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Fandom Modern Disney University

Just lead me to the link and I shall follow. I don't want the group to die out either. Not sure if I'll keep Pino and Jim as their story is really sad. I may go Geine though maybe Phil as a Team Coach.
Happy birthday to you. Happy birthdaaaay to @Rida. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! And many mooooorrrrreeee.

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Just throwing this out there...

a school rp is too much and kinda tiring at some points.

How about we make the school into a place/resort where our characters get happy endings instead--conventional Disney characters getting unconventional endings.

And can we please add magic? It's not Disney without the magic.
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I like the magic idea but I feel like if we change it from the University setting we'd be changing the RP. The whole idea was to be able to come back to this thread once Hessie returns.
Well, wouldn't we be stomping on her roses by copying and pasting her idea in the first place? Besides, the resort idea would allow us to use our characters in a different setting without really stepping on toes and still keep us busy until she returns. Think of it as a mirror. We have the humanized versions of our characters and we have the slightly more Disney-tized versions in a slightly different setting. The only parts you'd have to alter are the fantasy elements. And that wouldn't be too hard, now would it?
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That's also a good idea as well, with the idea that we should make another RP since we are using Hessie's ideas. However, we are crediting her that this RP is originally her idea and we are using this restart of this similar RP to abide the time. since we don't want this RP to end up fading away, we wanted to make a similar RP so thag way we can transfer back to this original thread to continue it when Hessie comes back.

We can make a new RP with magic and a resort, with different settings. But it won't be able to revert back to this original idea to come back when Hessie is back , unless everyone keeps up with the thread.
I just don't feel like its our place to just take reigns, credit or not. It's still hers and if she plans on returning we should respect that.
Yeah, that makes sense too! So, maybe we can have Disney related ideas but different settings since it may be a problem too?
I'm fine with that. ^_^ We can all just keep chatting here so that it doesn't die out.

I am of the opinion that the beach wedding should take place at the Disney Beach Club Resort

AlwaysYours said:
I just don't feel like its our place to just take reigns, credit or not. It's still hers and if she plans on returning we should respect that.
I'm fine with waiting but no one knows when or even if Hessie is coming back because no one has talked to her in a week, which is the whole reason I suggested doing something new along the same lines. And there is a method to this madness, if we do something similar more of us will be in the same mind set to come back here when or if the time comes to come back. If we do something different we might be over this idea by then. Like @crucialstar said this new thing is only to keep us occupied until @HesitationOblivion comes back... And if she doesn't we can still honor her beautiful imagination by continuing her idea

Also magic is too much power to have in a rp without dice of something else to keep it fair so I vote against magic for whoever is keeping track of opinions
@crucialstar[/URL] said this new thing is only to keep us occupied until @HesitationOblivion comes back... And if she doesn't we can still honor her beautiful imagination by continuing her idea
Also magic is too much power to have in a rp without dice of something else to keep it fair so I vote against magic for whoever is keeping track of opinions
So we are gonna copy something..."in her honor"?

We still need to wait. IDK who had the bright idea to just mow over this without consulting the one person needed who said she'd be back, but you guys are making a big deal over minuscule changes. Our characters would still be able to interact and build relationships and we would know how to apply them to a school like format. There's no method to the madness of reusing an idea, there is just laziness.
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She said she'd be back? I didn't think she did? And we're doing this because we don't want this RP to die. I've had too many great RPs die on me.
Guys, maybe it's just me, but I feel like we're arguing. And I don't think we should argue. We could make the new thread, with Disney, I don't have much preference if it has magic or not, or if it's on a resort or a school, but I personally would really like to rp this. @AlwaysYours I'm not trying to say that I think you're completely off base, because I can understand where you're coming from. If you are fine with waiting than you don't have to join the new thread. That's entirely up to you.
I'm of two minds, one I don't want to pull the rug out from under hessie in case she comes back, but on the other I don't want a pure copy paste without express permission. I also don't want to stop playing with you guys. I've had fun playing with you all and I want to continue. Hear me out.

A Disney Singles Resort that has staff and guests. Good enough reason to continue with our characters and the Teachers could be staff at the resort. Then if Hessie comes back we can run both at the same time. Gives us two games. Just an idea.

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