* Toi-Voie-Jar-A-Kker-Ar-Us (They/Them)
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The Wisdom of the Blind, Zuriel the Betrayed
Approaching Bloodsage Port on the Bloody Bones.
The Angel shivered at the kiss of the blade slicing through the bandages before resting against his pulse. The loosening of the stiff wrappings and clear comfortable grace the captain held it with was enough of a warning.
“I’m going to cut you free. You show me the wounds and I’ll consider getting you proper aide and a change of clothes.”
The blade glided through the angel's makeshift cuffs at the bid of its handler.
“The wounds. Let’s see them.”
"Yes sir."
When what little blood that could be spared rushed into Zuriel's hands after the bindings fell away, the Archangel began to peel the layers of bloody bandages. Wincing as the caked wrappings clung to the tender skin. The closer the cloth was to the wound, the more stained it became. It wasn't just a visual change either. The foul concoction of smells was certainly not created by anything mortal. The smell of brimstone overpowered most of it, but the sweetness of sickness and rot wasn't far behind. Time seemed to drag on far too uncomfortably as the captive struggled to peel away the last of the blindfold... The angel had not lied. Even with his history of bloodshed and death behind him, it certainly was no pretty sight revealed to Rawhead. The size and depth of the wound were alarming, but not surprising. The angel had admitted to fainting after the attack. Who knows who long it was until the two cronies stumbled him. The actually damaged tissue was an issue as well. At least the origin of the smells was identified. Even now, the tissue was attempting to knit itself together, a testament to the stubbornness of the angel's nature. But much of it still was being slowly consumed, by hissing globs of pitch black. Nor had the cronies entirely removed all the glass shards. This wound spoke of maliciousness and meticulous planning. This angel's siblings truly meant to kill Zuriel with this injury. And yet. Here the Archangel sat. Patiently waiting for the captain's decision. However, even with the Angel's ignorance of the severity of his wounds, he would not survive long unless the wound had been properly cleaned.
Interaction: Rawhead,