Men vs Women (Race to 1000)

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404. Pretending this isn't an argument doesn't make you the more civilized or rational one. It's an argument. At the very least a debate. Or, if you'll finally listen to at least ANY of my points, was an argument.
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You're clearly misreading the tone, here, friend. At 4:46am, there is no soul in this body to argue/debate with. And, as we established, you think yourself much more invested than I. 405.
404. As somebody who continuously spouts "ad homenem attack", I find it ironic that your only real case is that I'm more invested. And people can still get frustrated at 4:46. The time doesn't really excuse anything.
I never said people couldn't get frustrated at 4:46???? Reread.

I'm not making a case??? It's? Not? An? Argument? At least on my end.

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