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Fandom MHA: Shiketsu Academia (SA) IC

Hatsune.Miku.full.1598584.jpgEverything was happening so quickly that Arietty barely knew where to keep her focus. More of the skeletons were appearing and attacking her group of girls. Kath didn’t look like she was in much of a state to fight, and took another blow to her arm. For such a little thing, the girl was still incredibly ferocious. The fact that she was still doing her best to keep fighting was astounding.

Ari took a hard hit to the back of her legs from one of the flying bones. It took her to her knees, and she hit the ground with a hard thud, the dirt and sticks from the forest floor left indentations in her soft palms. The hit had hurt physically, but Ari didn’t feel anything. These skeletons weren’t alive, they didn’t have emotions. If they did she would have absolutely felt something when a piece of its body slammed into her. Someone or something was controlling them.

“The skeletons are being controlled by someone!” Ari yelled to her companions. She didn’t have time to explain how or why she knew that. The time for explanations was later, when they weren’t in the thick of battle. With some difficulty, the girl came to her feet.

Kath was like a tiny warrior princess. The girl was using whatever she could find to fight the monsters in front of her. Right now that involved eating and then using a stick. Ari still wasn’t clear on how her quirk work but thankfully the woods were full of those. Arietty silently cursed herself for not learning how to use a sword, or her fists, or literally any kind of fighting abilities. So far it seemed that even her quirk was mostly useless. Her secret weapon was her ability to disable people via transferring emotions which was a pretty useless feat on lifeless skeletons.

Hana spoke up that she thought they might be facing a real villain. The idea seemed far fetched to Arietty. Sure this entire thing felt really off base and Ari couldn’t quite put her finger on why, but the idea of a villain attacking a school field trip felt off too. Why would Hana think that? The more Ari thought about it though, the more the idea started to make sense to her. These skeletons were unlike anyone she knew about from the staff or the students. Not to mention, the exercise had been specifically tailored to people with less combative quirks and suddenly they were being forced into a fight. Not to mention, the air felt heavy with something that the blue haired heroine couldn’t quite grasp. Maybe fear?

As if on cue with her thought process a strange sensation coursed through her body. It was tingly and uncomfortable. She recognized immediately it wasn’t meant for her, but rather she was getting a glimpse into someone else’s emotions. There was something else there too, adrenaline, fear, frustration. It was so overwhelming it caused Ari to clutch her chest. Her empathy quirk was tapping into someone. Someone she knew.


Jono was in trouble. This attack that they were currently faced with was not a singular event. Hana’s theory was starting to sound more and more like truth by the second. They could be in real danger, and that meant that somewhere in the woods Jono could be hurt...or worse. Getting away from these monsters was more important to her than ever. Hana was suggesting they find a teacher, which would be a good plan. Except for the fact that Ari knew she would have to go find Jono first. She would never forgive herself if something happened to him. Her instincts told her that he wasn’t too far off. Her team had to be her focus now, she wouldn’t leave them. In fact, if Jono was really in trouble she would want them with her.

'Just hold on a little longer Jono,' Arietty thought to herself, before reading herself for what had to be done.

“The others…” Ari was able to gasp out between the waves of emotions surging through her body. “They are being attacked too. I can feel it in the air, something is wrong. Hana must be right after all. This isn’t part of the test, we are being attacked. We have to get out of here!” She straightened her body, forcing herself to focus on what was in front of her. She let both Hana and Kath run in front of her if they chose to, and readied herself to grab the next bone with her telekinesis if it was thrown at them.

These girls weren’t heroes. They were first year students on their second day of class. Staying behind to fight a villain was assured suicide. They needed to join with some others, find the teachers and do their best to keep each other alive. Survival was the only priority now.

Interactions: AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami (Skeletor) Idea Idea (Kiki) Cyan Hide Cyan Hide (Hana)
Mentions: Brax Brax (Jono)

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