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Graded [Millers Hollow] Shadow Amidst the Snowstorm, Part Two

c4d99d9143a2b9b9d2c17e32ee3dc627 (2).jpg

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Seth scoffed, not moving an inch. Actually, scratch that, he took a step forward, leaning in to stand face close to the squirrel girl. “Yeah, not happening. Not until you put the sword away. You're not touching him.” Huh, now that they were this close, he realised she wasn't that much shorter than him. Ah, well, too late to retract. Better double down instead. The mercenary rolled his eyes at the poor attempt of backtalk, and didn't miss a beat to answer. “You haven't? Then you're far too green, lass.” Not that self stabbing was that common in training, but he was just feeling contrarian. He would have added something else, did she not know what a runt meant?, but he was prevented from escalating when Ceylan's smooth voice cut in.

“Argh, fine!” Seth backed down a bit. Ceylan was a big boy, he could take care of himself. Still, why did he have to be so level-headed, and reasonable, and… Seth blinked, taking stock of himself for a second. He really wasn't acting like usual. The situation wasn't ideal, sure, but it wasn't such a big deal. The previous night's attack had rankled him more than he would have liked to admit. He took a deep breath and stepped back, falling in with Ricti. “...Fine. But if she hurts you, I'm smacking her.”

He did, however, pay attention to the priest's talk. It was interesting to learn more about Ceylan. He didn't seem that old, but he must have lived an exceptionally busy life. And a dangerous one. He glanced sideways to his other companion too, trying to gauge his reaction. The younger man was usually inscrutable, and he was curious about him too. Seth tensed back again when Ceylan mentioned her striking him down, but didn't react otherwise. He must have known what he was doing.
Ruby Larue
Gesture - Silent Contemplation.jpgLanguages: <Beastial>, Common
Ruby recognized Seth had called her bluff when he leaned in closer, and in response, she could only glare at him. She was unsure who this man thought he was, but somehow, he appeared aware she could not harm him without a valid reason. So, instead of her blade, the sting of her glare would need to suffice. Ruby's amber eyes narrowed to slits as she stared up at the man, and with a slight pout on her lips, she huffed. “Hmp! You won't have-had-- seened? no... Y-you're colorblind!” Her gaze cast aside, avoiding the confrontation as she reluctantly sheathed her weapon. But, in doing so, it freed her dominant hand to flick locks of her hair into Seth's face. “I'm not green! I'm red, blind guy!

She gloated at her own cleverness. And the confidence had rekindled in her eyes until Ceylan approached her. “<Wait-- wait!! Stand back, wolf!>” She commanded, her hand swiftly returned to her sheathed blade. A swift draw and lunge forward would have been imminent were it not for her ears catching something he said. It was a repeating of the keywords that had initially drew her into the room. And while an overwhelming sense of distrust remained, she could not resist listening to Ceylan's words.

After he finished speaking, he did not seem as likely to be one of the cursed. But Leontine would have her crest if she trusted someone like him. Still, if he was really able to cleanse the curse, then the town would be safe, and she could leave... Ruby fell silent, and the red squirrel shifted on her feet as she weighed her options. “<...Many cities?>” She eventually asked, her ears perked with intrigue for any response that followed, “<How many? Wait!! Don't answer!>” She glanced back at Lucy, who actively resisted showing a pleased smile, then returned her attention to Ceylan, “<No! Do answer! Are cities bigger than our town?-- Oh!! Have you ever been to the sea? It's like a river-or maybe a lake-and so large you cannot see the other end of it!>

Townguard Lucy - the Halflight Sentinel.jpgLucy
Languages: <Beastial>, Common
Miss Larue, please curb your enthusiasm,” Lucy chirped, carefully choosing to interrupt after the tension in the air had mostly disappeared, “I want to thank you all, for this has been an insightful few minutes.” Lucy then admitted as a light smile curved her beak. She seemed pleased with the result of her experiment. “I've recorded your arrival and made some assessments,” Lucy added as she carefully tapped her claw on the closed book before her, “and as far as I'm concerned, I have no need to restrict you to only your cells - until an hour before nightfall. Until then, I will be here if you would like to talk. Otherwise, you are free to use the guard quarters to pass the time however you please... within reason, of course!

She then leaded forward, and with a sharpened expression reminded the group of their situation. “I do not think it necessary to repeat, but I cannot allow you to leave the building for the time being, no matter if it's a 'gilded cage'... So, please refrain from making escape plans, thank you!” She ended with another lighthearted chirp, and then dismissed the group to go do as they pleased.

No Cooldowns applied this round

Elvario Elvario Tattletale Tattletale SilverFeathers SilverFeathers


Ceylan (Event) - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Seth Tattletale Tattletale

He was glad Seth was willing to stand down, despite being seemingly more and more on edge. For a moment, Ceylan even doubted if he'd really been able to fully cleanse the curse that'd start taking over Seth or if he'd failed. Then again, it might also just be the long days and stress. He figured he'd try to remember to check up on it later.

Ruby's reaction was expected enough, so he didn't flinch. Instead, he counted on the weight of his words keeping her blade sheeted, which seemed to pay off. “<Many of them.>” He replied, as he was a bit surprised by which of his words had caught Ruby's attention, out of all the things he said and did.

“<Most cities are a lot bigger than a town like this. Only a few of them aren't.>” He answered her question. “<I lived most of my life in a city on some cliffs near the ocean.>” He replied, as he started to get a grasp of what was going on here. A sheltered and isolated life, a longing to see more of the world. He recognised those feelings. That's what got him to become a [Wandering Saint], after all. “<If you sail far enough onto the ocean, all you can see around you is an endless horizon of water, but clear nights, it's like the sky and ocean bleed into one another and the stars and moons are both above and below you.>” He answered. He hadn't been on a boat often, but he did remember such sights from the few times he'd sailed at night. His tail had started to take on a gentle wag, as he was glad the girl seemed more pacified and he enjoyed talking about topics like these.

Ceylan turned to Lucy next, as she gave them her 'review' of events. “That is appreciated.” He replied, glad to have been able to make a decent first impression and equally glad to not have had his throat slid by an angry squirrel. “I'd like to take you up on that offer and look around for a bit, if you'd allow me.” He stated, as he intended to just have a look around the building. Perhaps it'd teach him a bit more about how people lived here, what they culture was... At the very least it'd probably give him something to do to keep his mind off of worrying about the curse, for now. After all, he did still fear the curse was preparing to go up against him with any passing second.
c4d99d9143a2b9b9d2c17e32ee3dc627 (2).jpg

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario

Seth looked up and down at the beast girl and her pout. She seemed to be trying to glare at him, but with all the pouting and with a sheathed blade, she was about as intimidating as… Well, a squirrel, really. He smirked, amused at her blustering. Her comeback game wasn't that strong, was it? “Nice to meet you, Red. I am Seth.” He was about to add something else when Ceylan spoke.

The mercenary tensed a bit when the girl's hand went to her weapon, but she seemed to forget about it as Ceylan continued speaking with that soothing voice of his. It was nice to know a bit more about the man who had saved his life, too. He did glance back at Ruby, a serious look in his eyes. “And stop calling him wolf, kid. His name is Ceylan.” He wasn't even a wolf beast folk, dammit. He did perk up at Lucy's words, however.

“Actually, there's something I'd like to ask.” He stepped back, still curtly but reining in his bad mood for his companions' sake. “In my travels up north, I met a lamb beast woman who has family here. She did me a favour, and in return I offered to check up on her cousin. Is there a Miss Maya… Uh, Berger, I suppose?” Maybe they didn't share a surname, after all. “Is there a Miss Maya living in town or in one of the farms nearby?”

He passed a hand through his hair, shaking off the irritation. These people were only doing their jobs, even if the girl seemed trigger-happy (stabby-happy?) about canines.
Gesture - Silent Contemplation.jpgRuby Larue
Languages: <Beastial>, Common
A longing spark grew in Ruby's eyes as she listened intently to Ceylan's explanation. He had been to the ocean! It was a claim convincing enough to keep her - almost undivided - attention as he spoke of it. The only part that would not listen was one of her ears. The unarmored ear had honed in on the sound of Seth's words instead. And Ruby's expression grew huffy because of it. However, it was clear she did not want to give in by turning her head and instead side-eyed the mercenary. “I'm holding eyes on you, Seth!” She said, then tried to return her attention to Ceylan.

But it was not that easily done. Ruby stared at the bishop, trying to find a response to his words as her expression grew increasingly riled. Red was not her name! “It's Ruby!” She fussed while turning to face the mercenary. Then amber eyes widened from an idea that popped into her head. “Hmp! I stop calling him wolf if you know my name too!

<You said the stars bleed into the ocean?>” Ruby wondered out loud as she turned back to Ceylan, “<Do the stars bleed in other places too,> Ceylan?” She added, heavily emphasizing the bishop's name while her eyes glanced at Seth to see if he noticed her using it. “<Do they bleed over cities-and what do cities do during the Hounding Hour?>

Townguard Lucy - the Halflight Sentinel.jpgLucy
Languages: <Beastial>, Common
Miss Larue,” Lucy chirped again, as if the pleasant sound hid a corrective comment, “if you have multiple questions, you should allow the man time to answer before asking further.” Her attention then turned toward Ceylan, “You are free to look around the building, Ceylan,” She permitted before she quickly glanced at Ruby and gestured with her eyes, “Miss Larue will accompany you, as I am sure you can learn a lot from each other--

Yes, Seth, what is it?” Lucy answered almost immediately, a light smile curving her beak. But, her expression turned grave upon learning what the mercenary wanted to know. “Maya has been with us for one night as of right now... Poor lamb got attacked by some monsters from the Paizu and lost her flock,” She paused, frustrated, and noticed her claws had instinctively dug into her desk. Sighing, Lucy carefully pried her claws from the wood. “Thank goodness she is safe now, but Maya has not told us many details about what happened. If you want to check up on her, she is somewhere in the building, but please mind that she has been through a lot recently...

No cooldowns applied this round

Elvario Elvario Tattletale Tattletale SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Seth Tattletale Tattletale

For a moment, Ceylan felt a very odd 4th wall breaking sense of connection to Seth. As if one was titled [Daddy] and the other was making dad-jokes. He heard the odd joke and felt somewhat at ease, as it seemed that both the squirrel and Seth had chosen bickering over violence. The best possible outcome by far, he figured, considering how tense the situation had been for a moment. It even seemed like he could get her to call him by his name, which Ceylan silently appreciate a fair bit more than he'd show right now.

He did realise he'd made one mistake. She didn't sound like she knew many symbolisms, which he clearly shouldn't have used. “<It's not exactly a literal bleeding. It's a way to express the peculiar state in which you can no longer separate one from another. In this case, the ocean reflecting the stars and moons can make it seem like the ocean you're sailing upon is a mirror of the wide skies above you, so much so that you no longer know where the sky stars and the ocean ends.>” He hoped that'd explain it. “<So far as I know, it can only happen on the oceans, when the water is perfectly still, but even I haven't travelled everywhere and seen everything yet, so perhaps it might happen in other ways as well.>” He added, his tail gently wagging at the thought of it. Even now, he'd not fully lost his [Wandering Saint] desires.

The last question, however, had him shake his head. “<I believe the Hounding Hour is a phenomenon particular to this one city. Whilst a red moon can happen elsewhere, the werewolf curse seems mostly fixated in this area and the frequency and consistency of this Hounding Hour, from what I've surmised and heard at least, seem equally localised.>” He sighed a little. “<It reminds me of how I've yet to learn a lot about this curse, in order to help figure out how to put an end to it.>” He admitted. “<Although I will do so.>” He stated, with a fair degree of determination. Now even more than before, as some compassionate side of him already wished to help this girl be free to explore more of the world.

He turned to Lucy. “It's alright.” He stated, with a smile. He'd been used to this behaviour. That said, normally it was by kids... He nodded at the comment that the squirrel would join him. So long as she'd not change her mind about him being a werewolf, he should be good.

However, as he was about to leave, he could hear Lucy say something to Seth that sent a shiver down his spine. How likely had he deemed it for the sheep girl Seth had been asked to look for to be the same as the one he'd met? Highly unlikely, right? So then... how likely was it that two sheep girl lost their entire flock to monsters, carrying the same type of cane? Even if she was safe now... He was a bit hesitant, but he figured he'd best get this over with. Taking a deep breath, he moved on.

A quick glance into the holding cells made him turn the other way, which seemed a nicer area to explore... and a likelier area to find 'her' in. It turns out he was correct, as he instantly recognised the girl. He felt like a rock had gotten stuck in his throat, however, as he saw her. It remind him of how powerless he'd felt, when Mitsunari sent his ogres to feast on the girl's entire flock. How he'd already been grateful that the girl herself was spared from being eaten, as he'd been powerless to do more. How all he could offer her, back then, or perhaps even now, was a small pittance, the last of his coin. How they'd left her there, as he'd been forced to continue on with Mistunari. She seemed to have somewhat believed Mitsunari, back then, hadn't she? Yet even so... he doubted she'd still be as foolish as to think Mitsunari was a true hero and protector.

So... what did that make him? A priest who'd fallen pray to such a man? Who'd been forced to lead him through the Paizu Mountains to meet a cardinal? He wasn't sure, but it wasn't good. All he eventually managed to muster was a simple. “I'm sorry.” Followed by another simple. “I'm glad you're safe.”

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario

Seth couldn't help but grin at the girl's blustering. Her antics were endearing, and he would have noticed before hadn't he been so upset. He would have to thank Ceylan later: the priest was a calming presence, which he supposed made sense. He'd probably played peacemaker many times before. The mercenary decided to relent a bit, and raised his hands in a peace gesture, giving the girl a lopsided grin. “Fine, fine… Sorry. Well, then.” Seth thought to himself that he really shouldn't have let himself be swept by irritation, and offered a handshake to the girl, as a fresh start. “Nice to meet you, Ruby. You already know, but I am Seth.”

After that, he listened to Lucy's answer while the other two beast folk conversed in their tongue. Seth didn't know a lick of beastial, so the talk went over his head. Still, The bird woman's words made him relax further. He really wouldn't have wanted to meet Janja again with bad news. “Yeah, I'd like to.” Lucy cautioning him about the sheep girl's recent circumstances. “Hm, well, I just wanted to give her regards from her cousin. That said, I wouldn't mind doing so tomorrow.” Seth shrugged, “But I'd rather at least see her.” He followed Ceylan's steps onto the cell nearby, not before nodding his thanks to Lucy.

Ah, there she was. Yep, she did look like her relative, apart from the… ahem. Proportions. Seth would have said something, but he thought better of it when he saw Ceylan's reaction to the girl. Granted, the mercenary wasn't the most perceptive, but his companion seemed positively rattled. Seth hesitated, not quite sure where this tension was coming from. Did he know her from before? He decided to keep quiet, and silently support the priest. Questions and news from him could come later.
Ruby Larue - Squirrel Squire.jpgRuby Larue
Languages: <Beastial>, Common
Ruby carefully studied Seth's movements when he reached out his hand with a lopsided grin. “Hmr...” She murmured, eyes glued to the hand until she realized the intent was a handshake. Upon realization, her mouth stretched into a wide smirk as she grabbed his hand – and eagerly shook it. “It's a settle! I'll be friends with you, Seth!” Pleased to have made a friend, Ruby lightly bounced in place as she took in Ceylan's further explanations without interruption – mulling over the words before responding.

<But, the Hounding Hour-->” Her eyes flicked to Seth, and something about his expression compelled her to continue in Common, better including her new friend in the conversation, “--The Hounding Hour is when stars bleed-exactly literal bleed! The stars look at us-and they have-- cries? no... tearing! Umm... W-Water bleed down-and turns the village grey!” She gave Ceylan an awkward, blank stare that practically begged him to understand the intent behind her broken sentences. She could picture it in her head! The stars would blink away, replaced by phantom eyes that drained the color from the world as they stared down at the village. “Chk!--” She grumpily sounded, voicing her annoyance through squirrel chattering.

Shepherd Maya - the Lost Scapegoat.jpgLanguages: Common
After checking the empty holding cells, Ceylan led the group toward the guard quarters. The heavy, metal-reinforced door took some effort to open before they could step into the large, stone room. The space was well-furnished, brightly lit by the blue glow of three chandeliers hanging from a wooden ceiling, and meticulously maintained. Multiple made beds dressed the room, each with its own wooden chest at the foot end - containing the personal belongings of the guards likely out on patrol. And while they could not possibly know what bed belonged to which guard, one stood out from the others. The bed standing at the far end of the room, with downy feathers dotting the mattress and floor, likely belonged to Lucy.

Stepping further into the room, it became clear these town guards had a plentiful stock of quality equipment – more than could be expected of a small village like Miller's Hollow. Weapon racks lined the walls, with each sharpened blade and axe shimmering with a silver sheen against the blue glow of chandeliers. Those familiar with military weaponry could identify the quality of craftsmanship at a glance – and speculate this town had either spent too much of their limited resources or reason this was the quality required for their guards to stand a fighting chance against the monsters from the Paizu.

Across the room, a wooden table and chairs filled the remaining corner. And at that table sat a young sheepgirl, feet swinging back and forth, unable to reach the floor from the seat height. The girl did not respond to the opening door, but she turned around with a smile when hearing the footsteps. “Can we finish our game!--” Maya halted, shocked by the person who stood before her, a remnant of past fear in her eyes. And despite Ceylan immediately apologizing, his presence stole the smile from her lips. “I almost wasn't fine...” Maya hesitantly replied, unsure if it was wise to talk back to the man who had stood by as ogres ate her family's flock. “Mister Kitsune said it was for everyone's protection, right? And he was right, everyone was safe... but nobody believed me anyway...

No Cooldowns applied this round

Elvario Elvario Tattletale Tattletale SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt | Seth Tattletale Tattletale

It wasn't exactly great to instantly be faced with the 'I almost wasn't fine', although that was a sentiment they shared. Just thinking back on those events made his legs hurt for a moment, as he leaned against the door. Having his already cursed legs munched on by ogres had been among the most painful things he'd ever experiences. If not the most painful thing. Taking some deep breaths to calm himself from those traumatic memories, he was already faced with another tough hit.

Back then, he had the excuse of not being able to explain things due to needing to explain things. He did not have such an excuse right now. “It's... I do not believe he was speaking truthfully about his desire to protect others.” Ceylan admitted. “However, the sacrifice of your flock did mean that he wouldn't sent his ogres into town to obtain food, which might've caused a fight to break out and people to get hurt. So even if he was lying, what happened did end up saving a lot of people from a lot of hurt.” He was quick to add in a [Soothing Aura] manner, as the [Wandering Saint] did not wish to bring further distress upon the girl that'd already gone through so much.

“I'm... sorry to hear that nobody believed you... I'd have come along and tried to help, but the Kitsune wouldn't allow me to leave as he wished for me to show him somewhere.” It was still painful that all he'd been able to do was offer some pocket change, although it'd been all he had at the time... and he didn't exactly have any wealth right now either. “Did... did the people here take good care of you?” He asked. He believed they would've, from what he'd seen thus far, but he'd rather be safe and sure.

Soothing Aura – Magic B, Healing B, Magic Range C, Magic Targets C, Magic Duration C, Magic Area of Effect C, Selective C, Religion B, Empathy B, Insight B, Energised B, Persuasion F – Character has a soothing aura that calms and heals those around them. - Grade Be – 3 Post Cooldown.

[Wandering Saint] - Character is a wanderer that brings healing and well-being wherever they go. While the stories told by the people generally exceed reality, the faithful aware of who the character is consider them truth and are more hospitable to the character in hopes of being blessed.
Ruby Larue & Maya
Gesture - Silent Contemplation.jpgLanguages: Common, <Beastial>

He lied? But...” Maya replied dejectedly. The remnants of reluctance and fear vanished from her now-darkened eyes. She did not want to believe anyone could be so cruel, but there was little more reason to think otherwise. Maya sniffed, glanced down at her hands, and began playing with her fingers. She did not respond for a while, but listening to Ceylan's words filled her with a soothing sense of reassurance, “I think... it's okay that Mister Kitsune lied,” Maya quietly spoke while wiping her eyes, “It saved a lot of people from getting hurt...

So, it's okay, I think...” Maya looked up and put on her strong face, “I would not have met the people here otherwise! They take care of me, and they are really nice, but the church lady is a little scary...” She admitted, glancing past Ceylan to look at Ruby, “<Sorry I think she's scary...>

Shepherd Maya - the Lost Scapegoat.jpg<Eh?-- It-It's alright, Maya!>” Ruby hastily answered as she forced her half-drawn rapier back into the scabbard. She would prefer not to brandish a blade in front of Maya, especially if she were looking directly at her, but the topic of sacrificing a flock to ogres had her hand itching to draw. But, now unwilling to do so, Ruby settled for cutting into Ceylan with a sharp gaze – and tapped the handle of her rapier, “<Maya, you have met him before, right? I need to know if we can trust him...>

<Huh?>” Maya replied, looked at Ceylan as she considered the question, and nodded, “<I think Mister Kitsune made him go! And he gave me coins before he had to go!>” She added, patting down her dress until she produced a small pouch, “<See?>

Hmr...” Ruby murmured, her expression easing up a little upon seeing the pouch as physical proof to back the story, “<And you-->” “<I'm sure!>” Maya interrupted, and Ruby chattered in response, “Chk!--

Ruby took her hand off the blade and crossed her arms over her chest, “<Hmp! You can't talk about stuff like that while I can hear you, Ceylan,>” She huffed, flicking her unarmored ear, “<And I can hear really well!-and you talk a lot! S-So watch yourself!>

<Can we finish our game now?>” Maya interrupted again, staring at both of them with hopeful eyes. “<B-But, Maya, I need to watch--,>” Ruby began a weak rebuttal before she turned to Ceylan. And despite her grumpy expression, Ruby curled her tail around and sank her hand into the red fluff. After digging around for a second, she pulled a deck of playing cards from her tail and held it out to Ceylan, “<Hmp! Ceylan, do you want to... join our game?>

No Cooldowns applied this round

Elvario Elvario

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt

He instantly felt bad upon seeing Maya's disappointment, even though he realised the truth would hurt. It's why he was all the more glad that his words managed to pull her out of it. His tail gave a slight wag upon hearing her say she'd found a good place. “You did the best thing in a horrible situation, there's nothing to feel bad about.” He continued to reassure her, although it kept making him wonder if that applied to him as well. Could.. should he have tried doing more? He wasn't sure, but in the end, she seemed fine and her village had been spared, so surely this had brought about the most good.

Perhaps due to the tension and getting lost in thought, he suddenly chuckled a little awkwardly when she showed the coins. “<Ah, my apologies.>” He quickly stated. “<It was all I had at the time, so I worried it might not have been enough, but it seems you haven't even needed it so far. I'm glad to see that.>” He stated, trying to explain his otherwise odd behaviour.

Truthfully, he wasn't sure what Ruby meant when she told him he couldn't talk about 'stuff like that' when she could hear him. However, for the sake of the peace and quiet, he decided not to question it. He was already glad the rapier was sheeted again. At times, he wondered how often he'd escaped getting stabbed by now. Although from what he heard thus far, he was growing even more concerned about lady Leontine. Everything so far told him he'd have to really brace himself and put on his best self to face her.

That was a problem for later, however, as he was surprised when they talked about the game. His tail gently wagged a little when he was invited to join the game. It was pretty clear it was mostly due to Ruby not wanting to leave him unsupervised, yet also wanting to continue the game, but he figured it'd be a good chance to show them he was here to help, not hurt. “<I'd love to.>” He stated, figuring out what game it was and what it's rules were along the way. Hopefully.
Ruby Larue & Maya
Gesture - Silent Contemplation.jpgLanguages: Common, <Beastial>
Ruby forgot to keep up her skepticism when Ceylan agreed to join their game. “<You really would?>” She eagerly asked, revealing a twinkle of excitement in her amber eyes. “<I-I meant!...>” While stammering, she forcefully tightened her eyes into an unconvincing squint, “<Of course you would, Ceylan-- Well! Fine! I did offer-and a squire upholds the oaths she makes!>” Ruby insisted while her hands riffled the deck of cards. And despite wearing gauntlets, she made the card manipulation look easy.

<We are playing Go Fish!>” Ruby stated and deftly dealt three hands of ten cards each onto the table. The card placement seemed to double as a designation for where Ceylan should sit down - that being next to Maya - since Ruby deliberately took the remaining seat with cards laid out in front. “<You know the rules, Ceylan?>” Ruby asked as she fanned out her hand of cards, peeking over them at the bishop.

Shepherd Maya - the Lost Scapegoat.jpg<It's really easy!>” Maya chimed in, scooting her chair closer to the bishop, “<You wanna have the most cards! And to get more cards, you need to ask us for cards we don't have! And then we say 'go fish' and you get to take another card from the pile!>” There was genuine excitement in Maya's voice. Almost as if she had entirely forgotten her recent suffering – replaced by the simple fun of a children's card game.

<And! If you get four of the same number, you have to place them on the table-and lose those cards,>” Ruby expanded on Maya's explanation, “<Which means you have less cards in your hand-and you really want to have the most cards at the end!>

<That's true!>” Maya added. “<Sometimes you draw a new card, and then you have all four, so you actually lose three-- four cards!>

Ruby nodded, then directed her attention to Ceylan, “<If you understand the rules, you can go first!>

No Cooldowns applied this round

Elvario Elvario

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt

He couldn't help suppress a smile and a tail wag from appearing upon seeing Ruby's excitement. “<Of course, I'm honoured to partake.>” He'd end up replying to her with a smile. He was glad she was even willing to keep calling him by name. Even though it still sounded a bit off... Well, perhaps that'd change before long.

Truthfully, he'd never heard of 'Go Fish!' before in his life, but he nodded along with the explanation of the rules. Truth be told, he still didn't get it, but somehow it brought out the [Daddy] in him as he confidently stated “<Very well.>” upon the offer to go first. Somehow playing along with these weird and likely flawed rules made his tail wag ever so slightly as he plotted his first move.

“<Maya! I'd like to summon from your cards, the Four of Spades!>” He called out, somewhat dramatically, for no real reason at all. It was just a random card and a random thought, but that seemed to be best way to start off. Either he'd learn the rules or he'd keep faking it as he was making it.

[Daddy] - Character is acknowledged by children and those of the fairer sex to be a daddy. What it means varies according to each individual, but it leads to favourable treatment by those who call the character Daddy and in turn favourable treatment is expected from Daddy. Losing the title of Daddy can be surprisingly painful.

Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Having waiting for what felt to be a long time, it seemed like 'luck' wasn't in the cards for him. Or perhaps it was. Either way, it was getting late enough to find some rest. Sadly enough, he'd have to be locked up in a holding cell for it. That said, he decided to be a 'good boy' as always and patiently entered it to wait out his time there. Adventurers would have to continue another time, another day.

The End.

Last time I asked (22-04-24), Vaudivolt wasn't able to continue or wrap things up. Seeing as how the RP was nearing its ending phase and I haven't been able to confirm anything new since then, despite asking a few times over, I figured I waited more than long enough by now and took the liberty to wrap it up myself. SilverFeathers and Tattletale sadly had to drop out prior to this already. Narrator bonus should still go to Vaudivolt though.
Isekai Hell Grade

Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Elvario Elvario Tattletale Tattletale SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Thought someone else would have graded this a month ago. Here we are. Home sweet cursed home.

Folks seem to have a lot of trust issues. Characters aside, too bad about those that didn't make it to the end. Wasn't clear whose fault that was though. I'm sure more of the beginning woulda made sense if I had previous rp context though. It was unclear to me if the curse was ever actually resolved. The characters definitely arrived, but didn't get the sense there was true closure here. Probably cus vaudi stopped narrating.





Ceylan - 52pts
optional title acquired - [Cursed Helper] - character is cursed for helping others. Or are they cursed to help others? Point is helping others + cursed.

Partial Participants
Ruby - 64pts

Seth - 28pts

Ricti - 18pts

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