Midnight Blue

I thought he was a legend! A mere myth created in bars to scare bounty hunter noobs for a good laugh! xD
rooke said:
Naw. Billy-Bob Joe, the most feared bounty hunter in one earth town
Too bad, I think I just murdered his brains out. My bad. I guess he wasn't as good as you all assumed.
Yo man, One Piece is where it's at 0^0 though I haven't watched it in the longest time, and I'm really far behind. I've only seen up to like half the Alabaster Arch
Aha I got to the part where they just reach Fishman Island in the New World. If you know what that is. Ohmergud I just wanna spoil everything xD


Find it hilarious though that Zoro got beat with a knife. He's so different now. Like he lost an eye. Has a scar over it.
Were not at port right now, but the ship is from the navy, registered under Lots. You could request permission to board.
Picture this in space as the night sky haha! ^^
@RushWing , I need your permission on something. Can your father be the one who killed all of my ex-pirate crew members? Or his fleet, whatever.
Are you guys at a port, if so I can stumble in. If not then I have no clue as to how I'm gonna get my character onto the ship.
we're on a port trying to get off for a small stop currently, though there's marines everywhere on the ship looking for them
Alright so I have question. Weaponry, what type are we using. I know one person has a sword, are we doing like a hack and slash with real swords,or are we doing shooting, or a mix of both?

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