Monster Island


Junior Member
Storyline: The islands are uncharted and for good reason no human that ever made it here left alive. The Pirate ship Wave Chaser finally found them while outrunning the imperial fleet. The ship anchored and a search party left for shore. days went by and the crew of pirates, brigands thieves, warrior, witches and the like were restless awaiting the return. Finally at long last they returned bloody and having lost almost all of their numbers. The good news was the stories were true there was treasure here enought to fill a hundred ships. But the bad news was that there were monsters flesh eating monsters on the island. You name it they lived here any mythical beast and creature you could think of Harpies, lychans, dragons, vampires, centaurs, and much more all guarded treasure and lived throughout the islands. whats more is the scouting party found a cave system that connected the islands underwater so they could get to each one without useing longboats. Unfortunately after the mixed news everybody mutinyed now it's up to you and your group. Do you turn tail and head home?.......Do you go for treasure and glory?.........Or can you even survive at all?

link to character sheet

James let out a whoop when he heard about the treasure yet in a matter of moments sullen by the news of monsters he was about to say something about a memorial service for those lost in the scouting party when all hell broke lose. Men fighting and scrambling to longboats while others tried to raid the store room others afraid of the creatures on island started weighing anchor to turn the ship around. "Stop stop you stupid fools all this anarchy will doom us all." James scrambled around to find anyone still with their senses and loyal to him on deck.
Dirt watched from above laughing at all the chickens running around,"What babies."He didn't find any of this scary,he thought it was exciting and fun. But this crew was terrible,they seemed to have no loyalty or trust to there Captain and that irritated Dirt a little but didn't show. This never happened in his old crew,since Death had declared any chicken on the ship to be cast out once shown. That straightened them up after the second sucker who dared test it,but this was just pathetic. It was as if this Captain had no order with his crew,Dirt found it funny.
Stepping swiftly up the wooden stairs to the open air on deck, Raleigh met a group of the crew all hustling and bustling their way right over the ship. Mid step he froze half wide eyed as many of the crew scrambled into the boats. Raleigh walked over starboard side after the last of them were lowering down to cast off and stared from them onto shore. What has become of these men? What was out there that caused this? Unsurpassed wealth? The melting pot of Raleigh's personal and physical emotions were boiling over. He whistled in sarcastic disbelief and turned his attention to the horizon. He had heard bits and pieces from the remnants of the search party. Treasures and fame, yet the costs judging by the looks of them were equally as high.
Catnip shyly tugged on Captain James's arm, "Sir! Sir what the hell is going on with the men?? Have they all gone batty?" She moved quickly, pointing her gun at one of them trying to move the ship and ordered them to stop, "You there, cease this at once." The men backed away, looking crazed still, and ran off in the other direction. Catnip looked back at the Captain with a perplexed look, shoving her gun back into its holster.
James was relieved to see Catnip okay. Ever since he found her as a child they were like brother and sister. She was even there when he bought the ship. All the adventures they had together and close calls made James protective of her eve though there was no better first mate then Catnip in all the world he smiled to her and admited "Catnip you may have been right the whole time about these good for nothing sea dogs if this keeps up the ship could get torn apart let's get the map from my cabin and find Dirt which is a tak in of itself and.....well right now I think thats all I know loyal left then we can grab supplies and get to shore." After he spoke james felt the ship move he looked up to see sailors trying to steer the ship away from shore but the lack of experiance showed as the aimed the ship to the sand bar "brace for impact" James craied and tackled catnip to the ground right before the ship would run a ground.
When the ship did run a ground Dirt was shot forward out of the crows nest,before hitting the ground he grabbed one of the ropes he had hanging all over the ship and pushed off the main mass making him swing around. he held his feet forward and kicked the idiots trying to steer out of the way before dropping in front of the wheel,with a smile he looked at them."How Pathetic."he said before grabbing the wheel and tried to turn them around,but he had a feeling it wouldn't work."Why is your crew so dumb when they get scared!?"he yelled at James.
Catnip was tackled to the ground with an oof as the ship ran aground. Right afterwords she jumped up, cursing as loud as she could at the crew, "You all are ridiculous I F*&^$#% want to make you walk the plank right now! The whole lot of you! I ought to, I really should!" She glared at the people who survived the crash, then ran to the captain's quarters. Once there she saw numerous maps and an astrolabe, and nabbed them all. Catnip ran back to the Captain, panting, "James, now what? I've got the maps you wanted."
James got up and saw dirt. Pretty good timing he thought. He yelled back to dirt "Hey you were right about this crew I guess I owe you a pint for losing that bet now I had catnip get supplies lets get a longboat and scram." James was beginning to lower a boat to the water when he saw other boats being attacked by vicious mermaids pulling sailors out of the boats and drowning them before eating them. "Uh Catnip, Dirt, ready the cannons to fire!" James stopped what he was doing and ran below deck and began preping a cannon to fire.
"Gees..."Dirt let go of the wheel after tying it with a rope to keep it there and he ran to the side of the ship with another rope in his hand."This is really great.."He said sarcastically as he jumped off and with the role in hand he swung through one empty cannon hole he knew was there. He saw James and smiled at him before he started looking around,then stopped."Wait,where's the light?"He started looking around again for something to set off the cannons but didn't see anything around.
Bliss found herself on her backside after the jarring commotion of the ship. "What in Blue-Blazes in going on out there!" She yelled as she rose to regain her balance. With a quick glance to her lab, she could tell her work was damaged. There was nothing she could do for it right now except grab a bag of supplies and head on deck. She had to analyze the situation before she could take matters into her own hands. Bliss jumped the stair steps two at a time. She finally made it topside only to be severely pissed by the pure pandemonium surrounding her. She looked up in time to see Dirt propel down the side of the ship. Rushing over she saw him enter a cannon hole below. She also saw the mermaids in the water. "I swear you sorry a$$es are going to be the death of me one day." Bliss said through gritting teeth as she opened her supply bag. She began mixing different vials together with herbs in a test tube bottle. Once finished, she took the ending mixture and threw it in the direction of the mermaids. Before landing the potion fizzled then explode in the air, sprinkling acid on the mermaids. Bliss watched them all shriek and recoil. Soon they would suffer from paralysis That should slow them down...
James saw a mixture of potion rain from above into the water he poked his head out of the cannonhole up at Bliss. "Hey girly do ya have a light for the cannons here we could use the help." James poked his head back inside the ship and crossed his arms looking at dirt. "I told you bringing a gypsy along was good luck Dirt." Then James wondered if it was bad luck since they got into trouble anyways he really was not good at pirate superstitions. he then snapped back to reality when Catnip returned. "I see you got the maps now lets clear the waves of these sea sirens and abandon ship" James quickly looked over the things Catnip had and exclaimed. "Damn women where is the rum? we can't leave without it and I don't care what you say how it's bad for me I need booze to think straight." James often wondered if his logic had everything backwards.
Bliss nodded and quickly made her way down stairs to the cannons. She showed up in time to hear the end of Captain James conversation. "Well now,.." Bliss drawled as she entered the room. "What a bright bunch of bandits we have here. It does my heart good to know that if all hell breaks loose, I just have to booze up my CaptN so he can think straight." Her voice dripping with sarcasm. She pulled some matches from her bag and tossed them to Dirt. She then shoved her personal whiskey flask at James. “Drink this and think up a better plan. While you’re at it, think of a way to buy me another lab!” Bliss then turned and began prepping another cannon.
"Why not buy her a hundred labs with the so called fortune your beloved 'crew' spoke of?" Raleigh spoke off as he slowly made his way back below deck. He rubbed his head after the knocking he had received from the sandbar. Aside from being jostled and ears ringing, he shook and dusted himself off. He stopped halfway on the stairs gripping with one hand to the overhead looking at a flustered Bliss and a half buzzed Captain. "If it'll help you out Captain, I suggest heading northwest once we're ashore. Bliss's potion let off some vapors and the crosswinds are pulling them east. We can at least get our feet dry, so to speak. Just a two cent idea."
Dirt glared over at James when he spoke of a gypsy being good luck,holding his hands out to point out all that's happening. And he couldn't say anything about the Rum,even his captain before thought more clearly after having a couple jugs.He laughed as he pictured her but snapped back to reality quickly,He focused on what they had to do now.then he remembered something,"Wait a second...Why the hell am I down here?"He said shaking his head,he ran up and jumped out of the hole he came though grabbing the rope from before that he left hanging there. He swung up back to the deck and climbed up to the crow's nest,climbing in he was out of sight for a second then he got up with his gun setting it on the barrel on the edge of the nest he leaned back against the other side and aimed. He had three bullets ready to load in his hand with two cases of them up in the nest,shooting as many down as he could so the other's below would have more time. He always liked his hand make guns,though it took a lot to make the bullets right it was worth it since it took half the time of a normal load.
James took the flask drank and felt alive he shoot true with his cannon a few more shoots and the mermaids were starting to frighten and leave James nodded and Raleigh's proposal and ran back on deck and completed lowering the longboat in the water he jumped in and called out "If you wanna leave and get on island for adventure now is the time you sea dogs: James levitated his sword and swung at a mermaid trying to get close.
Catnip glared at the Captain, "Well, sir, I already have my hands all filled up. Thank you Bliss. Damn James always needs his booze." Catnip sighed, shifting the maps so they better fit under her arm, "Shall we go now please sir? I really oughtn't have to tell you how imporn't t'is we get off the boat." Catnip looked around a bit forlorn about the ship, she really came to love this vessel. She went down to the smaller rowboat and sat in it grumpily.
Bliss slung her supply bag over her shoulder before heading back on top-deck. She stopped by her lab once more to quickly salvage as much of her materials as possibles. When she was done she had three heavy bags in both arms. "Tobias! Toby lets go!" She yelled, as she hustled up stairs. From the corner of her eye she saw a black image creep up beside her and head to the edge of the ship. The cat meowed as it waited for her impatiently. "Watch yer heads lads!" Bliss called as tossed her bags down to Captain James and Catnip. She then picked up her cat and jumped overboard into the rowboat.
Dirt had grabbed a bag that was under his bullets and he packed the bullets and two long ropes into it before throwing it over his shoulder,he grabbed his gun and jumped out of the crows nest.Grabbing a rope he swung down with the others in the rowboat,landing on his back he looked at the others,"This should be fun..."He sighed with a smile and sat up,slipping his bag off as he did and looked over the edge of the row boat
Raleigh hurried down to his quarters and picked up his bag. Slinging it and tightening it down over his back, he made his way back up on deck. He headed over towards the longboat but paused before stepping over. He turned his head to look back at the ship one more time, contemplating in his mind that this would probably be the last time he would ever see this ship, the first he has ever been part of. "Fare thee well," Raleigh muttered, and with a tip of his hand, he grabbed hold of the rope and lowered himself into the boat, moving up towards the bow. "That should be everyone captain," he said once he was situated.
James helped paddle the boat toward shore once their James took accountability of the supplies and looked at the map getting a bearing with his compass he looked into the jungle of the main island "Anybody feeling brave?" James laughed before patting catnip's back "Well at least the worst of the monster problems are over now let's find the treasure" As soon as he finished the peak of the mountain of the main island erupted spewing volcanic rock everywhere. but the most interesting part was emerging from the volcano was the legendary phoenix that flew around the islands huge flaming feathers falling to the ground. James grabbed catnip's hand and screamed at everyone "run!!!!!!!There should be a cave entrance a few hundred yards in the jungle" James was at a dead sprint trying to avoid falling fire.
"So much for that being the worst of the monster problems being over!"Dirt yelled before taking off after James with his pack tossed over his shoulder,what else could be here he wondered. He was sure James didn't want to find out by the speed he was running,but Dirt couldn't say anything since he was also. The only issue,did he have any idea where he was going?"Ey!Captain Chicken! Where are we going!?"He asked as he finally caught up with James.
Catnip nearly tripped as Captain James sprinted, grasping her hand, heading towards the cave. She nearly got hit by numerous bits of falling fire as they ran. Catnip quickly overtook James, and was soon pulling him along. She ran faster because of her Elf heritage. After what seemed like a lifetime, they finally got to the cave and Catnip plopped down on the floor, breathing heavily. Her wolf pup Kreao ran in, tail down, after her and licked at her face, "Oh, Kreao, thank goodness you are ok." She looked at James, "Captain, any burns? I can heal you if you do have some."
Tobias hissed loudly before jumping into one of Bliss's bags for protection. "I know baby, I'm pissed as hell too." Gaining her barrings Bliss started off at a dead run like all the others. Fleat footed coordination helped her to avoid the lava rocks. If she had time she would have developed another potion, but with materials being as scarce as they were, she thought better of it. Upon making it to the cave, Bliss took a minute to catch her breathe by slouching on the rock wall. Toby jumped from her bag and moved to curl his body around her feet. He began purring to calm her down. When Bliss was finally able to breathe again, she looked over at Captain James. "Eh CaptN, donna you have the power to move things wif your mind? Could not you have just kept those hot rocks from fallin on us?" She asked incredulously. If that were so then Bliss was glad Catnip offered to heal his wounds. Right now she felt more like strangling him instead of helping him. Toby purred louder, sensing Bliss's mood.
James was annoyed about his powers being questioned and just a bit perturbed at being captain chicken He tried to calm bliss "I can move things as if I were useing my hands like a sword or book but if it is moving at a fast rate im stuck like chuck for instance falling rock or a bullet" He turned to dirt and scoffed "Hey if you wanna take that overgrown fire goose then by all means have at it but I choose this route because even though there is treasure throughout the island there is a motherload somewhere in these caverns be wary though stories say that it's way more dangerous down there then on land." James then turned to his trusted catnip and chuckled "There is no way burning rock could ever get to captain James the greatest of pirates the genius of navigation the master of the waves." while laughing james did not realize a smoldering rock had struck his foot only after he had finished his speach did his boot catch fire looking down the captain panicked running in circles "Catnip put me out put me out hellp im on fire ahhhh" He continued to run the scene quite comical.
Catnip blinked and looked at the Captain's foot, she giggled a bit, but held out a hand. Quickly the flames went away and the burn was gone, even the burn mark on his shoe had disappeared. "Careful James," She began, giggling like an idiot, "Be too cocky and you will end up in trouble." She stopped giggling and looked at the cavern. It split at the end into three different tunnels. She tackled Captain James, screaming at the top of her lungs, "I claim going with Captain Jaaaammmmeeeesssss!!!"

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