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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Welcome to... Nocturne Sanctum... Welcome to...

Midnight Campus


Hidden past the violent, dark and haunted waters of Riven Moon a frightful island can be found… Nocturne Sanctum… home to Midnight Campus… a special academy for all creatures of horror. Midnight Campus has been a haven for the demonic, the ghostly, the undead and all beings of the supernatural for millennia. The campus structure itself is a living entity that chooses the instructors and tutors who are destined to coach these horrific students on how to master their skills, blend in with human society, overcome Heavenly enemies and so much more—because that’s just the tip of the iceberg.


Will consist of plot-lines and arcs that keeps the players highly involved. Players will also receive secret arcs from me that will add mystery to the game.

While time travel is available to some, the year will primarily take place in 2021. The main location will be in Midnight Campus, but will have the occasional field trips to the Human Realm.

Players can create up to three different characters. Characters can be Creatures of Horror, Human or Heavenly. Players will have a lot of creative freedom. So have fun with it! Here are some examples:

~Original Creations/Creatures (does not have to already exist)~
~Count Dracula (Ancient Vampire)~
~Ancestor (I.E. Dracula's Great-Great-Aunt~
~Descendants (I.E. Dracula's Forgotten Daughter)~
~Reincarnations (I.E. Dracula. Will sometimes get glimpses/memories of previous lives)~

Any horror character can be apped. I was just using Dracula lore as an example. Even modern lore (I.E. Slenderman) can be apped. There will be guidelines to help with character creation and keeping things balanced.


Obey all RPN rules.
3 or under characters can be apped.
If you want to help GM, you can create and play NPCs.
No mod-modding.
Minimum of two paragraphs per IC post.
Most importantly, get creative and have fun!
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Nocturne Sanctum

Midnight Campus

Hotel Holmes
(for new students and returning who have yet to be assigned a dorm room )

Moonside Manor
(Teachers' Quarters)


Bloodsage Port
(for new arrivals, teachers bringing new Servants back from the Heavenly or Human Realms)

11:15 p.m.
45 Minutes until Orientation


Dawnstar Dawnstar Chrushta Chrushta darkborn darkborn FuzzySheep12 FuzzySheep12 Maskruelty Maskruelty Misto Misto Noivian Noivian Pepsionne Pepsionne PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss Rugi Rugi SirPremePizza SirPremePizza StickSlug StickSlug Tattletale Tattletale Toivoajarakkaus Toivoajarakkaus Xcelgamer Xcelgamer
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Cecil Ambrosius| Wicked Artes Professor
Anxious/frustrated| Location: Moonside Manor​

Cecil took a long drag of his cigarette, his empty yellow gaze staring out at the eerily still waters that laid like glass in the depths below. He dug his fingernail into the aging wood railing of the bridge that led up to Moonside Manor, the action stirring up dampened splinters. Some of them embedded themselves under the edge of his nail.

He let out a sigh, his mind wandering unfortunately to the start of the new year. Not that he minded getting to teach the students again. Class had added a certain--charm to his daily life, a distraction to the real reason he was stuck there in the first place. When the students were gone it was just him. And his thoughts. And his memories.

Cecil squeezed his eyes shut, pinching the bridge of his nose with two fingers. That was a train of thought he rarely liked to travel down. He sighed once more, putting the cigarette out on the water logged wood banister. It hissed with a sad finality before bright orange light faded into the same bleak grey as the surroundings.

He took a peek at his watch curiously. It was 11:15. Forty five minutes until orientation. Although interested to see the new wave of students, bright eyed and ready to learn from his expertise, a small pit of dread had formed in the center of his chest. Facing the students was easy, it was facing the faculty after all this time that made him want to disappear into the smoggy waters below. Most of all, facing Mary.

As the last academic year had ended and the students were sent away, Cecil had found a promising spell that, if executed correctly, could give him a step in the right direction for breaking his curse. Given the empty conditions of the school, it was the perfect time to execute such a risky spell. And risky it was. Cecil could hardly remember much once he activated the magic, his consciousness quickly getting swallowed whole with no remorse.

The first thing he remembered after that was looking up into Mary’s dull yellow eyes, the look in them filled with an emotion he couldn’t really understand. Cecil had guessed it was pity. He couldn’t fathom it being anything else. She was the one who had to bear the brunt of his psychotic breaks, after all. Witnessing someone lose their mind that completely could only generate pity or disgust. He probably deserved the disgust, and he hated pity.

Given the scale of the destruction he witnessed once coming to, Cecil knew that his most recent rampage was probably his worst, barring the London incident. The thought of him cackling wildly, throwing cold curses full of shadow and blood made him cringe. Not only was it embarrassing, it also generated a lack of trust throughout the entirety of the faculty in his ability to control his sanity. Cecil couldn’t blame them for viewing him as a threat to the safety of the students and themselves. His lack of remorse in utilizing such frowned upon dark magic and his sheer skill at wielding it was alone something to be frightened of. Partner it with the clear insanity of his person, and it left him with nothing good.

This year he had to do better, be more cautious and prove himself to the other professors. Prove himself to Mary. Cecil let out another sigh, running a hand through his white hair in frustration. Now he had to find a way to kill this next stretch of time before orientation, without sending himself down a pit of despair at his past actions. Given the last couple of minutes, filled to the brim with reminders of his past mistakes, he didn’t think that was likely to happen.

(mentions StickSlug StickSlug Maribel/Mary)
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Alastair Proctor: Student, Obsidian Brigade | Cerise (Cherry) Drake: Servant-Alastair's Familiar
Mood: Studious, impatient | Mood: Amiable, bored
Form: Human | Snake
Location: Hotel Holmes​
Alastair leveled his eyes on the milling students that filled the open lobby of Hotel Holmes. Some of the faces he recognized, as they were returning students like himself, waiting for their new dorm rooms to be assigned to them. Most of them were unfamiliar to him, however. The fresh faces of new students, excited for the mystery of their new life mingled and chattered noisily, the sound rising and sitting high up in the air.

He looked back down at the book in his hand, a text by a famous wizard who broke down various enchantments that revolved around transforming bodily states. It was just one of the many books his Father kept on that subject in his expansive library, one that Alastair was sure his Father would not miss. He turned the page, his brow set stoically, almost statue-like, as he studied the text.
Cherry slithered across his neck, peering her head down at the text as well. Her tongue flicked out occasionally, the movement so quick that it was almost impossible to see clearly.

“Alis,” Cherry whined, “You know I hate when you pick books in Latin. I can’t read it and I get so bored sitting around doing nothing.”

“Then you should learn Latin,” Alastair said flatly, refusing to take his eyes off of the text in front of him.

Cherry sighed, maneuvering her way back around the pale skin of his neck and up into his smooth white hair. If Alastair was annoyed by her bothering his neatly kept hair, he didn’t show it or didn’t seem to notice.

She looked around at the various students, all of them chatting amiably. This was the start of new friendships, and she couldn’t help but feel a pang of worry that she was missing the opportunity to form new relationships.

Cherry let out an exasperated sigh in defeat and rested her head down into Alastair’s hair, peering through the ruffled tufts as she would through grass. Although she felt the pull to be social, she felt an even stronger tie to stay by his side. She would meet plenty of new students soon enough. Her nerves were already starting to jitter at the thought.
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June Fairchild - Student, Obsidian Brigade
Mood: Tired, bored, hopeful
Location: Hotel Holmes
June stepped inside the lobby, maneuvering carefully around the kids that filled the room. Huffing, he left the huge backpack he carried on the floor, making it clatter loudly. A few people looked at him curiously. He cringed, cursing for himself. Most students gave him a wide berth, and he stood out like a sore thumb among them. Spending the break with his Master had made him forgot how tall he was compared to most people.

"Welp, there goes trying to be inconspicuous. Not even 10 seconds and I'm already making a fool of myself, that's gotta be some kind of record."

Resigning himself to the unwanted attention he was already attracting, he shuffled towards one of the sides of the room, leaning his back against the wallpaper with his arms crossed. His trip back to the Campus had been blissfully uneventful, but tiring nonetheless, and having left during the holidays meant he still didn't have a room. Hopefully, they'd assign him a normal roommate this year. Not that normal meant safe or quiet in this school, but anything was better than last year. June shuddered, staving off the bad memories. And to top it off, orientation wasn't happening in like the better part of an hour. He had time to kill.

"Better make the most out of it, I guess."

Standing at full height, he scanned the room, looking for any familiar faces. Craning his neck like this, he stood a full head taller than most of the crowd, but it wasn't like he could do much about. He wasn't particularly friendly with his classmates, but he was relatively sure they didn't hate him. Besides, at least someone would be up for a chat, right?

Some company would probably make the wait a bit less dull.
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Tryxla (Tryx) Drekavac: Student-Obsidian Brigade
Mood: Anxious-Dread-Relief
Location: Hotel Holmes​

The chatter from the ever-filling lobby of Hotel Holmes filtered up to the second story of the building, the clamour of the voices echoed in Tryxla's ears. She had been residing in Hotel Holmes for two-weeks now, anxiously awaiting the start of classes. She was always grateful that they opened the grounds early, ever since she started at Midnight a few years ago it felt more like home to her than being trapped in the Underworld with dear ol' Dad. The faculty here never seemed to shame her if her demon-side started showing more than it should and always encouraged her to be whoever she wanted to be, acknowledging that her existence is a gift and whatever she decided to do with the gift that was herself would be good enough. Until the Midnight Academy she had never felt like she was good enough, or even just...good. But, despite all of those things she was dreading the imminent walk down the stairs and into the crowd of people.

She glanced at the clock on the wall and saw how close it had gotten to the start of orientation, "Well I suppose now is as good a time as any," the words fell from her lips in the softest of whispers, as if she was afraid the walls had ears (which they very well could in a place like this). With a deep sigh, she forced her small feet to meet the aged and weathered wood floor. Her boots thudded softly upon the impact but as she began walking her steps were nearly silent. The ancient door creaked as she pulled it open, forcing herself to face the rabble of students, new and old, that she knew had massed on the floor below.

With her eyes trained on the grain of the floorboards, Tryx steadily made her way to the staircase. Just before taking the first step down, she dared a glance around. There were definitely a few familiar figures and that was all she needed to know. She made her way to the base of the stairs and absconded to the farthest corner she could manage while still maintaining some sort of feeling of control over her environment. Now that she was (presumably) safe from meeting anyone's gaze she allowed herself to let her eyes fall across the crowd, watching and waiting, as patiently as ever, for orientation.


Pepsionne Pepsionne

Ambrosial Cistern -> Outside (near Moonside Manor)

Exhausted, curious

Maribel's eyes slowly shifted open, the buzzing fluorescent light in the room, though dull, piercing her unadjusted eyes. Still, she kept her eyelids cracked. Today was orientation for the new students, after all. The Red had planned to wake up in time for it. Mary's ever-opening eyes wandered around her living arrangements. It was all dull and bleak, much like her life, but she couldn't complain. There was a bed (which she used only occasionally), a wardrobe (though she owned no clothes), and even a mirror (she turned it around long ago). It was technically better than death, which would probably involve her banishment to Hell. Every time she stepped on a creaking floorboard, heard eerie howling wind, or watched a rat steal crumbs from the floor, she always kept in her mind the screams of the damned. The Campus would always be better. Always.

Sighing at the thought, she motioned to rub her eyes. Instead, her arms pulled futilely against her bindings. Ah, yes. She was currently bound to allow the Red to hibernate undisturbed. Mary's outfit was strapped to her body tightly, though not uncomfortably. Sensing what she wanted, the Red graciously laid a gentle hand over her eyes and gave them a rub. Even so, Mary still wished to be free of the tight outfit. A small request to the Red would probably remove her restraints, but every request she made was a stinging reminder of her situation. She wanted to wait a little longer before she made the request, just to idle in ignorant bliss for a bit longer.

In that moment, Cecil popped into her mind. Although his situation was arguably worse, she couldn't help but feel a kinship with him. He, too, was trapped in something uncontrollable and evil. Her instincts told her to pity him, but she felt like her deserved better. Especially from her, since she was probably the closest to understanding his plight than anyone. Unfortunately, these thoughts made her feel full of herself. In actuality, all she wanted to do was better understand herself and the world. That included Cecil. Especially Cecil, really. Even if he weren't cursed, she was intrigued by him. He was knowledgeable and calm, despite his curse. The other members of the faculty weren't keen to believe it, but Mary knew better. They said the same things about her, after all.

Cecil’s most recent affliction with his curse heavily involved Mary. They had been researching their curses (especially Cecil’s), and Cecil had found something that he was convinced would help him. A certain spell. Mary hadn’t known any better; she let him do it, hoping beyond hope that he might somehow become better. The cackling laughter was the first sign that something had gone wrong. Mary knew Cecil as a calm man; the laughter was a sure indicator that he was no longer Cecil. The Red acted quickly, awakening from its semi-dormant state and detecting Cecil’s presence as newly hostile.

After almost an hour of conflict, Maribel was finally able to subdue Cecil’s cursed state. Once the fight was over, she finally let herself think. Mary's first concern was Cecil's well-being. She was terrified that she had hurt him somehow. Consumed with worry about his health, she was quick to check on him rather than the state of the room they were in. The area was a mess, that much was certain. Mary could care less. She would clean the tattered curtains, the splintered floorboards, the burning chairs, and the numerous exploded tables later. In that moment, her attention was solely on Cecil.

Strangely, her mind ended up conjuring him up rather frequently even after the incident. She knew he was fine, and yet a strange part of her worried about him. If she was there, she could help with another psychotic episode. Or she could see him. That would be nice. However, she always tried pushing these thoughts away when they popped into her head. They were rather selfish, after all. She didn't even know if Cecil wanted to see her again, yet her mind insisted that she see him with stubborn insistence. Mary was only provided relief from these thoughts when the Red demanded rest. And so they rested for the span of summer vacation. Every time the Red needed to rest, Mary was dragged into slumber with the Red. Incidentally, this led to Mary's summer being completely unproductive. Mary thought this was both relieving and stressful.

Finally leaving her thoughts to enter the harsh reality she lived in, she asked the Red to release her. With a please. He did so willingly, allowing her bindings to melt into 'wings' on her back. They were slightly uneven, with one drooping more than the other, but Mary didn't notice. 'Time to get started,' Mary thought. She left her abode (a room within the Ambrosial Cistern) and started toward the main lobby. From there, she would go outside. When she finally walked out into open air, she pondered what to do. Either she could greet the students, new and old, or she could wander. The anxious knot in her throat told her to wander, and so she did, gazing around campus curiously.

It was quiet, but that was usual. She questioned if anything had changed on campus, but so far the answer was no. That was okay, though. As long as nothing changed, that meant that nothing could get worse. That was good enough for her. In her wanderings, she must have subconsciously neared the teacher's quarters. Pushing down any welling curiosity, she wandered still. Maybe she could find someone to talk to. Or not. Mary wasn't one for starting conversations.

coded by weldherwings.
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Cian Graves - Dullahan - Onyx Brigade
Location - Cian's Room ( Dorms )
A fresh day, and a fresh semester. Cian had already been residing in the dorms for the last week or so having gotten here early, if nothing else but to avoid family matters. So when he heard everyone pouring in downstairs he quickly strung to his feet. Gliding himself over from his bed to his mirror, the glass began reflecting the light of the soul fire stream. Not wanting to advertise who he was too much Cian slid on his neck support around the back of his shoulders and concealing it largely beneath his hoodie before picking up his head from the counter and attaching it.

Click click, click He tightened it a little so the head wouldn't rock around too much, and then throw up his hoodie to hide the support. He stared at himself in the mirror and nodded confidently at the almost-normal looking boy reflected back at him. (Minus the glastly undead parlor and mountain of bandages covering up his more horrific and rotten part of his skin)
Sure the existing students would know who and what he was, he hoped to make a good impression on any new ones. He snapped up his smartphone, and secured his keychain to his belt before rolling himself to the door and down the corridor.
Location - Lobby ( Hotel Holmes )
Interact: Maskruelty Maskruelty
Weaving back and forth along the width of the wood-floor corridor he spotted Tryxla, an Obsidian who'd also been staying in the dorms early. She headed down the stairs and into the main lobby with the rest of the students. He paused for a slight moment before deciding to follow her down. Approaching the stairwell he did a 180 and approach it in reverse as he rapidly descended down bumpily rolling down to the ground floor.
Landing a little unsteady he wobbles for a moment but then fistpump the air once he regains his balance. He did another spin and skating forwards again, weaving his way across the room between and around the many much larger students in the dorms.

It wouldn't be long before Tryxla would see the younger undead dorm-student on his pale green skates approach up and come to a sudden controlled a short distance ahead of her. His body language clearly excitable as he gave a friendly wave to her before drawing his phone. Tap tap type type. With a quick flick of his wrist later, he pulled the words straight out from the screen of his phone projected them into the air as cold ardent flames so she could read it.
"Good Morning. You excited for classes to start again?"
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Mercurius Herms – Messenger (Character Sheet)

Location: Moonside Manor’s roof

Mood: impatient, nervous, excited

It was getting cold on that foggy night, dimly lit by moonlight. Yet, the sea breeze that came from Bloodsage Port was oddly calm and normal despite the anxious atmosphere.

And there was Mercury, standing on the Moonside Manor’s roof with a bunch of cookies and a binocular, looking towards the port while listening to one of his songs from his mobile’s playlist.

“Crap… This stupid fog is too dense. I can’t see anyone arriving from here!” said while something catches his attention. Someone flying towards the lobby. “It must be a student. It seems that knows the way, so I will ignore it”

Mercury was told to approach the port to pick up new students. He guided the first ones to arrive, although he soon started to get bored and came back to the Moonside Manor in order to “borrow” some cookies. He was really excited to meet new faces, but the wait was killing him more than he was expecting.

“Man… I wander if Neon is in the same mood as I”

Was to say that and, immediately, had the brilliant idea of pay a quick visit to the Luminous Gatekeeper. Mercury and Neon shared a “curious” personality. They both love students’ gossips, and they usually have meetings in order to catch up with the newest curiosities. For Mercury it’s relatively good, since Neon is a cool guy… thing, and it’s entertaining and funny talk to him, and the fact of knowing what happen with students help him in the task of being a “messenger”, since major problems can be told to teachers or faculty members in order to solve it faster.

Mercury looked at the clock on his phone.

“45 minutes left… I can visit Neon, go to the port and still have time to eat another three cookies… nice! OOOh NEEOON!”

Mercury, while screaming, jumped from the top of the roof and went, fast as lightning, flying to Neons usually position. “I wander if he can accompany me to the port to pick up students… I will ask him now”

"Interactions and mentions"
Mercury saw Maribel ( StickSlug StickSlug ) flying, but he ignore her.
Mercury is going towards Neon ( Toivoajarakkaus Toivoajarakkaus ) position
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Akane (Ami) - Teacher, Synth Arts
Mood: Eager, amused
Location: Hotel Holmes

Silently perching on the Hotel Holmes' lobby's rafters, an Oni grinned. Ami took a gulp of her beer, enjoying the drink as she took in the sights below. A multitude of kids milled about, chatting, or keeping to themselves, and even a few ones seemed like they were about to start a fight. Heh, he liked the feisty ones. The brat was leaning against the far side wall, affecting a relaxed expression. She grinned wider. Nervous though he was, he'd be alright. She taught him well.

She was feeling a bit nostalgic, truth be told. She even got a couple of souvenirs for her coworkers. The Guardian would enjoy the quality armor polish she got them, and Mr. Pretty Boy would like the massive cask of ale he got him. Probably. Maybe. Did he even drink? Eh, she could finish it if he didn't. Idly wondering what the new year would bring, Ami unslung from her vantage point and snuck through the window, unseen.

Ah, it'd really been too long.

[Mentions Toivoajarakkaus Toivoajarakkaus and Pepsionne Pepsionne ]
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The Luminous Gatekeeper
Between the Moonside Manor and Bloodsage Port

Upon the sudden itching of a nonexisting nose, the Gatekeeper came to the conclusion that someone must be talking about them... Or there must be something stuck in their face plate. Though a quick check was ill advised, especially with all the new students who probably never seen nor ever encountered a Horror like them. Though the rainbow colored smoke and large imposing figure was already a deterrent. Having already finished their rounds in the Spiral room, Neon felt there was no harm in aiding their fellow staff in guiding new students or aiding in the corraling of Heavenlys. Which lead them to stand in the middle of the walkway wondering if it would be impolite to 'pick their nose'. The decision was made for them when the voice of Mercury screaming their name made Neon twist their head in the direction of the Moontide Manor. Ah yes, Neon's favorite troublemaker and fellow gossiper. With a sound that probably startled a couple people, the living armor forced smoke to rush through the joints of their helmet to create a strange call as they attempted to get Mercury's attention. Neon's own form of screaming.

Interactions: Rugi Rugi
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The Eldritch Demon
Between Moonside Manor and Bloodsage Port

There she was in some form of castle she seemed to be scuttling on the wall and she was chasing a group of people, all of them scared out of their minds as she chased them. The castle itself seemed alive with creepy walls pumping like it was a heart, tentacles appeared squirming out of the ground intentionally missing the people. Jezzabelle pounced on the slowest one grabbing them and pinning him to the ground, her eyes went completely back as his soul was eaten turning him into an empty husk and as soon as she was done her eyes returned and she continued onwards chasing after them. One by one she ate their souls eagerly and just as she started to eat the last ones soul, a loud screeching sound rattled the castle, the castle itself started to fall to pieces she looked around confused for a moment.

Jezzi then woke up from her sleeping spot, there was little light in here the flames of neon kept her warm and provide a soothing light to watch. She quickly realised that the loud screeching wasn't newbies or anything like that but instead it was coming from Nova itself. She rolled over accidentally stepping on the corpse "Oops sorry corpse didn't mean to step on ya buddy" she said jokingly as she climbed up and opens Novas face plate "Nova would you please keep it down, I was getting a sleep in before I had to deal with the new people here that are on the way" Jezzis masked turned to a 90 degree angle as her body was about halfway out of him, Jezzabelle despite being an Eldritch Demon abomination enjoyed sleep to pass the time even if she didn't actually require it, usually using her power to avoid sleeping in spaces people should normally find her and ever since she got here two weeks ago, she had secretly been using the inside of Nova for her small sleep space
Toivoajarakkaus Toivoajarakkaus

Cecil Ambrosius | Wicked Artes Professor
Humbled, embarrassed | Location: Grounds of Moonside Manor​

Cecil began a slow trek down the long bridge that led away from Moonside Manor, each step eliciting a groaning, rotting creak from the wood below. It was only a matter of time before the swampy, damp atmosphere rotted this bridge away entirely. He looked down at the murky waters below, a shiver creeping down his spine. God knows what was down there in that water, anyways.

He pushed the suffocating thought out of his mind for the rest of the trek off the bridge, his eyes moving around the grounds of Moonside Manor. It only took one brief glance in the wrong direction for a shock to hit his nervous system as if someone had struck him with a powerful lightning spell. Cecil stopped in his tracks in an attempt to regain his ability to breathe properly, having momentarily forgotten such a simple act. Feelings of guilt of shame twisted like two serpents around his organs, constricting tighter and tighter until it felt like he was going to suffocate.

In the distance, Mary was wandering around absently, her attention set elsewhere. Cecil leveled his eyes on her hazy figure. He still had a chance to sneak away without confrontation. She wasn’t looking in his direction and he seemed far enough away to avoid being heard in a hasty retreat. The majority of his body seemed to agree with that decision, aching to turn and high tail it over to Hotel Holmes. He could always fathom up some excuse of a faculty emergency requiring him to tend to the students--

Cecil squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose, something he found himself doing far too frequently anymore. No. Running away wasn’t an option. Not if he wanted to prove he was able to own up to his failings as a wizard and prove his ability to be trusted. Someone who can be trusted doesn’t run away.

Muscles screaming to run in the opposite direction, Cecil forced himself to turn back in Mary’s direction. His expression relaxed into nonchalance, but a look of pain and embarrassment was buried deep in the layers of his gaze. He approached Mary slowly, her dusty pale skin blending in with the foggy atmosphere. If it wasn’t for the stark bright color of The Red, he probably wouldn’t have seen her at all. Cecil put up a friendly smile upon approaching the fallen angel, his hand waving awkwardly.

“Mary,” He called out once sure he was within earshot. “I’ve--uh, I’ve been wanting to talk to you actually. Finding you before orientation is actually perfect, too.” He averted his gaze from connecting with hers for more than a second, his yellow eyes seeming to shoot around to different subjects restlessly.

“I wanted to--apologize, actually. I owe you an apology.” Cecil let the smile slip from his face. He placed a hand on the back of his neck, a nervous habit he picked up when forced to face repercussions for the effects of his curse “I lost sight and jeopardized both you and the staff for a slim opportunity at defeating my curse. It was selfish of me, I realize that now. I’ll do better this year, I’ll prove it.”

This time, Cecil leveled his eyes directly on Mary, hoping to convey his dedication. Apologizing to her was the first step in starting off this new year right.

(Interacts: StickSlug StickSlug Mary)
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Valyre Hassan: Student, Obsidian Brigade
Bored, Observant
Form: Human
Location: Hotel Holmes
The slow repetitive tick, tick, tick of the clock was starting to give Valyre a headache. It has been hours and not one slight entertaining thing has happened. With the reputation of students that attended she was at least hoping for anything out of the ordinary. Hell, Valyre would have more fun meditating than waiting any longer. Perched up on a five food pedestal her eyes bounced across the hall watching the others in here like prey. Creatures of all kinds milled about chatting away like little lambs waiting to be led away. Dreadful.

"What do you think so far, Nake" The snake soul in question was currently wrapped around her arm in a tight coil. His tiny tongue flickers through the air, getting a read on some of the shuffling students nearby. "So far these people seem dreadfully dull. Not even one fight. Just one is all I ask for."

Nake gave her a look and Valyre would bet that if he could, the snake would have rolled his eyes at her. "You just want to get in a fight yoursself. If you could get your head out of the blood covered cloudssss you would see some interesting students. Ssssome of them have promise. You are new and need to make friends. Perching in the corner will not get you anywhere." Nake's stern voice felt like a slap, Valyres shoulders raise as she considered following his advice.

Valyre sighed and jumped down from her perching spot gracefully landing on her feet crouched slightly. "Whatever. Can you blame a girl for missing the feeling of her blade slicing through tissue and bone. Also might I add that in the clan there was not anyone who made "friends," so its not that easy." She pauses closing her eyes, pinching the bridge of her nose. " This is so tedious, but I will try for you ok?" While talking, her superior eyesight grazed across the room again, falling on a an individual for a bit longer than normal. Average height, he was handling a book. Up front he seemed bored but underneath she could tell that he was very confident. What drew her attention was the snake resting on his shoulders that struck her as funny. Not paying attention to anything else while walking, she ran into a solid wall. Stumbling back from the rather large individual she mumbled an apology.


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Alastair Proctor | Cerise Drake
Hotel Holmes

Cherry’s gaze was pulled over to the hovering force of another’s eyes laid upon both her and Alastair. She spotted a human girl whose gaze was trained in their direction. Did she know him? Cherry watched as the girl walked blindly through the room, her sticky gaze eventually bringing her downfall as she bumped into one of the larger students along the wall. Chery felt a pang of pity for the poor girl, maybe she knew Alastair or wanted to ask him a question.

She continued to watch the now awkward exchange between the girl and the student she had bumped into, but her attention was snatched by Alastair’s sudden movement.

Alastair had shifted at the feeling of vibration emanating from his pocket. He looked down towards his leg with a blank, disinterested gaze while deciding if it was something worth his time. His new roommate possibly?

He exhaled a slow huff through his nose as he closed the book, tucking it between his arm and torso. Looking at the text, he instantly regretted the sacrifice of his attention. The contents were vague, ominous and not revealing much. This is why he hated having to list his personal information on the school’s public roster. Pranks like these.

Alastair scowled at the blue light of his phone as he deleted the text message. Cherry peered down, her emotions in shock after having read the contents.

“Alis, what was that? Why did you just delete it right away?” She asked. A slight tremble reverberated in her voice.

“It’s a prank,” He stated matter of factly. “A waste of my time.”

“But what if it’s not?” She asked him once more.

Sensing the edge to his familiar’s voice, Alastair softened his demeanor. “If it’s not, I’ll handle it. You know I’m more than capable of defending both of us. Plus, I can always ask Professor Ambrosius for help. He’s my mentor and is even more capable than me, we’ll be fine, Cherry. No one is going to get hurt.”

“Okay.” Although choosing to leave the subject go, Cherry’s voice still harbored hesitation in its tone.

“Why don’t we go socialize to take your mind off of it,” Alastair offered. “I think I just saw the Synth Artes professor walk by.”

Cherry’s mood instantly brightened, the ominous weight of the mysterious text message shedding off of her like molting skin. “Of course I do!”

Alastair began the winding trek over to follow the Oni through the crowd, sliding his way effortlessly, almost ghost-like in her tracks. When reaching a distance he was sure he could capture the Professor's attention, Alastair called out to her.

"Professor," He said, "I had a question regarding enchanting tools with physically grounding properties."

(Interacts, Tattletale Tattletale , Ami Mentions, Chrushta Chrushta , Valyre)

Mercurius Herms – Messenger

Location: Between the Moonside Manor and Bloodsage Port

Mood: Excited, impatient

Like he was skating trough the sky, and with two big bright wings in his feet, Mercury overflew the area searching his armor friend. In less than a minute, a peculiar neon colored smoke mixed with the fog and marked the right place.

The angel plummeted right in front of the Gatekeeper, producing a slight breeze after braking and a loud crash when landing.

“Sa-lu-tations! How is my favorite armor? Are you as excited as I am? Because I’m suuuper excited right now for the new meat coming here… these last 45 minutes are horrible. By the way, what you have done now with the multicolored smoke? That was awesome! Never tired of seeing that!” said exited Mercury, jumping around and moving his arms to the beat of the music unconsciously.

“So, how is this course presented? Did you see something exotic among the new students? I just saw a pair of heavenly and a cute little girl… you know, probably the typical 11-year-old look like girl that, in fact, has 400 years… although it looked to me just as a normal human girl… don’t know dude, we will need more information…”.

Despite the running, Mercury didn’t seem tired, but just full of adrenaline. The orientation was going to start soon or late, and to kill the time, he was with Neon now!

“By the way, would you mind to accompanying me to the port to watch if someone is lost? I have to go in a couple of minutes...”

"Interactions and mentions"

Mercury talks to Neon ( Toivoajarakkaus Toivoajarakkaus )

Mentions Abigail Lee ( StickSlug StickSlug ), but only sais that he saw her somewhere arriving and didn’t interact much with her.

He didn't noticed Jezzabelle ( Xcelgamer Xcelgamer )
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June Fairchild - Student, Obsidian Brigade
Mood: Tired, friendly, shy
Location: Hotel Holmes

June turned, startled, as whoever bumped into him mumbled a rushed apology. He didn't want trouble before the course even started, so calmed his nerves and prepared his own.

"Ah, excuse me, I didn't see you...

The young man's eyes widened, taken aback. Oh. Pretty. Behind her was an unfamiliar girl. Human looking, but the way she carried herself suggested that she was anything but defenseless. Fit, athletic, and a no-nonsense expression. If anything, she looked intense, ready to jump into action at any moment. He cleared his throat, realizing he was staring too much.

"H-hey. You okay?"

Grinning sheepishly, he offered his hand for a shake.

"I don't think I've seen you around, new arrival?"

Interaction: Chrushta Chrushta , Valyre
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Akane (Ami) - Teacher, Synth Arts
Mood: Eager, amused, surprised
Location: Hotel Holmes

Shit, some had seen her? Ami looked behind her, mystified. Her presence should have been masked, how...

Ah. Cecil's apprentice. His familiar was curled on his arm, and he was looking up at her, keen eyes questioning. Sharp kid, this one. She rather liked him. That Playboy must have been doing good work with his student if he'd been able to spot her, but there had to be talent there or the older wizard wouldn't have bothered to train him to begin with. Well, it's not like she had anything better to do.

Abandoning her slouch, she turned fully, addressing the student with the clear, crisp tone that she used in her classes.

"Ah, Mr. Proctor. It's always a nice change of pace to see students striving to learn beyond their base curriculum. By all means, ask away."

A pause.

"However, I'll have to ask you to be brief. Orientation will start shortly and Professor Ambrosius will have my hide if I make his star pupil run late. We wouldn't want that, hm?"

She gave him a lopsided smile, waiting to be questioned. The kid had a good head on his shoulders, for one his age. At least this promised to be interesting.

Interaction: Pepsionne Pepsionne , Alistair
Mentions: Cecil

Valyre Hassan: Student, Obsidian Brigade
Mood: flustered
Form: Human
Location: Hotel Holmes
Valyre looked up at the giant in front of her and gave a sheepish grin. "Yeah, I am good. Sorry, usually I never have stuff like this happen." She glances at the hand he put forward and gives a slight confused tilt of her head. Slowly, she put her hand in his and gripped it using half of her strength. A handshake she vaguely remembered other species calling it. With another glance the male seems friendly enough. His gait is relaxed but nervous she notes eyes running over his form. It would be entertaining to fight someone as large as this she half heartedly thinks.

Damn Valyre girl you need to get it together. Following the snakes advice, she became the prime entertainment for everyone else and heard others around her whispering, watching. Two high pitched giggles nearby made her aggravation rise. She felt Nake let up on her arm a little as he probably squeezed in reflex to keep his grip while she tumbled around. "You really need to learn to watch you ssstep." His voice was laced with annoyance at her.

Ignoring the snake she continued, "My name is Valyre and yeah I just got shipped here by my father." She shrugged. Her hand waved toward her companion. "This is my snake Nake. He's the reason I bumped into you." In blaming him, Nake hisses really loud and Valyre smiles. "I guess you are not new here?" She looks up a the gentle giants green eyes while addressing him.

(Interaction Tattletale Tattletale , June.)
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Doctor Shadownvyne
Location: His Office//Mood: Agitated, Exhausted//

“Brilliant,” dreadful was the only way to describe the start of the evening. Monsters didn’t require the amount of rest and sleep as Humans did, but Linc definitely did not feel one-hundred percent having been awake for over 80 hours straight. No sleep, no food nor drink, and certainly no time to sit in his chair near the hearth in his abode and finish reading Gunwood USA. Preparing for a new year at the Midnight Campus was plenty of work of its own and the latest news would be the cherry on top of a shit sundae. Every year two teachers are picked weekly to play "Den Mother" in the student dorm halls and take residency up in the Chrome Room. The first two drawn were Slenderman and Xyre Raelius. During the orientation it would Linc's job to let them know. Why was this a problem? Slenderman was dutiful and Xyre was a reckless playboy. Also... who could forget last year's Christmas party. Linc could still hear Xyre's drunk voice repeatedly slurring the nickname: Sleeeendyyyyyy!!!
Shadowvyne tossed papers down onto his desk and released his breath. He knew Slenderman would at the very least make for a good “Den Mother”.
Hopefully, that was the last of the bad news—but it wasn’t over. Linc still had to run orientation and share all the new rules, agendas and operations of Midnight Campus. He picked up a burgundy binder and thumbed through it. Luther had once been the Curator and always made a cheery deal of it. That was hundreds of years ago. Linc always wondered what his comrade got out of the gig.

Knk! Knk!

Linc did not have to guess who that was. His much anticipated guest was right on cue, “Come in, Xyre.” He did not turn around to greet his guest…

Art courtesy of slenderman-art on Tumblr
Location: Moonside Manor​

Impeccable. Slender straightened his tie for the fourteenth time that morning, looking over himself in the floor length mirror. He had shrunken down to size to properly make sure every fold, every lapel and button was in place on his finest suit. There was no way he was going to be caught with so much as a tendril out of place before the incoming student body, nor the rest of the faculty. This was not his first rodeo here at the Midnight Campus, but every orientation day never failed to fill him with small jitters. Jitters that were immediately squashed upon exiting his room. With long strides, he felt his body extent to reach the maximum height achievable under this roof, shrinking only briefly to fit out the front door of the Manor. Afterwards, he'd extend to a more comfortable nine feet tall.

The email - stars, he hated emails - had told him to prepare a speech. With a heavy sigh through a non-existent nose, he idly surveyed the area and began constructing a speech in his mind. Should he go humble and short? Or long-winded and smug? To the point and concise? Or time-killing and rambling? Did he need to fill empty air or did he need to make sure others had room to breath? Another sigh escaped him. Slender was never one for speeches. He preferred to let actions speak for him. Resigned to play by ear, and hopefully not be the first faculty chosen to give a speech, he strode his way across the grounds and towards the campus proper.

(Open for interaction!)
Xyre Raelius // Cupid

Location: Doctor Shadownvyne’s Office

Mood: Enthused, H0rny, Eager

Mood: Apprehensive, Curious, Nervous

“Love what you’ve done with the office,” Xyre whistled as he yanked on a chain made of celestial blue and purple energy. The tug forced a slender, abrasive figure into the room. Both Horrors could see her fight back a tiny quiver. She was scared; she refused to show it.
“Specs always had this placed filled with human books…” Xyre ran a finger down the large, demonic skull hanging nearby the entrance. The Curator turned in his human-skin leather loafers. “Don’t touch that.”

Xyre held up both hands, “Shesh, mister sensitive.”

“Why am I not surprised you picked a female Heavenly to bring back with you…”

“Sexy cute, ain’t she?” Xyre pinched the Angel’s chin between his left thumb and index finger, making Cupid’s eyebrows furrow.

“Yeah, I‘m sure she loves when you do that…” Linc stuffed his binder into the crease of his right elbow, “The assignment was to bring back a Heavenly for experimental purposes. Not sexual slavery.”

“The sex is just icing on the pound cake.” Xyre shrugged and Linc rolled his eyes. The female turned both green with disgust and red with embarrassment all at the same time. Linc was reminded of the Christmas party again; mentally, he shook his head. “I don’t care what you do in your spare time, but keep it out of my office…”

“Mmm, getting dirty thoughts?” Xyre licked his lips, “you’re not getting envious, are you?”

“Before I rip your spine out of your leaky ass, get on with your interrupting me.” Linc stood squared at the shoulders. He stared down at the pervert and his capture. Xyre smirked up at his, golden eyes peeking through his bangs, “aww, I told you to keep that a secret. You know you’re the only one who can make me lea—“

“If you finish saying whatever disgusting thing…”

“Alright, alright,” Xyre waved his hands before leaning on the wall, arms crossed, “wanted you to be the first, minus Rawhead, to meet Cupid. She’s my contribution to The Angel Factor.”

“So, she’s the one you passed as a student…” Linc said emotionlessly as he looked down at the Heavenly. “Heavenlies as Servants are hard enough to get approved. There’s a lot of sensitive information in the classrooms--”

“I saw that Messenger running about…”
Xyre interrupted, “I’d say ‘mail’ is just as ‘sensitive’. But yeah, she’s the one who made it in the roster. Also, I don’t need an extra bed ordered for my room.” He wrapped an arm around Cupid’s waist.

“She was accepted as a student,” Linc smiled on the inside, knowing he was about to break Xyre’s bubble, “there for she has been assigned a dorm room. I just finished updating the bulletin board so that students know what room and roommate they have been assigned.”

'Right, keep talking a bout me like I'm not here...' Cupid thought.

Cupid shoved at Xyre’s ribs, pushing herself out of her captor’s grasp and glared up at him. Linc narrowed his eyes, “I don’t think she’s your biggest fan. Oh, and I know you’ve been away for the past few months, but The Angel Factor isn’t the only agenda on the menu.”

“What the Hell does that mean? I worked by butt off to get this experiment going! This was my baby!” Now it was Xyre’s turn to be agitated. Maybe it wasn’t such a loss of an evening for Linc after all. The tall Horror smirked, “You’ll find out after orientation. I will be holding a special faculty meeting once the clock strikes 13 ‘o clock. And for the record, you weren't the only one pushing The Angel Factor project.”

Time: 11:35 p.m.
Tryxla Drekavac: Student-Obsidian Brigade
Location: Hotel Holmes Lobby
Interacts: Cian Graves Dawnstar Dawnstar

With the murmur of voices swirling around her, Tryxla heard the unmistakable sound of wheels rolling on the hardwood in her direction. She looked over to see the younger Onyx boy gliding in her direction. Tryxla dug in the back of her mind for his name and just as he came to an abrupt stop in front of her it clicked.
'Cian, Cian, Cian,' she recited his name silently, determined not to make a fool of herself when she spoke. She lifted her hand, a means of returning his wave, as he began typing on his phone. Flames erupted from the screen to reveal his message in the air in front of her. 'Good morning. You excited for classes to start again?' The question was to be expected and she imagined it wouldn't be the last time she answered it before the night was over. She could tell that Cian was more than excited, he seemed to all but bounce out of his skates with anticipation.

"Morning Cian, or good evening, really." She looked at him giving a small shrug and a smirk, our time-frame was so much different than the humans'. As she spoke Tryxla focused her eyes on the boy's hairline. It was an easy way to avoid eye contact while still making someone feel like her attention was focused on them, "I suppose so," she answered, "Not nearly as excited as you it seems," Tryx let her full lips curve slightly at the edges, giving just the smallest hint of a smile.

Her slender fingers found the edge of her shirt and began dancing along the seam of the fabric as her mind raced, trying desperately to think of something else to say,
'Be polite, speak woman,' she angrily ordered herself. "Uhm, ah, have you met your roommate yet?" she wished the question had come out with more enthusiasm, regardless of how badly she wanted to make conversation, small talk was NOT her strong suit. As she waited for his response her icy pale grey eyes scanned the room again. After the question of roommates tumbled from her lips she couldn't help but wonder what her own was going to be like.
Petra Finnegan

Student - Ebony Brigade
Location - Hotel Holmes
Feeling - Disheveled​

If one were to check on Petra, they'd find her splayed out on her bed, blankets askew and twisted in her legs, long nightgown hiked up her leg just enough that she'd be scolded for it if she were home, but not actually high enough to be actually scandalous. Her tail twitched in her sleep, wings splayed out and horns punctured into her pillow, which now lays a torn up mess with a few bits of cloth still stuck in her hair, tousled from sleep. Upon the alarm clock ringing for the fifth time since an hour ago, Petra picked up her head, eyes bleary and mouth dripping drool as she smacked her lips and glared at the alarm clock. With a frustrated sigh, she picked up the offending contraption and tossed it to a nearby wall, expecting it to shatter, and sorely disappointed when it didn't.

Pushing her herself up from her front-side sleeping position, she swung her legs off the bed and stood... and promptly tripped over the tangled mess of covers around her legs. Well then. If she wasn't awake before, she sure as hell was now. Rolling over onto her back, she sat up and untangled the covers, kicking them off her legs with frustration. Standing up, she paced over to the alarm clock and picked its banged-up form from where it landed, and turned it off. With a final slam of the alarm clock back on the nightstand, she took a deep inhale, and then a long exhale, calming herself as her tail twitched with agitation over the floor.

It was then that she decided to look at the clock... and nearly screamed. Shit! She was so late! She was going to be late for orientation if she didn't get a move on right now! Grabbing her toiletries and a towel, she bolted for the nearest open shower unit and stepped in, only pausing to undress as she cranked the faucet. With a small yelp from the cold water pouring over her, she set to work bathing herself, finishing in record time, and bolting back to her room with a towel wrapped over her body.

Five minutes later, the girl was dressed, only moderately damp, and rapidly attempting to dry her hair with the hair dryer supplied in most hotel rooms. Just before the start time of orientation, Petra was dashing out her hotel door, a messenger bag slung over one shoulder with all the books and stuff required for her classes, as well as a few notebooks and pencils thrown in, trailing the sound of curses and footsteps in her wake as she ran.

(Open for interaction!)

The Luminous Gatekeeper
Between the Moonside Manor and Bloodsage Port

Just like everything Midnight Campus, everything happened at once. Just as Mercery came in for one of his infamous landings, something flipped open the armor's faceplate and crawled out. If it wasn't for the familiar hat, reflex would have Neon's faceplate slam shut on the protruding object. Jezzabelle, a dear student of the school, and one of Neon's favorite students (every student was their favorite for one reason or another). Gently pulling her out and holding in the girl between their claws, the eldritch could feel something against the edge of her consciousness. As gentle as the hold on Jezzi, but it was definitely stern. Opening her mind to it, she was surrounded by that same feeling of comforting warmth as the Gatekeeper's insides were, the words being pushed by soft ways of heat.

'My dear Ms. Jezzabelle. How delightful to finally see you, I trust your arrival was early considering my weight problems. You made me rethink about my failed potion dump policy you naughty thing.'

While holding the demon in their larger glove, Neon playfully wagged their finger at the girl. No true anger in their words. They also waved hello to their friend Mercery, answering how they were with a so-n-so hand gesture.

'I normally would offer you to nap in peace once again, but Professor Shadownvyne has asked the staff to prepare a speech for orientation. And I would hate to disturb you once again. Perhaps if you're still tired, come see me when you don't have a class. Oh, and Jezzi? Please do ask next time. That way I'm not accidentally taking you through my training routine. I like you plain, not shaken.'

The Luminous Gatekeeper placed the eldritch demon on their shoulders instead, gently patting the girl's knee before turning to Mercery. Listening through his friend's ramblings, nodding when they could. When Mercery asked them to accompany him, they began to sign, making sure that Mercery could understand what they were saying.

"I would be happy to accompany you my dear friend. While I haven't heard anything yet about the students, I have heard that there is an emergency case coming in that may need to be monitored. I'm not told what it is quite yet, but whatever it is might be in bad shape."

Interactions: Rugi Rugi , Xcelgamer Xcelgamer

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