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Fantasy Monster Love IC

Marshall Icarys
[Location: Theater - Dorm kitchen // Interaction: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Mention: Dak Dak ]

Marshall listened as Hazel explained the dorms and gave them a slight tour of the grounds. Unlike his siblings, he preferred to stay home rather than explore this place so it was as new to him as it was everyone else. He was in awe that Hazel was even able to pull something like this together mostly of her our accord. The quiet atmosphere and calming aura that surrounded the dorms made him feel like he was home. It was every bit as beautiful as the manor he spent all that time in. Hearing the rooming assignments Marshall started to chuckle, something he seldom did hearing Nathan protest against being roomed with him. "He's grown tired of me it seems." He mumbled halfheartedly. The two of them spent a great deal of time together so he couldn't say he didn't agree that he wished to be his own person. His new roommate did concern him though, a human by the name of Evangelos. Too long. He thought deciding he'd come up with some kind of nickname for him so he didn't have to address him by full government each time. As the group started to part ways the tall dragon found himself wondering what to do as den father, what it meant to take care of someone. The dragon wanted to be for them what Hazel was for him, someone nurturing that they could look up to. He heard a song sung softly in the distance making him wonder how to go about this. His ears recognized the charm that could have been placed on someone who wasn't him but something as weak and unconcentrated as that wouldn't hold much effect on someone with a will as strong as his so he paid it little mind.

"So, little dragon, how about we make cookies?" Marshall turned to the frightened lamb of a dragon that clung to his side. "Oh yeah, I never got your name did I? How rude of me to forget my manners. My name is Marshall, and yours is..?" He asked as he tugged him along. Marshall tugged him by the arm as he hovered into the dorm and straight to the kitchen. The cupboards were fully stocked in preparation of the new student arrivals so everything he'd need was already here. He started to prep the area, turning on the kitchen lights and setting various objects onto the counter. Marshall had learned how to make the dough from scratch from watching a variety of chefs on television perform the same action. "You know they say... if you share a cookie with someone who's special or in need it brightens their heart because it's like sharing a piece of yourself. I... I want everyone to feel comfortable here... comfortable enough that they don't have to be afraid of people like us anymore and see us as no different from them." Marshall may seem like a cold, distant person but he always managed to speak from his heart when it came down to it. Spending all that time with his new family had given him a new appreciation for comforting others.

Novalie Polaris
[Location: Theater - Dorm - Forest // Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid ]

Nova followed along to the tour remembering the route they took to and from the school so she wouldn't get lost in the morning. Everything about this place was surreal, straight of a storybook. The onlooking city lights that illuminated from the distance, the quiet mountainside that kept them locked into this private are, the clear ponds and lake that sparkled under the moonlight. It inspired her in ways she hadn't felt while she spent her life in the city. Nova wasn't much of a forest girl but she had an appreciation for the rawness of nature. Hazel explained the rooming as she called out who would be paired together. Marceline? I wonder who that was... She glanced around but before she had the chance to deduce who her new roommate was everyone had dispersed. Some went inside, presumably heading to sleep while others ventured out. "I think this place is very cool." She looked absolutely awestruck, it was obviously written all over her face. Nova wanted to explore every inch of this place but where to start was the question. A girl called out to everyone from the lake, happily splashing about and enjoying herself but the blonde didn't see getting soaked tonight as part of the agenda. Maybe tomorrow though. She wheeled her suitcase onto the deck leaving it inside next to the front door before returning Nathan's question. "Come on plant boy let's go explore the woods. Maybe we'll see something amazing." She smiled petting him on the head before twirling past him. Going for a run through the forest was something that would give her the opportunity to breathe, away from the others and away from the excitement. She wore sneakers and stretchy pants today just for move in so nothing should be obstructed from her movement. "Unless you're less like a wolf pup and more like a scared baby chick," she teased sticking her tongue out as she started skipping into the woods.

Coraline Florence
[Location: Theater - Dorm // Interaction: Dak Dak Mention: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia ]

The strawberry blonde shot up the moment the stage came back to life with their host. Finally sleep! Cora thought setting the frog back on Etienne's lap and gathering her belongings. She listened carefully about the dorm situation including the addition of their roommates. Cora had never shared a room in her life and now she was to share with a girl named Ava. She didn't know what to think of it but she was actually rather glad she wasn't alone. Being so far from home was scary enough so having someone beside her, even if they never spoke, was more than comforting. Hopefully, the girl felt somewhat the same. Cora went inside setting her belongings down on the left side of the room claiming it as her own. The room was cozy looking like a little romantic cabin from a cliche movie. She would have never seen herself in a situation like this given her prestigious upbringing but welcomed the fresh air. It was a good change of pace than luxury hotels, fancy beach houses, and catered mansions. Hmmm I should find Etienne. She thought setting her backpack on the bed for her to go through later. She wanted to at the very least say goodnight to the fellow before disappearing into a bear-like slumber for the night. As she exited the room something called to her attention, a voice unlike one she had heard before. It was soothing yet enticing and the girl yearned to hear more. Finding Etienne was put on hold as she unknowingly went to find the source of that voice. Her legs carried her to the backyard slowly searching for where that sound was from spotting a mint haired woman sitting on the deck. "Was... was that you? That voice from earlier..?" Her dual toned eyes seemed different as if they were searching for something under the charm that had caught her. Whether the girl was aware of it or not Cora was definitely intrigued by the mysterious woman before her. She's... so pretty.. and sings like something I haven't heard... She was completely mesmerized by that voice, not just for its simple beauty but because it swelled emotion inside her that she wasn't sure how to express other than with action. "It makes me want... to dance to it... under the moonlight for you..."
Duri looked up at him and shook her head. She didn't know what she was saying no to, but no. She grabbed his hand and pulled towards the others so they could at least keep up with them. Her other hand was occupied with her backpack so she didn't accidentally forget it like she had that morning.
Pumpkid Pumpkid
location: forest dorms//interaction: marshall thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm mention: faith Pumpkid Pumpkid
clinging to marshall, the mention of making cookies snapped telith out of his sorrow terro trance his eyes returning to a excited yellow, he was soon begin dragged along by marshall whom had now asked telith his name "well...umm my names telith is a little weird" however upon being dragged into the kitchen he was aw struck telith had never seen so much food before mostly because spending his life in caves and the like doesn't mean may kitchens will be around. as marshall pulled out all the thing from the various cupboard and the like, telith was impressed just by the sheer amount of different things required for cookies, of course telith tried his best to help with the cooking, while he had no idea exactly what he was trying to achieve. if there was one thing telith was good at it was copying things, marshall analogy about cookies made telith think... share a cookie with someones whos special? he took a moment to consider this, he wasn't exactly sure what marshall had meant by special "yeah...that's a good idea..i mean...i guess..we..both..look a little..less human than a lot...of the others monsters around here...so yeah good idea...umm" telith went back to work, wrecking his brain to try and think about who he would consider special, aside from his uncle, that human girl faith was definitely special, she was...cute... and well...she...was nice..."wonder where she got off to" telith thought. he snapped back to the cooking at hand quickly. "yeah...i can see why...you..like this..it's kinda..fun.."

location: forest dorms//interaction: kai SimplySugar SimplySugar
evan had decided to perhaps just head to his dorms the idea of night time classes didn't bother him timezone wize this was day time in greece, he was about to go into his dorm room when he hear someone yelling from the lake turning around there was someone swimming, that was a good idea, evan did a lot of swimming back home living near the sea and all that, he dropped both his suitcases into the dorm and took his shirt off, evan wasn't the most muscular, but nor was he a twig, so in general one wouldn't be too impressed by him, anyway he ran down towards the lake jumping in cannonball style causing a huge splash. before pop his head back up...oh he ended up splashing someone "i didn't mean to umm splash you..my apologies"
Side: Etienne

Etienne was hard at work putting up posters in his new room. Of course, he measured out half of the room so that he could split it between him and his roommate. Adorning Etienne's side of the room were posters of famous rulers like Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan and Oda Nobunaga. Finally, Etienne put up a large poster of his favorite idol group, Interlunium. One may think they break the pattern of sovereigns here. However in Etienne's mind, all members of Interlunium were QUEENS. In the corner, Bluebot was packing away Etienne's things into his drawer. The events of the day replayed in Etienne's mind. Almost coming late, meeting Cora, the incident with the flowers and then bailing Woz out. Taking a moment to take in his new wall of rulers, Etienne smiled at his efforts. Leaning against the wall was Etienne's Engine Blade. A sword made with engine parts that Woz made for him. It was made from an incredibly dense metal, which meant only people with similar strength to Etienne could wield it. Picking it up with one hand, he opened and closed the blade to check if it had any damage. It seemed fine so Etienne put it back. "Sir, perhaps you should get some rest" said Bluebot as he gave Etienne a juice box to drink from. "I can't Bluebot. The whole PARTNER thing just keeps popping up in my head. I don't know if I feel safe to partner up with a human. What if I do something wrong...." Etienne replied while taking in the Vitamin C provided by his orange juice. "Sir, many great men lost their opportunity at great things by burdening themselves with shackles of their own creation. In this case, you should break those shackles and let your heart find its way" Bluebot responded to Etienne's comment with wisdom befitting a butler. "Cora.... I want Cora to be my partner" Etienne hid his face behind his juice. "Then you have your answer" Bluebot's mood indicator showed JOY. Etienne got up and ran out of the room.

Looking throughout the area, Etienne found Cora mesmerized by the sound of the lady that had harassed Woz. "It makes me want... to dance to it... under the moonlight for you..." Cora was under her thrall. Giving himself Avian's arm, he shot a small blast of wind next to the vixen. "Hey! You were the one that was controlling Woz!" Etienne unfused his arm and pointed at the woman controlling Cora.

Interactions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Dak Dak

Side: Woz

Woz was busy working on his gadgets in his room. Senor Fraug had his joints lock up while Unicorn kept running in circles. Quickly dissembling them, Woz cleaned out their parts and replaced anything faulty. Soon the little familiars were back to normal. Picking up a small glass bottle with red liquid in it, Woz shook it a few times. "I can't use this yet.... not safe enough" said Woz as he put the bottle back where it belonged. Then he found that he was thirsty. Etienne was bound to have a drink or two stored inside Bluebot. Of course Woz wouldn't take a juice box, he was an adult. An adult who made a robot frog but the point remained. Checking Etienne's room, he found Bluebot pacing back and forth. "Where is he?" asked an irritated Woz. "He ran off to find Miss Coraline. He hasn't been back for a while" Bluebot answered as he kept pacing. "Etienne you moron" said Woz as he began running to find his idiot of a King. He checked the lounge, the kitchen and even other dorm rooms. Still he couldn't find Etienne. Then he ran outside to find the man in question pointing at HER. The woman who enslaved him with her voice. In preparation for this, Woz popped on a pair of headphones he made to tune out unnecessary sounds. "Etienne, what has she done?" Woz shook Etienne. "She used her powers on Cora!" replied Etienne, who had red cracks appearing below his eyes. Woz was not pleased by this, the cracks were a sign that Etienne wasn't thinking too logically. Taking out his phone, he called his own robot helper.

"Yes Master?" a pleasant voice came from an approaching robotic maid. "Aiko, activate operation FOT!" Woz yelled as he gave Etienne a blue blindfold and put on a yellow one himself. "We'll drown her music out with our own!" Woz assured Etienne as they both donned their masks. Aiko then produced a pair of speakers from her chest and the boys synced their phones to it, turning them into microphones. "Activating Operation FINGER ON THE TRIGGER" said an eager Aiko.

Interactions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Dak Dak

Kai laughed, splashing the stranger back."Don't mention it! But, I'm sorry to tell you, you're going to have to feel the full force of my revenge," She teased, going back underwater and swimming to the bottom of the lake. When she could finally feel the floor, Kai used it to bolt straight to the top at an incredibly high rate of speed. She burst out of the water, spinning herself back into it forcefully and causing a humongous splash that send the stranger backwards a bit. The splash rained down on the nearby edge of the creek- anyone standing near it would get splashed as well. Kai laughed underwater, thoroughly enjoying this place already.

i: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 , then whoever she splashes

Marceline smiled when the girl approched. She wasn't singing to bring in a possible mate, but just to purely sing. It was a beautiful night and just wanted to give herself an amazing preformance. She talked about how her song had made the girl want to dance. She could see that she had been taken under her charm. With a snap of her fingers, she let the girl off of her charm. She looked atthe girl with appologetic eyes. "I'm so sorry. I'm a Siren and were known for dragging sailors down to the depths to kill them." She took a breath in then let it out. "I've never really tried to control my powers. So what you heard and what you heard was a magical charm that I am cursed with." She looked up in the sky.

If the girl wanted to curse her out then it wouldn't be her first time. Woz basically did that when he left her. The honest part of her life was that she had never really had something true and honest. She had her mother and her daughters, but that was is. She had never had someone in that type of relationship. She then looked at Woz. She had saddened eyes. She was truely sorry that she used her charm on him. She wasn't trying to use him or anything. She couldn't control when it started or how strong it would be. "So, sorry if it seemed like I used you, but I just couldn't control it"

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
Marshall Icarys
[Location: Dorm Kitchen // Interaction: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 ]

After setting the over to preheat Marshall pulled out all the proper ingredients and left pouring them in to Telith as he mixed. "It's what brought me out of the... well we can discuss that a different time. We're enjoying ourselves, right? So let's just leave it at that." He didn't wish to speak about the lonely hurt past he left behind in that cave. He didn't want to allow his bitter emotions to get the best of him. His hands stirred the batter swiftly until it was completely mixed in. "Then you just.." He mumbled as he poured in more flour turning the batter into a thicker dough. He pulled it out putting it on the counter and cutting it in half. "You knead that one and I'll do this one." His hands worked like a professional pushing and pulling the dough as it formed a more put together substance. Every so often his eyes would trail over watching Telith follow along with what he did like a student would a teacher. "Now this part is the most important," he said as he pulled out bags of chocolate chips from the cupboard. "We have white chocolate and milk chocolate. I've never really put them together but today we'll try something new." With that, he poured out its contents onto the dough blending the two types of chocolate. He kneaded the dough together so the chips stayed molded within. He took the tray he brought out and sprayed it with some kind of oil he's seen humans use for this kind of thing so the cookies wouldn't stick. Then he started flattening the batter with a rolling pin. Marshall liked to have a theme to most of his creations so that way they'd be more interesting and today's theme was cats. Contrary to his manly personality he did like cute things. He used a cat-shaped cookie cutter to get the shape he wanted before putting them in the oven to bake. As a chef, he knew how long to leave them in and when the best time to pull them out so they'd be soft and chewy yet fully cooked. Marshall could have really gone all out on these drawing faces or adding unnecessary things but seeing how well the shapes came out was more than enough. It almost made him smile even. "Try one but wait until it's not too hot." He said simply after he pulled them out so they could cool.

(the cookies looked like this minus the decorations)

Coraline Florence
[Location: Backyard // Interaction: Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Dak Dak ]

Cora blushed having said something like that out of the blue. All she wanted was to perform for someone who would have an appreciation for the art. The woman was a singer, surely she would understand. Something compelled her to do so, to please this woman with an expression of herself. She was about to take a step out to the open space but Etienne surprised her with a shot of wind. She blinked a few times surprised by the sudden gust of wind but things started to go blank like a white noise had surrounded her. Then from the silence came loud abrasive sounds. She covered her ears at first as the sound was too loudly ringing in her ears but then things started to stabilize as she came to her sense. "E-Etienne... Qu'est-ce que tu fais..?" She didn't know either of them had any musical talent let alone the ability to bust out a karaoke like that. Why? The question burned in her heard confused why they even did something like that. Did something happen? What was going on? Her mind drew a blank trying to understand what was going on. Was this my fault...? Did... Wait.. She looked over to the woman again recalling she spoke to Woz earlier and he didn't seem too thrilled with it. The strawberry blonde felt bad as if it were her own fault to take. No one did anything wrong yet she felt the blame was her own. She wanted to make things better but she didn't know how. The pigment in her cheeks increased to a burning red nervous about what she should say. "I-I'm sorry." She pulled the woman's head into her chest squeezing her with a tight hug. "This is my fault right? I... umm..." Her whole face had reddened by now from the embarrassment as she stumbled with her words. She didn't know what to say so she just backed away. "Sorry!" Cora started panting softly. She couldn't get herself to calm down from being so flustered. Her skin was warm but her cheeks were burning. Her hands covered her face trying to focus on calming down. "Je ne comprends pas. Qu'est-ce qu'il vient de se passer... Quel... Quel. Pourquoi? What... happened to me..?" She didn't like not understanding things or the feeling of confusion nor did she like having blank periods of time in her memory. Cora was confused to the point of being stressed out.

(Translation: 1. What are you doing? 2. I don't understand. What just happened... What... What. Why?)
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Marceline felt the girls embrace. She was warm and comforting. It felt so good to have a hug from someone that was genuine and pure. She could have stayed there for a while and not complain. She felt the girl's hands on her face and heard her say something in what Marceline priceved as french. After the music had died down and Marceline finally could think again. She softly spoke. "It's my voice. It's a blessing, but it's also a curse. I my voice has the power to make people do and sometimes say things that they truly don't mean to do. What you felt was the magic come over you. It drew you to me. My voice is average at best, but with the magic embedded into it, it sounds like something else. Something enticing that makes everyone flock to me to hear my Siren's song." She said explaining what the girl came over. "I've used it so much, but could never really control it. I was hoping to come her and learn some type of control over it." She said. Marceline said looking at the girl. "It's not your fault. It's mine. I'm sorry."

thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
location: kitchen //interaction: marshall thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm
Marshall ubrupt, decision to stop talking about whatever he had been going, to say confused telith a little but, it was ture this cooking was fun. Although the uses of the cat head shaped thing confused him until he realised that a cookie probably wasn’t a single massive dough-chocolate thing. While telith had wanted to eat some of the dough and the chocolate chips he managed to stop himself, that was until they started baking, the smell insnared the wyrmling, like a bee to honey as telith intently watched them cookies rise. Only moving out of the way when Marshall removed the tray from the oven telith continued to eye them intently. Until he heard, that he could try one, of course the thing about them being to hot wasn’t a problem, he practically lived off thermal energy. Quickly snatching one of the cat shaped cookies off the tray it disappeared into the dark depth of telith hood and presumably his mouth, of course telith had tasted anything like this it was soft, chewy but also very sweet. This of course had some unintended effects, like him make a little chirping noise, before the kitchen lit up like someone decided to make fireworks, and balls of multi colour light spontaneously appeared and disapated, only stoping after a little while “ ok...that...was..very...very good.” Telith the gave Marshall a hug, mostly out of not being sure what friends intailed so it seems appropriate “you’ll make a great den father Marshall”.

location: lake//interaction: kai SimplySugar SimplySugar
Evan was surprised by kai’s reaction he had expected her not to appreciate it, but after what the monster pulled he was more then impressed of course keeping mental notes for later becuse that’s just what he did, “well I am what the saying? Sunk? No hmm it is lost on me anyway that was impressive, although I knew a man that could make a bigger” this wasn’t a lie, there was a man in his village that could probably rival a whale in its capability to cause a wave... it got Evan woundering if prehaps the man wasn’t human, but he had no evidence for male seafoke at the moment, better to just assume he was good at it

Interactions Pumpkid Pumpkid

And so he lived, Seven's gamble had paid off as he saw the supposedly poised mermaid flustered and embarrassed. It was strange the despite doing everything in her power to spite him she managed to make him smile and laugh. Before Seven could find other buttons to press, everyone began to leave. He had got so caught up with Pandora that he was already lost on his first day, but as he took another glance at Pandora it seemed worth it. He watched as she left and waved...a little sad she was leaving, unsure how of how often they would see each other, but also glad that his last good eye was now safe.

When walking to the dorms Seven admired the scenary, he wasn't in a hurry to get to the dorms and meet his monster roommate. Seven was definitely trying to give everyone a chance, but it would be hard to make such adjustments on the fly. You find out you're going to college with monsters and then you find out you're going to be living with them too? Isn't there a process? Seven thought of the new friends he made and he wondered how they were handling this. That's when Seven heard a song cut through the air and dispel his anxious thoughts. It was relaxing, and pleasant. He had an urge to follow it, but something seemed to be holding him back....or rather someone. In the blink of an eye Seven was dragged toward the lake by Pandora and he quickly snapped out of the mild trance he was in. Even though the scenery was magnificent, and the night sky was beautiful, the first thing he noticed was Pandora's concerned face. He nodded, trying to catch his breath, shocked to be so close to her. Then came the accusations, for some reason he felt as if he was being berated...again. Seven was quickly discovering that Pandora was a rollercoaster of emotions and feints. Speaking to her was like playing chess, but Seven often preferred the long game anyway. Despite this he couldn't help but feel a bit helpless; he was human, what was he supposed to do, where earplugs? A day ago, Sirens would still be a myth.

Seven laughed as he gently grabbed her wrists, guiding her hands away from his face, but not letting go. "Already getting jealous eh? I could take you at your word, but I might have to find out for myself," Seven stated jokingly. "But so far, I suppose I can give the edge to mermaids.."
Pandora Snow
(Location: Lake/ Tags: LazyDaze LazyDaze SimplySugar SimplySugar Kai Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Evan )
Seven's daze vanished as he reverts to his irritating self. She was low key relieved the male is fine letting out a faint sigh. His laugh and sudden grip startles her forgetting to put her guard up once he's fine. She didn't expect him to recover so quickly. Nobody has been fast enough to catch her let alone hold her this long. A blush forms on her cheeks once again about finding out about mermaids. She didn't offer him to document her or anything rather stating a simple fact of her own opinion. One thought ran across her mind as she stood still. 'How is he making me feel like this? He's just another human. I've encountered plenty and not once have I failed to shed any vulnerability! It's almost as he has some sort of hook on me. No! It cannot be! I'm...I'm stronger than this. I always manage to outrun my dilemma no matter the time. Surely it will go away soon right?' He then hears him say something that allowed him to make a big mistake. Pandora pulls her hands back wearing a devilish smirk as she carried out a plan. "Oh really? Thank you. You are right to do so, but also a mistake." A swift push to Seven's chest, has the male falling into shallow waters. She cackles amused as he is now soaking wet. Hands resting on her hips triumphantly. "You really shouldn't let your guard down around me. I'm quite charm." She winks. "Oh, by the way! I was not jealous of some Siren. That would be beneath me. If anything I saved your life. An eye for an-" She paused holding her tongue realizing Seven has only one working eye, or so she assumed. It would be rude and possibly a pun to him. Why did she even care? Moments ago she was boasting and now she's holding back because she felt a sense of empathy towards him? Her face once again betrays her as she averts her gaze wearing a calm expression. "Ah...never mind." With her guard down again, Pandora fails to move out of the way when droplets of water splash onto her. She gasps over the cold, wet liquid on her skin. "Oh no!" She croaks in despair. In turn to pushing the red head, she gained a sense of Karma out of her actions. It's the least of her problems to be upset. She is more worried of what will happen next. Her fin ears pop out as well as other new features. Her hair starts to glow, polk-a-dots on her face like some sort of majestic fish. Her legs. They felt like they are about to change as well. She chants, "Oh no" as she dove into the water hiding her mermaid form. The transformation is completed as water is absorbed by her skin dispelling her disguise. She sighs in relief underwater before scowling at two other figures swimming in the waters. A mermaid or a Siren? Either way, the girl is furious for being forced to nearly exposing herself in front of that buffoon. In a split second, the mermaid resurfaced revealing herself to the Siren and another boy.

large.png Pandora glowing brilliantly under the starry sky blending in beautifully. Her scowl said another. "Excuse me! Where do you two go off splashing people while interrupting their conversation? What's worse I was given no time to react! Do you have any idea what would have happened if I wasn't near water? I would embarrass myself in front of that hot guy over there!" She points to Seven nearby. Again Pandora bites her tongue realizing she just shouted her confession out loud. Her face turns beat red paralyzed as her body glows brighter than it is.

Ruben Ruiz
(Location: Dorms/ Tags: Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 / Mentions: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 Telith)
Duri's abrupt silence threw him off. Just a moment ago in orientation she was an ecstatic girl, now she's just quiet while being tugged. "Hey wai-" He tries to finish ending up jogging to catch up with the rest.

Once at the dorms, Ruben took a look around admiring the scenery. The only place he's known is the terrible neighborhoods and the city. The new setting was a change for him. Never has he imagined standing before nature admiring it's beauty. No noises except for nature. Thousands of miles away from home. The dean spoke informing everyone, mostly the humans about contracts, the reason for being chosen. 'So if we choose to stay we have to make a contract. Whatever it might be. It sounds evil, tricky even.' He told himself eyeing the various heads crowded around listening to the dean whatever she is. There really wasn't much for him to think about except he always wanted to make something of himself. He is promised to another school if he rejects the offer, yet his coach recommended this place without knowing. What was the problem with something abnormal? Maybe this could be the answer to what he's searching for. Dorms are assigned. His is the last paired with someone named Telith. On another not, his hand is still held by the silent girl. He hummed debating on saying anything. He tugs lightly then raises his hand. "Um...may I have my hand back or will you be needing it?" He smirked teasing Duri.

Nathaniel Chiodos
(Location: Woods/ Tags: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )
Nathan gapes over the blonde's taunt seeing it as a challenge. He smirks as his tail and ears pop out finding her exciting. "Ha! I'm anything but a pup." He scoffed catching up to her to whisper against her ear huskily, "You have no idea what I'm capable doll face." He trots forward smirking more to see her reaction as he ran into the woods. "Come on slow poke! Let me show ya something." He chuckled taking the lead getting caught in the moment as he forgot how fast he is in his half-ling form. "You better catch up before I nickname you chickity." He teased. The woods are probably the one place he can call his home regardless of being able to live amongst beasts and human. One of the things he's certain about not being feared unless he's capable of gaining control of his abilities. The snow haired werewolf, pounces from a tree, a boulder jumping to an abnormal height reaching a small hill where he awaits the blonde. He squats barely tired. "Come on Chickity."
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location: lake//interaction: kai SimplySugar SimplySugar pandora Pumpkid Pumpkid
evan was rather enjoying himself, while he didn't know the girl/monsters name she reminded him a lot of his old friends back home and then there was another mermaid that showed up between them, complaining about him splashing her, "oh it was not me...it was ummm" he looked at kai no actually knowing her name "her i umm wait err how do you say incurd her wraith due to umm splashing her yes?" however when she said that they almost embarrass her in front of a hot guy evan could help but smirk "well it seems... you mermaid where the one caught by a sirens song, i didn't know male ones where how do you say...a thing" he said teasingly to her it was of course done just to see how far evan could push the mermaid. it was for sciences of course.
Duri looked around at the dorms. They were nice. She would be rooming with a human girl though. It didn't make her upset but she would have preferred another monster like her. She looked up at Ruben when he mentioned she was still holding his hand. She let go and dropped her hand down by her side. She waved to him before walking to her dorm.
Pumpkid Pumpkid
"I am Johannes. I come from Yermany. It is nice to meet you." "Hopefully ve vill gets to know each other a little better Farline."

Honeyrose titled her head to the side when she noticed his voice sounded strange....she wasn't sure what the word for it was. But she was more confused by what he called her. "Farline? What's a Farline?" As she waited for answer she smiled seeing the night sky and at the surrounding area. It was perfect! Did she have to sleep inside. She wasn't quite use to it. She rather sleep outside on the grass. More then likely that's what she would do though she would take a look inside the place she was suppose to stay in. Plus she would have a roommate. Which from what she could figure meant she would share a room with someone. She hoped the girl was nice. Hopefully the girl wouldn't mind she was going to be sleeping outside. Though there was one problem she didn't know which one was hers seeing as she couldn't read it. She looked up Johannes, "Hey which one is my cabin?"
Dak Dak
Johannes looked at the girl as she asked what a fraline was. "A farline means women in german." He said noticing that she was looking up at the sky. He was going to have a page in his book about her, so he needed to watch her and take down notes about everything and anything that she did. "Well it says you're in the female cabin number 1. Which I believe is that one over there." He said pointing to a cabin that had a large number 1 on the female side of the cabins. The girl seemed confused. "Is the cabin not to your liking? Would you prefer something else?" He asked. He was interested in what her responce was going to be.
animegirl20 animegirl20
"Oh so it's another word for woman! I shall remember that! Farline...I like that." She said excited to learn a new word. When He mentioned which one was her cabin she turned to see which one he was pointing at. She was quite curious to see the inside of it but she still wasn't sure if she should sleep there. "Huh?"
She looked up at Johannes when spoke back up.

"Is the cabin not to your liking? Would you prefer something else?"

"Oh no it's fine I'm actually quite excited to look inside but...well I've never slept in a house or as they call this a cabin before. Where I come from we all sleep outside on the grass or the sand. So I'll probably sleep outside since that's what I'm use to."
Dak Dak
She talked about sleeping outside. Was she a creature of the forrest? was she a dryad? A creature that dwelled within the forrest and cared for it's growth and life. "You could sleep outside, but I think the beds would be comfortable, no?" He asked not knowing if the bed was soft and the blankets were warm. He went back to a memory of sleeping in his bed in germany when he was young. It was so warm, and cozy. He could have stayed there for hours currled there with his book.

"The outdoors must be something you are interested in, no? Wanting to stay outside. I could keep you company if you would like?" He was interested in this girl. Being as this was one of the first monsters he met outside of the band.
animegirl20 animegirl20
"You could sleep outside, but I think the beds would be comfortable, no?"

Honestly she wouldn't know she never slept on the bed. Were beds really that comfortable?

"The outdoors must be something you are interested in, no? Wanting to stay outside. I could keep you company if you would like?"

Honeyrose smiled excitedly. "Sure you can! If you want!....Wait interested in?" Wasn't that she was interested in it more like her way of life. Wait had he not noticed? "I don't know if you noticed but I'm basically a plant. See my hair?" Her was latterly long soft grass and on top of he head were two flowers attached to her head. "Those flowers are basically my life source I have to keep that nice and healthy to live which means sun and water!" She looked over to the cabin then back at Johannes. "I'm going to go check out the cabin then we can fine a nice spot to sleep!" She hurried off over to the cabin curious to see the inside of it. She wondered if her roommate would be there.
Dak Dak
Pumpkid Pumpkid (mentions)
Marshall Icarys
[Location: Dorm kitchen // Interaction Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 ]
"I'm glad you like it." The light show was something like the dragon had never seen. Fireworks burst in colorful arrays in the room yet nothing was disturbed and no sound was made. It was different from the ones humans shot into the night sky for celebrations. Telith was definitely a strange half breed if he ever saw one. Marshall froze to the sudden embrace. He didn't know how to retaliate or what to do so he just stood frozen in time accepting the affection from the little dragon. "You and these sudden outbursts of affection... If we are to be friends I suppose I'll have to get used to it or something..." He puffed his cheek out surprised himself that he was okay with the hug. Normally he would have swatted them away or tried to freeze them solid but Telith was so genuinely kind. He couldn't find it in his heart to harm the lad. "Okay okay you can get off now." Marshall lightly pried Telith off his body still not used to physical connection. He started putting pans and utensils into the sink to be washed after he put the rest of the cookies on a large plate. "I'll clean up the mess, why don't you go check on the others? You can give the cookies." He'd never admit it outright but Marshall did appreciate how affection and eccentric Telith was. It was interesting at least.

Novalie Polaris
[Location: Woods // Interaction: Pumpkid Pumpkid ]

A shiver went up her spine feeling his breath graze her ear as he ran past. Nova followed after him watching him take off into the forest. Maybe challenging a wolf to a race wasn't the greatest idea. She thought as she witnessed him bound from rock to rock. It was exhilarating still feeling the wind blow through her curled strands, the sound of crunching leaves under her feet, this was just what she needed to clear her mind. Despite how small she looked Nova was fairly athletic doing casual activities like yoga and jogging. The girl had a lot of stamina and endurance packed into that little body of hers. When she caught up to the wolf pup perched up on a hill she panted standing beside him. "Who said... you can call me... chickity, wolf pup? And I'm not slow!" She bent over catching her breath as pigment flowed into her cheeks turning them a crimson color. "What'd you want to show me anyway? Is it cool? Aren't we in the middle of the woods... alone... in the dark spooky woods probably filled with- you know why did we come out here?" She looked around realizing how deep into the forest they had actually gone away from the dorms. The faint light of the building shone through the trees in the distance but it wasn't anything nearby. Just silence and ambient noises from the nocturnal creatures that lurked about.

Coraline Florence
[Location: Backyard // Interaction: Dak Dak Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia ]

Coraline listened carefully trying to understand what she was informed. She was charmed, only briefly, by the voice of a siren that compelled her to act against her rational thoughts. Right supernatural stuff I forgot. She cupped the girl's cheeks with her palms looking into her eyes, her dual toned orbs showing nothing but sincerity. "Don't be sorry for something that's a part of you. You're doing your best and I'm happy you're trying." She smiled wide giving her a kiss on both her cheeks as they would have in the motherland. It may have seemed unorthodox to the others but it was commonplace in her household to comfort another so she didn't think twice about doing so. "My name is Cora by the way. Enchanté mademoiselle," Cora did a small curtsy after she released the siren letting her formal side slip out. "Let's all be friends yeah? You and me and Woz and Etienne~" She tugged on Etienne's arm dangling off of him and twirling around. She was in a good mood now that things were sorted and she wanted to make more friends with everyone. "Right? Right? Nous sommes tous amis? I'd make me really really really happy so we'll all get along now. You... want me happy right Etienne..?" She had a big smile looking up at Etienne like an innocent puppy. They were more like statements or demands than a choice or suggestion as if she was saying they better get along. From what she'd seen was the two of them did not particularly like Marceline and it was her new goal to change that. Cora couldn't let something like that go without trying her best to make everyone happy.

(Translation: 1. Nice to meet you miss. 2. We're all friends?)
location: kitchen-lake //interaction: marshall thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm faith Pumpkid Pumpkid
telith backed away a little after marshall pried him off, "oh um..i err...didn't mean to be so..upfront, but yeah umm..i guess you..will have to get used to it" the mention of taking the cookies out sounded about right well to telith anyway, he thought for a moment about what marshall had said that you should share cookies with someone special to you.......faith? yes that sounded right telith graded the plate of cookies " ok sounds like a good idea yeah" he walked outside. telith took a moment to try and work out where faith might be, lucky for him everyone had a unique energy...or aura...he was never sure what but. it was easy enough to find faith because of this, she was sitting under a tree near the lake, wearing headphones. regardless telith inhaled deeply trying to altest get enough courage to approach faith, he did manage to however his eyes changed to the worried orange colour they almost always where. telith eventually did approach faith not without sticking a few more cookies into his mouth just to make himself feel a little better. before sitting down next to faith putting the plate of cookies down on the ground, telith wasn't sure what to do, so he just leaned his head against faiths shoulder "humm...err..umm...you ok? umm..because err you seem a little upset...i mean..your sitting here along... umm.." he gives faith a quick hug before backing off, a little "oh yeah i brought cookies...there really really good".
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Interactions: Pumpkid Pumpkid

He had only just met her, but there never seemed to be a dull moment when he was around her. It was pretty easy to break through the walls she would always put up. When she flashed that mischievous smirk, one not unlike his own, and pushed him into the cold water, Seven could only curse under his breath as he tried not to drown. (...Sirens might be better.) Seven looked at Pandora, a bit confused as to why she would suddenly push him into the lake. Having wet clothes wasn't exactly fun, or easy to deal with as a human after all. He managed to notice how she cut her taunt short, surprised that she had enough self restraint to do so (although he didn't know why she would feel sorry for someone). SHortly after her little stunt, she was hit with a drop of water and began to freak out for whatever reason. Seven was a tad bit worried that she was going to start crying her eyes out again, unsure if he would be able to fall on his back again. She seemed to be very distraught about whatever was going to happen. Soon she began to change as her fins began to show, her hair changed, and her overall appearance took upon to features of a fish; however, Seven wasn't repulsed or shocked by it; rather, he was entranced...even moreso than he was by the siren. Her hair, sparkled like the night sky, but varied in coloration like the northern sky. Her fins were like the crystal waters of the lake themselves, and her eyes had already stole his soul.

"....you're beautiful," Seven's blurted out accidently. It was almost as if everything in his body betrayed him as he covered his mouth. Lucky for him she already darted underwater, but he still didn't understand why. "Dammit Seven, if she heard that, you would never hear the end of it."

He saw her resurface on the other side nearby, talking to a few other people. He recognized one of them as Evan who he greeted from afar with a smile and a wave. She was an incredibly fast swimmer, obviously, but more importantly, why was she pointing in his direction? Was she blaming him for some mishap? Was she demeaning him like usual? The more he stared at her the more empty he felt. He hated to admit, but he didn't want her to be over there, he wanted her to be here...with him. Seven shook his head, cursing cupid and all things cute as he climbed back to the edge of the lake and took off his jacket, shirt and shoes. He kissed his lucky hat goodbye and dove into lake, on his own accord this time. He then did what any normal person would do....he pretended to drown.

"...Oh, cramp...is this the end of the road. Curses...is this the end,"
Side: Etienne

It had seemed that the impromptu burst into song had freed Cora from the Siren. Taking a moment to calm down, Etienne overheard how the siren actually disliked her ability. She had no control over it. Then Cora held the Siren close and brought light to a shady situation. Etienne felt an incredible warmth in his chest at the sight of the giddy young woman. Woz folded his arms and turned to walk away from the situation. Then Cora grabbed Etienne by the arm and dangled from him. She was honestly like a little monkey, it was kind of hilarious. Etienne gave a little laugh, smiling at both girls. Then he took Cora by the hand and twirled her into his body before twirling her back towards the Siren. "I guess I owe you a dance sometime" said Etienne as he gestured at her with a single finger. Turning back to the Siren, Etienne apologized for his behavior. "I acted without knowing the details... I'm sorry about that" Etienne followed up his apology by bowing his head slightly. Cora then suggested the four of them become friends, which Etienne found to be a good idea. "I'm Etienne, Etienne Advantage. You already seem to know Woz. If you need help with stuff, my door is always open" said Etienne as he put his hands on his hips. Looking again at Cora, Etienne decided now was not the best time to ask her about becoming partners.

Interactions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Dak Dak

Side: Woz

Woz was VERY displeased with how this had turned out. First he had to deal with being controlled by her, then he had to stop Etienne from killing her. Now he had to feel SORRY for her. Whether or not she could control her ability was irrelevant. There were times where she purposefully used it to subjugate the free will of others. In all honesty, Woz was perfectly content on leaving her be. However, that new little girlfriend of Etienne's had already convinced him to stay. Out of obligation to his King, Woz stayed as well. Watching Etienne twirl Coraline around made Woz squint with annoyance, Etienne was already falling prey to the charms of a woman. He couldn't help it, being the virgin he was. Coraline tried to get the two of them to befriend the Siren. Just as he was about to brush Coraline off, Woz had an idea. If he could get close enough to this girl, this Siren. Perhaps he could forge a pact with her, acquiring her power to dominate with voice alone. HE would be unstoppable, Etienne would be closer to his attempt at the throne. Inwardly, he smiled with sinister intent. Outwardly, he remained deathly calm. "I suppose I can forgive these two transgressions... if you're telling the truth about your lack of control" Woz said as he gave her a small smile to convey his "Sincerity".

Interactions: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm Dak Dak
Marciline & Johannes

Johannes smiled at the girl. She had told him that she was a being of nature. Johannes should have noticed the flowers, and he would have. He could notice the smallest detail about a creature, but this one was different. It was like he couldn't focus when she was around. It wasn't a bad thing for him. Maybe he had met someone that would help better himself. "Well Farline, I shall be in the backyard. When you're done, that is where I shall be." He said smiling as she walked away.

He had his guitar in it's case on his back. He noticed Marciline sitting down with a couple of people hanging around. He walked over to her and sat down. "Hello Marci. Making new friends, no?"

Marci looked over at Johannes. "I'm trying." She said looking at Woz. She had seen through his smile. She had given plenty of those smiles in her life. He was going to be a tough nut to crack, but it was gonna feel so good to have him. She smiled at him very sincerly. "It's very true. I am not that good when it comes to suppressing my gift. I am not good." She then looked at Cora and Etienne. "If you would like I could give you something to dance to?" She had asked. Dancing felt even better when there was something to dance to.

thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm animegirl20 animegirl20 Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia
Ruben Ruiz
(Location: Dorm Grounds/ Tags: Radio_Rat66.6 Radio_Rat66.6 )
Duri gave no response except for removing her hand from his and waving 'good-bye' to him. Ruben waved back subconsciously watching the girl leave to her cabin. There was a sense of regret lingering in the back of his head for asking her such questions. Perhaps he could ask in the morning when everyone is rested. Right he probably should do the same thing. The boxer enters his cabin picking a side dropping his belongings on his bed realizing his partner had yet to show up. The brute sighed taking a seat on the steps of the stairs to observe the night sky. It seems people were doing the same. Exploring what they could under the moonlight.

Nathan Chiodos
(Location: Woods> Oasis/ Tags: thespectacularstorm thespectacularstorm )


Nathan smirks brushing off her nickname for him. Usually he was upset about it whrn it came to his brothers, but with Nova he didn't much care. He was too excited for what he has in mind to show her. His tail sways eager to arrive to his special spot. There are several others, but for now one at a time will do. He laugher when the blonde started retorting over the nickname trying to sound meanacing epically failing. "I did. If you can call me chickity it's only fair to call you something as well." He stood taking her hand. "Because you like adventure just like me. You are the one who said you wanted to do something fun and we shall." He spins her around capturing her other hand as her back hits his chest while he looms over nearing his face above hers. "Nothing is going to harm you. We're safe here. Nothing but animals. Harmless of course. If we didn't do daily checkups no one would be safe and we would be sued by humans. Of course in the magical world we would be punished for our insolence harsher than money." He sighed imagining the consequences as he wanders through the woods, hand in Nova's. "We would be locked up and punished physically as a reminder of what we are. The magic high counsel is brutal, strict even. You have to understand....monsters and humans have been fighting wars in secrecy for ages. They only wish to protect their people. Although to me they're like greedy old bastards." He sighed. As they wandered deeper, the woods seem less ominous and more magnificent as the moonlight peeks in through the slits of the trees. Fireflies begin to appear as they pass by. Soon enough stumbling across a small creek with even more fireflies. "We have to cross the creek. Here are stone paths to cross." He said hopping on one. "Follow my lead and you won't slip." He said pouncing from stone to stone until he reached the other end turning to the blonde. "Are you okay?" He asked before the big reveal.

Faith Vallidoid
(Location: Lakeside/ Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 )
It's been two hours since Faith's contemplation. Although she finally made up her mind, she couldn't help a nagging feeling in the back of her head. Something is wrong, yet she did not know what. The brunette sighed heavily irritated to solve more pieces of her puzzled thoughts. "Aye." She murmured pinching the bridge of her nose. The sudden heavy weight on her shoulder startled the girl causing her to jump back ready to fight whatever dared to-oh it was just Telith. To be able to see the hooded male brought great relief. The tension was immediately gone as she removes her headset. "Oh hey! What's up?" She asked casually. There it is again. His stuttering. He was nervous. Not that she minded. Her expression softens when he asked of her well-being. Sweet as ever. Her eyes shift towards the ground. "I'm fine...just thinking about staying or leaving like the dean said." She was once again embraced quickly then offered her some cookies. She was surprised by how adorable they are. Cat shaped cookies. She wondered if Telith liked cats or simply devoring them. Faith shakes her head dismissing those thoughts taking one off his place. She cautiously without meaning to bit into its ear first savoring it's flavor. Again she is astonished at how delicious they are. Soft and crunchy at the same time. "Oh yum! They're so good." She chirped then frowned recalling what she wants to say to Telith and possibly going to break his heart. She wouldn't know what to do if she did. "I'm not sure what to do but maybe I should go. I don't belong here and honestly if anyone is a monster it's me. The real boogie man. You're all so wonderfully sweet." Faith turns to Telith and smiles half heartedly reach up to cup his face instead cups the outside of his face with the hood. "Especially you. You're the sweetest." She cooed.

Pandora Snow
(Location: Lake/ Tags: Huntertabbysandshark3 Huntertabbysandshark3 LazyDaze LazyDaze SimplySugar SimplySugar )
Pandora huffs wearing a slight blush as the greek boy teased her. "Poppycock! Mermaids cannot fall under such a spells. We are immune." She stated matter of fact. If a sea creature were to be drawn by a sea creature it would be like killing their own kind or at least she thought that's how it worked. Her attention is dragged over by familiar red headed bafoon drowning themselves. She gasped as she races towards him to save the lad. The mermaid holds Seven against her boosum, arm wrapped around his torso steadying him from panicking. She tilts his head up and once again concern scortched on her features. "Are you alright? Why on earth did you jump into the water if you cannot swim, you twit!" Her eyes begin to turn watery as she held him. "You idiot. Don't scare me like that please." Her voice less strict and more soft and gentle like a sweet girl she truly is.
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location:lake //interaction: faith Pumpkid Pumpkid
Telith was glad to see Faith was ok, well ok enought her talk about leaving or staying worried him slightly, although seeing that she seemed to enjoy the cookies brought some ease to his mind. His eyes changed to a nuterl white colour soon after. “Glad you like them, me and Marshall” telith tried to sound confident but alas it wasn’t . Faith said something about..leaving....leaving him...here alone....well not alone but telith mind was overclocked, he couldn’t really think at the moment. Then she was cupping his face...well the hood around his face, Telith couldn’t help but purr, while he wasn’t used to being touched like this....he trusted faith....more then most humans anyway. His mind finally had time to process what she had said..... telith eyes turned a dark blue, he was crying again. He hugged faith again nuzzling her chest. “P-p-p-please don’t go....I.i.i would still be hiding under...that..chair...if it wasn’t for you...and..err...well” he sniffled a little and stopped crying “your..l.umm...well..cute..and also sweet....I mean....I err..lived for a long ish time...and well...your the first human...” he stopped talking the dark blue tears flowed out of her hood once again as he buried his head into faiths chest once again. Not wanting her to leave. Not at all

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