Cyan Hide
Rainbow watched Solaris fade and recede back into Spitfire, the lava slowly disappearing with them. That was the thing hiding inside of them that they had just beaten back. Wow... she really had a hard time grasping the reality of this situation. Maybe Spitfire wasn't just all talk when it came to that thing inside of her being dangerous to them both. How she kept worrying over Rainbow's safety at every step, considering protecting them by breaking up. Which... as far as Rainbow is concerned... not happening!
No, this didn't really deter the rainbow maned mare at all. Instead she felt emboldened, a stronger will to support Spitfire. She'll need as much of it as she can get to deal with that thing inside of her. That also means that she'll need somepony to be there that is able to actually fight back against it if she loses control like that again. Rainbow is one such pony... she'll need the help of others, but they're never far away. Her friends are pretty good for snapping to attention for these sorts of things, particularly Twilight!
Slowly coming over, Rainbow gently picked up Spitfire from the ground. "We need to find a better place to rest..." She started, looking back at her companions, lifting Spitfire up and putting them on her back. "Anypony got ideas?"
While she asked that, Rainbow started working on packing up her own things and tent. It was kind of ruined by the hyenas but it was still salvageable.
Rainbow watched Solaris fade and recede back into Spitfire, the lava slowly disappearing with them. That was the thing hiding inside of them that they had just beaten back. Wow... she really had a hard time grasping the reality of this situation. Maybe Spitfire wasn't just all talk when it came to that thing inside of her being dangerous to them both. How she kept worrying over Rainbow's safety at every step, considering protecting them by breaking up. Which... as far as Rainbow is concerned... not happening!
No, this didn't really deter the rainbow maned mare at all. Instead she felt emboldened, a stronger will to support Spitfire. She'll need as much of it as she can get to deal with that thing inside of her. That also means that she'll need somepony to be there that is able to actually fight back against it if she loses control like that again. Rainbow is one such pony... she'll need the help of others, but they're never far away. Her friends are pretty good for snapping to attention for these sorts of things, particularly Twilight!
Slowly coming over, Rainbow gently picked up Spitfire from the ground. "We need to find a better place to rest..." She started, looking back at her companions, lifting Spitfire up and putting them on her back. "Anypony got ideas?"
While she asked that, Rainbow started working on packing up her own things and tent. It was kind of ruined by the hyenas but it was still salvageable.