Metal Fish Out of Water [Closed]


Lord Mongler
It had begun like any other shift in Autochtonia. In various parts of the great maker's body, the champions of the octet were going about their work diligently. Outside the safety of the wondrous cities of the octet, some champions hunted gremlins, others were conducting scientific surveys on the nature of newly of discovered blight zones where the maker's reality seemed to fail in particularly odd ways, while a few were just staggering out of their vats for the very first time.

But a select few champions, some equipped for glorious science, some to convert lost tribes of reach-dwellers back into society, some for gremlin-butchery, some to keep an eye on all the other champions, some for surveys in the reaches, some simply passing through a blight zone to get to somewhere else, all suddenly found themselves caught and unable to escape from certain weird blight-zone anomalies... and then they found themselves dropping through the great maker's world body, entering the void instead.

Elsewhere, in Creation, in a remote location in the south-east at an ancient manse long since picked clean by vagrants and the odd scavenger lord, an ancient gate - an otherworld gate - one that hadn't worked for a very long time to due to the geomantic havoc that the great contagion wreaked up creation - gave one final sputter, as its last redudant failsafes finally yielded to entropy after millenia of no maintenance. As the gate sparked to life for a brief second, consuming the last few motes of essence stored in its crystal capacitors, connecting to nowhere, a handful of strange figures fell out of the portal... which then exploded quite violently, reducing the ancient manse to nothing but rubble and shattered plants.

In the nearby kingdom of Ozmea none of this was felt or heard, for there were plenty of other things to deal with. The local King called Silver Coyote and his warrior elite known as the Gundai had plenty to see to, maintaining order over impudent peasants who never did seem to understand who was in charge, leading to plenty of ongoing tensions. Among these was a sorely disappointed son of a farmer who had tried to join the Gundai, only to return to his small village disillusioned after having witnessed the brutality and careless violence employed by the Gundais. It didn't help that fair folk with assumptions of burnings glass were raiding that village. Another soul lost in the ongoing political intrigues and peasant revolts of Ozmea was an assassin who had just awoken to find that he could remember no events prior to him just waking up.

What both of these souls had in common was that at the moment the ancient otherworld gate exploded they both found themselves blessed by the heavens - burdening them with glorious purpose...

What the three alchemicals who had just tumbled into creation were going to do - well, who knows?

Additional game rules

For simplicity's sake solars and alchies pay the same to learn abilities (favored/non-favored price and training time differences still apply) - However [and this counts for ALL players] , using EXP to get anything WILL require in game training time. The time spent training will depend on what you purchase. Most likely time differentials will be in days, weeks or months.

For long periods of downtime it might help to have the whole assembly/circle agree on collective downtime - its never fun to have to go "Ok, my robot is out of the game for the next 4 in-game weeks... followed by six months of RL game-time being devoted to a grand quest that takes a week of in-game time.

For alchemicals the issue of upgrades/charms and surviving in creation is tricky, but by no means impossible.

My original Glorious Modulator of Free Men (NPC crafting monkey, ho!) will be there - kitted out up to his ears in crafting charms. You will have to talk him into building your 18 inch solid golden 4th appearance augmentation - he might disagree with how to spend limited resources, consider social attacks but be aware that he might return the favor.

The rules for making alchemical charms, submodules, attribute-upgrades is as follows:

The cost for a charm is the charm's Essence requirement in resources, which should ideally contain at least a bit of your alchemical's magical material. How you get these resources is your own problem, and part of the challenge of the game - scavenger, loot, steal, trade, or ask nicely - its your choice. The same applies to everything else, attributes requiring [New rating/2 rounded up] resources, with a good deal of champion-specific magical materials

Since some magical materials might be found in the form of artifacts, then an artifact can be broken down (carefuly) to supply magical materials, if its made from such, to up to its artifact rating number of charms. So an orichalcum daiklaive will supply magic gold for two orichalcum caste charms. Solars beware.

It takes a charm's essence requirement in hours to construct the charm and install it (as a total value) - but after that the specified training time kicks in during which your champion will be calibrating and harmonizing with the new part of his body. This doesn't have to be downtime, but the part of the champ's body that has been modified might not be that easy to use until the charm gains full functionality - so if you have a new pair of jet-nozzle in your feet, then walking might be difficult until you get used to the new sensation and extra weight.

Submodules cost their xp cost/2 rounded up in resources, and take Resource hours to make and install - works instantly, assuming that the charm they're put into is currently active on/in an Alchemical

There is one exception to the above rule on resources and charm/submodule costs: If the charm or submodule description mentions specific materials or components you have to use that (Example: Adamant for making essence sight lenses for the Optical Enhancement charm's submodule) - but be creative: If you can find a substitute material that does the same without compromising the overall steampunky/cyberpunky aesthetics of Alchemicals, then that might be ok too. No wooden components though, perhaps if you're a green jade alchie.

Charms and submodules can in this game be installed without vats - but that might just leave you with a frail un-installed charm to haul around, as doing so will not store the charm in any noetic charm network. Guard these carefully, as such strange devices might be quite alluring to some collectors or curious thieves who see that you have shinies they can take.

For attribute upgrades and more charm slots you'll need a vats complex, which the provided NPC has promised will be his crafting champion's first priority... assuming that the lot of you can manage to get along - and once he's properly upgraded that really wont take that long. Slots take an hour to install up and work straight away, while attribute upgrades take [New attribute ratingX2] hours to implant/upgrade, followed by the same calibration/harmonization semi-downtime - although if you have an entirely new set of stronger muscles, or new and stronger bones, then moving at all might be a fairly big issue - again, be creative.

And of course the whole deal about finding resources can in theory end up being made quite moot if you find a great old treasure hoard, or take control of a city and use its tax revenue to fund your upgrades - again - be creative, I will reward that.
To my dear players:

You will be starting in three different locations - but at the same time, roughly, in-game.

Our alchies are somewhere out in the desert, at a freshly collapsed ruin of some sort - of course, do they even know what a desert is?

Burning Lion will start in his village, and Ruby-Eyes will start in the city of Ozmea with no clue what so ever, not even remembering his own name - only recaling that something happened last night, but no idea what

So do keep in mind to write something like "Meanwhile, in the desert..." or something to that effect when posting - just so people don't think you're some kind of fair folk freak who skips around between scenes like pages in a story.

For questions and whatnot - email me @ my username here, or my skype addy which is also my username here.

If you want to include an OOC comment in your post then consider doing it this way:

  • Meanwhile, in the desert:

    The being known to some as Glorious Modulator of the Freedom of Men shook off the sand and stone chips from his body as he stood up, his metalic boot-feet sinking about four inches into the sand as his knee-join made whirring noises, the servos from his parabolic leap overcharger device making him rise swiftly. As he removed the sand and dust from his face and tried to take a peek at his surroundings he quickly, almost instinctively, swatted down his Arc-Protector goggles onto his eyes as detected blinding ambient luminosity assailing him. The world around instantly turned into muted shades of grey, but at least it was possible to see. The weird thing was that unlike the lightning flashes he was used to shielding his eyes from, then this light didn't seem to let up...

And be sure to have the IC part of the post as the first tab, as that will be the part shown first (this will also be handy if you want to show pics in your post without them being extrusive) - or if you have humorous meta-commentary and whatnot
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  • Meanwhile, at Burning Lion's village:

    Walking on the road among the huts and tents, Burning Lion couln't help the grimace that came to his face. Though he and the other men had managed to repel those Fair Folks, their victory hadn't been costless. Many were those that lost their life in the battle, leaving grieving families, and many were the wounded and the maimed.

    But it could have been worse. A lot worse.

    Moving towards the center of the village, he catched a glimpse of his father, hard at work trying to help those who were injuried.

    Changing course, he made his way to his healing tent, and once in reach he called out:

    "Father, how is the treatment of the wounded going? Is there anything I can do to help?

  • Burning Lion's father sighs loudly, the old man's wrinkled face revealing a life of hard work in agriculture: "Not much to treat... The ones lucky ones who've bled to death wont suffer like the families of the survivors"

    The man points towards woven reed-mats on which many a man, woman and child lie quietly, with blank looks in their eyes. They have been dream-eaten. Their will, their hopes, their courage, their love - all gone.


  • Lion's gritted his teeths, unable to completely stop his hands, now tightened in fists, from shaking.

    "...if only I'd been faster, stronger..." he whispered to himself.

    Forcing himself to stare at the dream-eaten, he spoke again louder and surer:"They will pay for this. And after them Silver Coyote. I will not allow monsters and tyrants to hurt anymore of my people. This I swear, Father."


  • The man who is known to the outside world as Ruby Eyes In Darkness woke up in a dark room with a skull splitting head ache. He wasn’t sure he was ready for a day like this, he couldn’t remember ever feeling this bad, come to think of it, he couldn’t remember anything.

    Not his name, not his location, not anything.

    Now he knew for a fact he wasn’t ready to open his eyes. He should be freaking out at this realization but for some reason he felt confident that whatever was outside his closed eyes he could handle it. He started digging back through his memories to see what the last thing he remembered was… After what felt like a few minutes he concluded two things

    A) Something pretty major had happened last night, something life changing.

    B) He had no idea what that something was, other than that it left him with this splitting headache.

    Next task, verify that his body was functional, Ruby Eyes in Darkness might not be able to remember much of anything but action felt better then lying down and waiting for whatever was outside the calm (well mostly anyways) comfort (well familiarity comfort was stretching it a bit) of his skull. So his next challenge was flexing his limbs. Test them for functionality.

    After that was complete he felt well enough prepared to open his eyes and take on the outside world, see if he could find out where he was. And after he found out if he was safe he would start with the slightly more daunting task of figuring out what happened to him last night.


  • Meanwhile in Autochthonia...

    Avatar of Multiform Diplomacy is handing over an odd blight effect by naught but a rusted steel spar. She was so relieved when she managed to grab it, not wanting to find out what that was first hand. Of course, as luck would have it, the ponre that was thrown loose by the attack of the blight tainted tunnel scrubber, struck the spar, snapping it off the wall, sending both Ava and itself into the odd effect.

    Ava didn't know what to expect... but impacting a collection of small silica granules hard enough to bury herself under the surface definitely through her for a loop. After a little work, she manages to extract her self from the granules, coming out in an overly bright area. Almost reflexively, her clothes shutter, boots growing a little tighter around her calves as her hat changes form, growing a wide brim to shade her eyes from the light-source above her.

    This was odd, it shouldn't be happeni- Is that an orichalcum caste. She hoisted the broken steel spar like a bludgeon and stared at him. "Alright bud, what's going on here, what did you do?!" She demands from the exalt she believe caused her trip to this very odd section of the god-body.


  • Outside the room that Ruby Eyes is in loud voices can be heard. Why are people shouting? ...what kind of room is he in? There are no bars on the window, the wooden door creaks open at a push - better close it again? Is that an urge to stay hidden? Why hide? From what?

    The voices outside get a little louder. Stomping. Head hurts.

  • Sorry, just wanted to include her last moments in Autochthonia before she finds her self in that desert in creation... Not that she's aware she is in creation
  • It's not backstory, it's Ava falling into Creation, and threatening Free Man with a spar of steel.

  • The orichalcum caste alchemical observed his two fellow champions as one of them rose, swinging blindly with a steel bar that the champion had evidently held on to from the Great Maker's body.

    It was pathetic, but also an understandable reaction. A reaction that this champion paid no heed to, although he was keenly aware that without his fellow champion being able to see him he wouldn't be able to present said champion with the thin stone slab on which he had written his introduction, as well as a series of pertinent and probing question regarding any knowlegde and information of their current location.

    Oh well - until such could be done the most prudent thing would be attempt to deactivate the blinding light-source at the roof of this cavern. Stepping well away from his fellow champions so as to not knock anyone over, the sound of lower-leg mounted plasma jets roared, a sound that quickly faded upwards - indicating vertical flight. If nothing else he could break this blinding light fixture up high, although ideally it'd be nice if he could just turn it off. Hopefully its machine spirit would be agreeable.

  • If this was an internal penalty to my Perception+Awareness pool then it couldn't reduce my pool to less then Essence or Perception+Awareness, which ever is lower. If this is an external penalty, which is most likely, then it removes success from my perception + awareness dice result, but could be mitigated by changing the circumstances, like wearing a wide enough hat that my face enshadowed or by wearing arc protectors. You seem to be treating the fact creation is bright during the day as a crippling effect...
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  • Consider it a minus 6 external penalty to all attempts at visual perception - and while getting into shade would reduce that to minus 3, then finding any at the minus 6 penalty... well...

    I figure it'd be easier to just say "Nah, you two can't see anything right now" - I can't imagine any of you mustering 7 or more sucs on any relevant rolls, but go ahead and try (you really don't want to botch those rolls though)

    Once the other alchie player wakes up/starts posting the two of you can at the very least start talking - think of it as a very unconventional introduction segment. Won't last that long, and if you ask nice you might even be able to get Freeman to share his arc protectors once he comes back from turning off the sun.


  • Your choice - but until both solars are united, and all the alchies come into play and start getting their thing on - then you're all more or less running on asyncronous time.

  • Ava's wide brimmed hat helped a little, but the light was still overwhelming... She pictured, and formed a veil over her eyes... then another, and another... until she could blot out enough of the light that she could see without being overwhelmed by what had to be some massive furnace, probably for smelting glass given the smell of silica that was pungent in her nostrils since her impact.
  • Meanwhile, at Burning Lion's village

    His declaration spoken, Lion looked away from the dream-eaten villagers and turned to face his father's aged figure.

    "I am leaving. I have a few friends in the city, people who understand that the longer Coyote sits on his throne, the longer our people are going to keep suffering, either at his hands or because of his cowardliness."

    Lion moved closer to his father, laying his hands on his shoulders. How small and old he felt.

    "But before I go, I want to make sure you and little White Star are safe, along with the rest of the village. So I ask you again father, is there anything I can do to make sure you'll want for nothing while I am gone?"

  • Meanwhile, in Autocthonia...

    The Glass Razors fanned out as they moved from the cramped tunnel into the larger cavern. Great gears the size of cities spun all around them. So far, they had encountered no resistance, as Gleaming Marionette guided them through Autochthon's world-body. She gestured for them to move ahead as she activated her Personal Gravity Manipulation Apparatus, walking up a nearby strut to get a better look at the cavern. Suddenly, the Maker groaned at a pitch she had never heard before, in any life she could remember. Everything twisted and pulled away, then she fell for an instant that stretched between worlds.

    (Meanwhile, in the desert...)

    Gleaming Marionette of Relentless Progress hit the ground roughly, but an explosion slammed her against a wall. Particulate matter flowed around her armor, snapping softly with static. As she attempted to look around, the chamber's lighting overpowered her optic sensors. She shut her eyes and stood up, back to the strangely rough wall. The fall couldn't have been far, yet she heard a strange voice... and none of the voices of her company. She pulled her twin gyroscopic chakrams into a defensive position, before opening her eyes to try to peek at the chamber. Blast, its illumination was too much. She considered whether her Aim-Calibrating Sensors, added to the chakrams' own senses, could hit a hostile target. Yes, surely they could. It was the Starmetal, however, that had to consider whether or not these targets were actually hostile.

    The other's voice hadn't echoed yet, so the chamber must be massive. The immediate threat had to be addressed, before she could worry about finding her unit. She raised her voice slightly to ensure they heard her, "Identify yourself."

  • Meanwhile, not to far from Gleaming Marionette of Relentless Progress's impact sight...

    Ava searched around to the new voice, trying to see if her fix to her sight functioned in this blasted glass furnace silica holding chamber. "You first." Ava replied to the strange voice, holding her metal spar defensively, waiting for some indication of whether the being she was speaking to was friend or foe.

  • Ava's strategi of folding her hat in to greatly limit the light polution in her eyes works ok... but it's ultimately not much different that covering her eyes almost completely. -3 external penalty instead of -6

    For Gleamy its not much different - blinding light, with only the lone shouting voice next to her, and the brief sound of a plasma rocket going up in to the sky to orient herself with.

  • So I should be able to see what a 0 on a perception + awareness check gets me... very low detain overview of the rough color/shapes around me.
Well - its only for visual impressiolns. You can still hear, feel, taste... its only penalty for sight-based stuff
  • Her head panned between the voice and the rocket. The latter was ascending, so would be no threat to her... but what about the Militate? Were they still higher up, from whence she'd fallen? But there was surely no way this chamber could be below the last. The light would have been visible.

    The question, and her unknown surroundings, gave cause for concern. Was she in enemy territory? Surrounded by outcasts, or worse, Voidbringers? She would be at the mercy of an attacking Champion adapted to the blinding illumination. Still, the Maker demanded forthright dedication from his Champions... but also careful attention to detail.

    "Gleaming Marionette of Relentless Progress, on patrol from Lux. Now it's your turn."

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