Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

[i'm a little surprise he knows of the mountain folk]

"I am a champion of Claslat, but a diplomat. I know what I need to know in order to preform my duties, and my duties did not involve the mountain folk." She said simply.
Bakar smiles ever so slightly: "I see. Now, you say you and your entourage is here to inspect these lands? I shall call for an escort and horses - you do know what horses are, right?"
  • The Estasian tactician was becoming increasingly uneasy. The Vizier was testing them, almost experimentally, trying to deduce more about his mysterious visitors. It would not be advantageous to allow that to continue. Bakar seemed to be willfully misconstruing Avatar's words, something that Marionette greatly doubted was a result of unintentional miscommunication in the new language. It was far more likely he was manuvering the assembly into a weakened position, where he could eliminate their threat... The 'inspection' he invented was likely towards that end, buying him time to plan while they were gone. It was time to counterflank, and hopefully give the Multiform Diplomat time to ready her next strike.

    "We are here to inspect your lord, not your hovels. Your obtusion ill suits you."
  • I have him pegged as a power behind the throne sidereal of some flavor, potentially here because the solars and/or we are.
Bakar nods to Mari: "I have no intentions of showing you meaningless hovels. Ozmea is an oasis here in the southern dune sea, at the root of the Falucan river - and the Silver Coyote labors to protect his lands and the people he lords over. I would show you and your entourage how he does so, show you our might, how we work to bring water to the sands. If you wish to meet my lord, then you will have to wait: He is away to the east, leading gundai against mountain bandits that raid our lands. He is expected back in about four days"

((Oh you think you know who this guy is? Muhahahahah...))

While Bakar speaks, a slightly muffled scratching and buzzing sound indicates that Freeman is printing more text onto one of his sandstone slabs.

He hands it to Ava - it is written in Old Realm, not fire-tongue for once

An examination of their infrastructure, even dwellings,
and civic works could give us great insight into how this
land is run, both on a practical level, but also ideologically.

I will defer the choice to you - but I would like to see this.
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OOC: I've been asked to bring some more life into this scene so here i come to make merry mayhem!

Reference Picture for this new character: (only looking a bit less stern and a bit more jovial)



A balding, Jowly, overweight servant in a buff jacket comes trotting (it would never do to run) into the audience chamber. Between wheezes and profuse sweating he Gasps "Mistress! Mistress! Excuse me for being so tardy but i had only just entered town when i heard you had already arrived! I am so sorry!" All of this while looking at Ava after making only the most minimal bows and such courtesy demands in the direction of the throne.

"I came running straight here, as an excuse for my tardiness i was offer only that i was waylaid by bandits! But this man's" he said indicating the man on the throne "noble patrols soon made short work of them and i could proceed on my way." The servant says before falling into very undignified panting and wheezing and almost sinking straight to the floor
Freeman strains to avoid facepalming... his essence scanner, hidden under his hood, quickly revealing to him that this servant has the same essence signature as Burning Lion and Ruby Eyes - so it must be Ruby Eyes
Just because an NPC doesn't find your antics amusing doesn't mean the rest wont... though considering that you're all in what's basically a feudal-tier not-african kingdom, then seeing a stiff upper lip british butler... ya (Still, this is exalted... so rule of cool trumps logic here, and personally I find amusing)

However, I will ask you roll a Manip+Larceny roll dif 4 to see if your disguise really is that good. If you fail, well... then I get to have fun
And thus - I must inform you all: I am leaving for a wee bit of easter holiday vacation funtime

I shall be fully back the 20th

So... ya

However, at that point I want some serious responses to Bakar's proposal of a tour of the city and surrounding lands. Is there something you want to see? Why? Have these things in mind when I return.
And I'm back!

Bakar's guards give a brief glance to the newcomer before returning to their thousand yard glare that seems to target the lot of you - and none of you - at the same time

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