Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]

  • Ruby heard a question he could answer and perked his head up from his revery...

    "A Liter is a unit of volume, its about this much." Ruby said as he moved his hands around to make a cube about 4 inches on a side. "Also whats that? He said looking at the totally weird new contraption which seems to be not unlike a sort of portable recoil maneuvering apparatus...


  • ((Since Freeman is not there to answer I'll let someone else answer that))

    Burning Lion nods to Ruby's rough description of a liter, but shrugs to his question: "Sounds about right, but no idea about the thing in his legs - but keep in mind, these people aren't human... maybe they're all just made like that?"

"Suppose so... I mean Sol knows we aren't what I'd call "Standard"... And at least we know WHAT we are, Sol only knows what they are..."
Ava smiled. "While I can not comment on the knowledge possessed by Sol; we are not 'all built like that'. Each of us is a uniquely hand crafted wonder. You are as likely to find two of us who are identical as you are two of your people."
Burning Lion looks to the heavens. The very idea of people built from the ground up... its unsettling: "Very well - but do you think that the Freeman's idea could work?"
She smiled. "I trust that Freeman would not attempt it if he didn't think it could work. In an unrelated note, can you survive the sudden ending of a terminal velocity freefall?"
Burning Lion's expression seems indicate that no, he cannot survive a fall at terminal velocity ((25 bashing damage...)), but that he is seems less than enthusiastic by the veiled implication that Freeman's plan might result in such a fall and subsequent impact.
  • 25 Levels (instead of dice) of bashing damage. Course that's after falling 50 yards.
Freeman returns a short later with about 60 feet of still warm braided steel cable, with loops welded into the ends that are just big enough to fit around the waist of someone.

He gestures for everyone to... assume the position
Ava readies herself. "Freeman, I don't know if you'll be able to hear me over the rockets, so I'm saying this now. Even if it doubles the length of our trip, we're not landing within sight of anyone. We can't have too many rumors going around."
Rumors of what? Expedient travel?

Such things are not negative.

It would be a positive that we become known for our abilites, would it not?
Ava sighed. "Yes, rumors of flight, or advanced construton or combat ability... We don't know enough about the politcal landscape to know how people will react to our existance, and one can not untell a secret." She sighed. "You and Mari's inability to blend in with the natives is an issue we can't overcome but can mitigate, but the greater talent you are shown to have, the greater explination is needed to justify you. Just as one wouldn't inform an unallied party of you facility's defense, I do not wish to show too much of our capacities until we have a good read on who our allies truly our."
Freeman frowns at Ava, sighs, then seems to begrudgingly nod. He then holds out the braided steel cable again, with an insistant shake.
She takes it... "Let me guess, attach at the waist, Mari and you revert your personal gravities, you fly the five of us away in one of the most awkward aerial formations ever devised?" She asked putting it on.
Freeman nods

Now instruct our mortal friends on how to do this.

And no wearing armor during the flight - it weighs too much

Burning Lion looks at the with some apprehension...
Ava smiled. "Right, now. Put this on, cinch it around your waist, and store as much of your gear as you can as you will shift during the flight." She said bluntly to the mortal pair.
  • Glorious Modulator of the Freedom of Man's plan was the sort of strong-arming brilliance one could come to expect from the Orichalcum Caste, and Marion certainly appreciated its decisiveness. She nodded in return and set about following his instructions. The Starmetal made sure that her sacred Artifacts were securely attached to her person.
((OOC - Raparth: The opposite surface would be the sky... make gravity upside down so you would 'fall' towards the heavens. The GMA's fluff was written with Autochtonia in mind, where everywhere is an inclosed space))

...and Vinom is, stunting?
  • The Estasian pulled close to Ava and fastened the cable around her [own] waist, so that the two would be within easy arm's reach of one another during the flight. It would be hard to be sure of their relative masses without a method of exact measurement (or the experiment-called-a-plan about to be conducted), but the Starmetal doubted that they would sail off towards the sky-ceiling with the Solars also attached to the line.

    Her eyes of white quartz and blue jade studied the Moonsilver for a few moments, confirming within her mind both that the other Alchemical would support her weight if Marionette tried to use her as a humanoid ladder and that Mari could accomplish the task upside down without significant risk. She smiled at her counterpart for a moment, to aid the situation, adding a small "If you don't mind..." then stepped behind Multiform Avatar and hugged her in a secure hold, her arms looped under the Moonsilver's. Yes, she thought again, this could easily bear my weight without damage. Logically, the angle of gravity makes no difference.

    The Essence capacitors in her legs sparked to live, bending the gravitational pull to the Champion's will, allowing her to fall "upward" against the humanoid ladder she held on to.


((I honestly don't foresee you being able to abuse a reversal of gravity all that much - IMO it comes with far more trouble than use, especially in situations requiring fine coordination, like combat. You can't fight while falling - and fall damage is still something you can get if you hit stuff 'falling up'))

Mari's tight grip holds true - and the two alchemicals quickly find themselves somewhat boyant... with the two actually floating a tiny bit upwards, probably due to Mari's slightly greater fighting bulk, compared to Ava's more delicate features.

Freeman nods to this and jets skywards, his own gravitic manipulation device reducing his weight greatly.

Burning Lion and Ruby Eyes both hang on for dear life as they are dragged into the sky, the rough machined texture of the braided steel cable chasing on their hands and around their waists, while they dangle precariously.

The villagers wave you all off as you disappear into the horizon, scorching hot sands beneath you.


About one and a half hours later the outskirts of the city of Ozmea can be glimpsed in the horizon, and Freeman brings you all down for a rough but expedient landing.

You all find yourselves an hour or so from the city. What little you can see from this distance is the faint outline of the city wall, and what's probably a shanty town outside the city

There appears to be a main gate in the city wall, but is that how you want to enter - or do you want to look for other ways in?
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