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Fandom MMO-stuck - A Homestuck RP


Drinker of coffees
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)


Across all universes, there's one constant that's always been upheld. Someone, somewhere, will play SBURB... or some variant of it, at the very least. For that person and their group of friends, the day they play always marks the beginning of a dangerous and difficult journey, one of self-discovery and overcoming the odds. But sometimes, within the infinite timelines, there are instances where the game they play can be a bit... different.

For this particular instance, there are more players than anticipated. Not just our main protagonists will be entering the Medium, but a whole cast of characters will also enter. In this timeline, every client-server chain connected to each other randomly through a bug in the code, thus leading to the session becoming something of an MMO, or massively multiplayer online game.

Earth is not the only planet this is happening on, either. All around the universe, aliens are finding themselves connecting to unfamiliar players in unfamiliar landscapes. Trolls, Cherubs, humans, and any other kind of sentient life are finding themselves all grouped up together in this unusually massive 144-player session, each aspect grouped together on a singular planet, for a total of twelve planets with twelve players each. Will they all be able to get along? Or will their differences drive them apart, and ruin their chance at the ultimate reward?

Hello, all! As you can see, this is a massive session with one of each classpect, the ability to play custom species, and the ability to play more than one character as well! All classpects are first come, first served, and those that aren't claimed will be NPC's controlled by me or background characters that just won't make an appearance. We'll be starting the rp when there's four people interested, so if you want in, let me know below!
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Hey, just wanted to let you know, your code cuts off the words of your interest check at the side on both monitor and mobile
Hey, just wanted to let you know, your code cuts off the words of your interest check at the side on both monitor and mobile

Edit: it looked fine for me, does it look better now?
It's been a while since I've done a SBURB story, so I think I'd be down! And your code is fixed on desktop, unsure about mobile.

I'm interested, though I'd like to see more of the premise in your intro post before I commit

interested :O!

okay... I'll bite lol

Thank you all for your interest!

As for the premise, the idea is to give players the freedom to play whichever classpect, species, moon sway they want. The session itself is one that has every combination of classpect, for a total of 144 characters running around. Every aspect gets its own Land, so you'll be sharing a Land with 11 other characters. All the characteristics of what would have been your own Land is all mushed into the communal aspect Land. This is to prevent having too many Lands around Skaia. The rp will be starting with the characters having just entered the Medium, so there's no long prelude to getting into the game. You can define for yourself what happened prior to entering.

As for the plot, it's just the struggle of having to play the game while also dealing with every other character and trying to organize everyone together. Some claspects that aren't used by you guys will become major npc's that I'll control, and there'll be some interpersonal drama as well as people actively trying to thwart the game.

TL: DR; max player session, play what you want, not everyone will cooperate.

EDIT: you can also play characters from prior homestuck rp's if you want. I'm not gonna stop you, unless the classpect is already taken. The timelines are already out of wack enough, I don't think it'd matter.
welian welian Squad141 Squad141 americanCaeser americanCaeser AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious EdgyCryptid EdgyCryptid

Here is the character thread for everyone to get started on their characters!
welian welian Squad141 Squad141 americanCaeser americanCaeser AnemoVictorious AnemoVictorious EdgyCryptid EdgyCryptid

Here is the character thread for everyone to get started on their characters!
Great! Thanks for opening it. Hope others see this and jump on as well
oh to make an edgy 'its not a phase lusus' troll or just the most oblivious alien you've ever seen
aura's basically done, save for her age which i've yet to decide on. still looking for someone for her to be very close and almost dependent on! (childhood friends? childhood friends to lovers?) (totally didn't copy this from what i original had there haha)
So, is there going to be any sort of OOC, Noivian Noivian ? That way we can plan character dynamics if need be and such

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