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Dice Monsterhearts: Ruse Cruise

DreamingofRoses said:
I'm waiting to see what skins @Cirno and the Hesperus' choose so I can fill in the gaps.
Trust me Frixzy me girl, you will pay.
Hiyo. Since Ayl picked Ghoul, I'll take up female Mortal. Awkward teenage years are go.
Ayl said:
Sorry, Cirno, I just couldn't resist.
What's there to resist? Ghouls are cool~

[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]I like the usage of the word 'years' there. It implies non horrid things.

Haha. It continued into comfortably awkward adulthood for me. Let's see what happens on the Ruse Cruise though.

Characters would be tail end of Gen X, start of Clinton years? What was big in the media before 1994? Music? TV? How big in the public consciousness are things like the US invasion of Panama, the Gulf War? Saddam Hussein in Iraq? NASA's been doing Spacelab and successful trips to the Hubble. How big is word of the International Space Station being developed? Would our parents have had Carl Sagan on VHS?

We don't have Windows 95 yet. We're still on boxy tan-grey Macintoshs in the library? Netscape still rules and HTML's in its infancy? *reeling*
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No soup for you! just became a thing, Braveheart is in theaters, Timothy McVeigh blew up his rental truck in Oaklahoma City killing 168. The OJ Simpson trial is underway

Dolly the sheep was born, Starbucks releases the Frappacino. Alanis Morissette is topping charts and on the radio.

The Rawandan Genocide happens, IRA declares a cease fire with Ulster, Kurt Cobain kills himself, Spielberg gets his first directing Oscar for Schindlers List, Tom Hanks wins best actor for Forrest Gump, Tarintino releases Pulp Fiction, Dick Nixon dies and the first GMO tomato is approved for use by the FDA!
Since I do remember the high school years of 94, lemme dust off a few memories...

the 80s were so last decade and gone, the valley girl talk was still so in

words like dude were (and are) still used, as were rad, you would also call someone PHAT (pretty hot and tasty), knee high socks were definitely a thing... so were vests

we were starting the clinton years, and this cable thing was still in its infancy. If you had cable, that was way cool. A guy had to come out, put in a box and connect it and everything. You would watch Hey Dude, Saved by the Bell, 90210, and other teen drama flicks. If you were a girl you totally had a crush on Zach.

Also you were still a fan of NKOTB- even if other boy bands were coming out. You liked them all- if you were a girl.

Ann Geddes was becoming popular with the pictures of babies and flowers and those ann frank binders that gave her a seizure were still around. You still have fond memories of trapper keepers and if you had a necklace of candy- dude... sweet.

You knew how to fold a piece of paper into a square with a flap to pass notes, and you did this all the time.

You had at least one mix tape you made from the radio and if you really liked someone, you'd mix them a tap of different songs as well. You wanted the tape players that allowed you to dub... even better if you could actually record from them.

CDs were being introduced and you weren't entirely sure about them. The news talked about the difference between CDs and cassette tapes and there was speculation that it wouldn't take since discs could break so easily. You know the frustration of a tape when it got unwound. And you cursed anyone who returned a movie to Blockbuster without being kind and rewinding. Heck, chances are, you still had a record player with records.

When you were a kid, you had gel shoes. Now you'd say they were ugly as sin, but you had them when they were the height of coolness. And you still can't get your hair really high, good things big hair is so done. Too bad the grunge look is not exactly easy to do.

You wanted a diskman for christmas but you got a walkman. You still went to Borders and you browed the CD section. You had to debate whether or not you were going to buy the CD or a tape. You remember laser disks, although chances are you didn't have them. And you still have a preference on VHS over Betamax.

If you were really cool, you had a beeper, what is a cell phone again? They're no longer blocks but you can buy them at Sams' Club. But they're expensive and the phone plans were by the minute.

You had AOL and you paid that by the hour, you just hoped you could get a disk that had 1000 free hours! You'll get those disks through the 90s and into the 2000s. AOL has not yet died. You were on AOL chat and you had your own AOL log in, and it was probably something silly. You got cut off whenever the phone rang or someone needed to make a phone call. Your only social lifeline was your beeper and the house phone. And then your parents yelled at you for talking on the phone too long. You know the agony of having to wait until 6 to call long distance because that was cheaper.

Doc Martins were really cool and it wasn't just the emerging goth girls who wore them... everyone wore them. Birkenstocks made a slight come back and short hemlines were so in. There were no skinny jeans. OJ killed Nicole, and everyone knew it.

If this is the Silicone Valley, you're a 49er fan and you're about to see the last few years of their best football for at least another 10 years. You hate the Raiders with an absolute passion, though you do not yet hate the Cowboys... but you will.
[QUOTE="Mrs Hesperus]Since I do remember the high school years of 94, lemme dust off a few memories...
the 80s were so last decade and gone, the valley girl talk was still so in

words like dude were (and are) still used, as were rad, you would also call someone PHAT (pretty hot and tasty), knee high socks were definitely a thing... so were vests

we were starting the clinton years, and this cable thing was still in its infancy. If you had cable, that was way cool. A guy had to come out, put in a box and connect it and everything. You would watch Hey Dude, Saved by the Bell, 90210, and other teen drama flicks. If you were a girl you totally had a crush on Zach.

Also you were still a fan of NKOTB- even if other boy bands were coming out. You liked them all- if you were a girl.

Ann Geddes was becoming popular with the pictures of babies and flowers and those ann frank binders that gave her a seizure were still around. You still have fond memories of trapper keepers and if you had a necklace of candy- dude... sweet.

You knew how to fold a piece of paper into a square with a flap to pass notes, and you did this all the time.

You had at least one mix tape you made from the radio and if you really liked someone, you'd mix them a tap of different songs as well. You wanted the tape players that allowed you to dub... even better if you could actually record from them.

CDs were being introduced and you weren't entirely sure about them. The news talked about the difference between CDs and cassette tapes and there was speculation that it wouldn't take since discs could break so easily. You know the frustration of a tape when it got unwound. And you cursed anyone who returned a movie to Blockbuster without being kind and rewinding. Heck, chances are, you still had a record player with records.

When you were a kid, you had gel shoes. Now you'd say they were ugly as sin, but you had them when they were the height of coolness. And you still can't get your hair really high, good things big hair is so done. Too bad the grunge look is not exactly easy to do.

You wanted a diskman for christmas but you got a walkman. You still went to Borders and you browed the CD section. You had to debate whether or not you were going to buy the CD or a tape. You remember laser disks, although chances are you didn't have them. And you still have a preference on VHS over Betamax.

If you were really cool, you had a beeper, what is a cell phone again? They're no longer blocks but you can buy them at Sams' Club. But they're expensive and the phone plans were by the minute.

You had AOL and you paid that by the hour, you just hoped you could get a disk that had 1000 free hours! You'll get those disks through the 90s and into the 2000s. AOL has not yet died. You were on AOL chat and you had your own AOL log in, and it was probably something silly. You got cut off whenever the phone rang or someone needed to make a phone call. Your only social lifeline was your beeper and the house phone. And then your parents yelled at you for talking on the phone too long. You know the agony of having to wait until 6 to call long distance because that was cheaper.

Doc Martins were really cool and it wasn't just the emerging goth girls who wore them... everyone wore them. Birkenstocks made a slight come back and short hemlines were so in. There were no skinny jeans. OJ killed Nicole, and everyone knew it.

If this is the Silicone Valley, you're a 49er fan and you're about to see the last few years of their best football for at least another 10 years. You hate the Raiders with an absolute passion, though you do not yet hate the Cowboys... but you will.

This is great reference material, thank you!
@Mrs Hesperus Thank you!

Did people ever frantically turn up with their homework on floppies to print out at the library? Or was most homework turned in in written form? Were AP courses offered?

Were high schoolers part of the target audience for Twin Peaks? Baywatch? Jurassic Park in or out?

Oh man, walkmans. Is this the recorder+radio used to make mixtapes?

Got the right stuff?


What were guys listening to?
I was a little too young for picking my own music, my mom a big fan of our Disney Mozart CD where I got to hear all the Disney movie songs in instrumental form while snug in the back wearing a safe-t-fit. I remember a lot of motown, Nirvana, Hole, and the Red Hot Chilie Peppers though.

For the record, Teh Frixz was born in 90'
Oh man... that is all kinds of childhood there. I so need to get some NKOTB

And yes, that would be the kind of thing you'd record onto tapes.

You were listening to Backstreet Boys, Boyz to Men, oh shoot... what else... if you look at the 90s station on Pandora that'll give you a good idea.

Oh, alternative was really big in the 90s, Green Day was the poster child of the Alternative scene

Skaters were popular, they were the stoners as well.

And no, you didn't have the frantic printing of papers off of floppy drives. The only computers in the school were in the library and they were either DOS or old Apple iiC- which I used all through HS. There was only 1 search engine- yahoo and you had to be very precise about what you wanted. Also, you had to type in a url exactly. There was no rpnation.com you had to type in RpNation.com - Best Roleplay Forum to get there. And then... wow... and then there was that time when the search bar already had the http://. No, your reports were typed at home- or they were handwritten.

Also, you didn't have school papers that were made on a rizzo or something like that. You had dittos Dittos and boy did they smell, you could get high on them if you weren't careful. And they were always a bit fuzzy and never very clear.

Oh, the skaters wore Vans and Keds were still a bit popular as they were pretty cheap and they were cute.
[QUOTE="Teh Frixz]That is the best thing I've heard all flippin' day.

Glad to be of service.
DreamingofRoses said:
I want to see @Grey play the Chosen, only because I know he'll hit his Dark Persona super quick.
Fae it is!
I don't know how to feel about this accusation.

Skin up soon.

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