Monster and Me

Sen Pai

I'm back, baby.
"Ah," A small hooded girl glanced up at the dark skies in slight surprise. "It's night time already..?" Gripping her gun, the child pushed herself up from her resting position and stepped down the steps of the hill. "I guess I have to go there now, don't I?"

A dark figure - more than seven feet tall - appeared behind the girl, it's horrifying red pupils flashed with lust for blood. It's grey fur was clumped together with a dark brown crust, known as dried blood. It's teeth were like the roots of a tree, uneven and pointy. It bottom teeth, however, were sharp, merciless, knives stuck to the creature's infected rotting gums. Inside it's mouth was like a graveyard for death, bodies were rotting everywhere, the girl could even make out the shape of a man's head - although it was crack and his brain liquids were spilling out. - It was a disgusting sight to see. Imagine having this thing follow you around since birth, murdering everyone that hurt you, even if it was just a little paper cut. The child could still smell the familiar scent of Aunt Quinsy's rosy perfume. Roses and blood were not a good combination.

"I know. We'll be meeting more monsters." The child removed her hood to reveal her large, empty, black eyes. She looked like a doll, so cute, so pretty, so...fragile. Soft light brown hair were tied up in two high pigtails, keeping the silky locks out of her face. "Let's hope they don't try to kill us like the others." She was so small to, everyone thought that she was going to be eaten by that terrible thing behind her. But, the child had an even worse fate than being eaten.

Gliding down the steps effortlessly, the girl slipped on the ID the government had given her. Why do we have to wear this damned thing anyway? An irritated scowl ruined her pretty face, twisting it into one who has seen too many things. Heard many horrifying things. Much too many things for a twelve year old. The ID tag around her neck was just for identification, so that she could be allowed into that irritating group of "monster hunters" the useless government set up.

Clementine Ciam, 12

Mon. No. 23

The creature behind Clementine followed her silently, the only sounds it made was its deep and low breaths. It stunk of rotten flesh. Disgusting. Clementine gagged at the smell that came from her monster's death-smelling mouth.

"Seriously, No. 23, brush your teeth." No. 23 emerged from the shadows and revealed it's blood stained teeth, you could still see some of the bones and other body parts stuck between it's sharp canines. The monster was a terrifying fright to look at. It's mouth took up most of it's body, just an giant black hole that would just keep eating. Killing. Destroying.

"Ew. I'm not flossing your teeth ever a-" Clementine looked up into the monster's flashing red eyes and saw that ironic feeling. Love. The same "love" that killed everyone she knew. "Fine." The girl groaned as she reached her arm into the mouth of the monster and pulled out another arm. It was sticking to the monster's teeth, covered in blood and for some reason...the fingers were still moving. It was obvious that this arm had it's forearm broken, it was only hanging to together from the already decaying muscles. A few of its fingers looked like they had been smashed and ripped off to.

"Gross." Clementine threw the arm back into No. 23's mouth, who snapped the arm in half, splattering blood all over the child. "Fuck! Seriously?!" Rage overcame the little girl as she began to yell out many profanities a 12 year old should never know. Wiping the blood off her skin, Clementine almost puked out her stomach acids and lunch when No. 23 opened it's mouth to release a low whimper. No. 23 reached out to touch the girl with it's long sharp "fingers" only to be slapped away.

"Don't touch me." Clementine hissed, furrowing her eyebrows together in anger. Glaring down at No. 23's sticky-from-blood fingers, Clementine snorted and walked away from her monster, obviously very disgusted with it's current physical appearance. "You look horrid." No. 23 spit out a bloodied heart, still beating, and pushed it towards Clementine. An adoring gesture, but still absolutely disgusting. "Get that thing away from me!" Clementine picked up the organ and threw it at her monster in anger. "Just stop it, okay?!" Storming away from the creature, Clementine broke out into a run, trying to get away from that...thing.

But, she knew that she was doomed. Clementine could never escape that monster. Her monster.
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"She went that way!" A brutal voice called, before the heavy footsteps faded to darkness. Before she knew it, Rae was running as fast as she could out of the alley and down the street until it got populated. "Damn..." She said, turning to face another populated street.

Tired, panting, and looking like a wreck she stumbled into a ice cream store. Just like old times, eh? Rae looked at the different flavors and pondered. 'Mint Chip or Coffee with fudge?' Pulling out some money, she ordered Coffee with fudge, walked out, and began to head home to her crappy apartment. Actually, the crappy part of it was the fact that it started out crappy, then she just fixed it up and made it dummy proof.
A figure sat back on a tree branch up high, watching the sunset. Below her on the ground was an enormous white, ghostly wolf creature. To anyone else it may have looked as if the girl was in trouble, up in the tree to get away from the thing. But the teen didn't care what people thought about the monster, she appreciated the thing.

It stared at her intently. It never liked when she was up so far away from it. But it stayed on the ground, ready to catch her if need be. The beast sat patiently, staring. Always always watching. If not by her side, then from the window. If not from the window then from the forest. Forever. And always.

The figure up in the tree decided to come down. She jumped, and as she fell the government issued badge flashed in the light of the sunset.

Junko Takahashi, 17

Mon. No. 5

5, or as Junko called it, Onisan. A play on the Japanese word for demon and older brother. Because like an older brother it caught her on it's back as she fell, and like a demon it's muzzle would be stained with whatever friends she used to have. It stood at least 7 feet tall, give or take a few inches. Junko on the other hand was only average height at 5' 8". She slid off of the wolf's back and on the ground, and started to walk. With the black and gold katana on her back and the huge wolf at her side, hands in her pockets, and plain T-shirt and jeans, she looked like a force to be reckoned with.

On the edge of the woods, a tall boy and his giant rodent monster slowly walked along. Hating any sort of conflict, the handsome nerd pushed his glasses up and adjusted the ID badge into a very OCD position. Perfect. He thought as a mouse poked it's head out from the boy's breast pocket.

The little creature was nothing like the monstrosity trailing behind them. The small one was sandy brown all over except it's white chest, with perfect black eyes and a cute pink tail. Perhaps the teen had a mouse fetish, but whatever it was, he just loved the mouse. So much. He raised it from a tiny baby, and now two years later here they were, about to fight monsters. The color of the mouse's fur and his hair was almost the same, his being slightly darker.

Pearius Nezumi, 18

Mon. No. 7

But how could such an adorable mouse and such a nerdy guy defeat monsters? The reason he was recruited was probably due to the large, murderous size of the freakish rodent constantly stalking him. While the thing never really made him uneasy, he still wondered about that camping trip, and the thought bugged him.

Yet it was just a fact of life.

Like most weird things lately.
"Check mate." The boy watched as the taller man let out a sigh. "That's been ten times in a row. I've been undefeated in this game for thousands of years and you seem to beat me every time without trying." Victor gazed out the window as his monster began to set up the pieces again. As he listened to his monster demand another rematch, he took the cup from the tray next to him. "Thank you, Ava." The pink haired woman gave him a smile and sat on the nearby couch. He sipped his cup of Earl Grey and it tasted divine. Ava always had a knack for making tea. He stopped drinking and moved the black pawn on the board. He enjoyed times like this.

"Damn! Not again!" Victor watched as Ava tried to console her older brother. Victor finished the last of his tea and stood up from his chair. "There are worse things than loosing in chess, Lance. For instance, this thing right here is more problematic." Victor held up the ID tag, brows furrowing.

Victor K. Weismann, 16

Mon. No. 1/2

The object had appeared on his doorstep weeks ago, the government asking for his assistance. He wanted nothing to do with the situation and tossed it out. However, the thing just kept coming back. Victor eventually accepted the inevitable and decided to pay these people a visit. He would reject their offer personally. Hopefully they would understand and leave him alone, but he had a feeling that wasn't going to happen.

Victor walked towards the door, grabbing his large coat and his cane. "Ava. Lance. We're leaving now." The siblings appeared next to him, their posture straight. "Yes, Master." They spoke in unison, standing on each side of him. Victor let out a sigh. "I've told you several times, you don't have to address me as 'Master.'. Just call me Victor." The sibling nodded and opened the large doors in front of him. "Yes, Master." He sighed once more. 'I guess old habits die hard.'

Victor walked down the street, cane tapping on the ground with every step. Ava and Lance walked beside him, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity. "Calm down you two, nothing is out here. Well, not yet anyway." The siblings were always protective of him, always treating him like he was something precious. Although they were protective, they didn't go overboard like others did. Ava and Lance were quite refined and peaceful, unless he was threatened. With their human appearance and mannerisms, it was almost impossible to tell they were monsters at all.

As they walked down the street, Victor heard running. Lance put his hands on his shoulder, leaning in to whisper. "There's a human not far from here and a monster's presence not too far behind. What would you have us do?" Victor didn't like the idea of a human being attacked, so he went for the best option. "We'll observe the situation. If the human is in danger of being attacked, we eliminate the monster like always." Ava and Lance nodded and he climbed onto the male's back. "Let's go." The two vampires took off at an incredible speed, making their way towards the presence.
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Liliana, or rather Lily, watched in fear as the beast before her struggled against the grip of its foe. The beast was similar to a grey, undead lion with flaming eyes, only it was the size of a car. The creature it was struggling with was none other than Lily's own guardian; Phantom. Phantom was rather bulky for a ghost, especially considering the fact that he was wrestling an oversized, undead lion. And winning.

The zombie lion finally managed to escape from Phantom's killer grip, and upon freeing itself, charged straight at the little girl it had tried to kill before it was intercepted. Lily screamed out of fear as the beast let out a low, moan-like roar. However, before it could touch Lily, it was once again intercepted by Phantom. However, this time, Phantom was not going to let anything remain of the beast as he blasted it with a bright, glowing green orb of spirit energy; the ultimate ghost weapon.

The lion let out a yelp as it got a face-full of the blast, causing it to actually fall backwards. The creature was quickly consumed by green flames. Phantom moved away from the now inanimate corpse and went to check on Lily. She quickly hugged him in relief, which let him know she was ok. He was glad for two things: his human was safe and this was just another bloodless fight.

(nothing like an epic intro :3))
as ardetha sat in the hallway her mother was screaming in pain as nurses rushing out of her room ran past her. she knew her mother was sick ever sense her father died her depression got worse, even attempted suicide more than once and now this sickness was overcoming her..she didnt know how to feel about, if her mother was so ready to give up her life here and abandoning her only daughter then why should ardetha care if she died. her shadow moved and twisted contorting into a living mass as its bones snapped into places and it gurgled taking in air. its eyes where white and glowing almost like looking into the light, like he himself was death. it leaned its muzzle close to my ear telling me he could make her death quick..painless even all she had to do was say it. ardetha sat for a moment and looked at her little monster and with a faint nod he dissapeard leaving only her and her empty shadow behind. in a matter of seconds the screaming stopped and the doctor was shouting, "we're losing her! nurses give me a hand!" she could hear them struggling to save her mother..but it was pointless.

Ardetha Van Flettermaus, 17

Mo. No.13

Ardetha stood up the nurses pushing past her, she felt empty and light without her monster around but once he did she felt grounded again and sighed in relief. no more of this..she attached the badge she was given by the government and picked up her bag. she wasnt coming back here, not to this house, not to this town. she walked out of the house into the cold wet night air, hearing the sound of distant sirens approaching. she walked quickly and her monster re-appeared looking at her as if it was questioning her. "i know what im may not stay.." it tilted its head and dissapeared back into the darkness. 
draven leaned against an alleyway wall smoking a cigarette looking up at the night sky, people around him were shuffling about him most ignoring him some giving him judging stares. a man came up to him, "hey bro can a bum one off ya?" draven gave him a cold look. "f*ck off bro.." he kept taking drags off his and looked away from him. the dude looked at him stunned, "you wanna fight er somethin? huh?" he looked like he was serious and as draven straightened himself glaring down at the man who wasnt much shorter then him. thats when her head appeard from the shadows behind dravens shoulder, her eyes bright red like blood and her hair a shining silver, her hair was long covering one of her eyes. "master...may i?" he looked at her then at the gentleman. "i wouldnt test her.." the man looked horrified at this girl right when she started reaching out, but it was no normal hand it was clawed and blood dripped from them, "come now.." she purred but the man sprinted away screaming bloody murder. man she was impressive.

Draven Malaki, 18

Mo. No.17

she handed him his badge, "we leave now?" he could tell she was hungry and impatient. "in a moment love..go feed on a hobo somewhere its not like you will lose me" and he was right, whereverhe was she never to far behind.
Clementine ran through the streets, narrowly dodging any obstacles that were in her way. Many people around her would be amazed that a little girl could move so fast and efficiently. Ducking into a dark alleyway, Clementine leaned against the wall to catch her breath. Placing a petite hand over her chest, Clementine thought that her heart could pop out her her chest at any moment. Curling up into a little ball, Clementine hugged her knees to her chest and let the tears run down her cheeks. It's behind me isn't it? A bloody finger appeared in front of Clementine's face and wiped the tears away, leaving red marks instead.

Pushing herself up, Clementine slapped the hand away and straightened herself out. Turning on her phone - which was provided by the government - Clementine quickly checked the time before emerging from the shadows of the alley. "Let's go." the girl dusted off the imaginary dirt from her dress and began to walk in the direction of the mystery building everyone was supposed to meet up at.

To: Clementine Ciam, Lilliana Kay Foster, Victor K. Weismann, Junko Takahashi, Ardetha Van Flettermaus, Rae Taurloc, Camilla, Pearius Nezumi, Draven Malaki

From: unknown number

We're meeting up at 1023, 216th Street, Langley.

Be there in five minutes.

"Get there in five minutes?" Clementine scoffed and checked the street she was at and Clementine's soft pink lips formed a small 'o'. It's just next door. Scowling as she neared the building, Clementine made sure it was the right one and opened the door to it. "Come on, No. 23, hurry your fat ass up." the young girl's shoes clicked when it hit the marble floors of the building. It looked wrecked and ugly on the outside - just like a rest of this town - but the inside was a first class area. Huh, not surprised. Clementine took a seat in one of the chairs and waited for the rest of the others to come in with their monsters.

In a very comical way, No. 23 tried to sit down in the chairs along with Clementine, the creature ended up taking five seats and breaking them after it put all it's weight down on the poor chairs.
((waaaaat!? Okay. We'll try not to get too far in the story without you. But no promises about awesome epic fights))
ardethas plane landed not to long ago, she checked her map and looked around the busy town. this place didnt even compete with germany not by a long shot. her monster grumbled in agreement. "so..shall we continue on then?" she looked down at its glowing eyes appearing from the depths of her shadow and it blinked in agreement. she walked on to find a building, it said to be here within five minutes, shes glad she took the first plane. she walked through the large doors it looked clean and empty, the marble floors changing her shadow into a reflection. that cause her little monster to form beside her crawling slowly on the floor, the darkness dripping of it and turning to smoke. she saw a girl sitting down already and her monster was much diffrent then her. she could feel the fear but did not react to as she took a seat across from the girl and her monster not once looking at them.


draven was walking hands in pockets as his monster in human form was clinging to his arm, he had bought medical bandages to hide her hands from humans and she wore an eye patch to conceal her glowing eye. so leading her they walked up to the building and walked through the door, the only sound was the breathing of the two already present monsters and their humans. his monster could smell them and he knew she could but she didnt change form, she could never control herself in that form. he sat down and eyed the two girls and their monsters, he caught ardethas monster staring at him and he quickly turned away..its eyes made him uneasy.
Victor's coat fluttered in the wind as his monsters continued to run. As he stared ahead, he felt a vibration from the inside of his pocket. He withdrew the phone that had been delivered earlier and read the message on the brightly lit screen.

To: Clementine Ciam, Lilliana Kay Foster, Victor K. Weismann, Junko Takahashi, Ardetha Van Flettermaus, Rae Taurloc, Camilla, Pearius Nezumi, Draven Malaki

From: unknown number

We're meeting up at 1023, 216th Street, Langley.

Be there in five minutes.

He showed the message to Lance and awaited his opinion. "Incidentally, that's the same location of the presence we sensed." Victor thought about the message and what Lance had said. "If that's the case, the human and monster must be in a similar situation to ours." He had a feeling that he wasn't the only one who had been contacted. When he finished his thoughts, he and his monsters landed in front of a building. "We've arrived, Master."

Victor entered the room with the siblings, cane tapping on the floor. He looked around the room, observing the others. 'I guess all the men have been devoured.' The room was filled with nothing but women. Well, women and monsters. The creatures before him differed greatly from Ava and Lance. They were There wasn't really any other word to describe them. Ava and Lance looked completely human, while the others barely had any human-like appearance. He also noticed that he was the only one with two monsters. 'I guess having a pair isn't common.'
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Junko checked the message on her phone. "Gah... we better hurry," she sighed. She could easily run that far in five minutes due to her training, but she didn't feel like being all sweaty for their first meeting. She pocketed the phone and started walking in the direction of the city, as she was just on the outskirts. She picked up the pace, but as they entered the city she knew they wouldn't make it in time.

Onisan seemed to sense this, and it stepped around her and keeled down, almost as if it was bowing in front of her, offering a ride. She obliged, and climbed up onto it's huge back. It took off in the direction they had been traveling, leaping over buildings as if they were bumps in the road. She had never actually been on Onisan's back, and the whole experience was thrilling! And terrifying.

Soon they arrived at the building, and checking her phone to make sure it was correct, Junko got off of the wolf's back and entered. She walked inside the marble hall, her feet making no sound whatsoever. The only sound that came from the two of them was the clicking of the giant wolf's claws on the marble. Junko looked at the little girl, and then to her monster. Poor thing. She thought. At least her monster was clean, aside from the blood. Instead of taking a seat, Junko sat on the floor, her legs crossed.

Pearius took the annoying phone from his pocket, read the message, and put it back. "How annoying... I can't run that fast..." But he sucked it up, not realizing that his monster could probably take him there, and took off running.

Call him handsome, he won't believe you. Call him smart, he'll deny it. Call him unathletic and you'll be met with undying agreement. Pearius huffed and puffed, and was only halfway there when there was barely any time left. His monster, not liking him working so hard, picked him up. "H-hey!" he managed to get out between breathes, but he was grateful as it took him to the building.

The rodent set him down outside the door, which was too small for it, the thing being at least twice his height. "Can't you shrink or something?" He asked it as he walked into the door. Suddenly he was joined by the creature, only his size. "Well I guess that answers that question..." he said, looking behind at it. Then suddenly as he turned around and saw the little girl's monster, he almost let out a scream. What was that thing??
ardetha looked as more people slipped into the giant room each monster so very frightening. her monster was so small compared to others but her monster had its perks. hidden in shadows its eyes muse people to it..they know they are scared but cannot help but approach. she looked at the boy with the two monsters. "very curious indeed.." her monsters growled in her ear softly and she nodded.


draven was looking at every monster come in and a kid had a monster that resembled his..very human like but this was only a glamor for his monster, her true form beautiful but undeniably scary. "can you sense these monsters dear?" she nodded as she took her wrappings off and her eye patch. blood automatically started dripping to the floor from her hands and she sighed an almost pleasurable sigh of relief.
(meh, I'll improvise. FOR THE SAKE OF THE PLOT!))

Lily breathed a sigh of relief. Phantom vanished back into his vortex which promptly closed after he did so, seeing as though his job was done. Lily walked down more of the barren streets, not knowing why the city was here. She could tell not too many people lived here, if any. It may have been late-night, but it still was all too...quiet. Maybe it had to do with the increased number of monsters in the area. Either way, Lily didn't feel safe...

As she wandered down the streets, she suddenly stopped in front of an old building. She looked to see if there was a sign on it, but there didn't appear to be any. was weird, almost as if something was calling her. A voiceless call...Lily didn't know what to think. She'd been in situations like this before, but usually Phantom would appear to protect her from an unseen enemy. But that wasn't happening this time.

Liliana finally decided that, since Phantom didn't seem to be appearing to stop her, that would go into the building. She turned the creaky knob, then stepped into a long room. To her, the room was dark and empty. She didn't see anyone else there, but she knew someone was there. Though she could not see them, everyone else in the room could easily see her, the little girl who appeared to have no monster, a seemingly easy target.
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((I wasn't getting any my own rp...))

Clementine watched as everyone began to pour into the sickening white room and raised an eyebrow when she saw a man with a pair of humanoid monsters. "Why can't you be humanoid, No. 23?" Clementine glared harshly at her monster, a scowl evident on her face. "It would've made life so much more easier." Folding her arms across her chest, Clementine leaned back in her seat and rolled her eyes.

No. 23 seemed to pout at Clementine's words, but kept them in mind, making a mental note to find a way to turn humanoid to please its human. What sex shall I be? No. 23 examined the females and took note that they tended to be more softer, and squishy looking. When the giant, blood covered monster scanned over the male body, it found that the males tended to be more muscular, bigger, stronger - even if they did have a weak point in between their legs - No. 23 decided that it would be a male and would be referred to as a he. No. 23 tried his best to inform Clementine about his new decision, but his words only came out in low growls and hisses.

Over the years she had been with No. 23 - which was her whole life - Clementine had learnt how the monster spoke, seeing as how its mouth took up most of its body, the vocal cords didn't have much of a space to expand. "What do you want?" Clementine growled at her monster, obviously not having a good day. "You're a male now?" Raising an eyebrow at No. 23, Clementine sighed and shrugged, not caring if her monster was a man or a woman, hell, it could even be a clown fish! Clementine didn't care. A monster was a monster, wasn't it?

The twelve year old went back to examining the new people as they came in, everyone's monster was different in their own way. Deciding to break the awkward silence, Clementine thought it would be best to get to know these people, she would be working with them from now on. "I'm Clementine and this is No. 23." Clementine gestured to the giant creature sitting next to her. I guess No. 23 won't be able to kill these people, they have their own monsters to protect them. Maybe there was something good about this little government-group-thing.
For a second, Liliana almost thought she heard a voice. "Hello?" She called out innocently enough. To her, there was no response except for an echo. To anyone else, she probably looked crazy. She wasn't looking at anyone or any of their monsters. She just kept looking foreword at the darkness she saw.

The darkness didn't appear to be there by a normal person's perspective. To them, it would just be a bright room full of people and messed up monsters. Totally normal. Yet still, Liliana stared into the darkness that only she could see. It was then and there that she knew something was really, very wrong with this place...

Oh, and she forgot to close the door behind her. Totally important.
Victor listened to the girl's introduction and raised his brow when she talked about her monster. 'No.23.? Does her monster not have a name?' The more he thought about it, he really didn't know anything about tame monsters. He only based other monster-human relationships off the one he had with his. 'I guess we're all different.' Victor thought for a moment and came up with an idea, but he would introduce himself first.

"I am Victor K. Weismann. The woman to my left is Ava and the man on my right is Lance." Seeing as how their master was safe enough, the siblings gave a curt bow to the group. After his introduction, his mind kept floating back to how the girl interacted with her monster. 'They must not have a good relationship.' He would not interfere with their relationship, but something continued to bug him.

Victor approached the large beast and examined him closely, calm as ever. He tapped his cane in thought, before muttering to himself. "Gerald? What about Alexander? Maybe Totaru? Hmm." He was going through a list of names he thought might fit the monster. He didn't want to keep referring to him as No.23., so perhaps he could think of something to address him by.
(That's funny, because clown fish are known hermaphrodites :D )

Junko looked at the girl again as she spoke. She supposed it was introduction time then, huh? She didn't bother with getting up. Others annocned themselves, and she waited for a break in the noise to speak up. "I'm Junko Takahashi. This is Onisan." She declared, gesturing to her giant wolf.

Onisan almost appeared as though it thought itself better than the rest of the monsters there. Wolves were know for their pride, and Onisan was no exception. It was sitting, but it's posture was better than most of the humans there, with it's nose slightly in the air. A proud, beautiful, regal protector, it thought of itself.

Pearius, freaked out by all the monsters, gulped. This was insane! He'd never seen so many freakish creatures before! Maybe he was just too normal for this job... He listened to the introductions, but refused to look at No. 23. It was too chilling for him.

When it seemed to be his turn to introduce himself, he adjusted himself slightly, pushing up his glasses. "I-I am Pearius... Pearius Nezumi," he declared shakily. The monsters in the room unnerved him. "And... er... this is..." he suddenly realized he had not given the giant a name. "Um... this is... Ro." He had started to say rodent and cut it short, but it worked. Maybe he'd think of a name later. He didn't think it should be called by a number, and the monster seemed to be pleased.
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ardetha was not liking the thought of introducing herself and she didnt plan to..she couldnt talk to these people. even if she wanted to. she watched victor out of curiosity.


draven was smirking abit as he crossed his arms leaning back. this was entertaining enough but he wasnt going to just burst out and introduce himself to all theses kids. "what do you think?" he looked over to his monster, "i believe..these humans are interesting" 
( i gtg i need to start getting ready sadly try not to go to far without meeee!!~)
((@lil10000 that was the joke ;) and why is everyone leaving QAQ))

Clementine ignored Victor's ideas for a new name for No. 23, personally, Clementine didn't really care what they called her monster. "Call him whatever you'd like to." The little girl crossed her legs and scowled. Where are those government people? They tell us to come early, but they're not even here? Clementine's patience was beginning to run out.

No. 23 seemed to like the new names that were being thrown out, it gave him a sense of humanity. The monster seemed to like Totaru, the other names seemed much too stuffy for the flesh eating creature. Releasing a low growl from his humongous mouth, No. 23 jumped up from the - crushed - chairs and roared at Victor, agreeing with the latter of the names. But, No. 23 finally realized that they wouldn't understand him and would only think that he was threatening him. A sad look flashed through No. 23's large, hollow eyes as he slumped against the wall, creating a crack in the white when he did so. But, this was just another reason to learn how to turn into a humanoid.

Yes. Humanoid, not human. No. 23 was smart enough to know that he would never be human, humans had something that he could never have. A soul. Humans had something called a soul that would allow them to live after they died. No. 23 was a monster, he couldn't die from old age like humans and other animals. No. 23 had to die from being killed. But, why would he want to be killed when his human still needed protection?
((Yay! Let's skip around in the flowers while wearing sun dresses because that's the most manliest thing to do. Ever. :D ))
(I'll make sure to where my big hat so the sun doesn't get in my eyes! :D Oh, but DUN THINK I'M LEAVING YOU, 'CAUSE AHM NOT, but I need to take the dog out to go to the bathroom really quick, so...yeah .3. brb))
Victor observed the girl's scowl after listing possible names. 'Looks like I was right, these two definitely aren't on good terms.' It must've been frustrating to have something you didn't like around you all the time. He wouldn't know the feeling, since he, Ava, and Lance were all on good terms.

Victor's hair was blown back slightly as the monster roared. It appeared that he didn't know how to form words, so understanding him was difficult. However, difficult didn't mean impossible. Victor was good at reading body language and this monster was all body. "You like that name, huh?"

Victor watched as the monster cracked the wall. He appeared sad, but he didn't know the reason. He approached the beast anyway and gave him a friendly pat on the back. "Hey now, don't look so sad." Although this was a monster, he was alive and had feelings, which made him a person in a sense. He pondered what might cheer him up, before deciding on something. "After all, you've got a name now, Totaru." It was probably strange how he was attempting to comfort the beast, despite the fact that he was covered in blood and guts. However, after years of living in the world of monsters, Victor had seen much worse and he had grown desensitized to the carnage.

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