Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

(I'm not talking about the uncapped bonus, just doubling the range of the bonus ars it does without that sub-module.)
Gleaming Marionette swept back her hood and followed the Moonsilver into the palace. Though the Claslati's visage was distracting, the Estasian kept a careful watch on the mortals they passed, less one overcome the resplendence and seek to harm one of the Champions. Her fingers caressed the gyroscopic chakrams at her hips, in case the mortals needed to see the beauteous precision of Autochthonian war as well as its gilded diplomacy.
The strange procession of metal maiden, cloaked but unhooded metal maiden, cloaked and hooded figure - followed by another cloaked and hooded figure - barge in through the palace gates.

Inside, in the immediate lobby, a multitude of officials, clerks and guards stop and look as whatever flung the door open. Guards clench their fists around their spears, and many a clerk and messenger huddle together in fright... but as bright sunlight pours in, reflected off the skin of the impossible beauty before them, the clatter of spears, ledgers and scrolls dropping to the ground ring out.

At least 9 out of 10 of the hundreds of people in the vast castle lobby drop their knees and press their heads to the dusty stone tile floor - the rest stand stupefied and mesmerized at the sight of the silver goddess before them.

Only three people appear to remain calm and collected: A dour looking gent in bright red robes, with a golden coronet-like hat (Like a solid gold fez almost) adorned with decorations and filigree in the shape of walls, towers and a castle. Around his neck is a multitude of brightly colors beads and jewelry - It seems clear from his garments that he is a man of importance, compared to the drab linen tunics that everyone else seems to be wearing...

"And who might you be?" he inquires, sounding not just disinterested, but somewhat annoyed.

He is flanked by two burly and yet hunky men who wear nothing but bright red turbans, kilts and some fine and colorful beaded necklaces around their necks - they do not appear to be armed, but their bulging muscles speak volumes of where their martial might lies. Their eyes are stern and seem utterly unfazed by Ava's presence.
Ava smiled, the leader. No one else would adorn themselves with such distinct iconography. "Greetings. I am Avatar of Multiform Diplomacy." She pauses, letting him take in what she was saying. "My assemblage has found it self passing through your territory, and protocol dictates we make a visit to your court and see what sort of man has championed civilization out here." She gently sets him up to brag about himself and his accomplishments in front of a beautiful woman.
((waiting for the others to get a word in edge-wise - even Burning Lion is close enough to say something if he so wishes))
Burning Lion lowers his head more, faking deference and trying to keep his face hidden. As he pockets Ruby's message, he has to suppress a curse about to bloom his lips.

Moving slowly, he steps behind Marionette, placing himself on her left.

There was still hope this meeting would go the way he wanted, but if Coyote didn't antagonize the metal people by himself, he would have to step him himself.
Freeman, similarly to Burning Lion, remainds silent but does not bow his head - instead attempting to simply remain quiet and alert.

The crimson-robed man shakes his head. He utters one word, spoken coldly, which is follewed by the sound of feet stomping and spears clattering: "Iron"

Centered around Ava, a dozen guards stand ready with spears poised at her. The crimson-robed man doesn't even raise an eyebrow: "Do you know what this is for?"
She smiles. "To test to see if we are fae." She said casually, reaching and running a finger with a casual sensuality over the most hansom of his guard's haft and tip, her finger lingering on the iron point before sending the whole weapon wagging with a flick. "Satisfied?" She asked serenely.
Fuck, I was about to go grocery shopping.

Anywho - the red-robed man, still with a face that might as well have been cast in steel, remains unfazed: "I do not know where you are from, but in Ozmea and most other countries in creation it is considered customary, if not at the very least polite, to send a messenger to schedule official visits from foreign dignitaries. So no, I am not satisfied. There are formalities and protocols which must be followed"

((Anyone with 2 or more dots in Socialize and/or Bureaucracy will know that what he says is true - or that it at least makes more than enough sense to be considered unspoken rules))

Handing the scroll he was carrying to a young boy, a messenger from the look of his faded green linen tunic, the red-robed man clears his throat, takes a deep breath and introduces himself: "I am Ali Bubar Bakar, Grand Visier to the lord and king of these lands, the Silver Coyote. Where exactly are you, Lady Avatar of Multiform Diplomacy, and your entourage from? Also, more to the point, what are you?"

He speaks these words calmy but with a sharp tone - again, clearly annoyed, though at this point it sounds almost more as if he's annoyed that its because he wasn't given time to prepare for visitors.
As Burning Lion took up position behind her, the Starmetal eased more of her weight onto her right foot. She still felt like these native Champions should and would be allies with the assembly, but another part of her worried at what actions he might take. There were too many unknowns in the local Nation, if it was even civilized enough to deserve that moniker. The Vizier seemed unfazed by Avatar's Charm-backed beauty, something that was extremely surprising from a mortal (if indeed a mortal he was). To possess such and administrator, the Silver Coyote must be even more formidable. Marionette would have to be ready, and hope her companions were as well.
She continues to smile. Although there is but the tiniest wavering hint of condensation. "While such an action might be considered polite, it is also infeasible in some situations. I beg you pay some leniency as we only found out just now that our messenger was likely waylaid on route to your lands and that you were not duly informed of our planned arrival." She has an air of formal politely and honest enjoyment of speaking with him. "I am what the savants of Claslat, a diplomat." She said with a twinkly in her eyes. The verbal back and forth felt good, a familiar arena that felt like walking around your own domicile without illumination.
"Forgive me for not being impressed by your stating the obvious. Your work title was part of the name you introduced yourself with. Equally, you have yet to answer where you and your fellow metal people are from. I am fairly well versed with the tribes, kingdoms and other holds of the direction of creation. You mention a Claslat? Is that the country you're from? Where is that?"
She smiled. "It is the city-state of my origin. It's location wouldn't be on the maps you would have studied, as they lack both information and detail when it comes to what happens anywhere but the surface. We have been intentionally isolated and only recently has circumstance changed so that that is no longer the plan I am to be working under." She said simply, implying a subterranean nation, as that lie was as close to the truth as she could explain without revealing too much.
That's not what Bakar heard...

"You have been held in isolation... and escaped? Were you held prisoner?" Bakar inquires.
She laughed. "We were not prisoners. The nation and it's few neighbors isolated themselves in order to avoid a war that would not have ended well for use. We have lived well, but a deficit in particular resources has begun to trouble us. I have a hope that diplomatic relations with the nations on the surface of creation can remedy this issue."
Bakar's face becomes wrinkled, as he briefly closes his eyes to think. As his still quite serious gaze returns to Ava, he inquries: "Are you mountain folk?"
  • Can I get some rolls, cause Ava isn't likely to know what a mountain folk is, but freeman just might.

That's a crit fail if there ever was any. Ava looks rather perplexed and dumbfounded... having no clue what the man is talking about (then again, the idea of mountains... or even most geographic concepts in Creation, are quite alien to Autochtonians) - suffice to say, this does not impress Bakar
  • 1) That's not a critical failure as I did roll a success. 2) Hopefully Freeman can tell Ava what these Mountainfolk are. 3) My failure to know something and my ability to lie and pretend I understand what he's talking about are two completely separate skills, requiring two different rolls.
((You rolled more 1s than sucs - that's how I've done crit fails. Should have mentioned that much earlier... it makes rolling tons of dice just that more interesting))

Freeman has no clue what mountain folk are - the tome of the great maker might have mentioned other people loyal to the Great Maker, but in there they were not refereed to as "mountain folk" - that's a Creation term.

And one thing is not knowing - another is coming off looking like a derp in doing so, which is what lil ol' cruel ST me is saying Ava did.

But I will give you the chance of a cha+pres or cha+socialize roll dif 5 to save face. Stunt it if you want to
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Ava looked baffled for a moment, but such was diplomacy. Unexpected elements could bounce up like a piston rigged thermobaric. "Am I a..." She lets out a slightly exasperated sigh. "I am not a mountainfolk, nor have I been confused for one before."


My phone jumped the gun before I could choose to spend willpower.
Such is life.

Bakar's stony face into a sharp frown: "You claim to live underground, yet know nothing of mountain folk... what are you" he says, with a decidedly suspicious tone.

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