Monster Island

James tried to play off the whole fire scene. "Catnip that was a test and as a top notch first mate you once again passed with flying colors" James thought that would do it no sense of having a reputation ruined once they saw the split and catnip jumped on him James laughed. It was a good idea and they had to address the split when they reached it. Handing out map copies he said. "Okay after this point the make is hard to read so we really do need to split up the rules are whatever treasure your group finds you split amongst yourselves any objections?" After waiting a bit he heard none "After three days we head back to the ship to resupply adn bring back what we find remember we also need the bare essentials so water and food is important to find too. Also remember that these caverns have exits all over the four islands so try and mark the path so you don't get lost." James brushed himself off and smiled at Catnip "You are like the best little sister ever we are just like blood relatives rather then my dad adopting you all those years back im glad I have you on my adventures" James started down the left tunnel and called back to catnip "Hey you coming?"
Catnip's face twitched a little at the blood relative comment but followed James closely, catching up to him with no problem. Catnip bumped against him playfully, "Just a little sister? You don't remember some of the things that went on between us in the Captain's quarters?" She smiled deviously at James, "Oh, and you are a bad actor. You ran around like a crazy person with that fire on your foot. Speaking of which, is it all good now?" She looked at the boot, there was no sign of damage, but she wanted to make sure.
James face went red as he knew exactlt what she meant by the things that went on. "James put and arm around her and pulled her close. "Catnip the reason I talk as if you are my little sister is I don't want people to get ideas on hurting you or kidnapping you to get my cut of the treasure. Really Catnip I keep this a secret because you are my real treasure adn I won't allow anyone to take my treasure." James was a little embarassed at the whole she saw though the fire thing. "I will be fine I just singed my toes is all." Walking through the cavern they looked like a real couple James mentioned. "You know what happened in that cabin that one night I was really drunk and brfore that night I really only thought of you as a sister only afterwards were my eyes opened that you were a beautiful woman worth more then a fleet of ships." James had finally put it out there his feelings him and catnip did not talk about the one time but now she knew he really cared that much for her. stopping there was a chest with a skeleton holding it. "Treasure catnip our first prize today." James ran to the bag of bones and stoof there a happy greedy smile filled his face.
Catnip blushed brightly at all of James's words and smiled big, "James you are too sweet to me." She would have gone on but James had already run to the skeleton, "James no! It could be-" And sure enough it was. The skeleton began shaking and moving, it set down the chest and took out a sword. Catnip immediately ran forward, wanting to protect James. She had a sword in one hand, a ball of fire in the other. Fire was her best elemental magic, but it was a fairly limited magic, "James! Haven't you ever heard of Draugr?! That chest was too easy, you should have expected it."
The Skeleton growled and swung a blade at James. He barely dodged and clashed swords with the scourge. He called to Catnip "Good call once again my dear a few moves of the blade and the head of the Draugr was on the ground. unforunately for james the body was still attacking. James was on the defense and yelled to Catnip. "watch for others if this guy was here there may be more." A few more moves and james had the thing chopped down to size. Kicking it a few times he looked at Catnip and asked. "Catnip what were you saying earlier." it seemed as if for the moment James forgot about the chest since he loved being swooned over.
Catnip kept an eye out, but there seemed to be no more. She muttered to herself, "No more zombie skeletons... must not be a very good treasure..." Catnip looked up at James, moving closer to him, "I always admired you... though you were never as good with a sword as I," Catnip winked, knowing it would bother James, "But you are an amazing shot, you were always the golden child. I didn't really think about it much until that same night in the cabin. After that I couldn't get you or your bright green hair off my mind." Catnip rubbed at a small armband tattoo on her arm she was born with, smiling sweetly at James.
Dirt just watched them run off and sighed,"Why do a stay with these people?...Oh yea,I'm bound!"he yelled at them as he huffed off mumbling to himself."Time to go."He said and snapped his fingers,dark shadows formed together beside him as he walked forming a pitch black horse with red eyes walking with him."Shall we."He smiled and hopped onto the horse before taking off,not sure what could be waiting but he really didn't care.
Bliss watched her comrades take separate paths down the caverns. It was oddly quiet without them around, that was kinda nice. She took a moment to decide her next move. Treasure wasn't really an interest of hers, but this cave definitely had essential minerals that would come in handy on this adventure. Bliss looked down at Tobias. "Well Toby, what are the chances of finding a fresh water source in this place?" The cat meowed and faced the different caverns. Sniffing the air, he decided on a tunnel to the far left. Bliss shrugged, it was as good a place as any to start. With her heading in mind, Bliss set out to find new minerals for her potions and fresh water for the whole group. Crazy as they were Bliss did want her crew to be healthy. As Bliss made her way to the tunnel she called over her shoulder. "Hey Raleigh! If you join me to offer some extra protection I promise to give ya all the treasure we find." She said with a mock salute.
@ everybody so palehorse has pulled out of the rp and we have permission to kill off the charrie raleigh to tie loose ends if anyone gets creative on how he dies post it and have fun
Slowly inching on the outer edge of the railing, Stevanya made her way as quietly and as slickly as she could, without causing attention. She was thrown off the ship, expected to hit sea but instead, attached herself to the third story railing of the ship. Trying hard not to slip off and fall to her unfortunate demise, Stevie progressed towards the only open porthole located in the gun deck below her. She was always good with balance but her nerves were getting the best of her, especially with the shouting enemy crew down below in the eel infested waters. Once reaching the aimed porthole, Stevie slowly crouched to her toes while still hanging onto the bottom pole of the rail, taking a tight grip. One foot at a time, she slowly slipped to her arms against the hard wood floor and swung...1...2...3...thud. Stevanya gently glided through the open porthole and made it inside, letting out a relieved sigh and dusted herself off.

"Well that was easia' than I thought." She mumbled to herself with pride before walking off, only to be stopped short by the sound of a loud clicking.

"Not quite, dear fae." A deep voice screeched in from behind her. Slowly turning on her heel to face the sharp looking captain of this fine vessel, Stevie gave an innocent grin.

"Ah, Chamblain. S'wonderin' where you wen' off to. Why the hostile 'tude?" Stevie asked, putting her hands over her head to show she had no weapon on her. Chamblain looked her over and twitched the grip of his gun towards the porthole.

"Oh, other than the fact that my crew is being deep fried by a horde of eels and my ship has been taken? No reason." Chamblain responded, breathing pretty heavily. Looking over to where the captain held his shirt, Stevie spotted a large stain of blood. He must've been shot from the looks of it. Quickly turning her gaze to the captain, she sighed, stepping closer.

"Sorry t'hear cap'n...but ever heard f'the sayin' 'an eye for an eye'? Well let's consider this a ship for a ship type deal.." She replied, looking over behind the captain, finding Bishop slowly and quietly approaching.

"No, you're not sorry until you're dead, dear fae." He said as he pulled back the hammer of his blunderbuss and Stevie held her breath, knowing he'd fire without remorse. Closing her eyes shut...bang! First shot fired.

Slowly fluttering her eyes open, Stevie patted down herself, feeling for a wound or something but there was none. Her head snaps back up at the sound of a thud, finding Chamblain fallen on the ground with his blunderbuss at his side. Stevie's eyes meet a huffy looking Bishop who kicks the blunderbuss to her.

"Consider this a present, lass. Now we be on our way. Up to the deck with ya." Deadeye grumbles as he turns on his heel and walks up the staircase towards the quarterdeck. Looking down, Stevie lets out a huff and grumbles as she reaches down and picks up the gun, setting it down on her empty holster around her belt. She then takes the limp Chamblain and pulls him towards the porthole. With some struggle, Stevie gets his body throw the porthole and pushes him out.

"Have yerself a safe trip down." She mumbles before dusting off her hands and rushing up to deck as well. The open sea comes to a closing as a cay of land starts to rise into view in the distance. A bunch of her crew members shout hurrahs and whoops of joy as they steadily begin to reel into the oh so infamous island of treasures. Stevie's face lights up at the thought of finally getting her hands on all those riches.

"Here's to hopin' " Stevanya says to herself as the others begin to prep up the rowboats. In the distance, she spots a bunch of other rowboats on their way to the island as well and a ways behind is an abandoned ship.

"Looks like we gots ourselves some competition, Cap'n." Stevie called to Bishop who pulled out his travelers telescope, finding a few others rowing towards the island.

"No matter, Scout...we don't have a thing to worry about. Just stick to our plans and we'll be fine." Bishop grumbled ordering a few of the others around.

"I hope so, cap'n...hope so." Stevie sighs, crossing her arms.
James smiled back at her. He was about to say something sweet to her when he heard someone scream. James ran back to the split and found Raleigh ripped to shreds by a flock of giant vampire bats. James removed two pistols and shot the bats out of the air. One remained and swooped down at him. James rolled out of the way and called to catnip "shot the damn thing I need to reload but this thing wants my blood. The bat came in for another dive James punched the bat but it came back at him shrieking loud it's fangs trying to find flesh.
Suddenly there was a shot and the bat exploded,Dirt sighed sitting on his horse staring at the pathetic captain of his."Sorry,forgot my bag..."He said as he hopped of the horse and simply walked over to his bag which just sat there where he left it,he flipped it over his shoulder after checking if everything was still there."You know...This just states what could happen when people split up."he said as he turned and smiled at the ripped up body,"Ah well,never cared anyway."He chuckled as he started walking back to his horse,his gun held in his free hand loaded.
Catnip had her gun out, about to shoot, but Dirt got it first. She glared at him slightly, feeling like he stole her kill. "Ah well... he is a better shot anyhow," she muttered quietly to herself, reassuring herself with the fact that she was the best at sword-fighting and second best at magic. Catnip sighed, "You know, if he couldn't handle himself, he couldn't. Nothin we coulda done bout it. Say, Capt'n where to now do you think? That chest back there, we never did open it. I really would like some new weapons or something. Wouldn't it be neat? If we could find some good ones?" Catnip smiled big, obviously not bothered in the least by Raleigh's passing. She never did like him.
James was getting tired of te attitude from dirt but for the groups sake he did not press the matter further. But he did however challenge dirt's assumption that Raleigh would not have died if they had stuck together. "Dirt if you need protection you can come with us I decided things would be this way since we could maximize how much loot we could get and split between us I mean hell we could have been followed here for all we know they don't call these water's devils alley for nothing." Turning back to catnip he was softer and pleaded "Let's get moving and open that box we found it we can split it right?" James started down the path at least he had a friend here in catnip and at least she was loyal.
Catnip smiled big and looked at James, sticking her tongue out, "Ok. Try to catch me," she said then bolted off. Catnip sprinted off and was quite fast, considering she is an elf. But, she knew there was always magic he could use to even the playing field so he had a chance. Catnip thought as she ran, her mind wandering. Danger or not, she didn't like being a hidden interest. To be honest it made her feel like a mistress. Catnip shrugged it off, deciding to talk to him about it later.
James called out to her yelling. "Catnip wait up" James ran after her and finally he caught up with her where she stopped where the chest was and James stopped huffing and puffing after he caught up with her and yelled at her angry. "Damnit Catnip why would you run off like that huh?" James pulled her close and held her looking her in the eyes. "I was serious that in this adventure everyone has their lives in their hands." shaking her with tears in his eyes he shook her "I can't lose you Catnip" letting go of Catnip he took a step back and admitted "Look I have to tell you something when we left here with the treasure I had it planned that as soon as we docked in St. Isla I would ask you to marry me and we would have the wedding the best woman in the world deserves so please catnip be safe try and keep yourself from danger there is no point in all of this if I can't get you in the end" James stepped foorward and kissed her deeply not caring about what may happen after the kiss he looked at the chest and smiled at Catnip "Shall we open it my love?"
Catnip listened to James intensely, feeling sorry for running off now. But when he talked about marriage, her heart froze in her chest. 'Marriage?' she thought, wide eyed, 'Could...could he really want that? I mean... I just... we...' Her thoughts refused to be straight and the kiss didn't help. When James kissed Catnip, her knees went weak and she blushed, feeling hot all of a sudden and she didn't understand it. Catnip's lips felt like they were tingling, and her whole body was hyper-aware. She leaned against him, forgetting all about the treasure for that moment, too caught up in the moment to care. When James asked about the chest she just kissed him again, mid-sentence, caught up in a maelstrom of love for him.
James returned her kiss harder. His mind and body told him what he wanted but this really was not the place for that. Placing his hands on her briefly his mind yelled at him for more. He had to pull back calming down he tried to speak. "We have to stop before something happens it is not the most romantic place to do well you know." James bent over and broke open the treasure chest pulling coins and jewels out. He looked up at Catnip "Well I guess these coins can br your dowery love." James smiled just kidding with her but he was happy that they got their hands on some real treasure. "Catnip we are gonna be the richest pirates ever and you know what we are gonna buy St. Isla and rule these seas together." James got lost again in his fantasy but it looked as if they were gonna be one step closer. The whole thing that gave him an idea "What do you want to do with you're cut of the loot Catnip?" James took a seat and decided he was going to listen to her own hopes and dreams.
"What would I do with it?" She smiled and thought about it, then sat on James's lap, facing him. "Well... I would love to get the best and fastest airship there ever was. Yes. That's right. Airship. I would love to be an airship pirate. I believe a band wrote a song about it once." She kissed James again hard, "You can control yourself with just a little kissing, can't you?" Catnip winked at him and continued speaking, giving him a kiss each pause, "And... I think then I would want something more... A nice island... all for ourselves... and a wedding of course... with the perfect wedding gown..." she had kissed him six times, and was now done speaking, so she kissed him once more, her face beaming.
James was surprised about the flurry of kisses which did not help his desire but with Catnip in his lap. James was a little confused about the airship thing but the rest sounded right. "An airship how are we supposed to be together if you captain another ship and if I am on the sea and you are in the sky?" James now was really confused. "And for that matter if you captain another ship who will be my first mate?" James really looked lost he was just realizing how much he needed catnip. She looked so happy and it made him smile at her and ask "So when did you realize that you were in love Catnip." James was glad they finally were getting everything in the clear so they could move forward the weeks of awkwardness and staring at each other when they thought the other was not looking was a bore and they now finally had each other and he was happier then he has ever been in his life
Dirt seemed like the type to blow up after that comment,but he simply smiled and watched as the went.Finally he was learning,but still a bit on the serious side which he still had to fix. Dirt didn't go with them instead he went back to his horse and set his bag,he leaned his head against the horse's chest as he looked down at the ground. He started lightly coughing but it grew harder as he covered his mouth with his hand,when it stopped it left burning i his thought and he removed his hand to find blood in it. He has had issues with coughing for a while now but hid it,it's never been this bad throat and he had no idea what was causing it."What am I gonna do?...."He said with his throat strained,speaking to no one really but he really didn't know. He then shot up and looked around,he heard something move around him out of nowhere and noticed a boy stood hidden staring at him.Dirt stared back as he tried to get a better look,"Hello?" he said as he crept closer,after the third step the boy took off. Dirt chased after him with only his gun,"Wait a sec!"He said as he ran.
Catnip giggled and poked James's nose playfully, "You are so funny. I didn't mean captain it. Nor did I mean leave you. I could never. An airship can go on water or in the air!" She smiled, imagining the vehicle. Catnip then smiled wider and tilted her head in thought, "Well... I am pretty sure I have always loved you, ever since the cabin." She giggled and kissed his nose, then pulled away and looked in his eyes, "You James? I mean, I always had a fancy for you, but I don't think I ever really understood it until the cabin. And that was quite the fun revelation. When did you find out?"
James smiled at the question and looked into catnips eye's his face looking as if he was deep in a memory. "Do you remember the Port Ramone heist. My father had the plan to enter you in the island pageant and while My father and I made the disturbance you would make off with the jewel encrusted crown." Smiling he sook his head and continued. "Remember why we failed to get the jewels, I froze and the security caught you and we had to make a hasty get away." James touched her soft face with the back of his hand. "I froze not because of nerves but because it was the first time I saw you in a dress your hair neat and free and smelling of sweet perfume." James gazed at her with longing and finished "It was the first time I knew what real treasure was when I laid eyes on you. I always just had thought of you as my fellow swashbuckler but you are so much more catnip." James smiled again happy to tell her what the reality truly was
Catnip blushed and felt as light as air, "You are so... perfect... James." She kissed him lightly on the cheek, a smile on her face as she spoke. Catnip hopped off of his lap, and faced him still, "I don't think you have seen me all dolled up since. It would be fun... especially with how much I have filled in since then. I was still pretty young." Catnip smiled big to herself, imagining herself and James. Her with a black gown on, it flowing freely on the deck of a nice ship, James gawking at her. She giggled and tilted her head, "What now?"
"Where'd you go?..."Dirt looked around trying to find the boy he was following,he spotted him again and took off after him again. The boy went into a cave and Dirt stopped at the entrance of it,"Hello?"He called as it echoed through the cave,but what came back wasn't his voice but a low growl. He slowly backed up as a shadow started coming out of the cave,the sound of a horse walking and as it came out of the shadow he saw it was a horse. Well half horse and half something else,he didn't know what to think."Well....That's new..."He chuckled nervously and then ran away back to where he came from as the thing ran after him right behind him."Wahhhh!!!!"

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