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Realistic or Modern Moonlight Springs CS


Do the monster mash...
Here you can post your CS. Be as unique as possible! But if you want a template, follow this example.

  • In Memory of...

    Don't worry, she isn't dead. She just couldn't join this roleplay. We'll miss you, Cake!

    Basic Information

    Name: Olivia Marci Jay

    Age: 15

    Height: 5'2

    Weight: 105.5

    Race: Earth Witch

    Appearance, Persona, and Background


    Personality: To put it simply, Olivia's best friend is her spell book; she is the silent type and never goes out of her way to make friends if it doesn't benefit her personally or help raise her family name. Olivia keeps up a confident appearance to each person she meets, and though she has the character to become a leader she has been forced into the role of a follower; her passion lies in gardening and animals where she can practice her art and relax. She's also a trickster, using others to her advantage no matter how cruel the way it has to be done, she's also cautious and observant; she has to be so that she can shift the blame to anyone else but her, her conscious is full of guilt and if it were up to her she'd be stoned.

    Bio: Olivia was named after her great great grandmother, a widowed witch who was burned at the stake for killing her own husband because he was threatening to leave her; Olivia senior wasn't the first to obstruct the Jay family name because truth be told it had already been ruined long before her. The Jays laced with thieves and a nasty rumor went through the magical community that it was because of them that in 1536 people began burning witches again and countless lives were stolen from them, Jays for years were shunned and stained with ever looming guilt that they single handedly ruined the lives of thousands. Olivia's father Harrison understood that, that's why he blackmailed Olivia's mom Marci Kails into marrying him, he knew that no other woman would dare carry on the Jay family name; at least not willingly. Marci was already carrying a child, and much like some Christian house holds many families didn't take kindly to nonmartial pregnancy and Harry saw that, reminded her that she could be shunned out of her very clan for such an act. The marriage was signed and legal before Marci could even say "I do."
    Baby Jason was born eight months later, a child of excellent health and full of potential; Marci loved him but didn't and couldn't ever love Harrison and he saw that, five years later baby Jason was dead and baby Olivia was born. No one said anything but they all knew what had happened and Marci Kails hung herself two nights after, now it was just Harry to care for the child though he didn't really care about that he had at least gotten what he wanted from her; he'd gotten an heir. Harrison did everything he could to make Olivia understand that she was the cause of her fathers failed marriage and the death of her own mother; the clan didn't help by deeming her an abomination she turned only to her father whom always welcomed her with false love but it was all a young witch needed. His end game was simply make Olivia truly a Jay, his ways of conversion only mainly included isolation; if she acted out or made slight inferences the outside or what other children she was locked away stored downstairs in a windowless metal basement. Olivia is smart and learned fast of her mistakes but saw them as only a fathers love, in her mind because of everything he had told her Harrison was the only was going to be there for her, this was why she was so scared to be sent to such an academy away from him. He simply reminded her that she was in fact doing it for him, that anything she ever did would be for him, and to not trust anyone else if they tried to lead her astray; Olivia accepted this and thus begins her life now in the academy.

    Race Lore: N/A

    Abilities & Inventory
    Racial Attributes: Witches possess magical powers that come from their own souls or "cores" each are only as strong as the people that possess them.

    Magic: Currently she can accelerate the growth of some plants, understand the language of some animals (only birds really), and (though it's not Earth magic) use sleep hypnosis

    Inventory: She brought with her a pet owl named Leo, highlighters and pens, personal feminine items, her training gloves from when she was small, a metal ruler, a flute, and a photo of her and her father together

    Skills: Olivia can play the flute very well, it's what she uses for sleep hypnosis though that only works when the victim is within 3 feet and if she wants said person to fall asleep, she can also pick pocket, track animals, and run very quickly.

    Interests and Other Information

    Likes: Olivia enjoys sunlight and being outside, fairy tales, playing with her pet owl, open spaces, her father, caramel, and tea

    Dislikes: She hates the dark, small spaces, metal rulers, yelling, conflict, being questioned, messes, and people talking about her father negatively

    Strengths: Olivia is a good cook mostly just treats but also small meals, she's a great liar, and can hide her emotions

    Weaknesses: Her father, being trapped in places, and sudden loud noises

    Olivia feels conflicted about how she feels about her father because somewhere in her she can tell that he is evil.
    She's scared of metal rulers because that was another way that he would teach her right and wrong, he'd smack her right hand with the ruler till it would bleed, it's why she wears a glove on her right hand now.
    Her father taught her how to do sleep hypnosis with a flute, he had learned it long ago turns out it was a family spell passed down from Jay to Jay.
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Basic Information

Name: Kennedy Corbin

Age: 18

Height: 5'4

Weight: 125 lbs

Race: Shifter

Appearance, Persona, and Background


Personality: Kennedy is a charming, outgoing, and flirtatious soul. Chances are, if she's talking to you, she's trying to get something out of you or just be plain irritating. However, she isn't exactly going to be trying to outsmart you, seeing as she isn't the sharpest tool in the shed herself. She is sometimes overconfident and cocky even if the odds are stacked against her, but if confidence is key then she's the first one to show it out.

Bio: The Corbin house of magic was a bit of a dark tale. Descending from the depths of hell, or so they claim, they were definitely a group of sacrifices and dark rituals for shifting into demons and such. However, Kennedy's mother was different. She had developed a strange power, one that allows her to change her body to her will. This was the spark that lead to Kennedy developing her ability to transform into animals of different sorts. Kennedy manifested this ability at a young age, when she vaporized a dog

Race Lore: N/A

Abilities & Inventory
Racial Attributes: Similar to all witches, Kennedy possesses an inner core which fuels her magic. However, this is different because this also serves as the axis of transformation of her body. Her bones, muscles, and flesh will always rearrange around this core

Magic: Kennedy's magic revolves around the transformation of her body into various types of animals. As long as she has studied the animal, encountered it, and managed to get a sample of any part of its body, she can imbue it into herself and transform into that animal, or take specific attributes of that particular animal.

Hound - Kennedy's go-to form of transformation. It possesses enhanced strength, accelerated perception, and a powerful bite.

Crane - She can transform into a large crane that is capable of flight and feats of agility

Horse - Kennedy can transform into a horse, or take the speed and strength of the animal. The horse can also be used to warm herself in cold environments.

+Pouch for animal specimens
+Spellbook of her own
+Dark magic diary
+Glass bottles for drinks
+Large pocket knife in her bag

Having no offensive magic, Kennedy has trained her body to be the ideal human being. She is capable of hand to hand combat, using firearms, running at up to 22 miles an hour (and swimming at 7 miles an hour) without transforming. On top of that, she is capable of lifting up to 115 lbs without transforming. Furthermore, she has the skills of an independent person, meaning she's efficient at multitasking, cooking, cleaning, and managing a house. She is proficient in knife fighting amongst other things. Finally, she has a knack for singing and dancing, as she is quite skilled in karaoke and dancing in general.


+Being lazy

+Animal abusers
+Large Metal Sticks
Basic Information

Name: Penelope Baron

Age: 19

Height: 5'7

Weight: 135 pounds

Race: Psychic Witch

Appearance, Persona, and Background



Personality: Penelope is a very chill person. Nothing really gets under her skin. She is loyal to a fault and is very friendly. She cares deeply for her friends and is not afraid to go against the grain. She is a type b personality. She is used to following others. Her childhood was spent trying to be like other kids. She eventually grew to just hanging out with people she liked. Friend got dumped? She is there with two tubs of ice cream and a funny movie. Looking for someone to help with the school play? Not really her thing, how about her friend?

Now that’s all about to change. She is going to be way more outgoing and way more social. She wants to be constantly busy. This will probably tire her at first, but she has a goal. There will probably be a few mistakes she makes trying out new things, but that’s how you discover yourself. She wants to be able to look back at her life and see it full of adventure and fun times.

Bio: When Penelope was one years old she and her sister were put up for adoption. They were adopted by the Barons. A nice family, they were the only kids. Their birth parents chose to have a closed adoption so both girls have no information on their heritage. Other than that they had a pretty normal childhood.

One thing always bothered Penelope though. She was a perfect case of always a bridesmaid never a bride. Always second banana. She was the perfect bff, always there when you needed her. She was never in any clubs or sports. Never got really close to someone. It just… didn’t happen. If you ask her to give her life story, all she could come up with was her birth. She just existed for a while.

Once she left high school, she wondered into this little town. She began to look into religion to fill in the emptiness. She discovered Wicca and dove straight in. After a few months her powers began to develop. Shortly after she joined the coven.

Now she has spent about a year in the coven and she is yearning for an adventure. Something to spice up her life. Something to get her name in the history books. How much will she have to change about herself and sacrifice to do so?

Race Lore: N/A

Abilities & Inventory

Racial Attributes: Witches possess magical powers that come from their own souls or "cores" each are only as strong as the people that possess them.

Magic: She can lift objects up to 50 pounds (telekinesis), Empathy (able to feel what others are feeling), Astral projection (send her soul somewhere. If attacked or touched she is sent back to her body. Can only do it for a few minutes.)

Inventory: Her altar and magical tools, A husky named Winter, her crystal collection, A skateboard, Poster of Kat von D, Punk Clothes and nose rings, hygiene objects, laptop, Scrapbook made by her sister, a Henna kit.

Skills: Other than her magic abilities she has an extensive knowledge on the logical side of Witchcraft, She can skateboard, Draw Henna, programming, and Dancing.

Interests and Other Information

Likes: Family and friends, witchcraft, animals, skateboarding, Kat Von D, Computers, Henna, Dancing, reading, and socializing.

Dislikes: rude close minded people, doing nothing, failure, being late, and waking up early.

Strengths: Loves learning, great at designs, is a people person, psychic magic, and programming

Weaknesses: Her wish of having adventure, her family, can get frustrated quickly


Penelope is Non- Binary. She uses she/ her pronouns and they/ them.

Penelope is a lesbian.

Her sister is currently back in their old hometown with the rest of her family. Penelope sometimes sends them letters.

Her family doesn’t know about her being a witch but her sister is getting suspicious.
Name: Selika Lucis

Age: 18

Height: 5'5''

Weight: 115lbs

Race: Celestial Witch

Appearance: The girl in the picture, but her eyes look like they have galaxies in them. So, they're not green like in the picture. She wears dark brown contacts to conceal them when need be.

Personality: Selika is quite the shy girl, but she in no way dislikes being around others. She's always trying to help people in any way she can, no matter how much of an inconvenience it may be. She's also very modest, always talking bad about her own abilities and knowledge of magic. Because of this, she's determined to do her best with studying and learning new spells and such to use.

Magic: As her knowledge is now, she can form illusionary walls (bendy light stuff, I can explain if asked kinda) and can create small celestial familiars that can't actually do much as far as damage goes. She's kind of just like a street performer, except for she's not.

Umbra Reference White Hair.jpg Inventory: She carries around a spell book that contains both spells she knows and spells she has yet to learn. Always has her phone, and you should see her background picture. Aesthetics. Other than that, she doesn't usually have much on her except for a few stray coins and such. Lint, anyone? She also has the signature witch bag, though she never manages to actually put it to good use. She just brings small things, occasionally pepper spray, so it's a bad fit for her.

Skills: She likes computers, and strives to become a hacker but we all know how that's working out for her. The best she can do is code a dressed-down web page and maybe use a game engine. She spends more time studying witchcraft than computercraft.
She also enjoys playing piano, but that's just a pass-time. Again, almost all her energy goes towards learning more spells for the good of the coven. She just wants to help, y'know?

She likes computers, if that counts
Cats are cool, right?

The mere mention of Apple
Spiders because... no thanks
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Leslie Quinn-High Priestess
Leslie Quinn

Background:Born before the Salem Witch Trials, she grew up under two gifted parents.They were of Irish descent. When the Salem Witch Trials came around, her parents were one of the first to be accused. They were killed by fire, and Leslie knew that she was next. So she did the only thing she could do. She faked her death and ran away, running to Ireland. There she found the Quinn family and discovered that she was a witch. A relative of hers started to train her at the age of 13 and she learned quickly, mastering even the most complex of rituals. The final step of her training put her before the gods and they granted her one wish. She wanted to prevent history repeating itself and having something like the Salem Witch Trials occur again, so she wished for immortality. She embarked on a worldwide journey to help witches in need, as well as other creatures who were in hiding. Leslie was a part of major events in history, helping as much as she could while flying under the radar. Now, she has started a coven of her own in the small town of Moonlight Springs. She is the High Priestess of the Coven of the Eternal Flame.


Age: You shouldn't ask

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 163 lbs.

Race: Earth Witch

Attributes: She is capable of communicating with many different types of animals. She also can sense the life force of all things around her when she concentrates. She also has the ability to communicate with the higher beings that be, but only when she's meditating. She has an Egyptian Mau that she adopted during her times in Egypt. It is tied to her life force, therefore it is immortal, and it is one of her greatest possessions/companions.


Inventory in her Bag of Holding:

  • multiple assortments of hex bags
  • spell books
  • different assortments of stones
  • a vial with pure dirt in it
  • a flask of healing potion
Personality: Leslie is a very caring person and treats her coven like a family, and she is the mama. She is a natural born leader and is very observant to see if she can trust someone. She has a cunning sense to her and cleverness. She is also a bit of a bookworm and knows many rituals and spells. She is straight and has never fallen in love.


  • Self-sustainable Living
  • Animals
  • Going hiking in the woods
  • Food, glorious Food!
  • Rude people
  • Modern technology
  • When humans are big dinguses
  • When humans destroy nature
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Name: Lorelei
Age: 19
Height: 5'8 with heels
Pets: A white cat, a black dire wolf, and occasionally the passing beastie

Personality: Lorelei can usually be found practicing her spells in the nude somewhere in the woods. Shes atuned to the earth and puts it and its creatures first, given an exception of humans. She has no problem playing offense and defense, she is mysterious but social with her many pets and coven communities. Full moons are her favorite nights, black is her go to color unless she's purifying something, then its white in the form of a sheer robe that is quite revealing. She likes to make herself up to be the black widow type to strangers and only holds close fellow witches, animals and beasts who mean her no harm.
"Join me in the moonlit woods for a naked dance to cleanse the soul and purify the mind, let us find our roots and plant them in the dirt so that we may flourish" ~Lorelei


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Name: Elith McCoy

Age: 22

Gender: Female


Her eyes are a pale grey. She has a scar running from behind her left ear to her collarbone.

Elith typically is seen wearing her hair in a bun or pony tail, and wears T-shirts and jackets, thin longsleeves, flannels, and jeans or cargo pants. Her arms are always covered by cloth of some kind, and she wears gloves at all times. When asked, she explained that she sustained an injury to her arm during her time as a paramedic, and needed to keep the wounds from light and irritants.

Height: 5' 9"

Weight: ~150



Optimistic in a calm, reserved way, Elith is typically the one that people go to to talk about problems. She's always happy to listen to the problems of others, and offer advice when possible. However, she doesn't speak about herself much at all - Elith will almost never show hurt, emotional or physical. In fact, she's a bit of a recluse, and doesn't leave the house much except to work at the local clinic. She is very much a mother-type, and will do anything to help someone, anyone, in need, in any way, expecting nothing in return. It's rare for her to get involved in a problem of any sort with any intent besides resolving it. Though she is a pacifist in many ways, she will fight to protect others or herself. As a skilled actress (from her time in highschool and college drama), she can play almost any part convincingly, which is very useful for gaining information or manipulating circumstances, however, she rarely does this, as she does not like lying, and believes it to be dishonest. However, she is excellent at manipulating her own emotions too. She doesn't like the slight violent streak she has, and does very well in keeping it hidden.

Elith was raised in Moonlight Springs by her parents. Her father was a travelling businessman, not very often at home, and her mother was stay-at-home. However, when Elith was 16, her mother died; this threw her father into a deep depression. He stayed away from Moonlight Springs for longer and longer business trips, leaving Elith to grow up practically alone. Eventually, she moved away to college at eighteen, and became a paramedic at the nearest city - where she didn't have to come back to the little town and think about her mother, father, very few friends, or anything.

At age twenty-two, within the last two weeks she came back quite unexpectedly. She had kept no contact with old friends, and gave no warning of her return. All the had was money from a job as a paramedic and a pack on her back. Discreetly, she moved into her childhood home, which was still owned by her father.

She refused to speak of what had happened while she was gone, masterfully changing subject to keep from seeming rude. If not in her house, then she is often found in the library or clinic, where she managed to get a job as a part-time paramedic.

Abilities & Inventory
Inventory: Elith typically carries a string bag with a "mini" medical kit, some food and water, etc.

Skills: Elith plays a banjo, though few people know it. She also can sing, though even fewer know of that! She can sketch in charcoal fairly well. Also, she's a trained paramedic, and did acting in highschool and her two years of college. As a paramedic, she has basic hand-to-hand skills, and is surprisingly strong.

Interests and Other Information

Likes: Folk music, books, people, tea and coffee, drawing with charcoal, stars
Dislikes: Crowds, people prying about her, bullies, people who make her fight

Strengths: Elith can act pretty well, she's great to have for medical reasons, good under stress, and she's a very good listener. Also, she's a very likable person, and can't be pushed around when it comes to her opinions.

Weaknesses: Fire (terrifies her), being questioned, having the attention on her, awkward with kids, someone bringing up her singing or drawing (makes her panic)

Witches may notice some odd vibe about Elith.
Some of her old highschool friends asked each other if her eyes hadn't previously been blue?

Adding onto mine:
Items: bag of holding-full of secret stash (including but not limited too, crystals, food, jars of dirt from different locations, different jars of sea, rain, spring, lake water and a jar of murkey swamp water for special occasions. Mushrooms, charcoal, candles, and most spell necessities. As well as plenty of bones And random items.)

Back story: Lorelei Was raised by a pack of animals, or so she says, claiming her Dire Wolf is her spirit guide and sister, raised together. She occasionally has spats with a local warthog tribe that roams the Forrest and plenty of people think she's crazy but she'd settle for no less. Anything you could think to need she probably has it in her bag or knows where to get it. Rumor has it she befriended one of the warthogs and named him Phil, she likes to feed him orange scraps and clam chowder, and the occasional sip of rum. However she claims shed rather cut off her foot than befriend a warthog just to keep her rep up, another rumor states one ate her good stocking, but only one and she's never forgiven them.

Likes: long walks In the woods, animals and anything non human, cherries, gossip, storytelling, and anyone willing to mud wrestle.

Dislikes: being clothed all the time, warthogs, the occasional loud bird, humans, sea food, and anyone with pamphlets because how can all the information required for a long term decision fit on one sheet of folded paper
  • "The name's Zegorum Elia Tooncy, but everyone calls me Ziggy, so just Ziggy'll be fine."

  • "I'm a 23 year old Scorpio."

Height: 5'2

Weight: 103

Race: Elemental Witch

Appearance, Persona, and Background


  • "I've been told a lot that while I'm sensitive to the people around me, I lack the ability to truly empathize with another person. I mean, I thought I was fairly happy-go-lucky. Good to know I was wrong."

  • "When I was younger, my twin sister, Zyphora, and I were adopted into the Tooncy family, a clan of pretty prestigious witches. They said they needed someone as powerful as I was to be in the family. I think they just wanted me so they could increase their status, or something."

Race Lore: N/A

Abilities & Inventory
Racial Attributes: Witches possess magical powers that come from their own souls or "cores" each are only as strong as the people that possess them.

  • "I can use practical magic (ie. levitate, make other things levitate, augment my abilities, etc), but I specialize in the manipulation of nature. Sounds pretty awesome, right? Well it's not. It just means I'm very, very good at elemental magic. However, because of certain rules, I can't use my powers all willy-nilly, otherwise I could destroy the Earth's ecosystem-- or die.

  • " Because my powers aren't something I can use excessively, especially in battle, I've trained in combat and the use of various blades and fire arms. I'm no master, but she can get by pretty well."

Interests and Other Information

  • "Magic, guns, and swords... "

  • "Like, pollution, being questioned, and messes."

  • "Preparation. I'm is always prepared. Like, for anything."

  • "I don't want to be abandoned again."

-Her twin sister hates her guts
-She moved out of Tooncy manor when she was 16
-Her fiance was dragged to hell, literally. "Don't ask."
- She's a lightweight
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Basic information
Name: Margo Sanders

Age: 56

Race: Werewolf

Appearance, Persona, and Background


Wolf form:

Personality: If you want something done, you call the cops. If you want something done right, you call Margo. Having lived in this town longer than anyone, she believes she knows right and wrong better than anyone else. Having once been human, she believes all monsters should blend in with humans. Its safer for everyone involved. She's a bit of a hardass, but she genuinely cares for the town. Though she can be unreasonable, most tend to respect her requests. Especially since it is rumoured that if you go against her, terrible luck will befall you on the full moon... Or she will give you an expensive citation. Both make grown men quake in their boots

Background: Margo moved to Moonlight Springs when she was just a child. Her parents were part of the hippie movement and wanted to get closer to nature. They never expected exactly how close to nature they would get. One evening, a rogue wolf wandered into town and attacked Margo while she was out with her friends. They all became werewolves and instinctively formed a pack. Her parents, not knowing what to do with this sudden "ailment", turned from their freedom loving ways to a near militant household. Strict curfews and near constant surveillance were her new life until she ran away at 16. she spent two years on her own, without her pack, before returning to town, only to discover that her parents had moved out without her. The rest of her pack had moved in together, and welcomed her with open arms.
In the subsequent years, as Moonlight Springs attracted more and more monsters, her pack set up the Wildlife Ordinances and licensing federation, or W.O.L.F. for short. They kept the calm between the monsters and humans for many years, though now she is the only one left of the original crew. She wants nothing more than the peace that has been a key part of the Moonlight Falls core, but can she prevail in these changing times?

Skills and such

Abilities: (WHEN HUMAN) Enhanced smell, hearing, and healing; gun proficiencies; quick reflexes. (WHEN WOLF) Can run 50 miles per hour, bite is 1200 pounds of pressure (about ten times that of a human), night vision, communication to animal, animal instinct, toughened hide.

Inventory: A Sig Sauer P225, various first aid items, drives a Dodge Ram 1500, an old leather bracelet that identifies her pack, and a cockatiel named randy. She will temporarily house animals at the station, while she waits for vetrinary care to pick them up.

Likes: coffee, cold mornings, quiet evenings, going around town and visiting with the townspeople, running full speed in her wolf form.

Dislikes: breaks in routine, needless cruelty, people bringing attention to the monster world, out of towners.
Basic Information

Name: Elizabeth Bartley

Age: 105

Race: Vampire

Job: Performer at the local nightclub.

Appearance, Persona, and Background


She look like a blonde woman in her early to mid-20s, 1.75 meters for 70 kilograms of weight, which translate into a lithe and eternally young body. She looks like she jumped straight out from mid-80s TV show, what with her meshed and conditioned hair and her garrish but outdated taste in clothes, mainly consisting of brightly colored dresses with often mismatched colors, making her stand out from the crowd.​

She's an happy-go-lucky vampire with a very friendly demeanor, even with her own prey, she's always trying to find excuses to party and dance, even enjoying drinking despite the fact vampires can't process alcohol and thus can't get drunk, much to her regret. But besides that she rather enjoy her condition, quite an unusual tract among her kind although older vampires dismiss that as her just being too young, nevertheless she find the conumption of her prey quite thrilling, expecially her rather unorthodox technique, which consist about intoxicating her victim with drugs or alcohol, then biting them when they are unconcious. Even when acounting her age she still act like a bored teenager, thinking primarly about having fun but she knows better than exposing her vampiric natur and even if she's very loyal to her kind she doesn't mind the friendship of humans or other supernaturals, never considering herself superior or some kind of murderous monster, unlike many other vampires.​


She was born in 1912 Cincinnati, daughter of a pharmacist father and a suffragette mother. Her childhood was a fairly normal one for her time, enrolling in a girls college when she was 12 and while it teached her how to sing and dance, she often got into troubles for her rebellious attitude which worried her parents to no end. The last straw was at age 16, when she was caught smoking and drinking with older men in a seedy saloon while she was supposed to attend french class. She got kicked out of the college and had a big falling out with her parents, resulting in her running away from home and being disowned from her family. Even after a century she's still bitter about it. But thankfully her dancing and singing skills landed her a job as a cabaret entertainer in a speakeasy, giving her the chance to have all the fun and alcohol she wanted, but also drawing the attention of some unsavoury characters.

It was 1930, She was relaxing with a nice glass of wiskey after a successful dance routine when she was approached by a nice looking gentleman, he looked rather suave and she was almost immediatly charmed by him, despite something told her that the fella wasn't alright. But the booze was already kicking in, numbing her better judgment and she followed him to have "The greatest fun in the world" as the gentleman put it. She died that day, but yet she could still draw breath and think, she wasn't in heaven or hell but she wasn't truly alive either. The gentleman turned her into a vampire, offering her to be his adopted child and protegee in the ways of the vampires, or else. She then began her training, learning how to hone her supernatural strenght and speed, how to turn into a bat and how to recognize the right prey and how to catch them.

Years passed and a world war came and went, her training was over and although she still had a lot to learn she now could be considered a peer by her teacher and master. They both decided to go hunting togheter to celebrate her newfound independence, but that day would make her life turn upside down again. They stumbled in the "hunting grounds" of a very territorial vampire and a fight soon ensued. Her beloved teacher died but the other vampire was badly injured, swearing to find her and kill her for disfiguring his face. She had to lay low for almost 30 years, moving from city to another usually after a couple of weeks until she made the misake of joining a trashy glam rock band as a singer. She did that mostly because she was amazed by the sparkly fashion and the chance of being a diva again. But that made her easier to track down and in 1987 she had to murder someone of her same kin, an event that scarred her deeply and made her run away from her friends in guilty.

After 30 years of wandering aimlessly across the country she finally found a home in Moonlight Springs, a quaint little town with a secret and a nightclub that needed a entertainer for "The greatest fun in the world".​

  • Enhanced speed and strenght, compared to a human at least.
  • Good seductress.
  • Skilled singer and dancer
  • Can transform into a bat
  • Great lier.
  • Being relatively young, her heightened strenght isn't on par with older, more ancient vampires and a werewolf can easily overpower her.
  • All the usual vampiric weaknesses apply to her.
  • Can be very naive and impulsive, expecially when trusting people.
  • Her fashion sense is still stuck in the 80's, making her look odd at best.
  • Can be a bit of a prima donna, always trying to be at the center of attention.

Interests and Other Information

  • Rock music
  • Hemingway's novels
  • Fancy cocktails
  • 80's Fashion
  • Smoking
  • Charlie Chaplin and Orson Welles's movies

  • Metal music
  • Beer, expecially cheap ones
  • People being jerks to her.
  • Party poopers and people who just can't have fun ever.

  • Attended the premiere of Citizen Kane where she met Orson Welles. She dearly treasure his signed photograph to this day.
  • Claim she slept with Iggy Pop, but there is no proof about it.
  • She quit smoking in 1949 only to pick up her habit back in 1982.
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Name Midnight Potter


Age: 22

Height: 5’0"

Weight: 112lbs

Race: Witch


Personality: Midnight is the kind who waits and listens, she is patient and calm in most circumstances, she has a temper though, one of those silent but deadly ones, the best way to anger her is for everything to go wrong though it has to keep going all day.

Bio: She was always gifted, ever since she was born magic came easy to her but she had a hard time keeping under control, it would react to her emotions, causing accidents in science classes, home ec and the chop shop had a lot of accidents, everyone knew who she was and that wasnt good, when the bullying started she tried everything to keep things under control, she did yoga daily, she did hard exercise, ran herself to exhaustion, anything to gain peace and control until tragedy struck, the other students were bullying her as usual, the sky was clear and she had been secretly reading about magic, hoping to find something, anything to help but she was caught, her nemisis grabbed the book she borrowed and ripped it up right infront of her, causing fury. She saw red, then everything went black, her body having enough of it and causing her to blank out, and she lit the kid on fire, the bully lived with minor to one third degree burns, had to be rushed to the hospital and Midnight was sent to Juvie for a few years, when she turned 18 she was about to be arrested for assault but the bully came foreward and explained everything so they let her go and she moved to *insert town name here* to live with her uncle who was a Wizard and he found out about her talents and helped her learn, at the age of 20 he sent her to the local coven so she could learn more and offer her services where she learned everything related to creating things with fire based magic, how to cook, brew drinks, how to enchant and to become the witch she is today and she has resolved to never get that angry and cause harm again.

Magic: her magic is fire based with enchanting properties and she is what she calls a home ec witch, having studied the different things needed to run an inn and a house full of witches, she makes a mean potion.

Inventory: in her infinite bag of holding she carries around bottles of potion, ointments, cremes, a small satchel of dried meats and fruit incase she is hungry, her phone and a tablet for quick supplies checks, another bag with old bread scraps and fruit for the local fauna, and books, she has every book she owns in there.

Skills: good at making things, decent with electronics and a good poker face
Likes: she doesnt really have any dislikes, she is pretty chill but her favourite things are music, food, fruit, feng shui, she keeps a few bonsai trees, and she loves playing puzzle games
Dislikes: bananas, pineapple anger rap and pop music

Strengths: can be calm in almost any situation

Weaknesses:the situations she cant remain calm in: signs of abuse, violence from others to others, book abuse

Name: Jasmine Delacroix

Age: 17

Height: 5 foot nothing

Weight: 100 pounds even

Race: Infernal Witch

Personality: Well, it depends. If she's out in public, she's quiet, gloomy- a typical goth girl. Obviously, not many like associating with her in this state, and she returns the favor in kind. If she's just hanging out with the coven, then she's more outgoing and friendly. This is the closest to the "true" Jasmine. And if she's performing a ritual, then she has a tendency to go overboard on the theater.

Bio: The Delacroix family is a very old coven, based out of a tiny town in Louisiana. Jasmine was doing magic at a young age, and found she had a talent for necromancy. While her classmates were worried about English tests, she was reanimating the zombies of local wildlife. Several months ago, the family got word that witch hunters were sniffing around, and sent Jasmine away to Leslie's protection for her own safety. She liked it so much she's decided to stay.

Racial Abilities

Magic: Jasmine can speak to departed souls as long as they're willing to talk, and can reanimate plats and animals. She's starting to learn how to reanimate humans, but it's a tricky business

Likes: Warm summer sun, hanging out with the coven, learning magic

Dislikes: Inquisitive humans, loud music.

Strengths: Very artistic, persuasive, good at precision magic

Weaknesses: Not very strong in terms of raw magic, not comfortable in public.

Belongings: A ritual knife, a black robe, a black cat named Lucky.

Name: Melody Williams

Nickname: Mel

Age: 17

Height: 5'10

Weight: 170 lbs.

Race: Infernal Witch

Personality: Mel can best be described as "loud". Everything she does is flamboyant and showy, and this can get on people's nerves a little bit. She's also very ambitious, and wants to head the coven one day, but she at least realizes that she's nowhere near that level of power yet.

Bio: Melody's lived in town all her life, but most of the time, she was ordinary. Creepy, but ordinary. One day at school, she caught a witch using telekinesis to pick up a pencil, and managed to get her alone. The witch fessed up, and Melody was inducted into the coven to keep the secret. She soon found her calling as a summoner, and keeps a large record of beings she can call up at a moment's notice.

Magic: Demon Summoning. Melody's voice reaches into the depths of Hell, and she can bring forth demons of low power and bind them to her will with ease. Stronger demons cannot be bound, and must be enticed with promises of payment. This could be an offering of her blood, a magical item, or even a sliver of her soul. Melody can also conjure black flames of Hellfire if she needs to defend herself.

Likes: Magic, running, attention

Dislikes: Quiet, pushy people

Strengths: Brilliant mind

Weaknesses: Physically frail
Name: Garris Pensive

Age: 19

Height: 5'8

Weight: 159


Appearance, Persona, and Background


Wolf Form:

Petty. Vengeful. Careful in giving his trust. Doesn't care about monetary wealth or social power. More invested in training his known strengths. Once rooted in a spot or territory does not like to move unless there is no other way.
Eats nuts when nervous.



Garris wound up in Moonlight Springs while taking part in a long hunt. His prey broke past the bounds of the reserves there and headed inward with him giving close chase. The warning signs and mention of park forces caused him to be weary but a part of him refused to give up at this late juncture. Gathering his nerve he went after the deer and got to finally reached the heart of the reserve when a familiar scent assaulted his nostrils.


Race Lore: N/A

Abilities & Inventory

(WHEN HUMAN) Enhanced smell, hearing, and healing; knife proficiency; quick reflexes.
(WHEN WOLF) Can run 40 miles per hour, bite is 1000 pounds of pressure (about ten times that of a human), night vision, communication with animal, animal instinct, toughened hide, camouflaged in the night.

Military fatigues and simply clothing. A few hunting knives of varying sizes. Leather sheaths and items to use for pockets made from the hide of his game.
This pant pockets are stuffed with small dry rations that he tends to munch on. A worn out pair of shoes with slits present due to cases of partial transformation.

Interests and Other Information

Likes: Coffee, cold mornings, quiet evenings, reading, hunting.
Dislikes: Groups, half-truths, guns, silver jewelry.
Strengths: Competent when solely focused on a task, dark fur makes it harder to discern.
Weaknesses: Rash, unable to think rationally when heated up, Silver.
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Basic Information(WIP)

Name: Mirisana Ellisar

Age: 21 (actual age: 1002)

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 120 lbs

Race: Vampire

Appearance, Persona, and Background


Personality: Shes very calm minded, kind hearted, and very charismatic. She can be come off as a quiet loner to the people who meet her, but once she gets more comfortable with you she will become a bit more outgoing around you. She's very loyal to her friends and the few family that she has. However, because of that she can be a bit overprotective to them as well.

Bio: After being exiled from her former tribe, Mirisana took refuge at the old healers cabin. The healer of the deep forest was an odd individual. She had many rumors about her such as; How she was just an old hag from older times, That she would take your blood and use it for her own dark magics, and the most famous of all, on how she was a creature of the night. Mirisana didn't care, since she was filled with rage and hatred since being exiled. The Healer of the deep forest took Mirisana under her wing as an apprentice. She learned her art in healing for the course of many years. After Mirisanas 21st birthday the Healer, and her new mother figure decided that he was ready to know her secrets. After hearing such secrets she learned that yes many of the rumors were true, especially the one about her being a creature of the night. The healer then gave her the proposition of passing on the gift. At first she was hesitant, but gladly accepted. Now to the present day she left the forest behind, and is now ready to find a new place to hopefully use her skills for a new family.

Race Lore: N/A

Abilities & Inventory
Racial Attributes: Aside from her enhancements, which vampire get she also has the ability to heal others. Whether it be with herbs and tonics, or Magics that she learned from her master and mother.

Inventory: She's not one to carry much on her. However, she does carry around a symbol of the Goddess Hel as a reminder of the one who took her in.

Skills: Aside from her vampire enhancements she is also able to cast healing magics, and by the cost of her own life source is able to cast some dark magics as well.

Interests and Other Information

Likes: Blood, Friends and Family, dark forests
Dislikes: Close minded people, Necromancy
Strengths: Her ability to heal others and herself, Her charisma, her loyalty
Weaknesses: Very vulnerable, Her loyalty
Other: She's not one for very covered clothes, she's more used to clothing which let her move freely. She also likes the color pink.


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Name: Felix Duchene

Age: 45

Height: 5'10

Weight: 186 lbs.

Race: White; background of Quebecois and English

Appearance, Persona, and Background

Appearance: Now I will avoid the usage of a picture so as to convey his description through words. Felix is rather well-shaven. His hair, mostly think near the center of his head, has a natural widow's peak with a black color. He wears round glasses, a style that he favors. He's of medium build, not ideally physically fit but he does exercise often. For clothing, he usually prefers borderline formal attire. dress pants and a collared shirt are usually a must for him. That is, if he is not doing something athletic.

Personality: Felix can be described as a bit more outgoing. He has a penchant for talking with others, and is by no means shy. He is also one to try to get his way. This results in, when he doesn't, getting rather furious with himself. Back in the day, when he was younger, he was rather hotheaded, argumentative, and resentful. He's cooled off a bit since then, but he still can be aggressive when he feels like he is in a stressful situation.

Bio: Felix was born in a rural town known as Wheeling, West Virginia. Felix was raised in an unstable household, his mother having passed when he was young due to a chronic lung defect. He graduated middle of his class, but got a full ride to Bowling Green on a basketball scholarship. However, he never became much of a star and graduated in 4 years with a simple degree in Finance. His life, however, changed when he moved home and got his own place to live. But home wasn't the same. His father had taken his son's departure heavily, and was not the same man Felix once knew. Even more concerning, he found that one of his childhood friends had died in the forest, mauled to death by what coroners said was a rabid wolf. But it made no sense to him, since he doubted it to be true. Then, one night, he was contacted with a letter explaining to him that there was more to his friend's death. This was his first introduction into being a Hawk.

He managed to find out more about this small organization, and after thinking about it personally, decided to relocate to the place his friend was found dead, a small town called Moonlight Springs. In his brief stay, he made friends with a few of the locals there, some of which knew some things he didn't. It was then that he was taken under the wing of a member and trained. He started to track monsters at the age of 24, and learned a lot throughout the way. He always made sure to write home to his father, to let them know how he was doing. At the age of 35, his father passed away due to pancreatic cancer, a grief that took a huge toll on him. He had a pendant made, out of silver.

After years of experience, at the age of 44, Felix has become nearing the end of his career of hunting and killing enemies of the Hawks. He has had a specific vendetta against werewolves, more than any other of the creatures he despises. He, alas, feels that he has begun his decline from his former ability.

Abilities & Inventory

Inventory: 3 dozen Silver bullets, hand-made; a gun; a silver-encrusted knife; A change of clothes; A personal pendant with his father on it.

Skills: Felix has several years of experience in the field of combat. More specifically, he knows how to fire a gun, how to punch, and how to not get your ass beaten. He is also known for being adequate at stealth tracking, though with his age and weight he is not perfect.
Interests and Other Information

Likes: Ritz™ crackers,

Dislikes: Werewolves (in particular from all other creatures), all other creatures as well, spiders, deep ocean waters, drowning

Strengths: Determination, stamina, sympathy for humans

Weaknesses: ability to remain calm, mixing of anger and rationality, can be acerbic to people if he feels that they did something to spite him

Basic Information

Name: Michael Hastings

Human Age: 16

Vampire Age: 5 (meaning he's technically 21 years old)

Height: 6'2/1.88 meters

Weight: 168 lbs/76 kilos

Race: Vampire

Appearance, Persona, and Background


Personality: Michael, being a very young vampire, retains most of his qualities from when he was a normal 16 year-old; he's very outgoing and happy-go-lucky, he's a little too curious for his own good, and he thoroughly enjoys spending time with friends and the people who have shown friendliness towards him. There is, however, an issue with loyalty and caring. Since he had to leave his parents as soon as he was turned, Michael has become very callous to the world and no longer truly cares about anyone, meaning that he's less likely to risk his life for people and would almost always choose to abandon people if he doesn't want to invest much into helping them in their time of need.

Bio: Michael was born in a small town in Florida, where he lived with his parents Anna and Frank Hastings. As a child he was always very chipper and everyone in town knew him, be it because he annoyed them or because they loved him. At the age of two he started preschool, where he met his best friends: Gaby, Johnathan, Alissa, and Oscar. For years they were the closest group of friends imaginable, they went to parties, got drunk, explored the Everglades, went on roadtrips, etc. They grew to love each other as siblings, so much so that their parents often mused that they practically lived with each other. They were completely inseparable, and even decided to join a martial arts academy when they were seven to train together thanks to Gaby's father suggesting the idea. When Michael turned 13, rumors and stories began circulating around the town of creatures that stalked in the night and took people away, only to be found as monsters several miles away. Noises started plaguing the nearby swamp at night, figures could be seen running through the darkness and everyone always felt like there were dozens of eyes planted on the town and its residents at all times.

The paranoia got so bad that no child or teenager was allowed out after 7:00 PM and they could no longer travel far away from the town without adult supervision. This meant that Michael and his friends could no longer do many things they did and couldn't hang out as much anymore thanks to school and other such obligations. One day, Oscar's uncle was found in the outskirts of town completely drained of his blood with two curious marks on his neck. After that, Oscar never left his house, he dropped out of school and refused to ever leave his home, eventually becoming alienated from Michael and the rest of the gang. On Michael's 15th birthday, Oscar arrived very late at night and only to deliver his present and wish Michael a happy birthday before scurrying off to his home. Ever since that day, Oscar was never seen, up until Michael's parents had to go to Arizona for a business conference along with Gaby's, Alissa's, and Johnathan's parents.

The four friends ended up living together at Alissa's house for about three months, even celebrating Michael's 16th birthday and Gaby's 17th birthday without their parents. This time, however, Oscar never showed up. This was odd, especially considering that nobody had seen him leave his home and his parent's car was still sitting in the driveway perfectly intact. The next day Michael and his friends decided that they needed to go check on Oscar. They waited until nightfall before heading out for Oscar's house. Once there, they knocked and yelled and pounded on the door but there was no answer from anyone. Johnathan decided to bust open the door with Michael. The boys backed up and, after a couple of failed attempts, crashed through the door, only to see Oscar sitting on his couch while curled up in he fetal position. Michael approached him, but Oscar stopped him, simply pointing towards the door to his parents' room, signaling for Michael to approach. He walked up to the door and tugged on it, but found it locked.

He called to Oscar's parents but, before he could react, a hand bust through the door and pulled him into the room, at which point he was met with Oscar's mom, pale and with nothing but pure bloodthirst in her eyes. Before Michael could pull away, Oscar's mom quickly bit down on his neck, after which point he passed out. Michael woke up in the hospital and looked up to see his parents and his friends crying, and a police officer in the corner. Once fully awake, the officer explained to Michael that Oscar's mom was sick with something and that Oscar confessed to sending Michael on purpose to feed his mom's sudden and terrifying bloodlust. He was also told that Oscar was perfectly normal but that his mother displayed no signs of life, he was also told that Oscar's father was found completely drained of blood under his bed along with many other unidentified corpses in the closet and pantry, and that Oscar was currently at the police station while his mom was held in a prison and under constant surveillance.

Over the next 24 hours, Michael noticed that he was much stronger and faster than usual and his reflexes and senses were much sharper. He also noticed that in his martial arts class, opponents he used to consider too fast or too strong were now pushovers and he could defeat them with ease, even accidentally injuring one of the teachers whilst sparring. It all finally culminated when, the next day he found himself seeing people and animals through walls and seeing colored shapes moving around in the swamp throughout the day. Then came the rage, the incredible rage that pushed him to want nothing more than to pin down the nearest person and just drain them of their blood. Everything came to a crashing halt when, while serving detention after school, the dean of Michael's high school cut himself and bled a little on the carpet. The scent hit Michael almost like a drug and he went into a frenzy, attacking the dean and feeding until there was no more blood in his body.

After about a minute of reflecting, Michael realized what he'd done and the weight of the situation hit him like a ton of bricks. He realized that Oscar's mom had infected him with whatever she had, and not only that, but he had just taken someone's life. He cried and cried until footsteps rang through the hallway outside the door. Michael quickly hid the body, locked the door, and jumped out of the window while making a B-line for his friend's home. As soon as he walked up to Gaby's door, he looked down and saw all the blood running down his mouth and onto his shirt. Michael was devastated; he understood the consequences of killing someone and he understood that he could never see his friends, or his parents, for that matter, again. He darted back home and climbed in through his bedroom window, taking his phone, a switchblade, a ziplock bag, headphones, and wrote a letter saying goodbye to everyone he'd ever loved. Before leaving, though, he realized that this would mean a search party would be sent out to find him, and, being only 16, he had little chance of outrunning law enforcement and rangers. Michael kept the note to himself and ran off as fast as his feet could carry him.

Later that day, once he was a good 50 miles away from the town, the clouds parted and the sun began to peer through. Michael, at first, smiled at this, thinking it to be a good sign. All his happiness faded away as he began to feel weak and drained of energy. He darted to a nearby mall, where he spent a good few hours crying to himself in the bathroom, processing everything that had just happened. Once it was night time he set out again, moving North, now seeing all that was both alive and dead near him as just colors that danced around in the night. If it weren't for his awful circumstances he would've thought it to be beautiful. For two years this went on, he moved from town to town and had many run-ins and feedings with humans along the way (sadly, killing some either by accident or because he was forced to). He then happened upon a small town in Kentucky called Moonlight Springs. Here he saw more moving dead things than there probably should be running around on Earth. He approached one of them and finally learned everything he needed to know; Michael was now a vampire, and he wasn't the only supernatural being in the world. The world was full of werewolves, vampires, and witches, it almost seemed like something out of a fairytale. It's now been three years since then, in that time Michael has continued to live in Moonlight Springs, training his martial arts, feeding off of some travelers that pass by the town as well as residents, and just enjoying life. Having seen the W.O.L.F program, he regained his chipper attitude and friendliness that he had lost years before and now feels comfortable enough to try to send the letter he wrote back then.

Race Lore: N/A

Abilities & Inventory
Racial Attributes: Aside from the regular enhanced physical attributes and sensory boosts that come with vampirism, Michael gained the ability to see living and dead/undead creatures around him, even through walls. It has a relatively short range but has proved useful thus far in Michael's short life as a vampire.

Inventory: An iPhone, a charger, a switchblade, headphones, an empty bag he occasionally fills with blood, and a small lettter that he hopes to deliver one day to his parents (since sending a text message would allow them to track him).

Skills: Michael is a relatively proficient fighter and is very adept at handling technology and knives (due to practice with his switchblade over the course of his little "adventure"), and all of the vampire abilities as well as his vampiric perception power.

Interests and Other Information

Music: Michael has a lot on his mind constantly, and therefore loves to just put on his headphones and blast music as loud as possible to help him either forget about life or concentrate more on his thoughts.
Walking: Walking alone or with a friend allows Michael to think about life more deeply and brings him lots of internal peace.
Feeding: To many people it's beyond obvious that a vampire would love to feed, but the thing about Michael is that, being a relatively young vampire, the taste of blood is still akin to a drug for him, causing extreme bloodlust when hungry.
Fighting: As crazy as it might sound, Michael loves fighting (non-lethal) and has always enjoyed the adrenaline of it (hence why he decided to take up Muay Thai and Jiu Jitsu classes early on in his life).


Killing humans: While Michael has killed people before, it should be worth pointing out that he hates killing people, as is natural in such a young vampire who hasn't yet grown accustomed to this life of his. He does, however, understand that in the grand scheme of things the ends justify the means.
Insects: Insects have always annoyed Michael and some have even scared him, especially (even though they're technically not insects) arachnids.


Fighting Abilities: Michael has extensive training in combat sports and can handle himself very well in a fight, especially now that he has all these vampiric abilities.
Bloodlust: Being a young vampire, Michael's bloodlust is stronger than that of most vampires, making him more aggressive.
Aggressive Mentality: Michael has the mentality of a fighter and will usually press forward when most would expect him to back off.
Vampiric Perception: Michael's unique ability allows him to see living (red) and dead (blue) creatures even through walls, which allows him to see if there's enemies nearby or a dead body that may still have blood to feast on.


Bloodlust: While Michael's bloodlust as a new vampire gives him increased aggressiveness, it makes him reckless and allows him to become exposed to unfavorable situations.
Pacifist: Michael's unwillingess to kill people (most of the time) has put him in bad situations that could've been avoided had he just killed his opponent/victim.
Curiosity: Michael's curiosity has a tendency to pull him into bad places, often getting him in trouble.
Inexperience: Being a young vampire, Michael isn't adept at using his vampiric abilities and can sometimes forget how to control himself.
Too laid-back: Michael's lack of proper parenting towards the end of his teen years and some of the difficult decisions he's made have led him to not care too much about things he should care about, making him a little too laid-back.

Michael is very curious around some of the vampires that have lived for centuries due to him not being able to imagine living in times so far back in the past.
Basic Information

Name: Lukas Schmidt

Human Age: 28

Height: 5'8/1.72 meters

Weight: 154 lbs/70 kilos

Race: Human of Austrian descent born in the United States.

Appearance, Persona, and Background


Personality: Lukas is a very calm-looking fellow who is very direct and to the point. He's not very in touch with his emotional side, but that doesn't mean he outright rejects other people. He acts cool when on the job seemingly because of his dedication to his work and hatred of errors. Once outside of the job, however, he's friendly and enjoys company, even though he may not speak much to show it.

Bio: Lukas was born in Eastern Pennsylvania, where he lived for many years with his parents: Miesha Schmidt and Travis Schmidt. His early years were probably the best years of his life, seeing as he made lots of friends, got good grades, and even managed to win a national competition in junior wrestling at the time. Ever since he was young, Lukas loved watching movies from guys like Jean-Claude Van Damme and Steven Seagal. This love of action/martial arts movies prompted Lukas to join a kickboxing academy and take up wrestling in school. Lukas would always try and fight guys that were larger than him and would often get dominated when he tried to move up and fight teenagers and adults.

Eventually, though, Lukas finally caught up and was able to move out of his age group and fight older, and much stronger people during training. Everything changed, however, when rumors of demons and beasts started circulating after many people died in mysterious ways around the outskirts of the city. Lukas' parents didn't want to risk their boy so they decided to move to D.C in hopes that the area there would be clear of any such dangers and that Lukas would be able to grow up and have a normal and long life. Sadly for them, though, their hopes for a normal life for Lukas were never meant to be. Lukas had outgrown his martial arts and wrestling training so he decided to move onto something with a bit more of a "bang".

Lukas ended up taking up marksmanship and gun handling classes with a friend of Miesha, Brock, who was ex-military and happened to be teaching in the area. Over time, Lukas made amazing progress and, on his 21st birthday, Travis gave Lukas his very own golden Colt 1911 pistol. This was easily the best present Lukas had ever gotten and he was extremely thankful to his father for it. Lukas continued training Brock until he turned 23, where Travis and Brock got Lukas a Colt 1873 Single Action Army due to Lukas' expressed love for revolvers in recent months. This was when Brock pulled Lukas aside to speak in private with him about a matter of "utmost importance". Brock then pulled out two large bags filled to the brim with silver bullets and gave them to Lukas along with a sealed envelope before saying goodbye for the night.

Lukas was very confused by this, but with the party going on downstairs he had to return without reading the note inside the envelope. Over the next two days, Lukas noticed that Brock was nowhere to be seen and even Miesha couldn't contact him. Frustration began building within Lukas until he looked in his dresser and saw the envelope he had forgotten about. The envelope had an odd symbol on it and didn't say much, other than instructions to take his guns and the silver bullets and make his way to an abandoned factory in the outskirts of D.C. The most important instruction of all was that absolutely nobody could come with him. Lukas collected his weapons, ammo, and said goodbye to his parents as he'd do on any normal day, and headed out.

Upon arriving, Lukas was met with Brock at the door, along with many of the guys he'd been training with the previous few years. They all looked awfully bleak and wore clothing different to their usual attire; they wore much darker clothing and some even had pieces of metallic armor strapped to areas like the elbows and chest. Brock took Lukas inside and explained to him that all of the circulating rumors of monsters in the night weren't just rumors and that vampires, werewolves, and witches did exist in the real world. Not only that, but they were responsible for most of the missing people and corpses being found under strange circumstances. Finally, Brock revealed what he had summoned Lukas for: he wanted to start a group of hunters that dedicated themselves to hunting all sorts of creatures of the night that may pose a threat to humanity.

At first, Lukas was taken aback by this, and had no idea how to respond or what to do. Brock understood this, and decided to continue explaining his mission and finally, ended by tugging at Lukas' heart strings; Brock decided to bring up a hypothetical situation where Lukas' parents or future family is drained by a vampire or killed and brought back to do a witch's bidding on Earth. This pushed Lukas to finally agree to join up with Brock and his new band of hunters. Over the course of the next two years, Brock taught Lukas and the rest of the men how to fight creatures, both hand-to-hand and via gunfire, and also taught them history and strengths/weakesses of said creatures. Once Lukas turne 25, it was finally time for Lukas and the rest of the hunters to go out and actually fight creatures.

To say that Lukas' first mission was a total disaster would be a complete undrstatement; by the end of the mission, Brock had lost his arm, half the team was dead or dying, and in the end only three out of the eight vampires died. Lukas returned to the factory, where he only found Brock and two of the survivors, which meant that the rest had either deserted or died on their way back. The two survivors expressed no interest in continuing and simply picked up their guns and left. Only Brock and Lukas decided to continue, Brock got himself a mechanical arm and continued training and hunting with Lukas. Now that Lukas had seen the ruthlessness and heartlessness of these creatures, he would not underestimate them again and he vowed to kill as many as he could find. Sadly, however, after turning 28, Lukas returned to the factory from a sucessful mission clearing out a small hideout with two werewolves inside only to find it quiet. After much searching he found Brock slumped over on his desk and not breathing. As soon as he approached, Lukas found what was wrong when Brock launched himself at Lukas with sharp fangs and bloodthirsty eyes; Brock had been turned into a vampire.

Lukas managed to kill Brock but then began to think of his parents and the friends he'd made in D.C and didn't expect it to be long before the same fate came to them. With a heavy heart and vengeance in his mind, Lukas picked up his weapons and as much ammo, food, and money as he could fit into his bags and took off. Throughout his trip, Lukas fought many creatures and encountered many hunters like himself, but was also met with gruesome situations like a child torn open and displayed in front of his school, or a nurse being turned and killing all of her patients before finally being put down. The one thing that kept Lukas happy was the fact that he still wrote back and forth with his parents to let them know that he was okay. He had to use various different security methods, such as using letters only and sealing the envelopes with silver to prevent any creature from getting their filthy hands on his parents' location. It is now that Lukas has arrived in a small town in Kentucky by the name of Moonlight Springs, and has decided to settle down for a while. Unbeknownst to Lukas, however, this "while" might prove to be longer than he'd anticipated.

Race Lore: N/A

Abilities & Inventory
Racial Attributes: N/A

Inventory: Cross acquired at the Vatican, golden Cold model 1911, silver bullets (for both gun models he owns), steel Colt 1873 Single Action Army (Peacemaker), book of accounts and information on supernatural creatures.

Skills: Kickboxing abilities and college wrestling experience make Lukas a formidable opponent in hand-to-hand combat, he has amazing marksmanship and handling with pistols and revolvers, and is excellent at going undercover (covert ops).

Interests and Other Information

Having Company: Lukas enjoys spending time with people because it makes him feel happy, not too many people though.
Drinking: Lukas finds comfort and escape in drinking, which often leads him to drinking heavily whent the opportunity arises.
Hunting Creatures: Lukas very much enjoys his work and likes the rush he feels from hunting down vapires, werewolves, and the such.
Loyalty: Lukas appreciates people who won't betray him, and who won't get in his way.


Creatures of the Night: Lukas hates creatures like vampires and werewolves, hence why he chooses to hunt them.
Loud Places: While he does enjoy company, Lukas is not fond of large crowds and all the noise they make since it makes him uncomfortable.
Making Mistakes: Lukas is something of a perfectionist, and as such, hates making mistakes (he might also have a bit too much OCD).
Having Teammates: Lukas doesn't work well with people (doesn't mean he doesn't get along with them) and prefers to work alone.


Fighting: Lukas is very proficient at fighting and is able to exert dominance thanks to his skills.
Calm: Lukas is able to keep calm in almost any situation, meaning that he usually makes rational decisions.
Intellect/Knowledge: Lukas is good at planning attacks and is equipped with knowledge on his enemies.
Acting: Lukas is able to put on a good act to go undercover if he needs to.
Gun-Handling: Lukas is very proficient with guns, pistols and revolvers especially.


Size: Due to his height, hiding isn't always the easiest option for Lukas, and due to his body constitution, he isn't as capable when it comes to strength as someone who is larger.
Inexperience: Lukas has only been hunting for about five years, meaning that there's still situations he hasn't seen first hand and enemies he hasn't faced.
Lack of Human Perception: Lukas' lack of emotional connections make him very unaware to how people are feeling, meaning he can put himself in an awkward situation or aggravating someone without being able to tell why or how he did that.
Lack of Skill: Lukas is mainly proficient in fighting, acting, strategizing, and gun-weilding, however, he does not know how to handle a knife, or sneak, or much parkour. This lack of diversity has allowed some opponents to either escape or get the better of Lukas.
Solo: Lukas isn't much of a team player and doesn't really understand how to properly coordinate a team or manage teammates.

Lukas is relatively heartless and is very willing to kill people if he deems it necessary to eliminate a supernatural target.
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Basic Information

Name: Alexis (Formerly Alala Cotting)

Age: 13 (Actually 25)

Height: 5'0

Weight: 130 lbs

Race: Vampire

Appearance, Persona, and Background


Personality: Alexis can be rather confusing in her way of doing things. She tends to ramble on about nothing just to talk. Her favorite things to discuss are the merits of mangoes, pickles, and of course deer. She never talks about humans though, deciding they don't make good topics for her or anyone around her. Other than her odd talking habits, Alexis is usually very very hyper. She might take a long pause between phrases, but during those phrases she's very quick and rapid fire. It makes it hard to understand what she's saying most of the time but the emotion is certainly there.

Bio: Alexis was born as Alala. She was born to someone who basically hated everything, including her. Sort of. While Alala wasn't harmed physically, her mother had some very strange habits about her. Think mood flips constantly with shifting opinions on her only child. Sometimes Carla loved Alala, praising her for what Carla saw as a bloodthirsty beast. Other times she'd scream at the girl for not living up to any of Carla's dreams. See, her mother wanted her to be supernatural. She wanted her to be a werewolf or vampire or even a witch. She wanted her daughter to be special and to make her special.

So that was a bit freaky for Alala, who was named after a battle cry. She was placed in areas where her mother tried to bribe anyone to make her daughter different. Carla despised her daughter being human, mostly because she herself wanted Alala to make her not human. It got bad when Carla spent the whole family fortune to make them vampires. Alala was turned at age 15, but her mother was instead sucked dry. Again, very dark as the man took Alala hostage. She tries to block out his memory.

For the first several months she had intense cravings for typical vampire things. Blood. She even attacked two people and nearly killed them for food. It isn't good memories. After about five months of hunting rabbits and regretting not leaving her mother before this happened.

After eleven years of being held against her will, Alala ran for the hills. She hid for about three weeks in a tree in panic before seeing a group of people. They were eating some vegetable with protein! Called beans! Alala came down and asked to try some. That was love. It wasn't blood! It was safe for everyone! And it had healthy qualities! Alala changed her name to Alexis to reflect what she'd always wanted to be. Now she could be happy and not murder cute little animals while not going hungry!

Race Lore: N/A

Abilities & Inventory
Racial Attributes: Alexis has rather enhanced vision at night, so she does better at night. She also has the usual enhanced strength and durability.

Magic: The ability to infect another with her curse when she wants to, or to simply drink their blood.

-A jar of pickles
-A gold bracelet from her childhood friend

-She can actually sing very well
-Is fairly fast
-Can sew pretty well

Interests and Other Information

-Watching Deer
-Warm places

-People taller than her
-Male Vampires

-She's very fast on her feet
-Good at hiding
-Able to act as human

-Not very strong
-Severe PTSD
-Terrible with conversations
-Afraid of lots of things

She will avoid any males taller than herself, but any male vampires will be met with a cloud of dust as she runs away. Or she'll just stand there and make strange squeaking noises.
(That got dark quickly... Oops XD)
EDIT: She is very nervous
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Basic Information:
Name: McCartney "Mac" Scarsworth
Age: 133
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 115 lbs
Race: Werewolf

Appearance, Persona, and Background:


Personality: McCartney isn't really the most happy-go-lucky person in the world. Mac is rash and straight-forward, not really sugar-coating anything. But she's also dependable and loyal, willing to help a friend no matter what they need or when they need it, which sometimes comes back to bite her in the ass. McCartney doesn't have much of a filter, but that kinda makes her charming in a way. She's not really any good at sappy emotions, and will probably leave the room if someone is crying. McCartney doesn't really do well with love. Mac is kinda awkward if someone expresses romantic interest in her, often blushing and stuttering before finding a way to exit the conversation. She honestly has no idea how to respond to compliments either. Most of the time, if Mac receives a compliment, she will downgrade it and descend into a rant of self-loathing. Underneath that strong and rash exterior, McCartney is self-conscious and not at all confident in her abilities. But you have to really get to know her to see that side of her. McCartney is absolutely brace, spontaneous, and off-the-wall. She will try anything once, and maybe more times if she has fun. She doesn't talk about her past much, and becomes cold if someone asks.

Biography: McCartney Scarsworth was born to two purebred werewolves, making her a purebred as well. She was raised in a pack environment and hated every second of it. The pack was very strict and orthodox, based on hierarchy and power. McCartney was not one follow the rules. However, she worked her way into the eyes of the Alpha, and was said to be destined to be Beta someday. Her parents forced her to start learning the ways of the pack assassin so she could follow in her father's footsteps when he died. He was a merciless man who abused Mac violently on a daily basis. One day, her mother was accused of treason for sparing a lone wolf's life on a patrol. The wolf had mistakenly traveled into their territory and made a kill, thus committing a crime against the pack. Mac's father ordered Mac to execute her mother in front of the pack as the graduation from her training. However Mac refused. Her father immediately killed her mother in front of Mac. The young wolf went into an uncontrolled frenzy, kill her father. She fled from the pack and went into hiding, knowing that if the pack found her, she would be killed. Mac moved to Moonlight Springs, outside of her pack's territory, in hopes of hiding.

Abilities & Inventory:
Racial attributes: ability to transform into a wolf at her own control (aside from on the full moon when she is forced to shift from the moment it rises to when dawn comes), quick cell regeneration which means quick healing, as a human she has enhanced senses of sight, hearing, and smell

Inventory: A cell phone with charger, a dagger, headphones, her clothes and shoes, and a journal she writes in every day, her guitar and its case, flask of whiskey, pack of cigarettes and a lighter

Skills: fairly well trained in hand to hand combat due to her training from her father as the pack assassin, very stealthy and silent when she moves, moderate knowledge of weaponry, particularly a bow and arrows and handguns

Interests and Other Information

being a wolf, tattoos, beanies, whiskey, tea, playing her guitar and singing, adrenaline and high risk actions, stalking and hunting her prey (not humans)
Dislikes: being in any sort of vehicle, talking about her past, fire, her father and her old pack, broccoli, not being able to transform into her wolf whenever she feels like it
Strengths: Heightened senses, speed, agility, accelerated healing, charm, her survival instinct and ability to fight
Weaknesses: Wolfsbane, fire, short temper, New Moon, her past, her old pack
Other: McCartney can blend in with humans fairly well. She doesn't hunt them like her old pack did, and instead gets most of her wolf nutritional needs from hunting wildlife. She has bad habits of drinking and smoking, but it's the only thing that can calm her nightmares of her pack finding her.
Name - James Shrilden

Age -

Height -
5' 10"

Weight -
147 lbs

Race -

Appearance -
Teenage_Denzel_by_semokan.jpg 125344545.png

Personality -
James isn't the most likable guy. More times than not he is listening to music while reading a book or sitting out in the wildlife trying to get away from people. His response to compliments are a somewhat forced thank you, you too. If there is whining or crying he will do everything in his power to either stop it, or get away from it, whether it's leaving the room or plugging in his headset. When it comes to love, he is quite embarrassing. He can't talk to girls normally unless she was his friend or he just felt relateable to her. But, when it comes down to it, James will risk his life to save a loved one's. He is only afraid of what he doesn't know. Even in game shows he gets anxious right before they give the answers. James will be extremely critical to someone not doing something correctly, such as someone getting a game show answer wrong even though it was the most obvious thing.

Bio -
James was born in a normal town in a normal neighborhood. The only thing was...he was born to two purebred werewolves. Every full moon his parents would have to lock him in his bedroom to make sure he doesn't go out and get caught. This happened until James was 11 years old. By that time James knew of his "powers" and has learned to control himself. He continued through school getting picked on and bullied by the usual stereotypical bullies. He made some popular friends even. At age 14 he enrolled as a freshman at his local high school. Funnily enough their mascot was a wolf. However, he was at a late night party and had accidentally forgotten that it was a full moon night. James accidentally changed into a werewolf right in front of everyone. No need to say, but everyone was surprised and scared. Someone even called the police. The day after, James' parents decided to move to moonlight springs. They had family that lived there that recently passed away. Their only reason for not living in moonlight springs was that they wanted James to grow up alongside human children and live a human life. While on the trip to moonlight springs, their car was side winded by a semi-truck. James lived, but his parents died in the crash. James walked the last few miles to moonlight springs where he signed up for a job at the Wildlife and Recreation Center. He never told them about his life, and hopes that he can leave it all behind him.

Inventory -
James brought with him his favorite books, headphones, and phone and charger. One of the books was a spell book, of which he never reads due to his fear of what could happen if he did read the spells.

Skills -
James can climb trees quite well, and even has a knack for the Clarinet.

Likes -
Reading, Oldies music, sitting in trees, sitting alone.

Dislikes -
being in large noisy crowds, being near a crying/screaming child, the unknown, being asked about his parents, being locked in a room.

Strengths -
Loves the cold (can withstand close to freezing without being in werewolf form) and can run very fast for a very long amount of time.

Weaknesses -
Fear of the unknown (the dark, unknown spells, etc.) Fear of Heights (cliff kind of high, doesn't fear sitting in a tree branch)
Inability to work with others efficiently.

Other -
Reads like a speed demon (gets through a 300 page book within an hour). Blends in with humans due to living among them for almost his entire life.

Name: Adeline Leboeuf

Age: 19

Vampire Age: 4 Months old

Height: 5'2

Weight: 135 lbs

Race: Vampire


Personality: Sassy, Sarcastic, Humor is her first line of defense when things get too personal for her. She's normally one to keep to herself, perfering her sketchpad to the company of others. She prides herself on being reliable, no matter who you are if you ask for something, and you havent crossed her. She'll most likely get the job done for you. Prone to bouts of irrational descison that she rarely regrets unless someone points it out to her what she did wrong. If something catches her attention, Adeline will most likely bug said person or thing until her curiosity is cured.

Bio: Adeline Leboeuf wasn't really anything special when she was born. Raised in Baton Rouge, Lousiana. Adeline lived with her mother in a Coven where her Aunt was the High Priestess. Adeline like her mother wasn't gifted with any natural ability towards the craft. Spells if they worked at all, normally would take a week to go into effect. And when she was introduced to Runes, Adeline managed to confuse the Rune for luck with power. A month later Hurricane Katrina hit, and with that was the end of Adeline's Career in the craft. Years went by, and before long Adeline found out she had a knack for getting things done other witches in the coven refused to do. Soon enough she had came to be know as the Coven's unoffical errand girl. and for most part, she was great at what she did. Mainly because no one dared to ask. Well I mean one did, and let's just say the answer scared away anyone else from asking again. To Adeline, it felt like she had a purpose. No matter how twisted it was. She had respect, a tabby cat that seemed to take a liking to her, and an ego the size of the sun. In fact if you asked Adeline, her ego was the reason she ended up on the wrong side of a vampires wrath, and a all new thirst for blood. It's been four months since she's been turned. And since that night, Adeline has lost her home, her family, and has been placed on a ban from ever entering Baton Rouge again. She's miles away from anyone who cares, and has no idea how to even function as a vampire.

Race Lore: N\A

Abilities & Inventory

Racial Attributes: Adeline has all the enhanced traits of a vampire; enhanced speed, Strenght, agility, the basics. After a month though, Adeline found she was able to galmour humans. But only after she's been put under extreme emotions.

Inventory: A sketchpad, charcol, an old prepaid flip phone, and a tabby cat that seems to eat anything in front of her named Nola.

Skills: During her time as errand girl, Adeline learned how to talk her way out of almost everything as. She's also has an excellent sense of directions.


  • Drawing - Adeline is never one to be open with her emotions. She carries around a sketchpad with her in case she can't seem to detangle her thoughts.

  • Stargazing - There's just something about the night sky. The irony isn't lost on Adeline since she was turned. There are some nights where she will find herself stopping in the middle of whatever she's doing and just stares.

  • Pulling pranks - She's 19, and grew up doing things most kids wouldn't even think about. Of course she's gonna pull a prank if she can.


  • Nosey people - The past is the past. No need to dig it up.

  • Invasion of Personal Space - If Adeline can smell the type of perfume you're wearing let alone smell what brand it is. That might mean you're too close.

  • People touching her sketchpad - If the big red lettering reading "DO NOT TOUCH" doesn't stop you, then perhaps the wrath that awaits you if she finds out will.


  • Glamour (When it works)
  • Persuasive
  • Stubborness


  • Stubborness
  • Ego
  • The love she has for a certain fat cat.

Weird fact:

  • Adeline has a weird obsession with Jolly ranchers, and is known to always have a bag on her.
Name: Avigayil Amma

Age: 19

Race: Human

Height: 5 feet, 2 inches

Weight: 97 lbs


Personality and Bio: Avigayil is a very quiet, soft spoken girl. She lives on the outside of town, and isn't the best at social interaction. She has a love for animals though, and that's who she really opens up to. She cares for the animals of the forest, helping those who are hurt or sick. She never has felt like anything special, and whenever she's in town, she's usually passed by. She doesn't mind that. It's better to be in the shadows. The less people you know, the less of a chance you have of being hurt.

Avigayil was born to poor parents who left one day and never returned. She lived in the forest and the animals protected her, helped raise her. That's why she cares for them now. She's had a strong connection to animals. Her favorite animal friend is a Peregrine Falcon named Evnie.

Likes: Animals, Helping Others, Nature, Solitude, Peace, Trustworthy People

Dislikes: Hunters, Crowds, Danger, Being Hurt, Mistrust
Basic Information

Name: Jacinda Florette (Floor-et), prefers to be called Jacey.

Age: 14

Height: 5'1

Race: Vampire

Appearance, Persona, and Background

Appearance: Jacey has long dark ginger hair. She keeps the bangs back with a brooch and she prefers to keep it down, behind her shoulders. Her skin relatively pale, she's slender and small.

Personality: Jacey is a curious soul, and can be quite the charmer when she needs be. Jacey is a trickster at heart and loves a good dose of chaos. She'll do whatever she can to survive and is more than capable to look after herself. She is more than a silly prankster though, and cares for friends and family deeply, though she's not very good at showing this. That is, if she had any. She also has a short temper.

Bio: When Jacey was born, her parents were afraid she wouldn't make it. She was a weak little baby and was silent for a long time. However, she beat odds and and grew quickly into a loud and playful little girl, making up for her previous silence. SHe had a decent childhood with good parents, and would often explore whenever she could. One day when Jacey decided to play a prank on someone important, (though she didn't know this), it backfired horribly and ended up with her far from home and alone. After this, she put up a tough shell around herself so as to prevent anyone coming emotionally close to her.

Race Lore: N/A

Abilities & Inventory

Magic: Jacey can use mind control and can manipulate emotions. This is limited however, as in the target will have a faint sense of being and can throw her off if they have enough mental strength. She can't force emotions, but rather branch-offs of what the person is already feeling. Dislike can turn to hate, fear to anger, fondness to love, contentedness to joy, displeasure to disgust, etc.

Inventory: Jacey doesn't have much, but she has pickpocketed money, a pencil and notebook, and a knife.

Skills: Her words fit the situation. Need to make a tough deal? Sweet words can help convince. Need to win an argument? A tongue of fire and an ability to bend someone's words to her advantage.

Interests and Other Information

Likes: Pulling a good prank, good company, food, doing nothing is sometimes good.

Dislikes: Those 'rotten' people, blamed for something she didn't do.

Strengths: Her words and powers, adapting quickly to nearly any situation.

Weaknesses: Any close people she might have, her hate of losing, and short temper.

Other: Jacey is panromantic, but asexual.

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