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Graded [Millers Hollow] Shadow Amidst the Snowstorm, Part Two


Rusty from the Rain
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
This Roleplay is part of the Isekai Hell setting. More information regarding the world and its denizens can be found [here].

This Roleplay is a direct continuation of [
Shadow Amidst the Snowstorm].

This Roleplay will follow Ceylan, Seth, and Ricti as they travel to Miller's Hollow hoping to end a curse plaguing the area.

Ceylan will be played by Elvario Elvario

Seth will be played by Tattletale Tattletale

Ricti will be played by SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Ruby will be played by Vaudivolt Vaudivolt

Narration will be provided by Vaudivolt Vaudivolt

During the early hours of a quiet morning, a campsite set at the foot of the Paizu Mountains stirred. The sound of snow cascading off standing tents filled the air, caused by movement from within shifting the canvas walls. As the group slowly emerged from their shelter against the nightly snowstorm, it seemed that while morning had arrived, the sun had not. The direct rays of warm light obstructed by the dominant presence of the mountains across their campsite – separated from their camp by a snow-covered path. The long shadow of the natural landmark shrouded the campsite while the skies above hid their morning blue behind a veil of grey snow clouds. While no longer a storm, the snow continued falling. The fresh white coating areas previously obstructed by where the campsite had stood. Now, the tents were all but torn down and packed into the back of a wooden cart.

Cenric - Ex Werewolf.jpgCenric
And Cenric's hand brushed the side of the cart, removing the clinging snow before resting his back against the wooden boards. “It's as far as I and the bighorns go...” He spoke quietly with eyes turned up at the mountainside as he inspected the pointed roofs amidst the conifer treetops. All covered in fresh snow, the roofs almost blended into the scenery. And Cenric forced a swallow. “I promised Nona I would come back with them unharmed, and the closer they get-- I'm sorry, I don't need to remind anyone that I won't be joining you... or remind you of what happened last night...

Benny Trott - the Fleetfoot.jpgForced to silence by his own words, Cenric turned toward the cart. And as he began to lift the poles at the front, the two bighorns emerged from the landscape. Raising to their hooves, a layer of white snow fell off them, revealing a secondary layer of white in the form of wool beneath. The pair of animals bleated, scaring some birds from the nearby trees as they hurried over to assist Cenric – using their horns to leverage the poles up before squeezing their fluffy coats into the hanging harnesses. “Thank you both. I will guide you both home soon...” The mention of home made his gaze drift back over his shoulder, stealing a glance at the mountainside before strapping the bighorns into their harness with a quiet sigh of relief.

Meanwhile, as one townsman of Miller's Hollow prepared his departure, another was eager to return home. Benny stood at the center of the disbanded camp, rubbing the heel of his boot into the lingering embers of the campfire that had slowly burned out throughout packing up. His eyes revealed his resignation toward Cenric's departure as they stared into the slivers of blue amidst the ashen logs. “Damned...” He muttered under his breath, as if he knew more than he led on. “We should get going soon--” He said while stomping out the final embers.

His eyes drifted from the campfire remains, drawn in by something resting amidst the older snow. Stepping over to it, he bent down and dug a gnarled staff from the snow. The ribbon tightly bound around the top danced in the cold breeze as he held it up to display. “Any of you got a bad leg or something?” Benny asked as he waggled it in his hand, unaware he was the one who had brought the staff along. “We should, like, really get going soon if we have to travel slower than a normal hiking pace!



Ceylan (Event) - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Seth Tattletale Tattletale | Ricti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Ceylan shivered in the cold morning air. He spared a gentle smile in Cenric's direction, between some shivering. “I know. I'm grateful you brought us this far.” He stated. As the sheep were fit into their harnesses again, Ceylan went over to pet them both of them on the head for a bit. “Thanks for bringing us this far.” He told them as well, the journey having been a lot more easy and comfortable due to their aid. He turned to Cenric again. “Don't worry, we'll drop by the ranch again with some good news in no-time.” He spoke, confident that this mission would be successful. “You might as well ask Nona if she can get her hands on the ingredients for a cake in order to celebrate when we return with the good news.” He added, stressing his certainty of returning with a bit of a joke.

When Benny mentioned having a bad leg, it reminded Ceylan of when he first visit the area. “I used to, a long time ago.” He spoke. His thoughts about it weren't exactly found memories. The meeting with the Kitsune that'd ordered ogres to much on his legs. The tough journey through the mountains, even though their destination at cardinal Zoilus' place had been impressive. In the end, it'd all turn out well, somehow, although he wondered whatever happened to that sheep-girl they'd met along the way, who'd gotten her entire flock eaten by Mitsunari's ogres... wait.

“Could you let me see that for a moment?” He asked Benny, even though he sort-off wondered if Benny would actually do so. Regardless, even from a distance, he could spot the resemblances. “It reminds me a bit of the staff of a sheep-girl shepherd I once met near these mountains.” The red ribbon was the most stand-out in that regard. “Although...” He tried to recall, as he looked at Seth and Ricti. “I'm not sure if I'm recalling it correctly, but wasn't he the one who brought this whilst under the curses' influence?”
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Mentions: Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Vaudivolt Vaudivolt

Seth sat next to the remains of yesterday's fire, coals gone ashen and cold. He was bleary-eyed: the night hadn't been restful for him, and he had tossed and turned in his sleep, dreaming of the monster they had faced. Thank goodness Ceylan and Ricti had been there. Still, Cenric's words made the mercenary perk up, and he raised to join the others next to the cart. Seth gazed solemnly at the rams. There were no words needed, for they had duelled honourably and then travelled together until here. He nodded, respectful.

Then he turned to Cenric, offering a hand for the formerly cursed man to clasp. “Take care of yourself, Cenric. We'll see each other again.” Seth smiled, meaning his words. “Whatever you decide to do from now on, I'm sure it will turn out for the better.”

He simply nodded at Benny's intervention, letting Ceylan take care of it. He was not in the mood for talking, anyway. Seth did, however, take a look around, searching for Ricti. In his early state of distraction, he hadn't spared a look for the young man, and he was curious about how was he holding up.
Ricti (#BD5C0F)
His first night in a new world was as expected a restless one. Likely, even without all the happenings that went on, he would've struggled to sleep. Not like he was one who slept much in the first place.

A lot had happened in one day. Waking up on a temple's altar, descending a snowy mountain, wandering into a blood-stained ranch... at the time, he already thought it had been quite the adventure... yet things just kept accelerating beyond his control. He was lucky enough for his first group of strangers to be friendly ones, as much as they seemed to test his fears. Still, Ceylan's canine features were nothing compared to the nightmare they had encountered just a few hours ago.

Wincing slightly at the memory, he could only try to reassure and applaud himself. He did a good job, he should be proud. Afterall, this was only the beginning. Compared to the nightmare that was to come further up the mountain, this was nothing. He had to be ready.

As if in response to his determination, the markings on the back of his hand flickered quietly.

It was only at Cenric's mention of Nona that he tuned back into the campsite's happenings, wandering back from the outskirts he was circling around. His mention of the minotaur warmed his heart, despite how he wasn't exactly speaking of anything joyful. "Farewell Cenric. Take care on the way back." Ricti nodded back simply, not really affected by his departure. He had never particularly spoke or crossed paths with Cenric, but he at least appreciated the escort here.

Ceylan's sudden joke made him stare for a bit, considering he hadn't seen him make any sort of joke previously. Pondering what brought this on, he didn't pay too much actual attention to the staff discussion until he was addressed. "Yes. Benny brought it here." He affirmed simply, before looking around for Seth. As much as it was peculiar that Ceylan may have previous ties linking back to a staff of all things, but if so, he was the only one that could solve that mystery, and whether it had anything to do with the curse. It was simply not something that Ricti could help with.

Ricti's hair, put bluntly, was an absolute mess. It was like a birds' nest, with tendrils poking upwards randomly and defying gravity. With Seth's cloak securely wrapped around him, trying to keep in mind the snowy temperatures, he quietly addressed his partner in wrestling down the cursed shadow yesterday. "Sleep alright?"
Benny Trott - the Fleetfoot.jpgThe kind parting words and firm handshakes brought Cenric some needed reassurance. And as he hoisted himself onto the cart's bench, he felt that Miller's Hollow would be in good hands. In contrast, his own hands only took up the reigns as he took one more glance up the mountainside. The rooftops among the trees felt foreign. “They may not want your help..,” Cenric addressed the group, “but they need it. Whatever they may say or accuse you of, I apologize for them... Please help them regardless...” He spoke heartfelt before encouraging the bighorns to start their journey back home. “I will tell Nona you will return soon, so please do not make me a liar. I have faith you can do this.” And with that, they parted ways. The group remained at the foot of the mountain while the cart with Cenric and the bighorns soon disappeared beyond the curve in the path – leaving only the fresh tracks in the snow behind.

Focussed on Cenric's departure, Benny stood with a sour expression. As he began muttering under his breath, Ceylan's request gave him pause. In turn, Benny faced the bishop with hesitance in his movements. Initially unwilling to hand over the staff, he glanced at Seth and scoffed quietly. “A modicum of respect, right?” He mentioned, quoting the mercenary's words as he handed Ceylan the wooden staff. “Keep it if you think it belongs to someone you know. You can return it once the curse is cleansed... Either way, we should go!

With a mind set on reaching Miller's Hollow before spending another night out in the dark, Benny crossed the road ahead to reach the mountain path. While his eyes remained set on the path ahead, his ears turned back as the group behind him mentioned his name. “I was cursed, remember?” He retorted without glancing back, “Even if I remembered bringing the staff, which I don't, I don't know any sheep-girl shepherds-- damned, no, I do... colorful girl, curled horns, I ran into her outside of town...” Benny pondered out loud, occasionally hitting the side of his head out of frustration. “Why can't I remember if I brought her to town or not? Damned, damned!

Millers Hollow_Base.jpgSuddenly plagued with unfounded guilt, Benny had to know what happened to the sheep-girl. Without informing the group, he suddenly increased his hiking pace. The deerkin did not struggle to find footing on the treacherous path despite the steep ground littered with loose rocks that made up the way ahead, all hidden beneath a layer of fresh snow. The surrounding trees had grown dense and numerous, steadily blocking the group's view over the landscape as they made their way forward. There was an air of isolation in these mountains, a sensation of bitter cold and loss.

But, the further they traveled, the closer they got. And soon, through the trees, a clearing dotted with buildings appeared. Wooden homes built upon stone foundations, paled by flickering blue light. The pointed rooftops and sharp spires rose above the trees, overlooking the snow-covered landscape around the remote village. It was an odd sight, the village hidden in the Paizu Mountains, so devoid of protection against its dangers. There were no walls to protect the townsfolk, and the only real defensive measure appeared to be the occasional patrol of guards walking the dirt streets.

Elvario Elvario Tattletale Tattletale SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Seth Tattletale Tattletale | Ricti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Neither Seth nor Ricti were very talkative. Perhaps they both weren't exactly morning-people? The type that wouldn't wake up until having been a wake for a while? If such were true, they were already going out of their way to say goodbye to Cenric, so Ceylan decided that was more than enough for now. Then again, Ricti hadn't seemed the most talkative overall and he did confirm the staff was indeed brought by Benny the night prior, which made it all the more mysterious. He gave a friendly wave goodbye towards Cenric as the latter vanished from sight.

To Ceylan's surprise, Benny not only let him look at the staff, but even handed it over altogether. A smile formed, along with a gentle wag of his tail. “Thank you.” He spoke, already happy to see Benny was willing to try being a bit more open-minded towards him and being grateful for it.

The next words spoken by Benny, however, were worrisome. “Curled horns, going horizontal like this?” He asked, making a horizontal motion along his head. “Really woolly hair, almost reaching her knees, brown-yellow-ish eyes?” He mentioned some of what the sheep-girl looked like. If the poor girl had her entire flock eaten, only to try feeling here and falling for the werewolf curse... To have such a cruel fate befall someone so innocent and still young would be horrible.

Regardless of whether it was the same girl or not, it was worrisome, so he didn't mind trying to following along with Benny as the latter speeded up. Thankfully, he was no longer maimed this time of entering the Paizu mountains, but that didn't mean he was suddenly good at moving across this terrain. A few times, he misstep on the snowy ground, nearly tripping on a loose rock. One tim, he actually did trip, but lucky enough it wasn't anything serious. Not even worth taking the time to use healing magic for, as he did his best to keep up.

The blue light in Miller's Hollow gave it an unnatural, ominous look, sending shivers down Ceylan's spine. He took a deep breath. Werewolves, racism, missing acquittances, curses and some sort of saint-like church figure that might deem him a danger. He really couldn't help himself from getting into the most dangerous and troublesome of situations, could he? “May the gods be with us.” He softly uttered.

“Let's hope she made it to the town safely.” He then told Benny aloud, encouraging him to lead them into the town and preparing himself for a less than welcoming reception.
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Mentions: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario

Seth was still lost in thought as he looked at the tracks left in the snow by Cenric's departure with the cart. He hoped to arrive at Miller's Hollow soon, but the words uttered before the man's departure made him wonder about the group's avenues in helping. Not want help, huh? He supposed that country folk like them would probably be stubborn, if well-meaning. Like this Benny kid. He didn't seem like a bad kid per se, but…

He was snapped off from his reverie by Ricti's question, and he took a second to answer. “…Huh? Oh! Yes, yes, I am fine. I am used to roughing it by now.” Seth stretched his back with a satisfying pop and turned fully to regard the young man, taking in the ruffled hair and signature solemn expression. “How about you? Is the cape doing enough against the cold? I think I have a spare blanket stashed away, if you need it?” He offered with a smile. He had been a great help yesterday, and he was noticing that he didn't seem inclined to share if something made him uncomfortable. Or to share much of anything, really. Talk about inscrutable. Heh, well, he'd just have to be proactive in taking care of his ally.

All the while, he did his best to follow the sudden pace set by Benny. He wasn't as nimble as their guide, but could brute force it with sheer stamina, at least for a few hours, he thought. His attention towards Ricti faltered, however, when he half-heard what the deer-kin was saying. A sheep beast girl? Oh, dear. That much coincidence was unlikely, but he had hoped to visit Nonna on his way back to Ryke's heartlands, and he would hate to be the bearer of bad news. “Hey, Benny.” He chimed in. “Did this sheep-girl happen to introduce herself? That is, did she give you her name proper?” It was still early to fret too much, but he couldn't help but bite his lower lip in worry.

After a time, they began to get closer to their destination, he noticed. He did feel a bit dismayed when he saw the lack of security. Hadn't they thought of raising at least a few palisades? Maybe they had, but were simply overwhelmed by the threat of the curse, or even under-manned. Hm. Well, perhaps he could give a hand with that. At least the forest could probably offer decent materials. Still, if they had managed to hold out until now, these were probably hardy, competent folk.
Ricti (#BD5C0F)

Cenric's cryptic parting words left much to ponder. By the sounds of it, this wasn't going to be as easy and straight forward as 'head to Miller's Hollow and solve their curse'. It seemed it might be a mission in itself just to convince the village folk to cooperate with them. A tiring thought. Glancing towards the bishop, Ricti wondered how well he'd hold up amidst it all. After all, if Ceylan backed down or had enough, it certain that he and Seth would back down with him as his bodyguards/aids.

Watching those fluffy bighorns disappear into the snow, his gaze slowly moved back to Seth as he replied. "I think I'm fine. But thank you." He refused plainly but politely, still unsure of his body's state at times. He couldn't possibly take anything else from Seth, he didn't do anything to deserve it. They barely even knew each other. But Seth's outgoing kindness always did warm his heart a little. Though, it also sometimes made him feel that they were from completely different worlds. If Seth had come from where he had come from, it was certain he'd have been eaten alive.

"I'm also a bit used to roughing it." Ricti elaborated a little more, wanting to divert his thoughts away from that disturbing vision, as they began the rapid hike up the mountain path. Navigating treacherous, untamed terrain wasn't something foreign to the ex-zombie, but it was with his new body. Not trusting his new abilities and senses, he relied heavily on the dense cluster of trees around him for support in case he tripped, and tripped he did, stumbling over quite the few snow-hidden rocks as they hiked. The speed at which they were ascending certainly didn't help either, as he couldn't let himself fall behind.

He wasn't completely sure, but a jagged stone may have stabbed through the sole of his left shoe, but as he didn't have the time to investigate it he hurried on and quickly forgot about it. Cold numbed pain very well after all.

As the party delved into discussing the sheep-girl, Ricti took in the sights silently. The overarching viewpoint they stood at was quite scenic, and the pale blue lights flickering in each house was very discernible. If there was anything Ricti wanted to learn more about, it was certainly magic, the supernatural, and the like. After all, little of that existed at all in his previous world. Still, knowing the dangers that haunted them here sobered that thought quickly.
Benny & Lucy
Benny Trott - the Fleetfoot.jpgConcerns for the sheep-girl's wellbeing overruled Benny's ingrained contempt, and he held still at the edge of town to listen to Ceylan speak. The bishop's gestures made Benny's eyes widen with shock. And his ears flattened. “Damned... you, like, know her then?” He asked in return, ushering in an uneasy pause amidst the conversation. “Look, I'm sure she is doing well, right?-- I mean, like, the lights of town would have reached, and--

His ears perked up from their defeated slump at the mention of his name, and Benny's eyes broke away to focus on Seth. And unlike Ceylan, he looked him in the eyes. The mercenary had addressed him by name, to which he quickly realized he had yet to catch his. “Yes? What is it,.. Sir?” He awkwardly acknowledged before listening to Seth's questions. “No. At least, I can't remember. Like, she may have said her name, but the last day is a blur...

Townguard Lucy - the Halflight Sentinel.jpgWhat's a blur? Are you talking about the lost lamb you brought in yesterday, Benny?” The chirping voice of an approaching Avian interrupted with small delight, “Her name is Maya, and thank goodness she made it through the night without incident!” She appeared to be one of the local guards, at least, based on the uniform her abundant feathers were spilling from. White down and black feathers covered the form of a seemingly warm-hearted bird. “I would have been beside myself if she had not... Anyway!” Her feathers fanned out as she twirled the pole weapon in her hands. A glinting, silver halberd that was promptly pierced into the snowy ground, standing upright as she held it in place.

You may call me Lucy, or Guard!! if something goes awry.” She chattered and smiled at her own introduction. Then her head cocked slightly to the side to inspect the gathering. “And you are all new here... What brings you to Miller's Hollow?

They are here to help the Sentinels fight the curse!” Benny boasted without thinking and nudged Seth with his elbow, “Oh, right, I saw them, like, fighting some of-- the wildlife!, and damned he has, like, real skill!

I... see..?” Lucy slowly replied, pausing to reassess the group before her. “Well!, if you are here to assist in fighting against our local... predicament? then you would not mind me asking you for identification?” She explained before releasing her halberd from the snowy sheath and pointing it forward. “Visitors to the right, and local postal workers to the left! Oh, that's my right, your left! Thank you!

Without a moment of hesitation, Benny took a few steps away from the group while Lucy produced a dark orb from within her coat. The smooth orb glimmered in the light of day as she stepped up to the group and held it out in her open palm - allowing them to inspect its deep blackness. “You are free to refuse, but I cannot let you go any further if you do. You will have to turn back, I am sorry.” She explained with an easy-going disposition, but the more martially adept among the group, namely Seth, could tell she held her weapon readied throughout their interaction.

Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Tattletale Tattletale

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Seth Tattletale Tattletale | Ricti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

“I've met her, yes... in unfortunate circumstances...” He replied to Benny, not liking these signs. He was, however, surprised that Seth seemed interested as well. “Do you think you might know of her as well?” The world would be an oddly small place if that were true, but it wouldn't be impossible.

His worries melted like a snowstorm as an avian announced Maya's well-being. He gave a deep sigh in relief. “That is great news.” He stated, his tail a gentle wag. “Thank you for telling us.” He added, happy that the guard would share the good news first and foremost.

Between calling her Lucy and Guard, his instinct would go to ma'am, but perhaps that'd be disrespectful? She seemed to the type to value her rank... or was he missing the joke? Perhaps the latter. He decided to try not to think too much of it, as he was about to explain why they'd arrived here. Benny, however, managed to beat him to it. Sadly enough, he wasn't exactly honest. Whilst Ceylan could imagine why, there was something that bothered him.

Had Lucy seen Benny attacked or turned or not? That was the big question. It wouldn't do for the guards to distrust Benny due to what occurred, as the latter was cured in full. Something that guards might not even deem possible. It's why he decided he should state such a thing first and foremost. Yet he didn't want to throw Benny under the bus either... so his best option was to let them know the thing was possible. “I'm here to help cure those taken by the curse, to be exact, as I did with Cenric back at the foot of the Mountains.”

That should be enough. Even if they suspected Benny might be infect, now they could also suspect he'd been cured or could be cured in the future. This was probably the safest option.

That said, getting his identification through a reading by the black orb was the easiest way to show some trust so he was more than willing for her to throw it so that he could really get that [Fetcher] title to work to have his titles be revealed. Between Beast, Canine, Syncretist Bishop, Hero of Aegrizora, Associate of Shrine of Cleansed Curses F, Dotty's Saviour, Missionary, Wandering Saint, Shepherd, Daddy, Fetcher, Holy Child, Scribe of Celestials, Expert Healer, Adept Empath, Expert Theologian, Novice Sophist, Caster, Summoner and Elementaler, there was a lot for the orb to process and perhaps even more to question, albeit not for nefarious reasons.
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Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Elvario Elvario

Seth couldn't help but share Ceylan's worry. Even if this was not Janja's cousin, someone could be in danger. Benny's half-hearted reassurance didn't help his hope much, but he appreciated the attempt. Moreover, he couldn't help but chuckle at the deer beastkin way of addressing him. “You needn't call me sir, lad. This is not the army, and we're not soldiers. Seth will do just fine. Besides…” he scoffed, almost to himself. ”I am not that old.”

The mercenary was torn away from both worry for Maya and further grumbling by the arrival of an avian woman. He blinked at her sudden appearance, for he had not noticed her until she was almost upon them. Lucy's words did clear his concern, and though he was thankful, he couldn't help but to size her up as she talked, in particular the silvery halberd at her side. It seemed good quality, though ironically enough, he didn't have an eye for these things. He was sure she knew how to use it, though: it was clear enough from her stance and grip on the weapon.

He grunted at Benny's nudge, and snorted. “Hah, more like I almost got my arm ripped off by a rabid beast.” He hadn't thought about it first, but after the other's interventions, he too decided to keep the nature of what they faced the night before ambiguous. “Ricti and Ceylan, here, did most of the work.” Seth gestured towards his companions and took a measured step forwards, bowing slightly at the bird woman. “A pleasure, Miss Lucy. My name is Seth, mercenary. I am here to help my companions, and your town, however I can.”

He thought of asking about her weapon or Maya, but decided against it. The first one was simple curiosity, and the second could well wait until introductions were out of the way. He glanced at the orb, unbothered. After his brief encounter at Stonewall's shrine, he'd asked around. Such a gap in his knowledge would have been strange, even though the priest he had talked to hadn't commented on it. Still, Seth had nothing to hide.
Ricti (#BD5C0F)

The sight of the approaching black and white humanoid bird was both a surprise yet not a surprise at the same time. After all, Ricti had met a minotaur once already, what was a talking avian? The sight of such large wings and feathers was somewhat stunning to the ex-zombie, as all the birds he used to watch and play with were so much smaller. He kind of missed those times. But he had enough sense not to equate this sharply-geared guard with them.

"Hello Lucy." He greeted back politely. "I'm Ricti." He simply introduced himself, before growing distracted by the brief discussion between Seth and Benny. "How old are you Seth?" He suddenly inquired, as blunt and random as it sounded. Since this was a fantasy world, he couldn't help but ponder if normal human ages here were different too. Wait, was Seth even a human? He somewhat assumed he was, but who knows. Briefly studying Seth for any supernatural features, he concluded that he seemed pretty human, but he wore too many layers and armour to tell otherwise.

Watching Seth introduce them, Ricti's gaze slightly flickered with disagreement. "He's underplaying himself. We couldn't have done it without him. I'm the most useless one of the trio. I don't know magic or any combat arts." He admitted bluntly without an ounce of shame or embarrassment, merely stating the facts. "But I'm here to help too." He added after a pause, just to differentiate himself from a random passer-by.

Still scrutinizing the avian, Ricti realized he had missed what Ceylan and Seth had done to 'show identification'. Whatever ID they silently brought out, he certainly didn't have it. And what was this mystical-looking black orb for? Without realizing it, he started sweating silently. Would he be sent away here? And have to walk his way back to the ranch? If only Nona was here to hint him out of this sticky situation.

Malfunctioning, he didn't know what to do, so he just... took the black orb from the avian's palm. Was this supposed to do something? He had no clue. So he just stood there, holding this weird crystal-ball like thing, glancing between everyone like a lost chicken. Fortune tellers often put their hands on these things to use their supposed magic right? Here's hoping this world followed that convention and this was what he was meant to do to make it work?
Townguard Lucy - the Halflight Sentinel.jpgPresented with polite introductions and undisputed willingness to accept the black orb, Lucy lowered her guard. After lowering her weapon as a sign of good faith, she stepped forward to begin her examination proper. “We will start with you then,” Lucy stated with a careful reservation in her tone. The claim that Ceylan knew - and had cured - one from their village was shocking, but nothing her guard experience could not mask behind a friendly expression.

Many of our people have tried to find a cure and failed. You may have encountered poor Cenric, were forced to end his suffering, and came here with good intentions but empty words...” Lucy muttered, and her eyes widened upon inspecting the black orb more thoroughly. “Ceylan..?” She glanced up and appeared to consider something as she looked over the Canine before her. “Canine... Bishop... Hero... Shrine of Cleansed Curses... Wandering-- Huh... Do you have children, Ceylan?

After awaiting Ceylan's responses, Lucy moved over to Seth and held back a smile while bowing in response to his gesture. “The pleasure is ours, Seth. May I ask for your hand--” She paused, her smile awkwardly curving as she noted the error in her ways. “For the black orb! Your identification!” She stammered, rubbing her face with her hand as she defeatedly continued. “...I would also like to ask you about this rabid beast that almost ripped your arm off,” she said as she presented Seth with the orb, “which could not have been a beast named Cenric... right?

Waiting for the mercenary's response, Lucy inspected the black orb more thoroughly. “Seth, human warrior, oh?” she happily glanced up and held her weapon more favorably, “we seem to share a preference in weaponry, and it seems... sheep can vouch for your honorable ways? Could you elaborate on that?

Once more, Lucy awaited a response before continuing to the final member of this motley group of strangers. Presenting the orb, she was surprised to find it pulled from her hand. Instinctively, she tightened her grip on the halberd before noting the lost look in Ricti's eyes. “You haven't traveled much, have you?” Lucy asked kindly, piercing her weapon into the snow to free her hands. Using one hand, she took the black orb from Ricti's hands, and with the other, she guided his palm onto the surface of the black orb. “Ricti, human, Minotaur Confidant?” She glanced up, visibly confused. “You share an origin with a Minotaur? You don't appear to be one, according to the black orb... Can you explain that?

After listening to Ricti's response, which concluded the examination, Lucy stepped back from the group. And after returning the black orb to the inside of her coat, she straightened her stance and halberd alike. “Thank you all for your cooperation!” She chirped happily, then her expression straightened, “However, despite the black orb finding nothing incriminating, I have some concerns that you all may have been in an encounter with one or more of the cursed.” For a moment, Lucy hesitated and then continued. “Seeing as you all came here intending to help and hold the claim that you can cure the curse... Would you be willing to submit yourselves to being locked up overnight for observation?" She asked and hung her head in shame. "I... cannot, in good faith, allow you three to freely wander Miller's Hollow without first confirming you are not afflicted. You are free to refuse, but I cannot let you go further if you do... I am sorry...

No Cooldowns applied this round

Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Tattletale Tattletale
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Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Seth Tattletale Tattletale | Ricti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Ceylan was somewhat wondering why both his companions were trying to devalue their own aid to the group, but figured he'd not comment on it for now.

What he did end up having to comment on was something he hadn't realised had gotten attached to his being... “Children?” He asked at first, then he realised what it might refer too... “I took care of some, for a while.” He eventually stated, figuring that was the best explanation he could offer without going into too much detail. Considering he'd lost all his 'children' by now, if he truly was a [daddy] he'd surely be an absolutely horrible one.

Still, the level of distrust was a tad shocking. “Benny should be capable of testifying about what happened, should he be willing to do so.” Ceylan stated, hoping the deer wouldn't throw him under the bus as badly as to lie about Cenric being cured. Although it felt a tad bad, as it was like he was trying to peddle himself as a miracle-worker, he realised it was necessary for them to know that a cure was possible as soon as possible and is clearly as possible. “These two can testify about his recovery as well. Should I be given a chance to prove myself, I can once again call upon the blessings of the gods to end this curse.”

Sadly enough, even the black orb scan wasn't enough. The question if they'd be down to be locked up for a night didn't land well, as Ceylan had hoped to be getting to work sooner, rather than later. “If it's merely about whether or not I am afflicted, should the silver or blue flames not be able to prove as much? I am willing to submit myself to them, as I can heal myself afterwards and do not wish to give the curse more time to start acting. It already knows of my existence and it might be preparing to counter my ability to cure it, so I'd rather avoid wasting an entire night in prison.” He decided to be blunt and direct about it.

Needlessly to say, he didn't even consider asking the same of Seth or Ricti, as he was pretty much offering to get injured just to prove something the black orbs should've already shown everyone and save himself some time in order to get to work a little sooner. Then again, there was another option. “Although if it would be possible for me to meet with Lady Leontine, I wouldn't mind doing so from behind bars, for it seems her powers and cooperation would be vital in dealing with the curse.” That'd at least let him do something useful even if he did get locked up.
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Mentions: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario

Seth listened to Ricti's characteristically short introduction to Lucy, but he didn't expect his question just afterwards. He blinked, taken aback for a second, but then cracked a smile. “I am 32, Ricti. Will be 33 next autumn.” He couldn't help but wonder aloud, though. “Not that I mind, but… What's with the sudden interest?”.

Then, he felt the need to add to the other man's words. “It's not about magic or force of arms.” He shook his head to emphasize his words. “It's about grit, and keeping a cool head under fire, and I saw that you had that last night-”. His words faltered a bit at the bird woman comment about his relationship with mutton, and he refocused his attention on her. “Ah… yeah. I guess they would find me honorable… Look, it's a long and slightly embarrassing story, but circumstances might have compelled me to duel, um, ovines in the past.” He scratched his cheek, realizing how stupid it sounded to say out loud. “Point is, once in combat, I don't see why not offer them the same courtesy I would any opponent.”

After a while, and listening to Ceylan's arguments, he nodded in partial agreement. “I'll be honest, I am not in the mood for being caged all night. If you agree to it, Ceylan, I'll defer to you.” Seth paused. After all, he thought he could trust the priest judgement. That said… “But I am of a mind of proving ourselves quickly. Isn't what he offered enough? Blue flame and silver repel the accursed, don't they? If we can't get in town, couldn't we use those to show we aren't affected?” He chose to left out (again) that he had, in fact, been cursed for a short while before Ceylan had intervened.
Ricti (#BD5C0F)

"You called Benny lad. And you said you weren't that old, so I was curious." He explained straightforwardly after Seth's return query. "...Are you human Seth? Like me?" He couldn't help but ask, seeing as the topic had stayed for a moment in between inspections. Ricti vaguely registered Seth's compliments, on his 'grit' and 'cool head', but before he could muse on it his attention was diverted by Lucy.

"Not at all." Ricti's gaze flickered in response to her question, allowing the avian to guide his hand. The tickle of feathers on his wrist felt comforting, but he was more relieved than anything that the guard did not find him suspicious nor turned him away.

"Minotaur confidant?" Ricti sounded just as confused as she was, echoing the title. He stared blankly at the black orb, reading the title clear as day besides his name.

What? Was this some kind of game world? Did you earn such descriptors just by existing? Whatever this was, it was definitely a puzzling revelation. But, he could only quickly acknowledge and take the fact in stride as he was immediately questioned on it.

"Well... I guess I did befriend a minotaur just yesterday. We had a bit of a heart-to-heart, so that's likely where this... identifier comes from." He explained thoughtfully. Fortunately it seemed those vague words were enough to past inspection, as the avian went on to address them all as a whole.

Her words seemed reasonable. Although Ricti didn't like the idea of being stuck in small spaces again, he was relatively fine with it. It was just one night after all. He could understand her suspicions, what with a random group of strangers suddenly claiming to be able to resolve a town-wide curse that they'd been struggling to deal with for a while. Seemed his companions didn't seem too fond of the idea, however.

"I don't mind either way. Including the fire option." Ricti gave his stance casually. He wondered what burning felt like? As a zombie, he had his flesh set aflame before, with stray molotovs, grenades and the like, but with his body undead, he could never know what it felt like. It was a bit of morbid curiosity he had entertained for a while now, but even though he was human now, he wasn't too worried. They had the bishop after all.

Thinking like that was probably a little dangerous though.
Townguard Lucy - the Halflight Sentinel.jpgBenny Trott - the Fleetfoot.jpgLucy & Benny
When Ceylan called upon Benny's testimony during the interrogation, the Deerkin initially responded with a look of betrayal toward the bishop. Under the assumption that he had to admit to his own affliction getting cured, it took Benny a couple of stammering moments before correctly connecting the dots. Moments that did not go unnoticed by Lucy's keen eyes. “What the!-- I mean, right! I found them with Cenric! Out by the mountain pass, and he seemed fine, like, even gave me a damned earful about freaking out over it! But, like, I still thought he was cursed, y-you know?

Benny presented an awkward smile, attempting to diffuse his tension, only to be met by Lucy's narrowed eyes. “I don't,” she calmly replied, paused, and shrugged something off her mind, “But, I do know you wouldn't come to the defense of just any Caninefolk...” She glanced at the group, paused again, and nodded toward the town behind her. “Benny, go inform Lady Leontine there is someone she should meet at the holding cells, please.

Y-yes, Lucy!” Benny quickly replied, the relief washing over his face before the fleet-footed Deerkin bolted into town – leaving the group alone with the Avian town guard. “Walk with me,” Lucy stated before shouldering her halberd, “While I do trust your intentions as a group, if any of you stray too far from me then I will have to strike you down. Please, don't make me resort to that...” She reluctantly added as a warning to the group before leading them into Miller's Hollow.

I have reason to believe the curse is unaffected by silver while it remains dormant during the daytime, and Lady Leontine's flame does not affect it either in that dormant state,” Lucy explained as they walked the snow-covered paths between buildings that mixed rural and gothic aesthetics. There was something ethereal about the village. The faint glow of blue fire followed them wherever they went, and the people who crossed their path moved like Beastkin ghosts. Most ignored the group as if avoiding a plague, while the few that did make eye contact seemed anywhere from scared to repulsed before being compelled elsewhere by a stern look from Lucy. “So, as I was saying, while your willingness to submit yourself to either of those makes me want to believe you, it does not guarantee anything...

Reaching a large stone building with a spired roof and barred windows, aglow with blue fire, Lucy walked up a few stone steps to its heavy door and paused with her hand resting against it. “As such, until Lady Leontine arrives and chooses to overrule my decision, I will be detaining you all as a precaution... Let me say once more that I do not believe any of you to be a threat to Miller's Hollow, but our village cannot risk trusting a single guard's 'feeling', I hope you understand..."

No Cooldowns applied this round

Elvario Elvario Tattletale Tattletale SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Seth Tattletale Tattletale | Ricti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Ceylan was a tad surprised when Seth backed up his plan. Then again, the man was a warrior, so he was likely used to getting hurt over getting caged, so Ceylan just gave him a respectful nod. Ricti was confusing him a little, between the man asking Seth if he was Human at random and being equally okay with the fire and silver. “Are you sure? It would be a considerable pain for a moment.” He wanted to double-check if Ricti was aware what he might sign up for.

Also surprising was the glare he got from Benny for a moment, which was merely confused with a look of confusion. Luckily enough, Benny ended up actually vouching for Ceylan, which was returned by a grateful smile.

When Lucy warned them again, he decided to ease her mind a little. “Don't worry madam, we know you're just doing your duty. Thank you for your consideration.” He stated gently, with a slow wag of his tail. Despite the situation not being ideal, he was at least hoping to meet Lady Leontine soon, even if it'd be from behind bars.

Lucy's explanation caught Ceylan by surprise. “I see...” He thought it through for a moment. “That must make it considerably more difficult to keep it at bay... which explains why there's so much trust put into the guard's efforts.” He slowly felt like he started to grasp a tad bit more about the dynamic of forces within this town.

Although the way people looked at them was far from friendly, it didn't dissuade him from showing them a kind and soft smile (Empathy B, Insight B, Persuasion F) to try have his behaviour show that he wasn't what they might expect him to be. He'd have amplified a little of it with magic, but he knew that wasn't the smartest idea when under the watchful gaze of the guard.

As they arrived at the large stone prison, he figured he'd try his luck a little. “Would it be impolite to ask for blankets? I don't think any of us are particularly used to the cold up here and this building doesn't seem the warmest.” He wasn't just worried for his own sake, but also for that of Ricti, who'd already been freezing enough upon their first meeting.

As they presumably entered the prison, Ceylan would sit down and speak up. “Although I'm hoping Lady Leontine will choose to visit us sooner, rather than later, there is no reason to believe she'll do so. If anything, the opposite sounds likelier...” He thought for a moment. “Would you two care to share stories? I could tell you about the time I healed a minor deity, cleansed a shrine, got kidnapped by ogres, cured a city of some weird curse-disease, got chased by a gnoll...” He recalled there were a lot of things he'd gone through in the past years. Perhaps he should write them down some day?
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Mentions: SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario

“Ah, I suppose I said that, didn't I?” He shrugged, though he did appreciate that Ricti had been actually listening to him. Hard to tell, given how little he tended to emote. “Well, I call “lad” or “kid” to most people younger than me, actually. Specially when they act like brats” He pointedly didn't look at Benny when saying that. “I was not always a mercenary. I, uhm… used to work with children.” His tone became slightly wistful at that, as he reminisced a bit about what seemed like ages ago. “But yeah, I am human. Not a drop of beast or otherwise different blood in me.”

Seth soberly nodded at the bird woman's warning and her explanation. He certainly wouldn't want to end up on the business end of that halberd. However, he did not react otherwise. She seemed busy enough as it was, it wouldn't do to delay her with banter. He did have her accidental quasi-marriage proposal as a secret weapon in case he needed later flustering. It was also good to know that the curse could hide itself when it was dormant.

As they walked through the town, however, he unconsciously bunched up closer to his companions. Despite the lighter mood when chatting with Lucy, it seemed that most people shared Benny's contempt for canine beast folk. He couldn't help his own distaste for the situation to show up on his face. Still, he chose to ignore that for the time being and reassure Ceylan about his question, “Well I am used to much worse. A little stab or burn isn't that bad. Besides, you've been nothing but accommodating when it comes to patching us up.” He then lowered his voice and looked around at the townsfolk, occasionally glancing back at the priest. “Hey, will you be ok?” The priest always seemed composed, but Seth couldn't help but worry. He could feel himself becoming more and more irritated as they neared their destination.

When they arrived at the prison, he nodded at Ceylan's request. The cold would be biting when the Sun went down. Something came to his mind then, and given that his companions had been in a conciliatory mood, he decided to act on it. Though he didn't notice, his usually affable expression became sharp, almost harsh: almost like when he was in battle. “Can we be assured of a fair treatment and judgement from your Lady and your people?” He bit out. Benny's constant mistrust had been heating the pot, and this whole charade, though at first the guard's precautions hadn't felt out of place, boiled it over. He'd seen those kind stares before, the ugly fear and hate in them. “I would rather not wake to the sound of my friend being stabbed.”
Ricti (#BD5C0F)

"I see. I will admit you seemed like just a simple and kind mercenary to me at first glance. But no one's story is a simple one." Ricti recalled quietly, having perceived the nostalgia that seemed to briefly haze over Seth's eyes. Imagining the mercenary playing and caring for children seemed both fitting and wholesome. Acknowledging his humanity with a nod, Ricti could only silently wonder what caused Seth's path to diverge towards violence and bloodshed as Lucy and Benny conversed.

His gaze suddenly darted towards Ceylan before the bishop had even fully turned to address him, subconsciously alarmed by the movements of his canine features. "Yes. I feel it would be a valuable experience." He replied simply after recollecting himself, oblivious to how strange and alien such a statement sounded as they walked forward.

Disappointed to hear that his hopes of appeasing his morbid curiosity was gone, it was only mid-way through the journey towards their holding cell, when Seth asked about Ceylan's wellbeing, that he realized the hostile gazes of those they passed by. "Perhaps we should've covered your canine features before arriving here." Ricti mused thoughtfully, wondering if this mass gathering of repulsion would spread like wildfire and hinder their attempts to actually do good.

It was somewhat amusing to hear the difference between Ceylan and Seth's queries for Lucy on arrival. One for comfort, and one for justice and security. Ricti's own thoughts were much simpler however. "Will there be food?" He asked bluntly, his thoughts preoccupied with a storm of what he needs to maintain in his new living body. Temperature, sustenance, hydration, shelter... there was truly quite the list. It was a blessing, but also a hindrance to be alive again.
Townguard Lucy - the Halflight Sentinel.jpgLucy
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Standing at the building entrance, Lucy passively glared away some nosey onlookers while her hand pushed against the heavy door – and then stopped. Confusion washed over her face when she registered what these outsiders were requesting. And it made her wonder what the world outside her secluded village was like to prompt these questions at all. “You are... serious?” Lucy hesitantly asked, attempting to discern their intent, “Warmth, security, and food... Are those not some of your basic needs?” She continued, compelled to know before she opened the door and led the way inside.

Beyond the door lay a simple stone room, unfurnished and aglow with blue torch-fire. The three wood- and metal-barred doors on opposing ends of the space reflected the purpose of the building as a whole. As Lucy led the way through the right-hand door, she called out to a red figure sitting on the floor of the opposing hallway, slightly obscured by the metal bars. “<Ruby, please escort Maya out of the holding cells. She is welcome to stay at the guard quarters, but we need the holding cells for their intended purpose. Thank you.>

After Lucy finished addressing Ruby, she entered the adjacent room. It appeared to be an office, dressed with wooden furniture and a prominent map of the town hanging on the wall. And, stuck within the map, an equally prominent pin marking a building. “I should say that you need not view yourselves as prisoners...” Lucy addressed the group as she sat at a wooden desk, opening a logbook to record the admission of three individuals, “Please, consider yourselves... 'mandatory guests'?” She smiled as awkwardly as her beak could muster before continuing, “...At least until nightfall, when we sadly do have to lock up... But!” She chirped, attempting to lighten the somber mood plaguing herself more than anyone, “I will put in a request for a warm meal, and... perhaps a story or two would put you at ease?

Shepherd Maya - the Lost Scapegoat.jpgGesture - Dash Forward.jpgRuby Larue & Maya
Languages: <Beastial>
With her tail as cushioning, Ruby sat on the floor in front of the open holding cell. The unlocked door served as a faux divider while she and the ex-captive Maya stared each other down in a dragging game of Go Fish. Each fanned a hand of at least fifteen of Ruby's playing cards. The result of playing a game, passing the time in captivity, with neither party knowing the rules, but both equally confident they were playing it correctly. “<You have the Nine of Diamonds?>” Ruby asked the Sheepkin with a coy smile, awaiting her response. “<I don't! Go fish!>” Maya replied as her warden-turned-friend happily added another card to her overflowing hand. “<That's your favorite, right?>

<It is!>” Ruby responded, pointing her free hand toward the crest adorning her chest, “<It looks a lot like Lady Eleanora's crest, see?>” “<I do! So, then you have the Nine of Diamonds?>” Maya asked and was presented with the card after Ruby pulled it from her hand, much to her displeasure, “<What? I thought for sure you wouldn't have it!>” “<I did, which is how I knew you wouldn't, and I'd get to go fish!>” “<That's so smart!>

While neither understood the rules, they happily continued until Ruby's ears perked up at the sound of the heavy front door shifting. “<Stay here, I think Lucy's back,>” she instructed Maya before putting her cards face-down on the ground. Shifting herself into a more alert position when the order for Maya's release reached her. “<Yes, Lucy! ...You sound worried, are they cursed?>” The lack of response on Lucy's part compelled Ruby to get up faster – and take Maya by the hand as they moved past the log room. But before they reached the guard quarters, red tufted ears caught someone mentioning curses, cures, and cities. “<Maya, you go ahead, I need to umm... make sure Lucy is alright!>” “<Okay, be careful!>

Having secured her Sheepkin friend's safety, Ruby moved toward the open door. Her ears flopped in first before her hands and head peeked in after. “<Lucy? I heard someone talk about a city! Do we have visitors?>” She asked as amber eyes assessed the room. And skin paled upon noticing the nature of the company. “<Hey!! What is going on?!>” She exclaimed, eyes locked onto Ceylan as her feet rushed to an offensive stance between Lucy's desk and the perceived threat. “<Hold it! I am Ruby, Order-of the Squire-of the-->” She fumbled with the sheath on her hip, distracting herself from her introduction, “<Squire-of the Order-of the Silver Sentinels-- Come on, sword, be good!>” She managed to yank the silver rapier from its sheath and point it toward Ceylan as a declaration of war. “<Umm... steadfast thy perseverance-and eat silver!!>

No Cooldowns applied this round

Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Tattletale Tattletale

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Seth Tattletale Tattletale | Ricti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

He tried putting up a reassuring smile to Seth's question. “Yes, don't worry. Like you, I've been through much worse.” The only reason he might've failed to fully convey that sentiment was the fact that it'd never been 'worse' in the sense of being hated by most of an entire town for his species. Normally it was by parts of a town due to his religion or background. That said, he didn't wish to worry his allies, nor did he wish to make a big deal out of it.

Meanwhile, Ricti's answer was rather concerning to him. “I believe you might be heavily underestimating how uncomfortable such pain is.” Ceylan replied, a tad weary by how naïve Ricti seemed to be in these regards. As for the other parts, he firmly shook his head. “I'm willing to accommodate on many fronts, but not by hiding who or what I am.” He stated, somewhat firmly, as that was a clear 'no' for him.

He was surprised by Lucy's surprise at their requests. “Yes, but basic needs are not always granted when being imprisoned.” He stated, unsure if she was testing them or tricking them or something. He was equally surprised to hear that Maya had been in the holding cells. Didn't they trust her either? Although it sounded more like they'd been used as temporary accommodations.

He couldn't help himself from smiling a bit at the terminology 'mandatory guests', but he did have to grand her one thing. “It does indeed seem the conditions here surpass that of most cases of imprisonment.” He was surprised when she offered to share stories as well. “If you could tell us some stories about this village, that would be most helpful.” He was quick to reply, as that'd likely be far better and more useful than any story he could tell. Truth be told, even though he wanted to 'get to work' as soon as he could, it seemed like this delay wasn't the worst possible start of their mission here.

That sense of comfort was disturbed rather... peculiarly, when he got a silver rapier pointed at him. “<Ma'am, I can assure you that I am not what you think I am.>” He stated, slowly putting his hands up to show he didn't have any weapons or claws or anything harmful. “<It's a pleasure making your acquaintance, but I would much rather do so without 'eating silver'. >” Truthfully, he wasn't entirely sure what to do. Part of him debated to just 'summon' her, so that he could have her stand down, another part debated the usage of soothing magic, but he decided that talking alone might be safer in the long run.
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Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Seth wasn't too sure what to think about Ceylan's assurance, but he didn't press the priest on his words. If he said he was ok, that was it. Maybe he would want to talk about it later, but if he didn't, that was his right. The mercenary glanced appreciatively at their other companion. Despite his usually taciturn demeanour, Ricti didn't seem to be putting on a brave face.

It seemed like the younger man genuinely wasn't scared of physical pain. He nodded at him and answered in kind. “No… I suppose the appearance of simplicity comes from a lack of familiarity.” He grinned, humorless. “Apparently we will have the opportunity of fixing that, tonight.” He still didn't like being imprisoned one bit, but he supposed there was not helping it. He didn't particularly care for these people and their prejudice, but it was a prudent enough move, and there were too many lives on the line to turn back now. “A gilded cage is still a cage, lady.” He scoffed.

He did perk up a bit at Maya's name, however. Would that be miss Janja's cousin? He chose to let it slide for now. There would be time to talk to her later, when they were clear of any suspicion. Hopefully.

A new arrival interrupted his musings. A loud, new arrival in the form of a red flash of fur and a clanking blade unsheathing. By now, Seth was right about done with everyone reacting to Ceylan's ears like he was a bearer of the plague, and his usual pleasantness was all but forgotten. He made to step between the two of them, though the priest was, as usual, perfectly calm. “Put that away before you stab yourself with it, girl.” He glanced at Lucy and pointed at the squirrel woman with his thumb. “What's with the runt? Is she our jailer?” Seth didn't even bother to hide the scepticism in his tone, and he arched an eyebrow. This ought to be good.
Townguard Lucy - the Halflight Sentinel.jpgLucy
Languages: <Beastial>, Common
Seated at her desk, Lucy glances up from her log writing to look at Ceylan across the room. Her expression showed sympathy and wariness as the bishop explained the worse conditions when imprisoned in the outside world. “You are referring to being kidnapped by ogres, right? Otherwise, I would have to assume you got imprisoned before, and--” Her eyes wandered, searched, and then she corrected herself. “I am sorry, the Black Orb already cleared your name, but I continue to be on edge... Let me try again! I am glad to hear you approve of the conditions here.” She ended with a pitched chirp and attempted to display a welcoming smile.

Which succeeded until Seth called out her gilded cage, and her expression sobered. “I cannot disagree, but a gilded cage is better than a rusted one, right?” With her head slightly tilted, she looked at the mercenary and held back a sigh. “Outside of these walls is no less a prison than inside... If you want, I can tell you what I know about when Miller's Hollow became a gilded cage.” She closed her log, signifying her commitment to telling her tale. But before she could draw an opening breath, her attention diverted to Ruby bursting into the room and drawing her blade.

Gesture - Silent Contemplation.jpg<Miss La--!>” Lucy halted, halfway raised from her seat, and claws dug into her desk. She curiously gazed at the group's response to the threat and sat back down. Interlocking her fingers, she observed as Ruby unintentionally created a controlled environment to test their resistance to the local adversity they would surely face. And an insight like that would be worth the risk of a short-lived squabble.

Ruby Larue
Languages: <Beastial>, Common
But Ruby's blade soon wavered when the canine at the receiving end answered. The calm in his voice was not what she expected one of their kind to be like. It made her wonder if he was an exception – like Leon. But she quickly shook her head. And her unarmored ear flicked as if pushing away Ceylan's words of reason. “<Hmp! Nice try, wolf!>” She gloated and wagged the tip of her blade at him to enhance her accusations, “<But! Someone who is what I think he is would say that as well!-and I heard you talking about cities-and curses!>

<Reveal your true form-and-- Hey!!>” Ruby halted her accusatory tone as Seth placed himself between her and Ceylan. She turned it in for an audible huff as she hesitantly lowered her blade. “<Step aside!>” She commanded as her narrowed eyes looked up at the man. Counting the length of her ears, she was as tall as he, which meant she felt confident she could take him on. Then, the man spoke Common at her, and her confidence took a hit. “...I won't! I train my blade every day-and I've never been stabbed myself!” She retorted with petty annoyance. Her blade slowly lowered further to her side as focusing on the Common language demanded more of her attention. And at the same time, she increased her combative stance toward Seth as he called her something that was probably rude. “Umm... No! Y-You're a 'runt'!

No Cooldowns applied this round

Elvario Elvario Tattletale Tattletale SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Seth Tattletale Tattletale | Ricti SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

“I have been kidnapped before, by ogres and bandits alike, but what I was referring to was when I visited prisons as a priest. Even the shabbiest of them wouldn't easily deny someone a visit from a priest.” He stated, thinking back upon his days as a [Wandering Saint]. He'd seen some of the best and worst of the world alike. He returned Lucy's attempt smile. “I appreciate your continued efforts to make the best out of a bad situation.” He surmised his view on it, believing Seth to be a bit too harsh on her.

That said, he was a bit surprised by Ruby's continued insistence. Although he sort-off appreciated Seth for stepping in between them, he also didn't wish for the situation to escalate. He silently debated whether he was going to be too pacifist or not, yet eventually settled on his next course of actions. “Seth, whilst I appreciate your protection and standing up for me, please don't judge them too harshly for what they've simply grown up with.”

Thanks to having a fair degree of insight (B), he likely, please don't shoot me for assuming managed to figure out that Lucy was keeping silent tactically. It's why he figured he might as well live up to the test. That said, this particular case felt a bit... different. She was still relatively young. Perhaps she'd be more open to be confronted with something that didn't fit the narrative here, like his entire existence. It's why he figured he'd take a gamble.

Walking past Seth, he'd slowly, with his hands up where she could see them, approach Ruby a bit further. “<I was indeed talking about cities and curses, as I've been to many cities and I intend to help cleanse the curse affecting this place.>” When he spoke up next, he'd mix in some Empathy (B) and Persuasion (F) to add some power to his words. “<I can assure you, however, that I am as I seem to be. I am neither cursed nor a wolf, just a regular canine. Except for the fact that I truly and honestly wish to aid this town, after having already aided Cenric in getting rid of his curse and seeing how much such cleansing would be needed.>”

As he'd reach close enough for Ruby to lunge forwards and strike him, he'd stop. “<Should my words still not convince you and you'd deem it better to strike me down where I stand, then it would seem such efforts will not be blessed with any success, for I wouldn't be able to do anything without the aid of those living here. I can only pray that you give me the chance to aid this place, or that the gods will then find someone else to aid this village where I failed to do so.>” As he stated so, a bit of his inner [Shepherd] was on display.

[Wandering Saint] - Character is a wanderer that brings healing and well-being wherever they go. While the stories told by the people generally exceed reality, the faithful aware of who the character is consider them truth and are more hospitable to the character in hopes of being blessed.
[Shepherd] - Character has guided those of bestial natures or stupid minds to better paths and pastures. Character will be more likely to gain recognition as being wise but will also garner no shortage of problem creatures to his side.

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