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Mercenary Dawn: Steel Phoenixes

"This is your supporting cast Irene." Akir says in response. "And uh, I know you like your shows but love and peace are probably not top of the agenda here at the moment. I wonder what is however?" Akir asks looking sideways at the Doctor.
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Evans continued his observations. Noticing firstly that Tanu was not offended or even bothered by his very forward actions. He also noticed that Null, despite seeming completely devoid of a personality, did understand humour. Or at least got the basics of how insults worked.

His eyes moved from the corner down to his arms, now made of some machines. He was unsure as to what they were, but he knew his arms and legs were now mechanically enhanced. As was his spinal cord. Only those key parts of his body were now mechanical. However, he did quite like the look it gave him. Very well made in his eyes.

The next thought that rolled into his head was about the team. If all went well, every teammate would be reliable. That being said, rather that hope for the best, he wanted to be certain that at least one was worth kerping around. Null was far to logical and it was worrisome as what if his death was deamed to be the logical decision. He did not have enough information on Sara, Irene or Akir to make a decision on them. Also, the doctor and staff were off limits.

How on earth was Tanu his final option? Lack of info on others seemed to be the issue. Her flighty and excitable. It seemed less than ideal, but given the information he had, if he secured her as a reliable partner, then her nature seemed to suggest that she would become attached and protective. In his limited opinion, it was much her child like personality would make her possessive of him, if they got close enough. Question was, just how to get her closer to him?

It took a moment of thinking, but then he remembered the compliment he gave her and her reaction too it. It would appear that he unintentionally forced himself onto the path he needed to take. Sadly, now he knew his path was going to have to be the path of pursuing a relationship with her. It seemed to be the only logical way with the information he was given.

So, after a second or two, he moved to the seat next to Tanu. He was calm and showed his arm by placing it in front of her on the table "From what I can tell, they replaced my arms, legs and spinal cord with smaller artificial muscles and mechanical enhancements. I think they are pretty if I am being honest. They are....alluring in their azure color." His eyes look to her "Sad isn't it? I needed machine upgrades for a portion of my body to match your other worldly beauty." For the first time his blank face turned into a sweet smile. One that just seemed to radiate the sweetness of his personality, his ocean blue eyes looked at hers "Seems unfair that you are so beautiful without any enhancements. Just natural." He leans in and whispers "Also, you won't be my next victim unless you ask." With a small chuckle he folds his arms once again and looks at her, still holding his smile as he looked at her "As I recall, you were offering people gum earlier, correct? Could I have a piece?"
Sara watches Evens intently, though if she's trying to be surreptitious about it she's not doing a good job. A dark brow raising slightly is the only indication of her suspicion.
It seems that Evans was not one for subtly and wasted no time cutting straight to the chase. Tanu giggled, finding these obvious advances all way too amusing. She wondered just how far this would go, but for now she was open to having some fun. It definitely made the stuffy meeting all the more enjoyable.

"Match my beauty!? No way! These arms take the CAKE~! Look at em! Absolute BEAUTIES! Look at the craftsmanship! Bet they cost a fortune! Hey, how come I didn't get metal limbs? Oh! Or laser eyes!? What did they even do to me anyway... I probably should have listened to the nurse..." she pursed her lips for a moment, pondering if she just made a critical, life-changing mistake, but seemed to think against it. From what it would seem, whatever had happened to Tanu was a mystery to both the team and the woman herself. Her smile returned, excited glee lighting up her eyes, "ANYWAY! GIMME YOUR ARM!"

Tanu grabbed onto Evans' arm, inspecting the make and quality of the engineering with all the energy of either a kid at a science fair, or a crazed scientist. Both seemed to fit her. She flipped down her shades, tapping the sides a few times, which made them flicker slightly. "Whoa this is great. It's weird seeing electronics in such a seamless condition. HA! Wait did they really use that sort of circuitry? Honestly I would have converted an older T-43 Capacitor, it's more stable than the newest model, but eh, I'm sure you'll be fine. Man, I can't believe they used that sort of electronic meshing technique on a living thing! The absolute madmen! Synthetic microfibers! So lucky!"

"Ah yes! One bubblegum coming right up!"
Tanu said, rummaging through one of her overstuffed bags. She held out a completely different, and unmarked, pack of bubblegum with a bright red coloring. "Here you go, hotshot."
Evans took the bubble gum and popped it in his mouth. He chewed as he allowed her to get a look at the newest additions to his mortal form. A chuckle escaped him. It was actually kind of nice seeing this sort of enthusiasm. His old life was bleak and no one had any positive energy. So, it was nice to have that kind of energy around. Perhaps this was not so bad of an option "I believe I got the enhancements due to the fact that when I was brought in, my limbs and spine were already very badly damaged. So, maybe my limbs and spine were beyond saving."

It was strange to say this, but this girl knew more information than him. She was smart in a way he had no experience in. His background and skills were fixated on understanding people, not other things. Evans found it impressive that she was able to deduce the specifics of his arms at a glance.

As he sat there, letting her study the mechanisms and design of his arm, he was looking at her. He was never one for beating around the bush or pretending that he wasn't doing whatever he was doing. As such, his romantic attempts were always straightforward and honest, just like him and as far as he could tell, Tanu was mostly the same.

With that in mind he looked up at her as she was examining his arm "I am going to be entirely honest here. I do not trust anybody here. That being said, out of all those here, you interest me the most. Not only intellectually, but in a curious and unfamiliar way to me. That being said I am sure you saw straight through my...."

He took a moment to think of the proper wording before smiling "....very poorly veiled attempts at flirting. I never claimed to be good at it. So, I will just be up front and honest. After all this......whatever they have us do, would you mind at all if I took you out, for the express purpose of pursuing romantic relations if we both find the idea appealing?"

Maybe most would find his approach odd, but in his eyes, there was no need for there to be any complication. This just seemed like the most logical and easy choice. Making things over complication was not his style. If this was gonna be a part of his life, which he was not opposed to since Tanu was quite interesting, then he needy to be honest about the kind of man he was from the start.
Akir watches the exchange incredulously, refusing to believe the scene unfolding before his eyes. "Jesus and I thought they were scraping the barrel with me."
Irene is restraining laughter. "Oh dear, the pink one is reminding me of myself with a few less years and a bit more glamour. Akir! Akir! Do you realize what this means? I might not be the loudest one in the group anymore, Akir! Oh this is going to be a delight, just look at her go!"
"Yikes. That's rough buddy" Tanu commented on the lost limbs and spinal damage, blowing a bubble. "Eh, it didn't turn out so bad in the end. You're lucky to get replacements like these. Most don't get that."

A grin spread on her face at the compliments. It wasn't anything new to her, but it was still just as entertaining every time. Wow, he was really trying his hardest. Which was cute considering he was doing so terribly. Did he really want her THAT badly? "Oh? Yeah, your pick-up game is pretty shit, honestly. Though I'm touched you trust me so much! That makes things so much easier! Look, we're already a team!"

She laughed when he asked her out on a date. This was getting so out of hand and would surely crash, burn and explode, but she was going to enjoy every second of it while it lasted. Things hadn't been quite bright for her recently, but this was definitely improving her mood. Honestly, she wasn't sure if this man was dedicated or crazy. Definitely the second one. She'd probably have to let him down easy at some point, but she was never one for thinking too far ahead. It was better to just have some fun.

Come to think of it, this was a very unique opportunity that could work in her favor... if he really wanted her that badly then just maybe...

She chuckled, "Ok Ok. I will humor you and go out on this 'date' under two conditions"

She held up one finger, leaning on the table. There was a cat-like grin on her face, a tigress that knew she had the gazelle in her sights. "First; I get to choose where and what the date entails."

Another finger was held up, a glimmer of mischief in her eyes, "Two; you have to follow through until the end! No questions asked."
Akir sniggers at Irene's excitement, watching Tanu's response. "It'll be a change telling someone else to shut up and that's no lie. That's quite a call to his opening bet though, will he fold? Or is he all in?"
Evans leaned back and smiled at her. This was new and rather interesting to say the least. He had been on dates, though unsuccessful ones, and the other party simply expected him to have something prepared. However, Tanu was not like others. This was refreshing in his eyes and made it all the more an interesting to "You make a strong point. I am far to straightforward to do any real flirtation. As a result, I choose the blunt and honest method."

After a moment of pretending to contemplate her offer, never taking his eyes from hers. This one was more than a match for him, but he was no push over himself.

Finally, a grin filled his face as he crossed his legs, folding his hands in his lap "That is a most increasingly mysterious offer. Your enigmatic personality should scare me, but in all honesty, my own eccentricities demand I see this though. That being said, I have a condition of my own."

His hand slowly leans out towards her, a smile on his face. Not of mischief or plotting, but of actual excitement at this prospect "If I make it through your date plans, we try to make a date weekly. You can choose whatever you like and I will do it, but if I can keep up, we schedule a new date for next week. Deal?"

Evans was eccentric. He was crazy and had a logic that only made sense to him. Others could make no sense of him, but it occurred to him, Tanu was just as eccentric as him in her own way. Maybe it took crazy to understand crazy. So, in his head, this could have been a very unexpected path towards something he just assumed wasn't in the cards for him.
Null shifts slightly and let's out a quiet robotic 'heh' when Evans talks about trust and interest. The artifical voicebox doesn't convey the emotion behind it but it's certainly not joy or delight. Otherwise she remains silent as the plans for the date are made.
"So now I'm confused, is this a mercenary unit or a group speed date? Are we suppose to be switching partners or something? Because when it comes to targets, I'm already locked on and tracking," Irene says, displaying a ring that is the perfect copy of Akir's. She winks at the other girls. "But I'll be happy to share my secrets if you find yourself firing duds!"
Having monitored their recovery, which included talking to them to see how they were doing mentally, the doctor had expected some level of chaos. But this, this was far beyond what he expected. This level of youthful energy brought a small smile to his face as he watched what was happening as it was a good indication that they were handling their situation rather well, better than he could have hoped.
"Good for you. When Murphy is killed in action you can launch a campaign of terrorism as part of your grieving process." Null scoffs through the artificial voice box after the ring is revealed. The grainy voice doesn't carry any feeling but Null's body language is tenser than usual - this is clearly a topic that strikes home in some way. The mercenary shakes her helmeted head as she lowers her hands, "You kids are so naïve but it's too late to renege on the contract... Just keep your relationship problems and sexual tension off the battlefield."
"Ach, I've already launched so many campaigns of terrorism it'd be old hat," Irene laughs, elbowing Akir. "Dear, is that how you'd like your memorial? One last bout of bombs and fire? I could set fire to government buildings in a pattern that spelled out your name! Well, your first name anyway." Irene giggles again. "You keep calling everyone kid. How old are you, dear?"
"How does a ghost calculate their age?" Null asks as she tilts her head to look at the Doctor, her voice may be flat but something about the question clearly is amusing to her. The mercenary turns back to the married woman and answers in the same artificial voice, "I'm just a dusty old neural scan that they pulled out of the archives and uploaded into this woman's new cybernetics to compensate for her severe brain damage." Null tents her fingers as she leans back in the chair, "It sounds like you two get off on killing random civilians. I'm sure it's quite the aphrodisiac but have you thought about trying handcuffs instead?"
"I imagine you'd calculate a ghost's age the same way you would any person, lass. The day they were born 'til the present. The manner of your existence doesn't matter to age, it's a note of how long your dusty butt has been around,' irene says, the smile not leaving her face. "Ah, handcuffs, now there's a thought. Handcuffing tyrants doesn't have quite the same impact as setting them ablaze. Doesn't satisfy karma either." She snickers. "Sometimes you have to kill a spider to save a butterfly."
This reaction only causes Irene to giggle. "If we're boring you, you could see if you can worm your way into the budding romance between Evans and Tanu! Get some electricity in your circuits, some spice into their love lives, what's a mecha team without some sort of love triangle?" Irene laughs as something occurs to her. "Null is Zero, Zero is Rei! Ha!"
Null untents her hands and folds them behind her helmeted head as she reclines comfortably back in the chair again and rests her boots on the table, crossing one leg over the other. She doesn't show any further reaction to the married woman's enthusiastic words, her body language expressing clear disinterest in this vein of discussion. The miniature drone quietly moves to the side evading Null's boots, the LEDs blinking for a few seconds, before going stationary.
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Akir smirks in response to Irene and locks eyes, well he does anyway with Null. "I wasn't aware a neural scan could display such an emotional range and also offer judgement from a pedestal. Well, whatever. We got caught so gotta pay the piper, if that means a Computer making snide remarks and a bunch of kiddos wanting to get their tips wet, so be it."
Akir finds himself locking eyes with a distorted reflection of himself in Null's mirrored visor. The equipment is an effective, if theatrical, barrier.

"Our hosts would probably be upset if you were aware of their cyberbrain's capabilities." Null responds after a moment, still reclining with her feet on the table, "All of the enhancements are secret experimental technology." She slowly rocks her head back and forth a few times, as if pondering something, then adds, "I'd like to be aware of the failsafes... Doctor, are you going to share that information with us?"
"Yeah, yeah sure! But only if you survive this first date!" Tanu waved a hand, as if to skip through the details of the future. It seemed to be the same impatience that ended with her having no idea what her modifications were. Her smile returned, just as bright as before, eyes glinting. She clapped her hands together excitedly, "What's important is that you agreed! Woo! This is going to be so much fun!"
A confused expression appears on Roger's face as the doctor was left puzzled by Null's question for a moment. Abruptly the confusion turned into surprise before he shook his head. "No, there is nothing like that. While I don't know what they would do if you broke your agreement, I can say that there are no kill devices in your bodies."

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