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Fantasy Monsters & Humans (Closed)

Telekinesis[/URL] is one of the basis of many superpowers that are based on "controlling/manipulating", and may evolve to the point that a Telekinetic can control anything at a subatomic level.

Basic level

  • Binding: To keep object/being from moving.
  • Levitation: To lift an object, e.g. raising a pitcher several inches into the air.
  • Psionic Speed: To augment the user's physical speed, e.g. outrunning a speeding vehicle.
  • Psionic Strength: To augment the user's physical strength, e.g. punching through a steel wall.
  • Telekinetic Bullet Projection: To project telekinetic energy or objects as bullets.
  • Telekinetic Choking: To strangle others.
  • Telekinetic Grip: To grasp an object firmly in place, e.g. keeping the tides from washing a friend away.
  • Telekinetic Maneuver: To alter an object's directional course, e.g. changing what number a dice lands on or deflect an opponent attack.
  • Telekinetic Pull/Push: To pull objects towards the user or to push objects away from the user, e.g. yanking a book off a shelf or sliding a cup across a table.

Advanced level

[*]Spatial Sense: To "see" one's surroundings using telekinesis, e.g. sensing a target from a distance.

[*]Telekinetic Aura: Possess powerful telekinetic extensions field from oneself.

[*]Telekinetic Blast: Emit telekinetic energy to make blast that destroys anything in the user's path.

[*]Telekinetic Combat: to use telekinesis in physical combat

[*]Telekinetic Compression: To crush an object, e.g. squeezing a chair into a ball.

[*]Telekinetic Constructs: To create objects, weapons and creatures out of telekinetic energy.

[*]Telekinetic Destruction: To make an object explode, e.g. blowing up a table.

[*]Telekinetic Flight: To use telekinesis to fly.

[*]Telekinetic Surgery: To conduct complex surgery through telekinetic means.

[*]Telekinetic Teleportation: Use telekinesis to teleport themselves or others.

[*]Telekinetically Enhanced Condition: To use telekinesis to enhance the user's condition.

[*]Unarmed Weapon Wielding: Use weapons without touching them.

[*]Wound Inducement: to use telekinesis to cause physical wounds on others.

[*]Homing Effect: To make any object automatically follow, home in and lock onto its target or targets until it hits them.(this won't be used often)

Notes: i removed

from the original advanced level listing because im not gonna use them.(i i think they are a bit much for avanced level stuff.) If you want to see the entire list of what the power can do and why a stayed at advanced Level here: Telekinesis

I see, maybe put time, mass and how much power you used into consideration.

Example: Rei can fly into the air for hours, but if you used an advance level power, then it might shorten the time.

Or something along those lines, okay?

JayJin said:
I see, maybe put time, mass and how much power you used into consideration.
Example: Rei can fly into the air for hours, but if you used an advance level power, then it might shorten the time.

Or something along those lines, okay?
i plan to. but with Rei's personality he/she won't show their 'real' feelings or exhaustion outright. and Rei doesn't use flight often(a last resort for escape) its why a made his weapon a deck of cards. they put just enough stress on him that he won't be left unable to fight.(plus when he's using his cards. Rei tends not to move his body much due to focusing on controlling the deck. But yes i see what you mean.
[QUOTE="Shiro kurogane]i plan to. but with Rei's personality he/she won't show their 'real' feelings or exhaustion outright. and Rei doesn't use flight often(a last resort for escape) its why a made his weapon a deck of cards. they put just enough stress on him that he won't be left unable to fight.(plus when he's using his cards. Rei tends not to move his body much due to focusing on controlling the deck. But yes i see what you mean.

I see, alright
Murlock Chief]he walks over and starts to read his Amanda rights while cuffing him he looks over to the other person in the room "you to I'm taking you both in" [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29595-unknownroleplayer/ said:
@UnknownRolePlayer[/URL] @JayJin
you know that everyone is still in the warehouse right? no one has left yet.
Maybe I'm wrong, but... That action seemed like a GodModding type of move... >~>

Controlling characters and whatnot.
(i gave you plenty of time to leave hell i wondered past you guys originally plus i walked into a room with 20 armed men knocked out you would call me for calling heavy assistance after that
Murlock Chief]hey is it fair if I get a magic weapon to combat you with?? [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36138-jayjin/ said:
To be honest, I don't know. You're causing a lot of chaos in the chat. I mean, maybe where you are, that type of stuff is okay, but where i'm from, you don't aim to kill when people are trying to run away from you. It doesn't make sense. I understand the 'resisting arrest and all that' but you can't go and blast people just because they're breaking in, and took about people that shoot at them. I already told you that there was evidence in the fingerprints and the security cameras around the place.

I don't know, i'm being biased at the moment because the stuff that you do remind me of those cops that arrest people for their skin color. It just pisses me off.

Don't aim to kill and you can have magical weapons.
(its not a racial thing plus lets add assault to the list because you did break in to a room and beat 20 men tell they where knocked out you know how bad that is for people that could shortan a persons life span by years and thank you for the magic gun
Murlock Chief]hey is it fair if I get a magic weapon to combat you with?? [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36138-jayjin/ said:
by the way, even if your trying to kill us. no logical cop would ignore when someone says there is evidence. Because even if you checked and turned up a lie, then you'd have something against the group. but right now all you got is a group of runners.
[QUOTE="Murlock Chief](its not a racial thing plus lets add assault to the list because you did break in to a room and beat 20 men tell they where knocked out you know how bad that is for people that could shortan a persons life span by years and thank you for the magic gun

except the evidence points to self defense. Rei was shot at, so her knocking the silvers out is letting them off easy.
[QUOTE="Murlock Chief](its not a racial thing plus lets add assault to the list because you did break in to a room and beat 20 men tell they where knocked out you know how bad that is for people that could shortan a persons life span by years and thank you for the magic gun

This is more work then it needs to be. Either find a better way for your character to not be so trigger-happy, or leave. Plain and simple.
what evidence the completely unharmed people or the guards who were knocked out after shooting they can date that but still It will look like she attacked first
ill be less trigger happy in the future ok but I if you take a swing or kill a person all bets are off that acceptable
Murlock Chief]what evidence the completely unharmed people or the guards who were knocked out after shooting they can date that but still It will look like she attacked first [/QUOTE] im srry but are you blind? [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36138-jayjin/ said:
@JayJin[/URL]'s oc clearly said the warehouse cameras and the fingerprints on the gun would prove them innocent. and even if she hadn't told you about the cameras, a cop would Still check them.
soo how is having an actual person chasing you not just the forum person making up characters for you to fight :) cause I'm enjoying it
Shiro kurogane]im srry but are you blind? [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/36138-jayjin/ said:
@JayJin[/URL]'s oc clearly said the warehouse cameras and the fingerprints on the gun would prove them innocent. and even if she hadn't told you about the cameras, a cop would Still check them.
o yea my character will check them and if you hadn't run you would be in the clear
[QUOTE="Murlock Chief]meh I'm probably leaving this turned into a moral debate pretty quick and I really don't like that so bye

Sorry, it's for the better anyways. Goodbye

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