Mission One: Where Angels Fear To Tread [Operation: X-Com]


Dialectical Hermeticist
The Hangar is a bustle of activity. Technicians scurry from access shafts to terminals to toolboxes and back. A small number of plainly military personnel are present, mostly on guard, it seems. Oddly at ease, though.

A tall, grizzled man in fatigues directs you to a tent - yes, a tent, here in the hangar. A large one - two, in fact, end on end.

"Temporary armoury and dressing rooms, rookies," he says by way of explanation. "Get in uniform, take your loadout, and get on ship."

The first tent is ranked with curtained off cubicles, and in each one is a slate-grey jumpsuit bearing an X-Insignia, a belt with pistol holster, ammo loops, and a grenade clip.

The next tent is fitted with an armed man, armed woman, and lots of chainlink - a fenced of cubicle, of sorts, within which a bored-looking, middle-aged man sits on a crate amongst piles of weapons. A quartermaster?

In any event, he hands you a pistol, rifle, some spare ammunition, and a grenade without comment.

You're quickly bundled onto the dropship, very similar to the one in which you arrived, and quickly taught to stash your gear before being strapped in.

There's quite a bit of space in here - enough to stand comfortably, if you weren't sitting. As the whirl of the last five minutes dies down, a stocky man stumps into the vessel, dressed in fatigues. This man is a General, epaulettes or not. It is a fact stamped into his very being. Although his lack of rank insignia, or any marks for that matter, is... odd.

"Alright, recruits. I'm afraid this has to be short and sweet, we don't have long. Congratulations, Sergeant Jackson - these rookies are your responsibility now." He flashes you a remarkably friendly smile. "Your mission is simple recon - an enemy vessel was shot down less than an hour ago. We didn't intend for any of you to see combat so soon, but times are hard. It's in some godsforsaken little corner of Ireland, with a small civilian presence - fortunately, we don't anticipate many hostiles, either. I'm afraid we can't tell you who you'll be fighting, because we don't know."

Behind him, a pair of soldiers board and strap themselves in, too. At least you won't be going in without some kind of competant backup...

"Good luck, X-Com. Try to come back alive."

The medic blinks once or twice at the motherlode of information dumped into his brain and shakes his head. Looking at the Sarge and back at the departing general and the new faces all around him. The twitching one at first. Christ, what's the matter with that guy? Looks like he needs morphine more than I do...

"So, uh, name's Coleman...how the fuck did they sign the rest of you up? I got out of my Section-08 this way..."

Completely bewildered and all manner of not comfortable with just having been given guns and a grenade, Karen does her best not to look like she feels, but it comes across more as a rushed nervousness.

"I'm Karen. Erm, what is a section 8? What does he mean fighting? I thought I'd be doing lab work or something."

The medic swivels his head to look at the speaker. Oh, good. He wasn't imagining things. "What the hell are we doing going into combat with a woman? No offense, ma'am...but um, well...fuck. So! Section-08 is...not important right now."


Here he was, strapped into a strange carrier, on his way to fight some... One, somewhere in his home country, on behalf of an organisation he'd never bloody heard of and sitting facing an ex-soldier CERTIFIED LOON for a squadmate.

Well piss.

"I mean... Daniels. Mark Daniels. Irish Army. Engineering corps. Also, does anyone here know what the fuck is actually going on here?"

Shrugging, Eric chuckles, biting his lip. "I have a feeling we're about to get spanked very hard by whatever they gave us guns to shoot at. What they cut a deal with you for?"

"Are the rest of you all military types too? Maybe they just messed up my papers. That's probably what happened. I'll just explain it to the pilot .. or .. "

Mark looked a bit nervous. "Well, uh, that's what the court martial was saying anyway. They didn't believe that someone else had sneaked into the garage and planted a bomb. Took out the whole garage, but it was the jeep the major wanted to nail me to the wall. The suits here said they could make it all... Go away."

A glance at the girl "And I'm not really a soldier. Not exactly. I mostly signed up to get a cheap mechanics degree."
The dropship begins to take off - impressively quietly, in fact. It impairs conversation very little.

A little counter has begun above the hatch in the back. Apparently your ETA is 124 minutes.

"Uh...huh. Two hours until we go into that lovely night." Eric sighs. "I suppose getting rid of the court martial'd be...be just fine." He looks down again at the weapons he was given. "Don't the clips look kind of short on these assault rifles? I mean...really?"
Sgt Jackson

He nods to the General and then turns his attentions to his crew.

He lets them talk for abit, taking in their personalities, before speaking up.

"Alright Rookies. Tell me alittle bit about yourselves. Last thing I want is to drop behind enemy lines without knowing what you're capable of doing and having your deaths on my hands. I don't need to write letters to your family members so soon. I don't even have a pen..."

He looks to Daniels, " Probably going to refer to you becuase I don't know a lick of shit about Ireland."

He turns back to the group, "Now, I am not going to lie to you guys. I have NO CLUE as to what we are facing. Probably some sort of terrorist activity or probably some sort of corporate espionage...who knows. But what I know is that my life was shitty before this. So I really don't care what we are doing."

Smiles quickly.

"We all have a certain set of skills that this company sees in us to accomplish their goals. So, lets get started."

Waits for who ever to speak up first with their intro and specialty...whatever that might be.
Mark Daniels:

"Well, I'm Mark Daniels. Friends call me Sparky. I'm an engineer, like I said. Good at making things work again, especially machinery. Went through basic infantry training, so I can fight and fire a gun but I'm no sniper. It's been a couple of years since I lived in Ireland, but it probably hasn't changed much. Big island, 'bout four million people spread out thinly, most of them in Dublin. Still mostly soggy fields and shitty roads. Long as whatever they shot down didn't land in a town or city, we'll probably be the first people there."

Eric shrugs, "Name's Coleman. Eric Coleman. Medic. But uh...far be it from to question whoever the hell now owns our asses in the lovely armored bunker we just flew out of but..." He stops and shakes his head, "I'm from America, part of the Expeditionary Unit that was in Bosnia. Went through Basic, yada yada. Always wanted to visit Ireland. And these rifles...we'd get better mileage out of a French FAMAS then fucking twelve shots..."

"... Well, uh. They picked me up out of college I guess... well not exactly, but anyway... I was majoring in biomedical engineering, and I'm decent with chemistry stuff." Karen looks at the group a bit self consciously and adds, "I haven't had any military training, but I was on the track team."

"I wonder how they're picking people - I don't exactly have a military background. Actually, I was Homeless before all this, and then I saw - well, this is gonna sound crazy - Some giant purple freak in a rubber suit mauling the hell out of some poor bastard in an alleyway.

Just my luck, the thing vanishes right before the police show up. Of course, they think I did it, even though i've got no blood on me. So I'm dragged in for questioning and tell em what I saw. They didn't believe me of course - and things get kinda blurry after that.

Oh yeah, by the way, I'm Andrew. Nice to meet you all - hope we make it through whatever they expect us to face off against. I just hope it ain't those big bastards."

He pauses before continuing, attempting to gauge everyone's reactions to his story.

Tommy grins, his grin just barely shaking. It's excitement. He's not scared.

"Hi, I'm Tommy. I applied for this, been waiting for it all my life" (about seventeen years, by the looks of him) "and this is...this is...."

He vomits all over the floor of the dropship.

They sent us in with civvies? Have his balls even dropped yet?!

Mark spent a few seconds watching the kid get so enthusiastically sick with a horrified look before turning back to the guys who had mentioned military history.

"...So anyway, I'm kinda thinking we should take the lead here a bit..."

Chuckles at the kid barfing. "You applied for this? They practically kidnapped me. You got any idea what's going on here? ..well, obviously they expect us to shoot stuff - used to be a pretty good shot back in my farm days - but that can't be why they nabbed me."

Karen grimaces a bit at the mess.

"So, you know about this place, these people? Why did you apply? They just told me they could get me out of having to go to rehab, and never even let on what I was to do. I figured anything was better than having to go to rehab..."

Chuckles slightly at Colemans truthful comment. Shakes his head. Oh man...What have I gotten into. Well, If I got to go, then atleast it'll be with a gun in my hand. No matter how shitty. He isn't too surprised by the wretching, but does consider what Karen said. But nows not the time and they will get their answer one way or another.

"Well, its abit too late to speculate.

We are already on the mission. Covert and Recon, so much so they gave us little ammunition as Coleman here noticed. And since its basic Recon, I am not too worried about whether or not you know how to fire a pistol properly. Just don't aim at us and only at the enemy if the situation calls for it. And don't freeze up. When it comes down to it, it's their life or yours. Don't make it yours.

Those Military experienced should pick a civilian and give show them the ropes. On the fly basic training as it were.

Well, Sparky, I surely hope so. I don't want to engage with civilians around. It is not as if we can hide behind military bureaucracy and diplomatic immunity. "

He gives the crazy guy Andrew a once over.

"You alright boy?"
"Obviously not." He chuckles again, somewhat throatily.

"Like I said, i'm not a bad shot. Now, where the hell is the scope on this thing?"
Mark Daniels:

"Hey, careful where you point that thing, kid! They're designed to kill people!"

Mark busied himself checking out the gear he'd been issued. This mission- scratch that, the whole organisation- looked poorly planned, the last thing he wanted was a weapon that was going to jam the first time he pulled the trigger.

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