousness is she kind and compassionate. She looks after the other coven members and treats them as sisters. Enid is admired for her grade and poise. She has a knack for remaining calm and keeping a clear head in stressful or panicked situations.

Enid was originally apart of a different coven. She had joined them at the age of 19 in her old town. Her family came from a long line of witches and warlocks. Her family history started in Barbados. Their knowledge was passed down from generation to generation. Enid left her coven when she was 24. She had felt as if they had lost their way. Since they only used their abilities to harm and to satisfy their greed. Enid left her town and traveled for a while. Eventually she came across Moonlight springs. The magic in the area was potent and it called to her. Enid joined the coven shortly after arriving.

Abilities & Inventory

Racial Attributes:
Enid is just like her fellow witches. Her power originates from her core.

Being a traditional witch means that Enid is able to control both light and dark magic.

A book of spells, hexes, and charms
Her Wand
Vials for potions/potion ingredients
Crystal ball

She is able to do both dark and light magic fairly easily. It all depends on the spell. She can dream walk and perform rituals to bring forth ancestors and spirits.

Interests and Other Information

Tea || Meditating || Crystals || Nature

Dogs || Goofing off || Unnecessary violence


A little too honest
A little uptight
Not the fittest individual
Basic Information

Thaddeus Mason





Appearance, Persona, and Background



Thaddeus has a somewhat gruff exterior. He has a face that makes it seem that he wants to maul you on the spot. But in reality it's just how he looks. It doesn't help that he's tall and built as well. Thaddeus is protective of his pack. He listens to his instincts but he doesn't let them rule him completely. Thaddeus has a slight hero complex. He feels a small urge to help people out when they need it.

Thaddeus grew up in little the town of Moonlight springs. His life was pretty normal up until he was attacked by a wolf during one of his jogs through the woods. After that incident Thaddeus started to notice the changes concerning himself. He tried to hide it from his parents as best he could. It was during a full moon when he realized what he was. Slowly he began to realize that his home wasn't as normal as he believed it to be. He was able to hide it well for a while but eventually the other werewolves took notice. He was introduced to the Wildlife Ordinances and licensing federation and welcomed by them. His parents still know nothing about their son being a werewolf.

Abilities & Inventory

Racial Attributes:
In his human form his senses are enhanced, along with his speed and strength. It doubled during the full moon and in his werewolf form.

Clothing || A Range Rover Vogue || Hunting knife || Pistol

Interests and Other Information

Eating || Coffee || Running || Animals || Nature || Wrestling

Animal abuse || Litter || Pollution || Sweets
Basic Information

Name: Scarlet Jane Amelia

Age: 28

Height: 5'3

Weight: 102

Race: Werewolf

Appearance, Persona, and Background


Personality: Scarlet is rough around the edges, to put it nicely. Though her insides aren't too pleasant either. She has a sharp-witted tongue and an eye roll that can be practically heard. Snarky and anything but ladylike, she may not seem like the best option for beta at first conversation. Or at first look, considering she's far too bothered with real life to think about anything other than a messy ponytail and a hastily picked-out outfit. She's never late, but she certainly sprints to get where she needs to be. Despite these flaws, Scarlet genuinely cares about the pack she grew up with. She's made sacrifices time and time again, and would die for any and all of them at the drop of a hat.

Of course, that being said, she wouldn't trust any new person in her pack or town at all. If you couldn't already tell, Scarlet's not outwardly a people person, and so when others pop up she's not too fond of them and may even go to childish lengths to drive them away. She's far from perfect, but she does her best, works her ass off, and tries to do right by her family and pack.

Bio: Scarlet was born in the kitchen of her two-story home in the winter. Her mother had happened to go into labor and barely managed to make it downstairs before she decided there was no possible way she'd make it to the hospital. It was perhaps the only time in her life Scarlet was early. She grew up in the same house she was born in, and had been difficult to take care of from the start. Not because of health problems but rather because she had a tendency to run off. A lot. Her parents refrained from putting a leash on her but more often than not they considered the action. The moment they turned their heads she'd disappear and they'd both run around in a fit of stress looking for her. She always wanted to explore, always wanted to try new things.

The small town life was relatively boring to Scarlet once she had made it to middle school. She knew everyone and everything and hadn't seen an ounce of something new for quite awhile. Her bored attitude seemed to annoy everyone, though, seeing as she grew more of a pessimistic attitude not only towards the town but also the people in it. She didn't care for the same faces she knew everything about and so she tended to be more of a lone wolf in the classroom, which was ironic considering how much she loved pack life. And while she had a few friends who shared her secret, it didn't make up for most of the time. This was generally how she was throughout school up until her Sophomore year of high school.

The festival was always her favorite part of the year because at least then tourists would come around. New people. New things to learn. It was here that she met someone who wasn't from around the town but he was friendly enough, and during that time he told her all about the big city he lived in. Scarlet was hooked, determined to leave town as soon as she could, to get out of there and never come back, but nobody liked her ideas. She was all but forbidden to leave although it didn't stop her. Not long after she graduated, Scarlet found out she had been accepted into a prestigious school far across the country and ran away from home. The real world, however, was a wake up call.

While she tried to blend in, Scarlet had a hard time adjusting to the university life. Full moons didn't quite help her out either. She convinced herself she was strong enough to make it work, though and made it through her first semester. Over the holidays she stayed with her roommate, who had become one of her best friends, and when they got back for second semester is when everything went downhill.

She met a guy. Probably the worst mistake she would ever make. She was used to honesty, to chivalry, and so she didn't think twice about the relationship. He reminded her of home, in a way, and it was nice to have a small memory of it until he broke her heart and stole all the money she had. It was enough to ruin Scarlet's ideas of the outside world, and she ended up being so distraught from the heartbreak and the empty bank account that she flunked out of university and headed right back to town with her tail between her legs.

After the initially painful return to town society in which her parents chewed her out for weeks and the pack seemed to dislike her as well, she buckled down and started working hard. She knew it was the only way to make up for running away, for abandoning everyone, and she worked so hard, she somehow found her way into beta position. It made her parents proud at least, and it was more exciting than sitting in the background anyways.

Race Lore: N/A

Abilities & Inventory
Racial Attributes
: Scarlet has quite the endurance. She can run for hours, it seems, and hardly break a sweat. She's quite fast on her feet- faster than the majority, at least.
She also has much better hearing, and can hear up to a few miles away depending on the sound.
Scarlet's a quick thinker, and has sharp instincts to get her to what's necessary at a moment's notice.

Inventory: Scarlet always carries a swiss army knife on her and never fails to wear her combat boots since they keep her ready for most situations.

Skills: Scarlet's biggest skill is her ability to think fast on her feet. She's kinda the macgyver of tough situations. She's also a great at hand-to-hand combat.

Interests and Other Information

Likes: She loves the outdoors, trying new things, coffee every few hours, new people, sleeping in

Dislikes: Being woken up, Moonlight Springs, cramped spaces, new people (It's a love/hate thing), waiting things out.

Strengths: Thinking fast, working hard, fighting

Weaknesses: New people, long range weapons, taking things slow

Other: -​
Name: Rose Iris

Age: 9

Personality: Rose Iris, is a shy girl that would rather hide behind her sister, than talk to a stranger. She also has a tendency to stutter in a conversation with someone she doesn't know well. Because of this, she relies on her sister for most social situations, whether it be in school or at a nearby playground. Rose likes quiet activities, such as reading in a library, or playing chess against herself.

Race: Ice Witch

Icicle Stab: Can form small ice shards to stab her opponent.

Name: Maria Iris

Age: 9

Appearance Mary_bag.jpg

Personality: Maria is a bubbly cheerful girl that loves to surround herself with company. She is a social butterfly, and loves to talk to anyone, no matter how old or young they are. She loves to watch t.v, play games, as long as the activity involves more than one person. There's two things she hates most in the world. Working or chores, deeming it boring and a waste of time.

Race: Human
Basic Information

Name: Ms. Jane Doe


Height: 1.95m

Weight: [REDACTED]


Appearance, Persona, and Background


Personality: She's a friendly person who means no harm to anybody, but she would never put her personal relationships get in the way of her business and duties. She's a law abiding citizen and a perfectly normal, almost bland person. There's nothing remarkable about her, She doesn't stand out in any way, as if her entire image is crafted to leave no lasting memories with anyone she encounter, almost like a deja vu and her whole existance can almost be dismissed as a rumor. Silence is her tongue, fabrications and lies her dialect, and if you try to pry too much on who or what she is, the last thing you'll see is her perfectly normal and unremarkable grin.


Abilities & Inventory
Racial Attributes

Inventory: A mysterious briefcase and her sunglasses.

Skills: She's fluent in 5 languages: English (Mid-Atlantic Accent), French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese,
an expert in electronics and a great lier speaker of truth.

Interests and Other Information

Likes: Cinnamon (But she try to avoid it or she start to act embarrassingly), her car and quiet people who like to mind their own business.

Dislikes: Nosy people, ultrasounds, asking about her briefcase.

Strengths: She's apparently very smart and knowledgeable in many areas, know how to get her way around people and also a great poker player!

Weaknesses: Cinnamon and ultrasounds (She have very delicate and sensitive ears!)
Name: "Alora and this is Benny..."

Age: "I am over seven hundred years old... Benny here is five..."

Height: Alora is 5'8, Benny is around 3'0

Weight: Alora-140 Benny- 33

Race: "We're both Vampires, though my parents were also. Benny here is just a pet, right Benny?" "Yes ma'am!"

Appearance, Persona, and Background



Personality: Alora tends to be a calm and collected person. She socializes and gossips, acting most like the elite she believes she is. So she'll tolerate you until some strange comment triggers her and she'll begin to politely tear you to shreds by spreading rumors behind you and pointing out every insecurity.

Benny is a sweet little boy who loves to talk with everyone. While he does get nervous, he holds his head high and puts on a brave face. The thing is, he has quite a streak of anger that will result in him stomping back to Alora and getting her to comfort him. Such as, when someone insults his Lord, he gets very upset and walks away with angry tears. He assumes that he's simply getting comfort by crying into her dress, but really he's accidentally sealing their deaths in the town. Benny doesn't realize what Alora is doing, only that she can be scary when he gets attached to another person so he tends to stick with her to avoid punishment.

Bio: Alora is a purebred vampire and grew up with two other siblings. Those two were killed by poachers (Although Alora didn't care because she'd actually hired the hunters to kill them). Her parents died when she turned 203, by her. She really hated her family, and disposed of them quickly. With that money, she moved to Moonlight Springs about three years ago. Just before that time, she took a little boy with her halfway across the world and changed him a few days ago. Benny had been intended to be just a little pet for her to have, but three years gave him time to make him love her. Even if he shouldn't love her for all the things she'd done to him. He still loved her because she'd tuck him into bed at night and gave him comfort. Benny had listened to her stories about how usually the vampires only kept pets in dark rooms and fed on them. He had listened to stories about how most pets were forgotten by their masters, but Alora loved him! So when she changed him, he felt very honored despite the pain he's now in.

Alora really does love him, she just has the strangest ways of showing it...

Race Lore: N/A

Abilities & Inventory

Racial Attributes:
Alora- By drinking from someone, she can make them feel attached to her, thus slowly binding them into her presence to stay with her. (How she got Benny)
Benny- He's too young to have any real abilities (Vampire age: Days old)

Magic: N/A

Alora- She always has a dagger hidden in her clothes
Benny- He carries his stuffed animal at all time (A little yellow teddy bear)

Alora- Charm, climbing, mind manipulation (Being charming)

Interests and Other Information

Alora- She loves the night, Benny, plants, blood, and vanilla ice cream
Benny- His bear, Alora, daylight, running around, earning praise, candy, cats

Alora- Daylight, 'rude people', people trying to say she's wrong, bugs
Benny- When Alora used to feed on him, the dark, being alone, being yelled at

Alora- She's very good at keeping people on her side, being fit, keeping order in line, calm
Benny- He's pretty brave, good at tolerating pain, not very shy

Alora- Being hated from all sides, lossing, not good at flying
Benny- Can get very scared, not good at being away from Alora, new vampire

Benny was captive for three years before Alora changed him.
Basic Information

Name: Kimberly Kamen. Prefers to be called KitKat

Age: 16

Height: 6,10

Race: Vampire

Appearance, Persona, and Background

Appearance: Kitkat has short hair but long on the left. Her hair is curly. Her skin is grey due to genetics and she has red eyes.

Personality: Kitkat is a very "mature" character. She can lose her cool sometimes and then be mean but she always has hers and everyone else's best interest in mind. She is a very comfortable and lovable character. But she can get annoyed and flip all the tables, and I mean ALL THE TABLES MUST BE UPSIDE DOWN WHEN SHE IS DONE!!

Bio: Kitkat does not have a genetic family due to ectobiology. She was raised on her own and has not been brought up yet. She lives among the humans but always wears a black hoodie to hide her face.

Abilities & Inventory

Magic: Kitkat can use mind control and can manipulate time. Her powers increase when she gets mad and often tries to kill other people.
Inventory: Jacey doesn't have much, but she has pickpocketed money, a pencil and notebook, and a knife.

Skills: Her words fit the situation. Need to make a tough deal? Sweet words can help convince. Need to win an argument? A tongue of fire and an ability to bend someone's words to her advantage.

Interests and Other Information

Likes: Internet Memes and Gay Fish

Dislikes: Litterers and Homophobics.

Strengths: Is very basic, and focused at work.

Weaknesses: Can't use manipulation when sad.

Other: Kitkat has a Girlfriend named Ally. She is Bisexual. She uses face paint at work to look human.

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