Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

Its been three days - nobody posting anything?

Nobody has a reaction to getting to the city? Nobody has any suggestions on what to do first? Nobody has any remarks to their flying experience?
[sorry, for some reason my alerts weren't coming through.]

  • Ava smiled, brushing herself off when she lands before focusing for a moment, and having her appearance completely shift. She designed a new appearance to look like a native of the region, if a rather beautiful example of one. "We must get to walking now I expect... Mari, Freeman, if possible give the allusion that you are but simple automatons rather then the glorious champions you are. They don't have champions like us here so that should be easy, but may be massively advantageous in the short term of dealing upcoming."
((Now that is an appearance that fits Appearance 5))

Freeman nods and looks to Ruby Eyes and Burning Lion to see if they're in any condition to move on.

Burning Lion for one seems fairly unscathed.
  • Though she had not doubted Modulator's skill at flying, Gleaming Marionette was happy to be upon terra firma once again. Deactivating her Personal Gravity Manipulation Apparatus' primary mode caused the perception of the world spinning, so she allowed a brief moment before detaching from Ava and the cable that bound the string of Exalts. She checked to ensure both Aegis of Valor and Edge of Temperance were ready for a quick-draw, should the situation arise, instead of held down as they had been for the flight.

    When her female compatriot suggested a limitation on the locals' knowledge of Champions, the tactician nodded in return. The advantage surprise offered should not be underestimated. "Autochthonian will allow us protected communication, but I will not employ it unless necessary, in order to maintain the facade."
  • Ava smiled, glad at least someone was heeding her advice... She added on her mental list of ternary objective to acquire a modius of flight to limit the time she needed to be dangling from a wire supported by the whiplash and inertia of two other exalts... but for now she focused on walking, getting into the character of her new facade, a local tribes woman like those she has been spending time with.
((Mari's 6th dex aug comes in the form of crystal and metal elbow and knee constructions IIRC - fairly easy to hide with a kaftan, abaya or something similar))

Freeman nods and produces another sandstone slab with writings in Old Realm:

For such a deception we will require clothing.

This would have been a lot easier to fetch at the village.

If I was able to talk - or the villagers able to read - I would
be able to fly back now and get more clothing. 

Right now that is not an option.

Suggestions on how to clothe me and Marionette?
Ava raised an eyebrow. "Why would clothing be required? The more we cover, the more of people can think is as similar to mortal flesh and shape. By being exposed and plainly made of something that isn't flesh, you can be seen, undeniably as not mortal."
Burning Lion clears his throat to signal that he has something to say: "Well... I think Freeman has a point. People around here aren't that friendly to strangers. If it wasn't because my village was already weirded out by my new powers, and because I talked them down from sending you away after you had settled in..."

He looks over at Ruby Eyes and sighs: "You're from the city, but... you don't remember, right? Silver Coyote has a nasty habit of confiscating anything he wants"

Looking back at the three alchemicals he shakes his head: "...and you three, even you Ava simply because in your disguised form you're still remarkably beautiful, is something that the Silver Coyote would probably love to simply steal away. At least try to hide your true nature until I can arrange an audience with Silver Coyote. He's much more likely to take you serious that way, and not just steal you away to add to his treasury"
She considers for a moment. "Is there any one or any organization in the city that Silver Coyote wouldn't dare steal from?"
Burning ponders for a moment, scratching his nose: "To be honest, none that I know of. He is the supreme ruler of these lands - and not giving him what he wants, be it your most beautiful women and boys, or any wealth you haven't turned over already... with the powers I have been granted from heaven he will never steal again"
"What are the odds he would attempt to take possession of myself from myself?" She asked. "It's not as if he could offer some recompense to me for the loss."
Burning Lion shrugs: "That's why I suggest you cover up. I know a few people in the palace - I can arrange an audience. If you come as visitors from a strange and powerful place, then he won't steal you away... but until I can arrange that I can't quarantee your safety"

Turning to Ava, Burning Lion furrows his brows and takes a moment to compose himself - he's never seen a woman that pretty before, even if he now knows that it is a false form: "As for you, then if they try anything I can only advice that you show that you can defend yourself. They probably won't try to enslave you if you put up enough of a fight"
"That suggestion may be better placed before we left, as we could have acquired the equipment to cover them up with." She bit his lips as he turned to him. "Do you think this form is sufficiently visually appealing? It's not as good as my primary shape, but I don't want to appear beyond humanly beautiful."
"It'll have to do... hmm - Ruby, how about you sneak into the shanty town around the city gate and get us some cloaks for our friends here" Burning Lion suggests, looking hopefully at the one other human around him.

Freeman nods
"Sure man, i can make that work...


I'd really rather not though, i mean you know how little those people have left... I mean LOOK at them. I don't know much about myself but this feels WRONG.... Can't we just buy some and maybe some other clothing? I have some cash on me, should be plenty if we don't go overboard..." Ruby said with his face edging ever closerand closer to outright revulsion, as he looked around at the people he had not to long ago seen from a bird's eye view... Looked DOWN on literally with his own eyes...

"I mean, sure, i could, hell i could prolly swipe clothing from the palace if i tried hard enough but that doesn't mean its RIGHT to just take what we want simply because we can..." He said with his more conventional self assurance.
Freeman nods, appearing to understand Ruby Eyes' plight. He then prints on yet another tablet of newly compressed sandstone, but hands it to Burning Lion. On it, written in Firetongue, it reads:

"Do you have any valuables we might use for barter, to obtain local clothing from the [lumpen] camped outside the gate?"

((The one word in brackets doesn't appear to have translated well from Freeman's native tongue to Firetongue...))
Lion rubs his chin, thinking about the situation.

"I don't think we have anything valuable besides our weapons, and I'm not willing to part with mine. Ruby and I could barter our services around town in exchange for what we need , as long as we are careful with our powers." Turning towards his hooded companion, Lion gives a shrug " If you're fine with some muscle work, I'm willing."
Freeman frowns. Now was not the time to dilly-dally. With a churning and clicking of gears, the clay-flesh around his hands receding to reveal metal struts and joints that fold back - all of it yielding to clamps, grinders and other metal components that vary in hue from metalic grey to burnished gold. Retrieving what little that remains of the autochtonian steel rod recovered from their original entry point, Freeman fashions 3 knives from them. They are clearly not suitable for combat purposes, but as utility knives they seem perfect: They are sharper than the first rays of dawn and of a steel alloy that - if anyone asks Freeman - he will insist will not rust or decay ever, for it is the flesh of the great maker made into tool form, which is supposedly a big deal for him... either ways it has made Freeman's soulgem glow quite brightly.

Either way he hands the three knives - complete with handles of hollowed out steel, fashioned in a hexagonal pattern - to Burning Lion, along with more instructions on a sandstone slab: "Barter for these. Get us three sets of clothing"

((The knives are of absolute perfect quality, if sold to a proper vendor they'd be worth 2 or maybe even 3 dots of resources - but for now they seem destined to be used in bartering for rags))
Burning Lion was once again at a loss of words.:"You...certainly are quite...resourceful. Literally."

Shaking himself, he takes the the sheated knifes offered by Freeman and eyes them with interest. "This should be more than enough to get something to cover up you three."

After pocketing the daggers, he adresses the others again: "I'm off then, shouldn't take long. Wait here, and stay out of sight. You especially..." he says glancing towards Ava. It was kind of hard to talk to her, so overwhelming was her physical appearence.

He then starts to make his way towards Ozmai.
"Eh guys, I said I HAVE MONEY... Quite a bit of it even... But if you wanna go make some more that's cool i'll help..."
And thus, Ruby Eyes walked with Burning Lion to the shanty town outside of Ozmea.

It is not easy to see from a distance, but getting closer to the city one sees denser and denser clusters of palm trees. Around these trees many tents and shanties have been erected, with most of the tents made of what looks like coarse cotton or linen, reinforced with various wall sections of woven reeds, sticks and straw.

It being afternoon, there are very few people there - most being off to work (mid-day is when you don't work - when its not hot, like in the morning, afternoon and evening, you work... if you work outside...) but there are children milling about, mothers tending to hearths and pots with stews.

I'll need a nice and simple cha + presence or bureaucracy dif 2 roll to barter or trade for some clothes for three alchemical exalts. Burning Lion has three very fine knives, Ruby Lion actually has money... he'd just forgotten to mention that... which makes sense for an amnesiac :) - Both of you feel free to roll, if both succeed we have lots clothing!
Ava waited on the mortal like champions as patiently as she could... which is to say not very. She filled the time with manually sculpting her new form, feeling it still wasn't physically appealing enough. She tweaked her height, muscle tone, the plumpness of her bust and backside, but the Pièce de résistance was the ritualistic pigmentation she added to her abdominal region and hips to really accentuate her curves.

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