Monocle Station (IC Chat thread)

The Mad Queen

Memento Mori. Unus Anus
In an old RP I was in on Iwaku (this site is better) there was a thread where the characters talked to each other outside of the RP. I want to try something like this here.
Felix: I think that's a nice idea, I guess. Seems pretty interesting. My thread did the same thing, and it was... weird.

Homura: *Time warps away*

Frisk: Hello! I can't wait to meet you all.

Okabe: Speak for yourself kid. The Organization's everywhere.
Crane: I like this idea.

Isaac: This seems cool. The last time I was in a place like this, Nercomorphs showed up and the universe was nuked.

Jason: Are cameo characters allowed into the club? I'm barricading the door if Ward shows up.
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Naoto: "Strange... Though I suppose after the Midnight Channel this shouldn't be too strange..."
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Recette: "Ooh, looky! A whole buncha new people! I didn't know this place existed, it's huge!"
theManCalledSting said:
Nepgear: "No... but don't expect some of the other Goddesses to show up here..."
Recette: "Why's that? I'd love to meet them too!"
theManCalledSting said:
Nepgear: "Well... Noire would probably be too busy and Blanc would still stick to the novel Format..."
Recette: "Oh... Well, can't we use that instead?"

Tear: "I do not believe that is how it works..."
LegoLad659 said:
Recette: "Oh... Well, can't we use that instead?"
Tear: "I do not believe that is how it works..."
Nepgear: "Why not let's interact with other characters? I'm sure there are some here who we've haven't met yet..."
theManCalledSting said:
Nepgear: "Why not let's interact with other characters? I'm sure there are some here who we've haven't met yet..."
Recette: "Yeah! Like... Like... Uh, who's here anyway?"
theManCalledSting said:
Nepgear: "Um... hmm... Why not that girl over there?" *Points to a girl dressed in red talking to another girl dressed in Red*
Recette: "Okay! Hello over there!"
theManCalledSting said:
RED: "HEY! LOOK! ANOTHER POTENTIAL WIFEY! What do you think about that Magical Girl Wifey?"
Recette: "Eh? Wifey? I'm not a wife..."

Kyouko: "You've gotta be kidding me... Don't drag me into this."
LegoLad659 said:
Recette: "Eh? Wifey? I'm not a wife..."
Kyouko: "You've gotta be kidding me... Don't drag me into this."
RED: "AWW! Come on! I always wanted to expand my ever growing wifey harem with interdimensional wifeys!" *RED gave Kyouko puppy dog eyes*
theManCalledSting said:
RED: "AWW! Come on! I always wanted to expand my ever growing wifey harem with interdimensional wifeys!" *RED gave Kyouko puppy dog eyes*
Kyouko: "Don'tcha already have that dragon girl?"
theManCalledSting said:
RED: "Now where's the fun with only have one Wifey in a Harem?"
Nepgear: "Well that is RED for you... one wifey is never enough with her..."
Kyouko: "Well, whatever you do, leave me out of it. Go bother the Fairy chick or somethin'."

Tear: "You would not, by chance, be talking about me, would you?"

Kyouko: "I don't see another Fairy around here, do you?"
LegoLad659 said:
Kyouko: "Well, whatever you do, leave me out of it. Go bother the Fairy chick or somethin'."
Tear: "You would not, by chance, be talking about me, would you?"

Kyouko: "I don't see another Fairy around here, do you?"
Histoire: "I may be a cameo character but I am also Gamindustri's everything..."

Nepgear: "What the goodness?! Did this happen to you in that other role play where you met my sis, Kyouko?"

RED: "YAY! HAZZUH, ET CETERA! AWESOME! More potential Wifeys!"
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theManCalledSting said:
Histoire: "I may be a cameo character but I am also Gamindustri's everything..."
Nepgear: "What the goodness?! Did this happen to you in that other role play where you met my sis, Kyouko?"

RED: "YAY! HAZZUH, ET CETERA! More potential Wifeys!"
Kyouko: "Nope. It was just me and her. And the other Goddesses, but I never met her."

Tear: "Really, is this necessary...?"
LegoLad659 said:
Kyouko: "Nope. It was just me and her. And the other Goddesses, but I never met her."
Tear: "Really, is this necessary...?"
*Naoto joined the scene*

Naoto: "I think this would be a nice way to know each other before our destinies overlap..."

RED: "Does that mean you're going to be my wifey?"

Naoto: "No... I already have my heart stolen by someone else..."

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