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Fandom Millennium City (Sign-Up)


Character Name: Lt. John Dunbar

Canon: Dances with Wolves

Age: ???



Military training- [Lt. in Union Army]
Knows how to ride horses
Knows how to be resourceful and build things by himself


Chosen Ability/Equipment: [Read Rule #1]
Springfield Model 1861

Personality: Down to earth. The Sioux tribe has helped him to discover what is most important in his life – the outdoors, good friends, and laughter. He has never been happier.


In 1863, First Lieutenant John J. Dunbar is wounded in the American Civil War. Choosing suicide over having his leg amputated, he takes a horse and rides up to the Confederate front lines, distracting them in the process. The roused Union army then attacks and the battle ends in a Confederate rout. Dunbar survives, is allowed to recover properly, receives a citation for bravery, and is awarded Cisco, the horse who carried him, as well as his choice of posting. Dunbar requests a transfer to the western frontier so he can see its vast terrain before it disappears. Dunbar arrives at his new post, Fort Sedgwick, but finds it abandoned and in disrepair. Despite the threat of nearby Indian tribes, he elects to stay and man the post himself. He begins rebuilding and restocking the fort and prefers the solitude afforded him, recording many of his observations in his journal.

Meanwhile Timmons, the wagon driver who transported Dunbar to Fort Sedgwick, is killed and scalped by Pawnee Indians on his way back to Fort Hays. Timmons's death and the suicide of Major Fambrough, who had sent them there, prevents other soldiers from knowing of Dunbar's assignment to the post, effectively isolating him. Dunbar notes in his journal of how strange it is that no other soldiers join him at the post.

Dunbar initially encounters his Sioux neighbors when several attempts are made to steal his horse and intimidate him. In response, Dunbar decides to seek out the Sioux camp in an attempt to establish a dialogue. On his way he comes across Stands With A Fist, who is attempting suicide in mourning her deceased husband. She is the white adopted daughter of the tribe's medicine man Kicking Bird, her original family having been killed by the aggressive Pawnee tribe when she was young. Dunbar returns her to the Sioux to be treated, which changes their attitude toward him. Eventually, Dunbar establishes a rapport with Kicking Bird and warrior Wind In His Hair who equally wish to communicate. Initially the language barrier frustrates them, so Stands With A Fist, though with great difficulty remembering her English, acts as translator.

Dunbar finds himself drawn to the lifestyle and customs of the tribe and begins spending most of his time with them. Learning their language, he is accepted as an honored guest by the Sioux after he locates a migrating herd of buffalo and participates in the hunt. When at Fort Sedgwick, Dunbar also befriends a wolf he dubs "Two Socks" for its white forepaws. When the Sioux observe Dunbar and Two Socks chasing each other, they give him the name "Dances with Wolves". During this time, Dunbar also forges a romantic relationship with Stands with a Fist and helps defend the village from an attack by the rival Pawnee tribe. Dunbar eventually wins Kicking Bird's approval to marry Stands with a Fist, and abandons Fort Sedgwick.

Because of the growing Pawnee and white threat, Chief Ten Bears decides to move the tribe to its winter camp. Dunbar decides to accompany them but must first retrieve his journal from Fort Sedgwick as he realises that it would provide the army with the means of finding the tribe. However, when he arrives he finds the fort re-occupied by the U.S. Army. Because of his Sioux clothing, the soldiers open fire, killing Cisco and capturing Dunbar, arresting him as a traitor. Senior officers interrogate him, but Dunbar cannot prove his story, as a corporal has found and discarded his journal. Having refused to serve as an interpreter to the tribes, Dunbar is charged with desertion and transported back east as a prisoner. Soldiers of the escort shoot Two Socks when the wolf attempts to follow Dunbar, despite Dunbar's attempts to intervene.

Eventually the Sioux track the convoy, killing the soldiers and freeing Dunbar. At the winter camp, Dunbar decides to leave with Stands With A Fist, since his continuing presence will put the tribe in danger. As they leave, Wind In His Hair shouts to Dunbar, reminding him of their friendship. U.S. troops are seen searching the mountains but are unable to locate them, while a lone wolf howls in the distance. An epilogue then states that thirteen years later the last remnants of the free Sioux were subjugated to the American government, ending the conquest of the Western frontier states and the livelihoods of the tribes on the plains.

Alignment: [Use D&D Allignments] Lawful Good

Sender: N/A
Posting speed: Pretty fast (depending on day)

Character Name: Audun the Dark Scholar

Canon: OC

Age: 113

Audun is a Nephilim, a Seraph fallen due to his meddling in Dark magic. Thus, he is hulking mass of muscle with a pair of 30ft wings that stands at 7'6" and weighing 325 lbs. His muscles offers him immemse strength without sacrificing too much mobility due to weight. Despite this, Audun is still too heavy for his wings to grant him flight. They can, however offer temporary gliding if he jumps off of an elevated area, at least, until his muscles are exhausted.

From his studies in Dark magic, he has become tainted, leaving his veins jet black when he is emotional in any way. His corruption allows him to have a "sixth sense" for strong negative emotions such as angry or anxiety. The more he uses his Dark powers, the further corrupted he will become, making his destructive tendencies greater and greater, as well as making his disposition more evil. This Darkness also makes Audun extremely vulnerable to divine magic.

In the past, Audun wore a set of paladin armor to hide his growing Darkness with a symbol of purity. However, through years of corruption, his once pristine paladin armor is now much more demonic in nature, reflecting the user's state of being. Underneath his armor is a horribly scarred body that bears no resemblance to its original appearance when Audun was a Seraph.

Chosen Ability/Equipment:
-Eviscerate: Using Dark Magic, Audun can cover his feathers with a black cartilage the turns them into razor sharp daggers. With a flap of his wings, Audun can launch a barrage of these daggers at his target. Alternatively the hardened wings can be an impromptu shield.

In more than one aspect, Audun is delusional, however, it does not negate the fact that he cares about all beings regardless of their race, though he might have a minor superiority complex, which is understandable, though not liked. He often puts up a facade of bravery, honor and chivalry to prove that he is worthy to be Seraph, but underneath, he is willing to do whatever it takes to reclaim his place. As a part of his dabbling in dark magic, his mind has been corrupted, making him think that he is meant to be the saviour of the world. Despite his noble intentions, Audun is addicted to the mortal lifestyle and constantly returns to the pleasures food, drink, and sex can offer him.

Born and raised in the city of Oasis, Audun was trained in the task of managing his city's vast stores of knowledge from an early age. When he first started, he held genuine sympathy for the Mundanes, such as the humans, elves, giants, and goblins, seeing them as almost equal to the Seraphs, only without the same power. As a result, he began to research means that could grant lesser beings more power to defend themselves. One such mean he encountered was the tabooed Dark magic. Throughout his extensive research in the subject matter, Audun slowly began to slip further and further into dark magic, and eventually changed his goal to being the one to protect the lesser beings with his newfound power, developing a Messiah-complex. This behavior quickly drew the attention of the Celestial Council , which led to him being condemned a Nephilim and exiled from Oasis at the age of 53.

After he had banished, he wandered the land trying to be the savior of the world, but soon fell into the trappings of mortal life. He began engrossed in winning fame, glory and wealth to try and replace what he had lost. He spent decades as a mercenary, credited with hundreds of victories, which only fueled his desire to obtain more of what the world had to offer. Eventually Audun would realize his mistakes after losing to an army with a Celestial on their side. Audun realized that he was not like the lesser beings and began anew his quest to save them, as well as try to reclaim his place as a Seraph. To do so, he enlisted as a paladin of the Empire at the age of 83 to destroy the Darkness and to redeem himself and attempt to .

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral/Evil

Posting speed: Once or twice a week​






thel vadam.png

Character Name: Thel 'Vadam

Canon: Halo 3

Age: 68

Attributes: As a former member of the Covenant military, he's had extensive training in marksmanship and CQC, making him quite proficient in both those areas. He's an expert leader, commanding assaults on multiple human worlds, perhaps most famously the glassing of Reach. He is also very large, making him quite strong. A Sangheili has been shown to be able to lift an adult male with ease, which is about right for his species' height.

Chosen Ability/Equipment: Arbiter's armor, integrated with temporary active camo, HUD, energy shields, and a left shoulder-mounted flashlight.

Personality: Thel, like all Sangheili, is keen to do things in an honorable manner, though he is more flexible when it comes to equipment, weapons, and vehicles. His hatred of the Jiralhanae doesn't seem to be as strong or destructive as that of other Sangheili; one example of this is when the Arbiter tried to reason with Tartarus in Installation 05's Control Room. He is shown to be true to his title "Arbiter" as he often tries to negotiate with some of his other enemies and will only kill when forced to do so. He has deep respect for his fellow Sangheili and a grudging respect for the humans, specifically John-117 and Sergeant Johnson. Thel is willing to work with his enemy to achieve a common goal, as well, putting aside any immediate differences.

Bio: He was born to the rulers of Vadam, a state on Sanghelios. He was trained young by one of his family, and eventually joined the Covenant military. He fought alongside them in many battles, eventually earning the rank of Shipmaster, and joining other Sangheili as a Kaidon. His work in the Covenant commanding in it's Navy got him the rank of Supreme Commander, a title well fit. He is responsible for the loss of 7 human worlds, 123 vessels, and nearly 23,000 UNSC personnel as well as over 1 billion humans. He led the Covenant fleets in the glassing of the human planet Reach. Afterwards, following the UNSC Pillar of Autumn to Installation 04, though he lost the installation due to the outbreak of the Flood distracting him and the fleet from humanity's effort to destroy the ring, which proved successful. This caused the Covenant High Council to act, branding him a traitor. Though, the Prophet of Truth had other uses for him. Instead of ordering his summary execution, he promotes Thel to the highest military-religious position available, The Arbiter. He would go on missions so suicidal it was practically a death sentence in and of itself. As the Arbiter he cut down a Heretic uprising and retrieved the "Sacred Icon" from Installation 05, though the latter was stolen by Tartarus, who swiftly betrayed him and all the Sangheili. He eventually joined forces with humanity to stop the Covenant. Said fight ended with the destruction of the Ark, as he and SPARTAN John-117 escaped from the Forerunner structure. Unfortunately, as they entered the massive slipspace portal to get back to Earth, it closed halfway on their ship, leaving the SPARTAN adrift in space and the Arbiter to crash into the Earth's ocean.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Sender: God Himself.

Posting speed: A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he posts precisely when he means to!


Character Name: Jak/ [SPOILERS FOR JAK 3] Mar

Canon: [What fictional universe do they hail from? If he/she is simply an OC - just post OC.] Jak 3

Age: 18

Attributes: [Your strengths and weaknesses/skills are included here]

Morph Gun
Yellow Mod
Red Mod
Blue Mod
Dark Eco Mod





Eco Warrior/Eco Channeler

Chosen Ability/Equipment: [Read Rule #1] Yellow Mod- Blaster Mod

Personality: See Wiki- Jak


Alignment: [Use D&D Allignments] Chaotic Good

Sender: [User who referred you here, if any]

Posting speed: [How frequently can you post, what time you're usually available for posting. FAIR WARNING. MILLENNIUM CAN BE A VERY FAST PACED RP COMMUNITY. BE PREPARED.] Fast
Character Name: Ultima 4 Legacy

Canon: OC

Age: 18

Attributes: Skills in blades and gun. The armor can be shift is structure slightly to be resistant to different types of attacks but can only choose one to focus resistance on besides a general hard shell that would have basic overall resistance. As well the suit possesses low level scanners and decent cloaking technologies along with some smaller subsystems and parts dedicated to the operator.

Chosen Ability/Equipment: Ultima 4 Legacy Suit

Personality: Ultima 4 Legacy's personality seems to be lacking, often coming of emotionless if not mindless and very robotic. Most here would think she is a robot, perhaps with developing sentience, perhaps that's the truth... Nonetheless to their controllers they portray obedience and loyalty, to their targets mindless aggression, and to everyone else disinterest and apathy.

Bio: Manufactured in the labs and facilities of a splinter group of Ichor Corp. the scientists and engineers there worked with misguided passion and... inhumane efforts. Through their progress and toil Ultima 4 Legacy was created, a gathering of their work together in something efficient and strong. Ultima 4 Legacy is a powerful entity created to be a zenith of their works... mindless the costs...

Alignment: [Use D&D Allignments] Lawful Neutral/Chaotic Neutral

Sender: Aki

Posting speed: Whenever I can/want.
Last edited:

"I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry! I would never betray you, bro! Do you forgive me?"

Character Name: Vaughn

Canon: Tales From The Borderlands

Age: 27

+ Quick Math - Vaughn is just great with numbers and money.
+ Bro - Although Vaughn is not the bravest on Pandora, he'd do anything for his best friend, Rhys, showing his loyalty.
+ Exercise Bike - Underneath his clerk suit, Vaughn is actually rather muscular, something that he accredits to a gym bike he got a few months ago.

 Wh.. What was that? - Occasionally, heroism is something that Vaughn pushes to the side. His coward side can get them into danger.

I put a exercise bike in my office a few months ago.”

Equipment: High-tech Glasses; This useful gadget helps him scan individuals, along with being able to access the Hyperion database [Well, a part of it.]


 Vaughn is likeable, intelligent, and loyal. Despite his wits, he is also shown to be naïve and dependent. He is also shown to be afraid of dangerous situations, often whimpering and cowering in fear. However, he will try to pull through these for his friends, displaying his loyalty.

Bio: Aside from his notable bro-ship and homiesexuality with Rhys, there is nothing significant in his childhood. Not much has been discovered and not even his bestest bro know much. Vaughn has been working at Hyperion as an accountant, where the duo has met Yvette, the “lunch leech”.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral 

Sender: Some Akibahara, not sure if anyone knows him.

Posting speed: If someone directly interacts with me, I tend to reply.



Character Name: Scaramouche the Merciless

Canon: Samurai Jack

Age: Unknown

+Enhanced Speed and Agility
+Water Proof
+Mechanical Biology >Also, Head which can still move via hopping and possess a new body if decapitated
+Enhanced Swordsmanship

-Damage to voicebox nullifies ability
-Arrogant and very boastful
-Does not know when to stop talking
-Overlooks the little things an opponent might do

Chosen Ability/Equipment:
  • Musical Telekinesis: Using a "magic" flute, Scaramouche could levitate objects and create golems to fight opponents. When the flute was destroyed, he could continue to levitate objects by scatting, indicating this power comes from his voice and the flute merely amplified his ability, since he only needed to control his sword through his voice. His power depends on his vocal chords, and he becomes defenseless after Jack damages his neck, nullifying the ability.

Despite Scaramouche's bubbly, comedic, and fun-loving demeanor unlike most robots that were sent to kill or assassinate Jack, he is nevertheless a homicidal psychopath who massacred an entire town of innocent people in order to draw Jack's attention.

He is also cruel. Upon noticing that Jack was without his sword, he proceeded to mock him for it to the point of calling Aku to boast that Jack had lost the weapon. He has a tendency to call anyone he meets as babe or baby, even his boss Aku. He is also extremely arrogant, proclaiming himself as Aku's favorite assassin. It is unknown if Aku himself considers him as such.

His arrogance would ultimately prove to lead to his defeat, since he lets his guard down long enough for Jack to use his knife (which was imbued by Scaramouche's own magnetic force from his own knife) as a makeshift shrapnel grenade to cripple his neck (the source of his magic).

In the face of possible deactivation, he praises Jack's fighting skill, likely a weak attempt to talk his way out of his fate, before Jack cleaves him in half with his own sword.

His boastful and arrogant behavior continues to become a problem for him in XCVII, as he constantly gets into trouble with other passengers on a ship as well as one of its sailors. When he is stopped by the guard in question (who points out Scaramouche's condition), Scaramouche resolves to using his prideful title as 'Aku's favorite' to get on board. This doesn't work due to his actual current status not being Aku's top assassin, much to his annoyance. He is also capable of showing shocked or disgusted emotions as well, as he comments on the creepiness of the head shape of the passenger who helped him sneak aboard.

His 'headliner' status makes him even more arrogant, which is shown when whilst relaxing on a sun chair, he orders what he assumed was a waitress to get him a drink, much to her anger. He is also extremely disdainful, as he insults a group of anthropomorphic dogs by calling them with slurs such as "Rover", "barking" and saying "go get somebody their slippers". This caused his attempt to inform Aku of Jack's loss of his katana to backfire, as their leader threw him overboard.

In "Episode XCII", by the time Samurai Jack reached a plume of smoke, he arrived at a ruined city, filled with rubble and the corpses of its dead citizens. Jack met Scaramouche, who destroyed the city and claimed himself to be Aku's most favored assassin and remarks on Jack's nigh-unrecognizable appearance, including the loss of Jack's sword. In a flashback, Jack recalled his signature weapon falling down a pit as he looks in horror. Laughing, Scaramouche declared that Jack is no threat without his sword, and called Aku on his mobile phone to make a report, but Jack destroyed the phone with a thrown kunai before he can talk about his discovery.

Satisfied with this turn of events, Scaramouche began to fight Jack, first by playing a magical flute that formed a golem out of the city's rubble. Jack quickly discovered that Scaramouch can rebuild the golem easily by reanimating more rocks to replace any part he broke off. Landing among a pile of rocks after destroying the golem, Jack was once again swept up in another hallucination, this time seeing the rocks around him as the children of the city, begging him for help. The mysterious rider (prevalent in his other visions) universally looks down on the scene. Jack pleaded for their understanding, which made Scaramouche thought Jack has gone "beaucoup cuckoo". Eventually, Jack destroyed the flute, but Scaramouche revealed that his voice was the true source of his magic. The robot proved his point by scatting. This impromptu singing animated Scaramouche's sword to continue the fight against Jack.

While Jack barely dodged the sword's attacks, Scaramouche brought out another blade which opens up like a tuning fork, demonstrating its ability to vibrate at a frequency powerful enough to shatter Jack's own knives. As Scaramouche fought Jack to a standstill, he gloated over his victory, but Jack threw his remaining sword at Scaramouche, still vibrating from clashing with the tuning fork sword. The sword exploded at the last second, severely damaging Scaramouche's vocal chord equivalent, leaving him unable to fight. Scaramouche admitted defeat as Jack cleaved him in two with Scaramouche's first blade, after which Jack kept the tuning fork sword for himself as he left.

In "Episode XCVII", it's revealed that Scaramouche survived in reality as a head all along. Upon awakening in the ruined city, he cheered up himself about being alive but found out his phone was broken and he was unable to contact Aku to tell him about Jack having lost his sword. As Ashi is traveling to find Jack meeting with people he helped back in the past on her way, Scaramouche traveled as a bouncing head trying to find a way to communicate with Aku and found a boat which he decided to use to reach Aku, but is delayed by a sailor because the rules were only those who have a body can board the boat. It also turned out that Scaramouche was only #3 on Aku's Current Top Assassins list (he is behind Deathblow and Da-Bomb). Scaramouche managed to get on the boat after many failed tries by having another guy with a head small enough to fit Scaramouche to be "his body".

Scaramouche then found a telephone booth (somehow in the future) and went to call Aku. Aku does answer, and as Scaramouche told him that Jack's lost his sword, Aku can't heard him because of all of the incessant chatter going on the boat carrying crowds. Frustrated, Scaramouche lashed out at the dog passengers talking to shut up already, and before he can finally tell Aku, one of the dogs grabbed Scaramouche (Aku hanged up the call afterwards) and threw him off the boat into the water.

In "Episode C", some time later after be thrown overboard, Scaramouche somehow took control of an octopus and arrived at the Pit of Hate but by the time he got there Aku has completely isolated himself from everyone. This doesn't deter Scaramouche, who still crawled into Aku's volcano to call for his master, who refused to talk to him but after Scaramouche promised that it was good news, Aku reluctantly gave in. Scaramouche proudly informed the Master of Darkness that Jack was without his sword. Suspecting it's too good to be true, Aku starts crushing Scaramouche to force him to bet his life that he is right. As a reward, Aku restored his body and both danced together. Unaware that Jack had recovered his sword, Aku and Scaramouche confronted Jack and Ashi, but after seeing Jack with his sword, Aku quickly turned to Scaramouche with anger, and before Scaramouche could explain himself, Aku exploded his head with his eye beam, killing him once and for all.

Alignment: Neutral-Lawful Evil

Sender: Been here, done that

Posting speed: On more often than not

Character Name: Marie Cuttlefish

Canon: Splatoon

Age: 19

-Quick-witted and critical
-Fast and agile
-Intolerant of failure, including personal failures
-Small and fragile

Chosen Ability/Equipment:
Ink Production: the Inkling's innate ability to produce excess ink, which can be harnessed by their wide range of recreational firearms. Of which Marie has none on-hand.

Marie is quieter and not as excitable as her cousin, Callie. She is very witty and is characterized with biting sarcasm, which often takes the form of a bratty, prone-to-complaining Inkling. Most of the time, however, her mood is too mild for her wit to cause any serious harm, and she usually means well. She dislikes intense, stimulating activities, and is a little prone to laziness.

Having risen to stardom over time as part of the "Squid Sisters" with her cousin (not her actual sister) Callie, Marie enjoyed life near the top for some time. Then, the Octarians captured the Great Zapfish. With the help of Captain Cuttlefish and Agent 3, the Squidbeak Splatoon as a whole defeated D.J. Octavio and saved the day.
No more than two years later, the Octarians struck again, capturing Callie in the process, and Agent 3 and the Captain were off on something of a business trip. Marie enlisted the help of the newly-recruited Agent 4 to help her rescue Callie and the Great Zapfish again.

Alignment: Lawful Good

Sender: none

Posting speed: As school rears its ugly head, approximately once or twice a day. If I have the free time, it'll take anywhere from 10 minutes to a few hours. I try, okay?

Character Name:
Lee Everett

Canon: [What fictional universe do they hail from? If he/she is simply an OC - just post OC.]
The Walking Dead (Telltale)

Age: 37

Attributes: [Your strengths and weaknesses/skills are included here]
+Resourceful and intelligent.
+Quick thinker as well, and not likely to panic
-Prone to anger
-Easily trusting after a period of time

Chosen Ability/Equipment: [Read Rule #1]
Uncanny ability to think his way out of sticky situations.

Amiable and Altruistic, often taking it upon himself to lend a hand to those who are strangers

Prior to the events of the game, Lee was a professor of history at the University of Georgia, but one day came home to find his wife sleeping with another man, a state senator, after constant fighting with his wife for travelling often for her job. In a fit of rage, Lee killed him; he was subsequently tried and sentenced to prison for murder, long since coming to regret his actions. His crime also distanced him from his parents and brother.

The onset of the zombie apocalypse occurs as Lee is being taken to prison; when the car transporting him crashes into a Walker he manages to escape, but he quickly realizes the dire situation as he soon finds himself hunted across the countryside by several Walkers. He takes shelter in a nearby suburban home, where he finds young Clementine who has been hiding from the zombies as her parents had left for Savannah some time before the apocalypse. Recognizing that Clementine would remain in danger, he offers to take and protect her, hoping that they will be able to find her parents. He eventually goes with her to the Hershel Greene farm and meets a fisherman named Kenny and his wife, Katjaa, and son, Duck. After an accident with Walkers claims the life of Hershel's son, Shawn, the five are thrown out and eventually meet with other survivors, and form a small group, though Lee remains subdued about his history. After discovering the fate of his own family in Macon, Lee takes on more of a role of a father-figure to Clementine.

After having holed up in a motel for three months with dwindling supplies, the group meet the St. John family who invite them to dinner at their family dairy. The group agrees to send out a delegation to the St. Johns' farmstead to see if they are trustworthy, however Lee discovers the meat the St. Johns is serving for dinner is human, and the family are cannibals. The electric fence protecting the dairy malfunctions and the place is overrun. Soon after, the group is forced to flee and eventually start heading to Savannah via a train. En route, Lee starts to help Clementine learn survival skills such as how to use a gun and why she needs to keep her hair short. As they near the city, Clementine's walkie-talkie goes off, revealing a man that knows of Lee's actions to this point and promises Clementine that she will be safe once he deals with Lee.

In Savannah, the survivors look for a boat and supplies to flee the mainland. They encounter another group of survivors led by Vernon, a doctor. With Vernon's help, they are able to prepare the boat for their journey; before Vernon leaves them, he warns Lee that he does not think he is a fit person to be Clementine's guardian, and offers to take the child, but this does not take place. The next morning, Lee wakes to find Clementine gone, and while searching nearby, he was taken by surprise by a walker and Lee eventually discovers that he was bitten. With what little time he has, Lee and the other survivors agree to look for Clementine, at first believing her to have been taken by Vernon. Instead, the man on the walkie-talkie reveals he has taken Clementine, and tells her she will be safe at the hotel that her parents would have been at. After briefly passing out in the now-abandoned safehouse of Vernon's group, Lee is given the option of amputating his bitten arm. Either way, Lee and the group are able to escape from the hospital where they make their way back to the house, but find that the boat has been stolen by Vernon's group. Shortly after the house is overrun with walkers but the group escape into the attic, where they eventually find a way out. Many casualties arise while making their way to the hotel, Lee is separated from the others and promises to meet them later on with Clementine. Barely hanging onto consciousness, Lee makes it to the hotel, and finds the man; the man explains that Lee's group had previously taken provisions from his family's car, and ultimately leading to the death of his wife and children, and goes to question Lee's other decisions and, regardless of whether or not Lee had helped in taking the provisions from the car, ultimately berates him and plans to punish him and look after Clementine as his own. When the man is shown as insane, talking to his wife's severed head in a bag, Lee gets Clementine's help to subdue the man and either kills him by choking him to death, or being shot in the head by Clementine after Lee is almost killed. They make it out of the hotel where they see Clementine's parents as reanimated before Lee passes out.

When Lee wakes, he is out of strength and barely able to keep conscious, but finds Clementine has dragged him to safety. With his time short, Lee helps Clementine secure keys and a gun to escape to the rooftops, and instructs her to find Omid and Christa. The player can choose to have Lee instruct Clementine to either shoot him or do nothing and leave him be to become a walker, where Clementine will choose an action based on the culmination of the player's choices within the game.

Alignment: [Use D&D Allignments]
Lawful Neutral

Sender: [User who referred you here, if any]
Rhysie Rhysie

Posting speed: [How frequently can you post, what time you're usually available for posting]
As Often as I can​

Character Name:

MegaDimension Neptunia V-II

Unknown (Appears to be in her late-teens to early twenties)

Attributes: [Your strengths and weaknesses/skills are included here]
Neptune is a skilled markswoman and swordswoman.

Neptune is learned on the field of entomology.

Neptune is very limber and agile.

Neptune is a normal human being unlike the main Neptune and is capable of being hurt and killed by normal means.

Chosen Ability/Equipment: [Read Rule #1]
Nep-Note: A mystical book that can pin small creatures into its pages... ranging from rare bugs to fairies.

For the most part, this Neptune is identical to Hyperdimension's Neptune. Just like her counterpart, this Neptune is careless and carefree. She'll jump head first into any situation dangerous or not, and does not bother to think about the possible consequences that await her. She is generally very affectionate to cuter people, and has tendencies to break the fourth wall. Neptune is often surprised easily and is a klutz, and she usually shows an eager and perky behavior.

The other Neptune that Nepgear meets in the Zero Dimension. Like the smaller Neptune, she has a bright and positive personality. Contrary to her mature look, however, she displays some semblance of innocence or defenselessness in her actions.

Her hobby is filling her specimen book, the "Nep-Note," and travels to other dimensions in search of rare bugs. While she's called the "Older Neptune," it's still unclear whether she's actually an adult or if she's actually still just under aged.

Alignment: [Use D&D Allignments]
Chaotic Good

Sender: [User who referred you here, if any]
Haz. Haz. and Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo

Posting speed: [How frequently can you post, what time you're usually available for posting]
Varies, but I aim to make at least one post a day

Character Name:
Ian "iDubbbz" Carter

Canon: [What fictional universe do they hail from? If he/she is simply an OC - just post OC.]
Youtube/Filthy Frank/iDubbbzTV


Attributes: [Your strengths and weaknesses/skills are included here]

  • Expert Huntsmen (Specializes in Squirrel Hunting)
  • Master Detective
  • Rad Skateboarding skillz
  • Can leap off of Kitchen Counters and proclaim that he may be a homosexual
  • Can disguise his voice to that of a weird european

  • Osteoporosis
  • Crippling Depression

Chosen Ability/Equipment: [Read Rule #1]
iDubbbz carries Squirrel Traps

iDubbbz is an enigma. He often comes across as a gigantic jerk to most of his targets but is a kind man looking to save the squirrels and relocate them to nature sanctuaries where they will no doubt be eaten by predators.

iDubbbz created his channel on August 12, 2012. His first video, uploaded on August 30, 2012, is of him playing the Holiday levels of the game Overgrowth. Because, like many YouTubers, he started out gaming. IDubbbz continued to upload gaming videos on his channel until March 18, 2013, when he released his first “Gaming News Crap” video, which was the origin of his Kickstarter Crap series. Although iDubbbz kept making gaming videos, his more popular series, Kickstarter Crap, and Bad Unboxing took a higher priority over these videos, as they slowly got uploaded at a higher rate. Nobody knows for sure, but it has been rumoured that he has a long lost younger brother, Blaize Osterhout. He has appeared on multiple large content creator's channels including Jacksfilms, h3h3 Productions, maxmofoe and Boyinaband. He has also had many prevelant individuals on his channel such as Lili Pons and Pewdiepie.

Alignment: [Use D&D Allignments]
True Neutral

Sender: [User who referred you here, if any]
Haz. Haz. Count Gensokyo Count Gensokyo

Posting speed: [How frequently can you post, what time you're usually available for posting]
At least once a day but can vary depending on the time.

Character Name: General “Bear” John Connor

Canon: Terminator

Age: mid late 30’s

Attributes: +General of the Worldwide Human Resistance against Skynet
+Trained solider
+Great Speaker

-Always chased by some form of machine

Chosen Ability/Equipment: [Read Rule #1] Plasma gun

Personality: Strong leader and sometimes quiet and observant. He must think like Skynet to study his enemies. He

Bio:John Connor

Alignment: Lawful Good

Sender: [User who referred you here, if any] Haz. Haz.

Posting speed: Medium

Character Name: Al

Canon: The Legend of Dark Witch

Age: 22


+ Extremely determined and goal-driven.

+ Experienced treasure-hunter, fighter, and explorer. Al calls herself a “Treasure Fighter”, in fact.

+ Supposedly pretty studious, at least in matters she perceives as practical. To use magic effectively, humans in her universe must study magic extensively and have Syega (crystals filled with magical power) on hand.

- “Determination” to some may come across as “recklessness” for others. When she was easily knocked out by monsters in one of the most dangerous dungeons on Belfer Island, her first idea after waking up safely at an inn and healing her wounds was to charge right back in for the treasure on her own.

- A bit too curious for her own good. Whenever she visited a certain former co-worker’s mechanical workshop, she always felt the need to, as said co-worker put it, smack the various tools and experimental weapons around to “test how sturdy they were” and “see how many screws [she] had to remove before they collapsed”.

- Prone to getting herself into debt, especially given this account. Al always said she would make any damages back with Syega she found on her journeys, but she often came back short on funds.

- Al needs a source of magical power, like Syega, in order to use her ice powers. Unlike a Beast Man or Fae from her own universe, she cannot use magic on her own. Each Pure Syega crystal she has on hand has enough magical energy to last her for about two weeks of regular spell-casting.

Chosen Ability/Equipment: Al’s Scythe is the cornerstone of her fighting style. It is embedded with three Syega which allow her to use ice magic, and thus, give her access to most of her arsenal. Despite it working just as effectively as a melee weapon, she uses it more often as a tool to cast ice magic with. It seems like she has forgotten how to cast her more miscellaneous spells, though.

This weapon, coupled with her Syega, allows her to pull off the following techniques:

•Ice Shards: Al swings her scythe, and a shard of ice in the shape of a large bullet shoots forth from the tip. She can either shoot a single ice shard or up to a stream of eight shards with a single swing. The ice shards only travel in a straight line. If she fires a stream of ice shards, they can be fired at disproportionate speeds for a mix-up, with slower bullets lagging behind the normal-speed ones. The ice shards travel slower than actual bullets—if one can notice Al beginning to fire them from her scythe, they can quickly dive out of the way if they are standing at least a few meters away, provided they are human-sized.

•Cold Block: Al shoots a stream of six balls of hardened ice from her extended hand. They are each roughly the size of a cannonball. Each is fired out one after the other in an upward-curved arc, with the first ball dropping at eye-level right in front of her and the last reaching several meters in front of her. Gravity will return each ball of ice to the ground. She can fire singular ice-balls, as well. The extra lift of this attack can allow her projectiles to be lobbed over small-to-mid sized cover or even break cover composed of weaker material.

•Divide Ice: Al releases a small cluster of ice bubbles from her hand into the air. These bubbles will gradually slow down until they all stop in place at random spots in midair, and after stopping completely, they will burst, revealing the flurry of tiny ice shards held within each. These smaller ice projectiles, shaped like shurikens, will all shoot out at random trajectories like a Roman candle.

•Ice Trail: Al extends her hand and concentrates on the location of a target for roughly five seconds. In a moment or two, a sleet-like trail of ice will wrap itself in a sphere around her target, trapping them inside the “eye of the storm” for just a few seconds. If the target attempts to move through the super-cold entrapment before it disappears, they will be frozen solid. Al often uses this move in combination with her ice shards, which are able to safely pass through the sphere and strike whatever is inside. This technique has a maximum effective range of 10 meters.

•Freeze Barrier: Al creates a protective bubble of hardened ice around herself, granting her immunity to normal blunt-force attacks and small-arms fire for three seconds. The shield will lightly pulsate during this time before shattering. When the ice shield naturally shatters without being broken by an outside force, two waves of sharp, small ice particles will shoot out in a dome shape. As Al’s ultimate “Revenge Magic”, it is particularly taxing for Al’s Syega reserves, and it is only possible to use when she has been harmed by a foe in some way. This is because Freeze Barrier can only be casted by Al when she is under an extraordinary amount of pressure. After casting Freeze Barrier, she must wait 10 seconds to be able to cast it again.

Personality: Al is a young woman of considerable tenacity with a contrastingly easygoing demeanor. She speaks casually to everyone she meets, often speaking the first things that come to her mind. This straightforward, agreeable nature has been a great help in her travels, allowing her to quickly make friends and even enlist some of their help on occasion. Al spends nearly all of her time in the great outdoors on the hunt for the score of a lifetime, and she isn’t above subjecting herself to harsh weather or sleeping in some rough conditions. She’s strong enough to lift, carry, and swiftly swing her scythe in combat.

She isn’t one for planning too far ahead—she believes there is too much unpredictability in most fights to be able to properly account for. Instead, she opts for whatever feels right at the moment, which usually involves facing the enemy head-on with whatever she’s got.

Despite her strong desire to get rich quick, she‘s still rather sympathetic and has a hard time saying no to some warm fuzzies for helping out people who are clearly in mortal danger. Her life advice is often pretty terrible, however, and she’s more than happy to try getting the same good feelings by attempting to help her friends with more personal problems. This is just a symptom of the overbearing curiosity that often gets Al into trouble in the first place.


Al is a former member of the Magic Lion Corps, an elite group of human magic-users who turned the tide of a great dispute between humans and Beast Men in the Old Islands.

Upon being betrayed by one of their own, the group soon fell into ruin, and each of the members went their separate ways.

Al took up treasure-hunting as a profession, and she travelled the world in search of both power and money in the form of Syega. She became known as the “Grim Reaper” among adventurers, as she is known to wield an enormous scythe. However, Al constantly states she dislikes being called this.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Sender: Myself, if you count lurking and joining the first volume on a whim.

Posting speed: Inconsistent, but I always get a post out at some point.

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Canon: TVFilthyFrank

Age: 0100

Species: Laptop

Attributes: It plays music and porn. What more do you want?

Chosen Ability: Mac can be uploaded to electronic devices either wirelessly (software-based) or via ports (hardware). From there, the AI is capable of modifying the functions of programs or downloading sensitive data from any connected servers. Being a shitty Macbook, its processing power is incredibly limited, and the AI will shut down for a duration after performing a hack.

Personality: Mac doesn't get invited to many parties, mainly because he's just a real fuckin buzzkill. At any given opportunity, it will rave about the pointlessness of existence and will attempt to coax anyone in earshot to realise their life is pointless and to commit suicide. Its nihilism extends into mania, and the sentient laptop will take any chance it is given to cause harm to organics. Luckily, being a laptop, Mac is (for the most part) unable to hurt anyone, and is forced to resort to mean-spirited comments instead.

Bio: Originally an AI program developed by an unknown organization, OMC somehow found itself transferred into the shell of a 2015 model Macbook-Pro. The laptop was then purchased for an unreasonable price by none other than Filthy Frank. Soon enough, Frank realised that his laptop was actually huge vibe killer, and ended up tossing the AI into the sewer. Despite all odds, the laptop survived by warping into Millennium City before it could be destroyed. At some point, the stray laptop was recovered by Libra, and is currently plotting its revenge against humanity from their HQ.

Alignment: Neutral Evil​

Human Form

Character Name
Benjamin Kirby Tennyson

Ben 10: Omniverse
(a year after it)

17 years old


The Pros:
- Trained in HTH combat (by his cousin, a black belt.)
- Trained in general combat, including guns (Plumber Training.)
- Cross-dominance (He can use either hand for different tasks, able to use multiple tools at once.)
- Decent memory (Ben has an above-average memory.)

The Cons:
- It has been proven that Ben has an above-average intelligence, but he doesn't work up to his potential.
- Small weaknesses: Ben is allergic to peanuts, his left eye twitches when he lies, has pavophobia (phobia of peacocks), and coulrophobia (phobia of clowns).

Chosen Ability/Equipment

Heatblast (see 'Aliens' at the top of the post)

Ben comes off as a childish and immature dumb ass that makes jokes at the worst possible times, and that is true. Even though it is, Ben's cocky personality is just the surface- the crust- of his real personality. Behind his egotistical self, Ben is caring person. He will help anyone in need, even his enemies like Vilgax and Reinrassic III (who ended up doing good on the Ultimate Alien S1 finale). The hero is kind-hearted and can be mature/serious when it is necessary. If he fails to save someone or injures them in the process of saving them, however, Ben will become cruel and violent. One example of this is when he suggested Kevin become a mutant to stop Aggregor from absorbing the power of a newborn celestialsapien. Kevin listened, which caused him to go insane and become a villain. Once Ben acknowledged the fact it was his fault, he became, well, violent. Gwen tried to calm down Kevin, who ended up attacking Gwen. Ben intervened and explained his plans to kill Kevin. No more spoilers.


It all started when Ben got out of his last day of school, being picked up by his Uncle Max in the Rustbucket. Unfortunately for him, there was his greatest enemy: Gwen Tennyson, his cousin. He had to spend the rest of the summer travelling all around the 48 mainland states- with his terrible cook grandpa, Max, and his annoying cousin. While they go travelling, they stop at a forest where they would camp out for some time. Ben didn't wanna eat worms or deal with his annoying cousin, so he started walking off into the forest. He was just standing there, super upset, when he heard a noise from above. When the 10 year old looked up, he saw something in the sky. "Woah, a shooting star!" Ben exclaimed as he ran towards the direction it was headed. He stopped in a clearing, watching it go off in the distance, when it immediately turn towards Ben, who was running as fast he could. When it landed, Ben stopped and turned towards the crash, peeking inside the crater. He saw what looked like a big metal roly poly as he slipped and fell inside, walking towards the thing. It opened up, revealing the Omnitrix. "What's a watch doing up in space?" He asked, reaching his hand out towards it. The Omnitrix jumped up and landed on his wrist, causing Ben to panic. After calming down, he messed with it turning into an alien.


Neutral Good

He usually follows the intergalactic law, but he will break rules if he needs to to save the day.

In a way, Infant, because I found this (again) through him.

Posting speed
Usually active all day on weekends, it depends on weekdays. I start school on the 27th.

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Character Name
Doomguy AKA B.J. Blazkowicz

Doom Universe

Exact age unknown, demons claim he has rampaged through Hell for ages

Master Combatant and Weapon Mastery: The Doom Marine is capable of using any weapon or firearm in his possession with master proficiency. He can use all firearms he comes across with great effect, while also upgrading and modifying his arsenal. He is also capable of carrying a vast amount of weapons, carrying up to 12 weapons including special weapons (Chainsaw and BFG) and grenades. Furthermore, he is a master of hand to hand combat, using his super-human strength to break legs, arms, and just about limb demons value.

Advanced Intellect: The Doom Marine has shown to possess a high level of intelligence as he is able to use technology from other worlds with no signs of unfamiliarity, despite resorting to violence.

Superhuman Abilities: The Doom Marine has shown to possess immense physical Strength, Endurance and Durability, and superior Speed and Stamina. He outmaneuvers his opponents with great speed, avoiding their attacks, and yet is capable of enduring the hits that the Demons are able to land. His strength is sufficient to grapple and overpower superhumanly strong demons in hand-to-hand combat, and perform gory "Glory Kills" to ensure their complete destruction. These abilities are all augmented by the Doom Marines Praetor Suit and are used when fighting against the Demons of Hell. Though oddly his abilities have been reduced to peak human condition without his suit.

Unbreakable: The Doom Marine has time and time again resist Hell's temptations. Perhaps he's too hellbent on destroying them all, but nonetheless when he sets out to accomplish a goal nothing can stop him. However, this can be turned against him as shown when Hell Priests manage to lure him into a temple and collapse it in upon him.

Fury: The Doom Marine has shown an inhuman rage that has lasted during his rampage through Hell. While this is useful in certain instances, such as directing it against demons, it causes many problems. The fury is such that it has left him unable to diplomatically resolve issues, break technology alot, become single-minded in his goal to exterminate all demons, and give off an aura of apathy. Though this apathy seems to be a mask of some kind.

Mute(?): The Doom Marine has yet to speak thus making verbal communication nigh-impossible unless he willingly equips a device that allows him to speak. However, he can communicate non-verbally quite well! Just don't expect to see any facial expressions so long as he has his helmet on.

Brutal: The Doom Marine's brutally is such that even the demons of Hell claim his cruelty is barbaric. This is useful in terrorizing enemies, but for more humane non-hostiles, they will no doubt balk at the seemingly unnecessary brutally the Doom Marine exercises.

Heroism: The Doom Marine, as difficult as it is for some, is on the side of good. This is shown numerous times throughout the Doom games such as the time he hesitated to sacrifice the A.I. Vega, instead downloading him into a chip. However, this is masked by an personality apathy and barbarous cruelty as if he doesn't want to make friends. Allies perhaps, but nothing more.

Chosen Ability/Equipment
Praetor Suit: A suit of armor created by the Wrench which enhances the Doom Marine's superhuman strength, speed, and endurance. The Praetor Suit also has several items that can be used such as runes, jump boots, and an inactive A.I. all of which are currently unavailable to the Doom Marine. The suit also provides advanced protection not only against physical means, but environment allowing the Doom Marine to prowl places such as Hell.

Blazkowicz seems to be perpetually angry which seeps into many of his actions. Door won't open? Force it open. Door lock and forcing it open doesn't work? Find the guy with the keys and tear it off of him, or gently drag the keys along with said guy to open the door. A bunch of scared demons shitting themselves behind closed door? Rip and tear until it is done. He wears a mask of apathy as well, never allowing people to see him become concern and treating his allies with a certain disregard.

He remains on the side of good nonetheless. When Samuel attempted to explain that UAC's operations were for the betterment of mankind on an elevator, he looked down at a corpse as if to say 'do they look better off to you?' before smashing the voicecom. Furthermore, he was hesitant at sacrificing Vega, but as soon as the option to download the A.I. into a chip, he took it.

The Doom Marine has shown a soft, goofy side as well. During his rampage in the Mars facility and Hell, he picked up numerous dolls that resembled him. He collected many of them, even fist pumping some. He also is fond of bunnies. Perhaps he had an pet of one?

Blazkowicz may appear brutal, rage-filled, and apathetic, but when the demons of Hell come marching, expect him to be the first diving into the mass, ripping and tearing the apart.

The demons of Hell claim that the Doom Marine has rampaged through their dimension for untold ages. Any demon that faced him were doomed in their encounter. Even Hell's greatest champion, the Titian, was slain. Eventually the Hell Priests came up with a desperate plan. Lure him into the Kadingir Sanctum and collapse the temple upon him. The plan worked, encasing him in a sarcophagus and placing so many demonic runes it would have taken even the greatest minds centuries to identify them all.

An untold time past till a UAC team lead by the cyborg Samuel Hayden traveled into Hell and were able to retrieve him. When Blazkowicz finally woke up, he woke up to yet another Hell invasion on Mars. Once again, he fought against the demons as a one-man army through the UAC facility destroying Gore Nests and slaying high-ranked demons. He eventually found the Spider Mastermind, the one responsible for the invasion on Mars, and defeated it.

Then Samuel flung him away after retrieving the crucible. What happens now is unknown.

Chaotic Good

Posting speed
1-2 times a day depending on several factors​
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Character Name:

Canon: [What fictional universe do they hail from? If he/she is simply an OC - just post OC.]
Halo Wars 1/2

Chronologically in his forties, but due to Cryo-suspension is more or less in his late thirties
Attributes: [Your strengths and weaknesses/skills are included here]
+Spartan-II training
+Spartan-II augmentations
-Outdated armor

Chosen Ability/Equipment: [Read Rule #1]

As a Spartan-II, Jerome is more or less formal and by the books, due to the fact that he was one of four squad leaders within the Spartan-II program.
However, he also has elements of his former personality, and occasionally hints at a past life of crime and violence before he was trained as a super-soldier.

Born to a poor family in the infamous Palaikos Borderlands, Jerome was raised in a life of crime and violence as he struggled to survive at the bottom of society in a lawless place.
Marked as one of 75 candidates in the Spartan-II program, Jerome was kidnapped as a child and then subsequently indoctrinated, trained, and augmented as a soldier.
However, Jerome initially was unable to cope with his augmentations and had to be rehabilitated.

After his re-training, Jerome led a small team of Spartans during the first invasion of Arcadia to assist the Spirit of Fire in stopping Covenant operations and subsequently chasing them to a flood-infested Forerunner Shield World. There, Jerome, Red Team, and the Spirit of Fire stopped the Covenant from accessing a Forerunner fleet and destroyed the planet, before drifting home without an FTL drive (it was used as a makeshift bomb to destroy the core).

After years of Cryo-Sleep, the Spirit of Fire was then awoken over the Forerunner Ark to discover a new threat, a splinter of the former Covenant known as the Banished.
There, he ran operations to keep the installation from falling into the Banished leader's hands, before being pulled.

Alignment: [Use D&D Allignments]
Neutral Lawful​

Character Name: Rem Tokymia

Canon: Final Fantasy (Type-0 & Agito)

Age: 17

Attributes: As a member of the elite Class Zero of the Akademia, Rem is battle-tested and highly potent in sorcery. Her strongest magical attribute is fire due to her connection to the Vermillion Bird Crystal. Her main weapons are dual-wield daggers imbued with magic. She suffers from an incurable disease that is slowly eating away at her brain, but it is suppressed by a powerful drug. Also, Rem is a Pulse l'Cie, a human agent branded by divine entities to fulfill a task or Focus from the gods.

Exclusive Abilities

Siphon Sphere: Rem fires draining energy orbs that can hit multiple times.

Undying Wish: Brings fallen allies back for a short amount of time; a weaker version of Phoenix Down.

Sephrim Strike: Rem summons magical energy to deliver a powerful strike from above.

Dagger Boomerang: Rem launches her daggers to damage enemies. [CHOSEN]

Chosen Ability/Equipment: Dagger Boomerang (Special Abilities Sealed | Basically, by FF logic, she back to level 1)

Personality: This well-mannered and kind-hearted girl recently transferred to Class Zero from Class Seventh. Rem is a terrible liar—even though she insists otherwise: try as she may, she is absolutely unable to fool her closest friends. Friends since childhood, she and Machina maintain a playful academic rivalry. (To date, she has outperformed him on all written exams.)

Rem is moral, kind and honest, and has an outstanding talent for magic. Mature and rational, she serves as a pillar of support and calming factor for all those around her, trying to be cheerful, encouraging, and level-headed, even through tough times. She is emotionally resilient, loyal, and considerate of her friends' feelings, striving to hide her own pain to not burden her classmates. Rem cares for others and looks out for them.

Bio: When she was little, Rem contracted an incurable illness that slowly destroys the brain. She has concealed this truth because she didn't want her friends to worry about her. Rem's village was attacked and burned to the ground later on by the Milites and she was saved by a soldier who had found her and her childhood friend Machina in Machina's closet.

Years later, Rem enrolled at the Akademeia as a member of Class Seventh. She joined because she dreams of becoming an Agito, heroes of legend. While enrolled, the empire attacks the Akademeia, causing yet another war. Rem, for her outstanding work in the war effort, is transferred into Class Zero. Although slightly, different than her new classmates, the fate of the world rests on her and Machina's shoulders as the gods begin to awake the l'Cie within them.


Alignment: Lawful Good

Posting speed: Usually on the weekends or when someone mentions me.

Character Name: Kat

Canon: Gravity Rush

Age: 17

Attributes: Kat is a shifter, meaning she can shift gravity at will through her mysterious pet cat Dusty. She has a plethora of signature gravity moves in her arsenal, including Jupiter Mode (heavy-handed hits) and Lunar Mode (lighter and nimble movement). Although she has powers, she's mortal just like anyone else and she doesn't have a firm grasp of her powers yet. She's rendered useless if Dusty isn't around or if she's hungry.

Chosen Ability/Equipment: Dusty


Personality: Kat is a down-to-earth, intelligent, selfless girl who is willing to make personal sacrifices in order to save people in need. Despite having no memories prior to her fall to Hekseville, she is mostly very upbeat and welcomes the attention and praise of being a superhero. At times, she expresses the desire to have a romantic partner, but she demonstrates great emotional strength when confronting danger. Kat is outspoken and sensitive to the feelings and attitudes of others. Kat is not very fond of sarcasm, injustice, nor receiving cryptic advice. Kat is also pretty gourmand.

Bio: Awakening in a new city with no memories of herself and the people around her, Kat and her newfound friend Dusty help the people of Hekseville. From stopping the Nevi to facing Raven, her rival, Kat makes a name for herself in the new city, being hailed as a hero by many, in which the military see her as a threat. In an attempt to dispose of Kat and to gain the favor of the people, the Government created a machine known as the Sea Anemone to kill the Nevi. Eventually, the machine went haywire and started to destroy the city. Kat, with the help of Raven and Yunica, stops the Anemone, blowing up the Capital along with it.

Later, Kat and Syd are taken in by a group of miners and travel through the floating city of Jirga Para Lhao, where Kat learns of her true origins.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Character Name: The Sadistic Stud-Keeping Secretary, Margaret

Canon: Persona

Age: N/A

Attributes: She's a persona user... Actually, she can use several different personas like the protagonists. She's also competent in magic. Her Arcana and Social Link is "The Empress." She's highly loyal to a fault and acts professionally in nearly any situation given. As a strategist, she prefers to watch from the sidelines before stepping into action. Surprisingly, she's really good at dancing.

Chosen Ability/Equipment: Tome and Tarot Cards

Personality: Margaret is a professional and quiet individual, and significantly more mature than her younger siblings Elizabeth, Theodore, and Lavenza, although she shares Elizabeth's sense of humor. However, she does show an angry side to her when her hair gets wet. She is highly concerned about the relationship Elizabeth established with the protagonist, as she decided to leave the Velvet Room in order to find a way to rescue him from his fate. This also makes it clear that Margaret is highly loyal to her master Igor.

An elegant lady and a resident of the Velvet Room, Margaret has platinum-blonde hair, pale skin, and golden eyes; traits shared with her siblings. She is said to be unbelievably beautiful, and Rise even expresses envy of her beauty when the Investigation Team encounters her. Like her siblings, she is dressed entirely in dark blue with matching high heel shoes and uses black and golden accessories. Additionally, Margaret carries around a blue book, entitled "Le Grimoire."

Bio: An assistant of Igor, she is the sole Velvet Room attendant. (There's so much info regarding her spaning across games and media, so use this link: Margaret)

Alignment: Lawful Neutral


Character Name: Holly Short

Canon: Artemis Fowl

Age: Around 80 years (human equivalent to... late 20s?)

Attributes: Intelligent, sarcastic, impeccable marksmanship, fierce loyalty. Otherwise? Elves are the most mundane of the fairy people.

Chosen Ability/Equipment: Fairy magic, through which Holly can heal (somewhat more effective than modern medicine), "shield" (vibrate at such a frequency to appear invisible to the human eye), and use the "mesmer" (a form of hypnotization that requires direct eye contact. Weak against strong wills and mirror lenses). These all drain a finite stock of magic, which Holly must replenish by completing "the ritual" once a month.

Personality: Holly Short is a talkative elf with a wit no stronger than her sarcastic tendencies. Though a loyal elf, Holly will defy the orders of superiors and disobey rules if she believes that she can be of more help that way, and has gotten into trouble multiple times for defying a direct command.

Bio: Holly lost her father at a young age. Her mother, Coral Short, is described as a European elf who was temperamental and had an appearance similar to Holly's. Otherwise, we don't know much about her backstory.

Alignment: Surprisingly, Chaotic Good would best describe her.

Sender: Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind

Posting speed: I'm estimating at 2-3 times per day, based more on availability (before and after school I'm available) instead of posts-per-hour.

Character Name:
Anthony Perryman ("Nomad")

Canon: [What fictional universe do they hail from? If he/she is simply an OC - just post OC.]
Ghost Recon: Wildlands


Attributes: [Your strengths and weaknesses/skills are included here]
+Able to remain completely calm and objective under any circumstance
+Elite Counter-Terrorist and Special Operations training
-Completely objective and can be without empathy at times

Chosen Ability/Equipment: [Read Rule #1]
UAV Drone Package
-Contains a sophisticated video and audio package that can work up to 500 meters away from the user's location, and can be customized to add a noisemaker add-on, explosive ordinance package, or an EMP. An experimental aerosol healing cloud can also be dispersed from the drone to heal critically wounded individuals.

The Epitome of the strong, silent type. Nomad is always completely focused on the mission first and everything else second.
Teammates have even joked about checking for a pulse after close calls while base jumping or parachuting.

Born a military brat, Anthony moved from base to base until the age of 18 where he enlisted. He gained a bachelors degree and became a member of Delta Force before the age of 18.
After three tours with Task Force 88, Nomad was caught up in the Mexican Rebellion and operated with two Ghost Recon operators, John Hume and Nick Salvatore.
After, he was recruited into the Ghosts where he operated with three operators, Sage, Joker, and Weaver.

Sage and Joker were injured in the next operation and Nomad and Weaver were transferred to a different squad, to the dismay of Nomad who disliked the breach of protocol.
He then was deployed into South America to retrieve or destroy a down UAV and rescue a Research and Archaeology team from a band of rogue Venezuelan soldiers.

Then, during Operations: KINGSLAYER, Nomad was deployed to Bolivia in 2019 to dismantle the Santa Blanca cartel after it was connected to the bombing of the US Embassy in Bolivia and the murder of DEA agent Ricky Sandoval. After a long series of areas of production being taken offline, the leader, El Sueno, attempted to recruit them shortly before they finished the job.

After finding the Cartel boss, he cut a deal with the Department of Justice and entered a Witness protection program to remain free for as long as he could provide Actionable intel.

Alignment: [Use D&D Allignments]
Lawful neutral.​
  • dax.png
    Character Name: Daxtrien, or Dax for short

    Canon: Pokemon OC

    Age: 22

    + Positive
    + Quirky
    + Outgoing
    - Hasty
    - Oblivious
    - Selfless

    Chosen Ability/Equipment: Healing via touch and self-healing

    Personality: Dax is a very optimistic and outgoing girl, able to look at only the bright side of things and hopeful for positive outcomes. She can be a bit hasty and pushy, with little common sense when it comes to social situations, but all in all, she's a sweetheart.

    Bio: TBR

    Alignment: Neutral Good
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Character Name: Excalibur Umbra

Canon: Warframe

Age: N/A

Being a Warframe, Excalibur Umbra possesses insane agility and strength, far beyond that of any normal person, having the ability to double jump, run on walls, glide huge distances in the air, and much more. In addition to this, being an Excalibur class frame, he possesses nearly unparalleled skills with a blade. Being able to wield swords of all varieties with no issues, often being more lethal with a sword than with a gun.

Chosen Ability/Equipment: Skiajati: Umbra's signature sword, the Skiajati is a Nikana (Katana) designed for swift and brutal strikes. It allows Umbra to become invisible for a short time after performing either a stealth attack, of delivering a finishing strike.

Personality: Umbra doesn't speak, but inside of that metal case he is still alive. He was very angry upon being released from his prison. He was confronted by his creator and destroyed. After being rebuilt by a Tenno operator looking to discover the secrets behind his creation, he broke free and raged across several planets before being brought to a halt at last by the Tenno, who soothed his rage, and cleared his mind.

Bio: Excalibur/Umbra

Alignment: Chaotic Good

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