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Community Isekai Hell August 2024 Consumable Event: Grand Exchange


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Maxxob Maxxob
(Titles: Beast, Fae, Large, Thoroughly Petted, Rockologist, Otherworlder (Isekai'd), Caelia Shrine Ally, Heavy-Duty Labourer, Incompetent, Speech-Delayed, One with Lymantraius Rex)
Character Sheet

Gunhild peacefully grumbled and quietly snored in a sweet little slumber for the duration of everything that had been going on, thinking there wasn't much that she had to pay much attention to as she kept to herself in a size-shrunken state. Though as time went by, the lizard would eventually enough hear a call for her name that would arouse her from sleep to take part in some game involving picking out gifts. It was weird why people would want to so freely give away mystery gifts, like it was some sort of trap, though began looking amongst her options anyway. There had been indeed some mystery gifts left over grey like the colors of stone and slate, rocks were usually reliable and very good, though with the option of taking something off of the hands of someone else she had some interesting options.

Some colorful bagel? It could be food, yes, but it honestly didn't look all that appetizing to Gunhild. Like coloured crunchy ruin bricks or something in bagel form... there was a carrot and a lot of random bottled concoctions that Gunhild could try appraising to overcome the challenge of reading though none of it peaked her interest. That was until she came across a rather intriguing bottle with a quite ironic name, like fate had intentionally placed it there for her to find.

A curious Smolhild grumbled under her breath in gravelly-sounding contemplation over the item 'Baroness Bane'. She was JUST thinking about how this felt like some big scam or trap, for something such like this to be so placed here like coincidence? Whilst drinking random things that promise odd promises that originate from complete strangers is a bad do, what if this was right?

Oh, with the absolute power this potion possessed, Gunhild would rise to the status of a GOD- well, in a singular domain targetting a specific victim, but perhaps that was all one needed to feel like one. Gunhild deviously grinned a smug grin and returned to her unwithdrawn towering height so she could take, and somewhat intimidate, Adelhein out of giving up the potion as she slowly walked behind him.

"Eheh, ahahah, aHAHAH, EHAHAHAHAH" Gunhild grinned and chortled in a deep, beastial tone as she revelled in an almost concerningly villainous laugh. With two delicate clawed fingers, she reached and plucked the Baroness' Bane from Adelhein's possession.

"Gunhild take. Gunhild want~" Gunhild huffed and grinned, chuckling to herself with concocted thoughts.

Baroness Bane from Maxxob Maxxob 's Adelhein

"Gunhild! Partaking in the exchange with determination! Very good!, I think that Adelhein might have a chance to get something that'd be more useful for the type of person I've discerned him to be."

Gunhild receives:

Consumable Name: Baronness' Bane

Consumable Effect:
Give someone the features:
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Tail F] / #Feature: Prehensile Tail
#Feature [Fluffy Ears F]

As well as the skills:
#Lucky F
#Performance [Dancing] F
#Steady Hands Tails F

Consumable Ability:
Gives the ingestor nine fluffy tails that can be freely used as (prehensile & steady) extra limbs. Also enhances their charisma (seduction/lucky/performance) and allows them to pick up what their newfound form might arouse in others (sixth sense).
Femboy Femboy

"Adelhein you may select a new item." Maxxob Maxxob
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Femboy Femboy

Adelhein's crimson eyes narrowed, seeing his potion being taken away from him by some sort of lascivious, reptilian prostitute. "Give it back, you retarded lizard!" He bellowed, losing his composure and clenching his fist. His mind already reeled, planning to have his Servants wait, wherever the exit of that place was, to jump the bitch and tear her into pieces.

Flaring for rage, he ran one gloved hand through his hair and fixed his cravat, trying to calm himself down and regain some semblance of composure. While thoughts of simply marching towards one of the other participants crossed his mind, he opted to take the higher route and not be an ass: if the cycle of abuse is perpetuated, where will it end?

With that, once more, he got up and walked up to the expansive table in the middle of the room, fingers hovering the packages that still remained there. "I suppose I could go for the [Steel Grey] one." He said, hands grabbing the package firmly.
When Adelhein selected the Steel grey package the following information appeared above it and the contents were revealed:

Bracelet of Endurance
Screenshot 2024-08-29 221111.png

Consumable Effect: uses healing f + regen f to restore the character's body to a whole state and to give back 1 missing health point. Include closing gaping wounds, missing limbs, and general organ destruction. Shatters when character takes such damage and embeds itself in the character to deliver the healing. Item is lost after use.

Maxxob Maxxob

"See you may have gotten something which may just save your life one day!" Cog exclaimed when the item was revealed.

Cog then point its staff at John. "John It is your turn! You may take a package from the table or an item!" LightningJay LightningJay
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Getting up from his seat when he was called, John promptly made his way over to Cheshire to take the deodorant that the boy had recieved earlier. "Eheheh... sorry bout that. You see, I need this to help me with the ladies." He winked at Cheshire, before whistling to himself as he walked off.

Consumable Name: Deodorant

Consumable Appearance: A curious cylindrical object made of gleaming metal, topped with a peculiar lid fashioned from an unknown, smooth material. Pressing a small depression in the lid releases a high-pressure jet of strange, aromatic vapors.

Consumable Effect: When activated, the bottle releases chemicals that bestow a pleasant scent upon the user. This scent grants the target the ability to use [Seduction F] and [Persuasion F].
John received the Deodorant. LightningJay LightningJay

"Good luck with your endeavors with that unique item John , It looks like you're up again Cheshire! You know the drill by this point. Don't worry we're nearly at the point where everyone's selection, including yours will be secure!" DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
INTERACTIONS: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece @Gwen_Temi LightningJay LightningJay



Cheshire stared at John and Demeter for a moment losing his energetic demeanor. He felt like he was being targetted at this point like some form of bullying. why was he always at the other hand of a theft? Was it that hard to simply pick a gift that wasn’t chosen by someone else? This was kind of getting ridiclous now. He mutteredassholes before silently moving forward and grabbing the birch white package. And gave the other people the stink eye. Whatever this was he was hoping it didn’t get taken again he refused to not end the game without having something by it’s end. For now he’d just seethe in silent anger towards the other participants.​
"Hopefully this one will stay on your person and you find some use for it! If not at the very least it's a nice looking ring, perhaps it'll fetch some value!"

The following text appeared as a ring came into Focus from Chesire's selection:

Ring of Clarity
Screenshot 2024-08-08 225020.png

Consumable Effect: Composed F + Resilience [Fear] F
Ring of Clarity will grant user the ability to gain mental clarity narratively allowing them to overcome the paralyzing effect of fear and undo some mental damage in the process.

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Cog paused before pointing their staff over at Regula Caelia Elvario Elvario "Regula Caelia It is your turn to either select one of the remaining few packages from the table or take a new item I imagine by this point you know the drill too!"

Remaining table packages: Sky Blue, Midnight Black, Emerald Green, Slate Grey
Regula Caelia


Alternate art generated and edited based on:
Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Mentions: Adelhein Maxxob Maxxob

She'd drifted off a little, having nearly fallen asleep, until she suddenly got pointed out. Her turn? Oh, right. Exchanging stuff. She looked around to see what the others had gotten. Honestly, considering her position, she didn't exactly need something useful. Something 'fun' might be a better pick. Or perhaps something that'd make for a great gift.

Energizing stuff... nah. Inner zoomies? Sounded like the same deal. Super senses... Hmm. Nah. The one that stood out most was the melodies elixir. That might be useful, should so somehow be forced to perform. The Bracelet of Endurance would make for an amazing gift though. As would the Ring of Clarity. In the end the dice on Discord she decided that she'd go for the Bracelet of Endurance. That was the one that might save the life of a loved one, after all, something she deemed the most valuable option by far. “I'll be taking this.” She'd state to Adelhein.

"Very good Regula Caelia! That should be a useful item even for someone at your level of power in a pinch if worse came to worse"

Regula Caelia received:

Bracelet of Endurance

Consumable Effect: uses healing f + regen f to restore the character's body to a whole state and to give back 1 missing health point. Include closing gaping wounds, missing limbs, and general organ destruction. Shatters when character takes such damage and embeds itself in the character to deliver the healing. Item is lost after use.
Elvario Elvario

"Adelhein you have done this before, please select something new." Cog stated matter of fact. Maxxob Maxxob
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #470c85
Gilgamesh: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Mage] Color - #d3fa5c



Saber Alter's Influence


Gilgamesh's Influence


TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario

It seems that bitches with wings come in pairs. Adelhein thought to himself, seeing the all too familiar scene play once more, as Regula Caelia began approaching him. His eyebrows furrowed as soon as his Bracelet of Endurance was taken from him, a gift which would have been perfect for Saber. "Have it your way, winged mongrel. This won't be forgotten." His warning was accompanied by narrowing eyes.

It didn't take him long to be on his feet, approaching the expansive table in the center of the room once more. Looking at the remaining options. "Let's go with this one." The young magus reached and picked up the [Midnight Black] box, presenting it to Cog.

Upon getting the Midnight Black Box Adelhein was revealed to have received the:

Consumable name: Magic Truffle

Consumable appearance: A dark chocolate truffle in a dark box.

Consumable effect: Deception F + Sleight of Hand F
Grants the consumer Deception F + Sleight of Hand F for a round.

Maxxob Maxxob

"Perhaps you will find some use for this unusual confectionary." Cog said to Adelhein before pointing their staff outward once more and pointed to Rei Unagishi. Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

" Rei Unagishi It is your turn!"
Rei Unagishi

"Hmm? Ohh, its finally my turn? Nice!" Rei jumped from her seat and rushed towards the packages. She had no intention of taking other people's rewards, and that's not because she's being nice. Rather, Rei was simply more interested at the process of picking the gift rather that the gift itself.

That's right, she likes gambling. Shame her turn was so late so she didn't have much option there.

"I'm taking this one!" She picked up the [Sky Blue] package.​

The sky blue package opened up when it was picked up and revealed the following:
Comfort Bottle
Screenshot 2024-09-03 020020.png
Consumable Effect: Grants consumer Control Environment F, Healing F, Mind Shield F for a round. A quick drink to cool you off, ease your pain and settle your mind. Not useful for combat, but great for really any other time of the day!

"Seems you received a useful item Rei! Congratulations!" Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Cog then pointed their staff at Malik Seraphim "Malik it is your turn! Select a item or take a package off the table! Novama Novama
"Very well! I'll allow it! It's in the spirit of the event! Some discomfort for knowledge, could be useful in a pinch!" Cog exclaimed.

Malik received the The Everything Bagel. Novama Novama

Cog then pointed their staff over at Aedrianna Belmonte once again.

"You know what to do, would you like to take a remaining package or take an item?" Moonberry Moonberry
Aedrianna blinked up at the dark elf with wide blue eyes.

"O...oh." She managed a nervous smile. "Well...I hope you find some use with it. This is a fun game isn't it?" She hummed and glanced around at all the lovely items then sighed. "I suppose I'll simply take the last package. I'd hate to upset anyone. "

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
Upon picking the Emerald Green package, Aedrianna received the:

Consumable Name:
Lucky Jump F

Consumable Appearance: A cookie embedded with the pattern of a four leaf clover surrounded by clouds

Consumable effect: Grants consumer Lucky F + Jumping F for one round.

Moonberry Moonberry

"Perhaps that will be of value! Now then..." Cog pointed their staff at Ryuuji Kamimura.

"It is your turn to exchange!"

Normally Ryuuji might have taken something else from someone but for unknown forces, he would pick the remaining Slate Gray package and received:

Consumable Name: Rock Out!

Consumable Appearance: A nondescript rock save for a strange color symbol engraved upon it.

Consumable Effect:

Grants consumer Fire Affinity F + Visual Arts F for one round.
This consumable creates a flashy spectacle to enhance performing arts. It can be used to generate a burst of colored sparks/flames that can emerge sculpted into evascent pyromanic art. It is certainly an exciting way to start or finish the show!

"I believe you know someone who will benefit from this."

"...Not bad." Indeed he did, he would be sure to inform Saoirse whenever he got back from wherever this was.


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