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Fantasy Moonlight History [CLOSED]



Expect the unexpected, it expects you
Arthur sighed, when he came in from his night watch. He would run the whole territory, to make sure everything was okay, even if he could usually feel when something was out of place. He sat on the couch and looked out the window for a moment, normally the night was quiet and he would have been back hours ago. But he felt something off at dinner and when he checked in on Johnathan and Wade before laying with Kara to make sure she fall asleep, he had to know why. It was the normal routine for him and he was expecting something simple/ But what he found was not as simple as he had hoped. His night was spent tracking down a scent he was familiar with but hopeful not to know. But when the night started to show signs of it's end, he decided the scent was not in these territory anymore, so he should just get home before Kara worried.

Wade came down to see his father, he had woken up about an hour ago and came to see what was going on when he heard the door. For a moment, Arthur was unaware he was there, but as Wade got into the living room Arthur sighed, "You should be sleeping."

"I did. I went to sleep when you popped your head in and woke up about an hour ago." Wade reported before he sighed to seat with his father, "Have you? Been to sleep?"

"I just got back." he sighed, before turning to his son, "This is what an Alpha does. When something feels wrong we find out what it is and sometimes we don't sleep for days."

"But I could have helped you." Wade offered.

"You aren't ready yet." Arthur stated before looking out again, "You have a long way to go."

"Because you won't let me. I am a good fighter, you know that and so does the rest of the pack, you just won't let me do anything." Wade sighed, a little frustrated.

"There is more to being Alpha then fighting." Arthur told him and sighed, before he turned back to him, the light of morning coming in. "I allowed you to pick Johnathan as your Beta, I can not be any more lenient than that."

"What does that mean? You told me to pick someone strong and outspoken, so I did."

"I told you to pick someone that you could debate a choice with. You and your mother dolt on Johnathan too much for there to be anything close to a debate. You would yield to him and that is not what and Alpha does and that kind of control is not something a Beta should have. I was hoping for you to pick someone else, not your little brother."

'Well, I did and he is still the best choice to me." Wade growled as he stood up, "I am ready, you just won't give me that chance and you find the smallest things to be picky about."

Arthur looked up at his son, "Do you really thing you are ready?" he sighed, looking down for a moment, "Then I guess we should start the end of your training and see how ready you really are."

"Which is?" Wade asked.

Arthur looked at him, "This afternoon, we will see if you are ready to join the Elite."

Wade looked confused, "Why would I join the Elite, I would command them."

Arthur stood up and looked at Wade seriously, "You can't command a force you know nothing about and even more so, they won't respect someone that thinks that are their leader when they haven't earned the right. Get your brother up and ready, you both have a busy day today." he stated before he left the room, not allowing Wade to protest.

Wade growled as he moved to go to Johnathan's room to wake him. He hated when Arthur gave him orders but he followed them, because he was still just the son of the Alpha, and Arthur was Alpha. When he got in Johnathan's room he jumped on his bed, beside him and pushed him, "Hey, lazy pup, get up. Time to get started."

Arthur sighed as he got to his room and sat on the bed, before he laid down, knowing Kara was awake, he could feel her. But he stayed quiet and waited, she would know he had just got back and she would know that there was a reason he had no gotten to bed sooner.
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Jonathan groaned and moved to shove Wade off of him and his bed. "Why can't you wake me normally?" He asked as he moved to get up. He knew he couldn't disobey, no matter how much he wanted to stay asleep. "Where are we starting today?" He asks.

Kara looked to Arthur as he came to bed and silently moved to him, resting her head on his chest and wrapping her arm around him. "Sleep, and then tell me about it after." She says gently. Even if it was only for a short time she wanted him to get anlittle rest.
Wade sighed, "What fun would come of that?" He said as he stood up and stretched. "I don't know, father said we have lot to do and we are going to the cage today." He smirked, "I'm finally going to get a few hits in."

Arthur sighed wrapping his arms around her, he smirked, looking at her. He kissed her forehead, "I'll be done for breakfast and then I have to take the boys for a bit. But I'll tell you everything as soon as I am done." He assured her and sighed, "I'll be down in a bit."
Jonathan smirked and shook his head. "With father? I highly doubt it." He says, making sure he was out of Wade's direct reach as he said it. He looked to him with a grin.

Kara smiled and nodded, lightly kissing his lips before moving to go get food ready for her boys and to make sure they didn't tear down the house. "I love you." She says as she got up. Of course he knew that but she tried to say it out loud to him at least once every day.
Wade glared at him, grabbing a pillow and throwing it at Johnathan, "Keep it up, mother won't protect you if she doesn't see me kill you."

Arthur smiled at her, "I love you, Kara." He sighed before he got set to sleep for a fee minutes. He watched her peace the room before closing his eyes and falling asleep.
Jonathan laughed some. "No, but she'd kill you and then find a way to bring us both back to punish us." He teased.

"Boy! Breakfast in ten." Kara called out as she passed Jonathan's room where she could still hear them. "And there will be no killing in my house." She added sternly, though she was smiling to herself as she made her way to the kitchen.
Wade glared at him before whispering, "If it's an accident she'll never miss you." He stated before moving to leave, "Get dressed, Nat."
Jonathan rolled his eyes and then just as Wade was at the door threw a pillow at him in retaliation then quickly shut the door so Wade would be deterred from doing anything else.
Wade was going to turn back and attack but the door was closed. He sighed as he went to his room to go get dress. When he was done he was in the kitchen and rushed to kiss his mother's cheek. "Morning, mother. What can I do?" He said as he moved around her to be what she was making.
Kara grinned, happy to see him. "Goodmorning sweetheart." She says. She looked around. "I have bacon and sausage made, would you be a dear and go get the raw beef from the storage area? I figured you boys would like a big breakfast." She says.
Wade smirked, nodding, "Okay, mother. I'm going to need it. Today father is taking us to the cage and I'm going to show him all the new moves I learned." He grinned, kissing her cheek again, "I'll be right back." He assured her before he went off to do as she asked.
Kara smiled as she watched him go. She knew he so badly wanted to prove to Arthur that he was good enough and she truly hoped he was able to prove and learn something. She didn't always encourage the cage but she understood Arthur's motive to it.
It wasn't looking before Wade was back, he put the meat down on the counter and smiled, "Mother. You think I can but him right? I mean, I'm just as good as he was at my age, aren't I?"
Kara looked to him. She smiled softly and placed a hand on his cheek. "You are, but he's had many, many years of experience. Wade do not be discouraged when you fight him. You are powerful and incredible." She says, kissing his cheek.

"He's a pup." Jonathan chimed in as he sat at the table. Kara sighed.

"Not today Jon." She says gently.
Wade sighed but smiled at her words before glaring at Johnathan, "Says the pup. I was fighting before you could crawl." He growled slapping the back of Johnathan's head.

"Enough." Arthur ordered as he came into the room. "That's enough from you both, seat down and wait for breakfast in silence." He commanded and warned them both. Wade on his normal chair across from Johnathan and Arthur moved to Kara, kissing her temple, "thank you, my love." He whispered to her before he moved to take his seat.
Jonathan growled and was about to retaliate before his father stepped in. Jonathan sat back and crossed his arms, staring coldly at Wade, but he kept his mouth shut like he was supposed to.

Kara gave Arthur a loving smile and then turned back to the food. She was about done and in no time she was dishing all of the plates. She served Arthur first. A big platter with bacon, sausage, the raw beef, and pancakes. The boys were next with the same food, she had mastered setting their plates before them at the same time so they wouldn't think she was favoring either of them and then she sat at her own place. across from Arthur.
They waited for Kara, Arthur made sure they knew better then to eat before she had her food. But as soon as she was set in her chair with her plate they were eating. Arthur waited for Kara, as always and smiled, "It's amazing, as always dear."

Wade nodded, "Thanks mother, it really is good." He stated after Arthur then smirked at Johnathan because he beat him to complimenting their mother. Arthur always did but the boys copied him after a while and made it into a competition.
Jonathan stuck his tongue out at Wade and then looked to his mother. "It's delicious, as always." He says. Kara smirked and nodded.

"Thank you boys. You know I always love knowing you guys enjoy your food." She says, taking a bite of her own so Arthur would start eating too. "I trust you boys are going to listen to your father today?" She asks.

"Of course mother." Jonathan says, beating Wade to it this time, and casting him a smile.
Waste glared at him and Arthur sighed, as he ate. Arthur looked at Kara, "They won't be together long. Johnathan is going to the Beta house, Keith is going to show him history documentation and documents."
"Wait I thought we were both going to the cage?" Jonathan blurted, forgetting the stay silent part. He was not thrilled about being left behind.
Arthur raised his eyebrow, "Taking you both isn't necessary. This isn't a training, this is a test and you aren't ready to move on from learning the ground work. Being Beta takes more serious attitude then you have shown." He glanced to Wade, who was smirking, "Just like being Alpha is more then fighting." He told Wade. "You two many have trained since you were pups but you have yet to reach where you need to be at the moment. So no, Wade is coming to the cage with me. If you really want to join us, then I will allow it, if you can show me I won't regret it by finishing your training before night fall. Otherwise, you will go straight to training."
Jonathan hesitated and for a moment Kara hoped he would just go to his own training. But she saw how determined he looked and knew what he'd say.
"I can do it. I'll show you I can." He says. He just wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off his brother's face.
Arthur sighed, "Fine, but if you slack or play at all with Keith, I will lock you in paperwork so high it will be weeks before you see your room again. Understood?"
Jonathan fought not to smile. "No goofing around. I will be all work today." He promised.
He's thrilled. Kara said, hiding a smile.
Arthur raised his eyebrow at Johnathan, We will see how long it lasts, before we celebrate. he told her and nodded, "Okay, but don't forget that I will be watching you."

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