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Realistic or Modern memento mori ;; interest check


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
memento mori.
horror + slice of life
... scroll up
disappearance day.

Everyone knows you don’t visit the old campus at night. You don’t visit it at all, if you can help it: All the stories say that students who go there don’t come back. There’s a reason they built the new campus, and it’s not just advancing technology and a bigger student population.

Despite the faculty’s best efforts, Shinshirei High School has been unable to shake its haunting reputation. Opening a new building doesn’t undo a hundred years of mysterious incidents, especially when it’s still walking distance from the campus where it all happened. Some say there’s an ancient spirit sealed in the land itself, snatching up all who dare enter; Some say the faculty give the weakest students to that being themselves, as a twisted form of rent; Whatever the cause is, everyone knows that you stay away if you can. Because once every three years, like clockwork, a third year walks into the old campus on the night before graduation, and they don’t ever leave.

Some students think the school carefully chooses its mark from the day the first years step inside. Others think it’s entirely left up to chance. Either way, it’s best to hedge your bets and stay out of view of the old campus windows. It’s been two years since the last Shinshirei disappearance, and the incoming third years know all too well what that means: One of them is going to be next. Even the most rational students feel a little nervous when they see the old campus looming in the distance. And the closer it gets to “disappearance day,” the more strange occurrences start unraveling within the school, until it’s impossible to ignore.

But what nobody knows is that this year, the old campus has new plans entirely. It wants greater prey, the best it can get its hands on, and it has the perfect bait. For the first time in its decades of haunting, it lets go of its most recent capture, all to lure in a better catch.

Maybe it’s a coincidence that brings everyone together that night, or maybe it’s fate. Either way, the ghost of Shinshirei gets more than it bargained for: Five third years inside the old campus, all ready to discover its offering, all marked by the ghost. The bait works better than it could’ve imagined. If it has the appetite, it might just take them all at the end of the year.

One thing is certain for these students, now that they’ve seen the face of death that wanders the old campus halls: If they don’t find a way to stop the Shinshirei ghost by graduation, they won’t all be surviving to get their diplomas. Suddenly, the countdown to the end of the school year is much less exciting.

// gm note

Hello, hello! This is a small group inspired by a whole bunch of ghost hunting and paranormal animanga, and I hope we can meet them all in cheesiness. (One of the big tonal inspirations is "Lost Property Control Organization" which is where all the art in this interest check comes from, and i need to tell everyone to go check that out!) Our six characters are incoming third years at a Tokyo high school, all searching for a way to stop the ghost haunting their campus and threatening to spirit them away at the end of the year.

The RP itself will be alternating between “day” and “night” sections, somewhat similar to what I’m told Persona gameplay is like: Day scenes will be shorter slice-of-life sections while the students plan their next move, and night scenes will involve all that juicy horror and paranormal activity that they’re trying to put a stop to. The closer they get to graduation, the more strange activities will start occurring in classes, but most of the danger will be relegated to night. I’m hoping this alternation will create a balance between typical high-schooler drama and the ghostly doom looming over their heads.

There are six roles in total below, and rules following, so please read up on that if this concept interests you at all!
You were all the old campus wanted. The school idol, a student beloved and envied by all, used to love letters and gifts and adoration. Of course, every beautiful thing is destined to be trampled, and peers driven by jealousy might whisper behind your back, spreading rumors about your family history: How your older sibling disappeared three years prior without a trace, how your bloodline has already been tainted by the school. After three years, you can ignore the whispers. But you can’t ignore the mysterious letters that appear in your locker each morning since your third year started, all addressed from your missing older sibling, and all begging you to come save them from the old campus walls. You fell for the trap laid by the old campus dutifully: You would make a beautiful offering.

SCION is the younger sibling of SNARE.
How does it feel to remain in your younger sibling’s shadow, even in the eyes of a ghost? You don’t remember your three years in the old campus walls—when the school lets go of you, you don’t look a day older than when you disappeared, and you don’t feel like any time has passed at all. But you do know that you were never supposed to be let out, and you know that you had nothing to do with the letters your younger sibling shows, whether or not they were written in your hand. No one knows what to do with you since your mysterious return; They hardly knew what to do since your mysterious disappearance. You’re only tentatively allowed to return and finish your third year, but there doesn’t seem to be a point. You know the truth. You’re on borrowed time, and the old campus plans on taking you back when graduation comes, so long as your younger sibling comes with you.

SNARE is the older sibling of SCION.
With grades like yours, you could’ve gone to any high school you wanted. But you took your talents and squandered them on a place like Shinshirei, all because you wanted to join their Occult Research Club and discover the truth behind the old campus, a mystery that’s fascinated you since you discovered its existence. When you started your first year, you found yourself the only club member, and none of your enthusiasm was able to pressure your peers into joining. But your dreams of ghost hunting haven’t ended just because you’re alone: It’s only fair that your frequent visits to the old campus finally culminate in a real supernatural experience. In a way, being marked for disappearance day is a dream come true. Now you have five peers who are forced to indulge in your fantasies.

ZEALOT is classmates with FRESH MEAT and is the reason they both entered the old campus.
fresh meat
Most assume you have to be suicidal or completely clueless to transfer to Shinshirei when disappearance day is on the horizon. But you were neither: All you were was desperate, and Shinshirei’s mysterious reputation seemed like an escape. Years of sensitivity to otherworldly phenomena have left you with a mysterious reputation yourself, feared for your affinity with ghosts and the supernatural. Shinshirei was supposed to be a strange enough place that you could fade into the background, finally playing the part of an ordinary student. Had you known just what would happen only days after your fresh start at a new school, maybe you would’ve stuck it out for one last year with the familiar.

FRESH MEAT is classmates with ZEALOT, and has been unable to resist their obsession with the supernatural. They took up the offer to enter the old campus at night after repeated pestering on the matter.
You don’t care about ghosts or supernatural occurrences: All you want is to complete the year with pristine perfection, as always. The nonsensical rumors about Shinshirei High School’s old campus have never mattered to you in the slightest when you focus on this goal. As an officer of the student council, you see it as your duty to correct any bad behavior you see in your peers, and you take this task more seriously than your teachers. You only snuck into the old campus that night to investigate much more mundane rumors, all pointing to the school being trespassed on by your most delinquent classmate. You only wanted proof so you could clean up the school, and look where that got you. All you can hope is that this campus curse doesn’t mess up your perfect record.

HAMMER is acquaintances with NAIL, and came to the old campus to catch them in the act of breaking and entering.
You don’t know why nobody believes you. You may have a reputation for disruptive activity and skipping class, but that doesn’t mean every bad thing that occurs while you’re around is your fault. You think whatever’s haunting the school must find it funny, to flicker the lights and knock breakables off shelves whenever you’re around, just to watch you take the blame. It’s resulted in an obsession with the old campus and the thing haunting it: If you can get proof, you think, maybe you can clear your name once and for all. Of course, those lofty hopes only resulted in the old campus really taking notice of you when you snuck inside on the wrong night.

NAIL is often chewed out by HAMMER, especially for sneaking into the old campus.

Discord will be required for ooc for posting schedules, plotting, and an in character groupchat. Please be willing to communicate and cooperate with other players, and pretty please don't cause me any headaches! Character relationships will be a big part of this premise, which makes plotting in the server pretty important. Problem players will be booted without remorse; Feel free to dm me with any issues.
Activity and literacy requirements are lax. No need to wax poetic, but please be capable of meaningful posts that move the story forward. There will be a loose posting schedule, but players can always feel free to communicate about their availability if something comes up. I'll reach out in the event of complete radio silence, and if no communication is given, the player will eventually be booted.
This is a small group with limited roles, and as such is going to be application based. Further details will be in the cs thread if the gets some interest; All you need is a short application there, and once it's been approved, I'll send a link with the discord and you can move forward with a full cs. Always feel free to dm with questions or character ideas!

Although the characters are high schoolers, all applicants should be 18+, since this thread will likely delve into heavier subject matter.

{art by hoshibackyard}
© reveriee
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weeee glad to see sm interest!!! apps are now live here ! very excited to see what everyone comes up with ^^
... Well I have to say I tend to avoid the realistic/modern RPs (preference mostly for fantasy typically) though seeing this I have to say I really do like the premise quite a bit. Probably just that right tickle of the supernatural angle I do enjoy (I am a sucker for lovecraftian type work with that strange unexplainable force working in the background). Props to you for the pitch! Did take me a bit to actually figure out how to scroll right to check out the roles (Shift+scroll wheel incase anyone else doesn't have scroll left/right on their mouse who happens to see this).

That said, I do see there is more then enough interest so I'm not as sure if I would apply (I know its application based so it's not as if I can't try anyways). Who knows though I might do it for the heck of it. Just wanted to give props for the interesting idea mostly either way! And naturally after saying that I already started tinkering with a concept for a Scion since I am a sucker with characters with baggage hiding behind a visage of supposed 'perfection'.

Okay... I clearly put an application up. I'm terrible and gave into my impulse on making a new character since I can't resist the idea of character creation. That said, wasn't as sure how to approach it (just going off the description of Scion it mentions the letters though I saw snare mentioned the Scion sharing the letters and going to class... which I wasn't sure if it was legit or a 'ghost acting as if they are taking part' shtick so I just stuck with what the Scion prompt gave. Either way, think it gives the idea of the character baring exact specifics that can easily be fleshed out after collaberating with the snare and all if it does get picked.
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thank you so much to everyone who's applied so far, they've all been such a treat to read!! i'm honestly really surprised that this picked up so much interest so quickly weee

for anyone else who may be interested, i'm setting a tentative application deadline of Friday the 21st (about 48 hours from now in my timezone). since these applications don't require immense depth, two days feels adequate to me. however, if you're interested but unable to make this time frame for whatever reason, please let me know (here or in pms) and i'll be happy to extend it as needed! i just don't want to spend too much time waiting for non-existent applicants.

other than that, bump < 3
memento mori.
horror + slice of life
... scroll up
disappearance day.

Everyone knows you don’t visit the old campus at night. You don’t visit it at all, if you can help it: All the stories say that students who go there don’t come back. There’s a reason they built the new campus, and it’s not just advancing technology and a bigger student population.

Despite the faculty’s best efforts, Shinshirei High School has been unable to shake its haunting reputation. Opening a new building doesn’t undo a hundred years of mysterious incidents, especially when it’s still walking distance from the campus where it all happened. Some say there’s an ancient spirit sealed in the land itself, snatching up all who dare enter; Some say the faculty give the weakest students to that being themselves, as a twisted form of rent; Whatever the cause is, everyone knows that you stay away if you can. Because once every three years, like clockwork, a third year walks into the old campus on the night before graduation, and they don’t ever leave.

Some students think the school carefully chooses its mark from the day the first years step inside. Others think it’s entirely left up to chance. Either way, it’s best to hedge your bets and stay out of view of the old campus windows. It’s been two years since the last Shinshirei disappearance, and the incoming third years know all too well what that means: One of them is going to be next. Even the most rational students feel a little nervous when they see the old campus looming in the distance. And the closer it gets to “disappearance day,” the more strange occurrences start unraveling within the school, until it’s impossible to ignore.

But what nobody knows is that this year, the old campus has new plans entirely. It wants greater prey, the best it can get its hands on, and it has the perfect bait. For the first time in its decades of haunting, it lets go of its most recent capture, all to lure in a better catch.

Maybe it’s a coincidence that brings everyone together that night, or maybe it’s fate. Either way, the ghost of Shinshirei gets more than it bargained for: Five third years inside the old campus, all ready to discover its offering, all marked by the ghost. The bait works better than it could’ve imagined. If it has the appetite, it might just take them all at the end of the year.

One thing is certain for these students, now that they’ve seen the face of death that wanders the old campus halls: If they don’t find a way to stop the Shinshirei ghost by graduation, they won’t all be surviving to get their diplomas. Suddenly, the countdown to the end of the school year is much less exciting.

// gm note

Hello, hello! This is a small group inspired by a whole bunch of ghost hunting and paranormal animanga, and I hope we can meet them all in cheesiness. (One of the big tonal inspirations is "Lost Property Control Organization" which is where all the art in this interest check comes from, and i need to tell everyone to go check that out!) Our six characters are incoming third years at a Tokyo high school, all searching for a way to stop the ghost haunting their campus and threatening to spirit them away at the end of the year.

The RP itself will be alternating between “day” and “night” sections, somewhat similar to what I’m told Persona gameplay is like: Day scenes will be shorter slice-of-life sections while the students plan their next move, and night scenes will involve all that juicy horror and paranormal activity that they’re trying to put a stop to. The closer they get to graduation, the more strange activities will start occurring in classes, but most of the danger will be relegated to night. I’m hoping this alternation will create a balance between typical high-schooler drama and the ghostly doom looming over their heads.

There are six roles in total below, and rules following, so please read up on that if this concept interests you at all!
You were all the old campus wanted. The school idol, a student beloved and envied by all, used to love letters and gifts and adoration. Of course, every beautiful thing is destined to be trampled, and peers driven by jealousy might whisper behind your back, spreading rumors about your family history: How your older sibling disappeared three years prior without a trace, how your bloodline has already been tainted by the school. After three years, you can ignore the whispers. But you can’t ignore the mysterious letters that appear in your locker each morning since your third year started, all addressed from your missing older sibling, and all begging you to come save them from the old campus walls. You fell for the trap laid by the old campus dutifully: You would make a beautiful offering.

SCION is the younger sibling of SNARE.
How does it feel to remain in your younger sibling’s shadow, even in the eyes of a ghost? You don’t remember your three years in the old campus walls—when the school lets go of you, you don’t look a day older than when you disappeared, and you don’t feel like any time has passed at all. But you do know that you were never supposed to be let out, and you know that you had nothing to do with the letters your younger sibling shows, whether or not they were written in your hand. No one knows what to do with you since your mysterious return; They hardly knew what to do since your mysterious disappearance. You’re only tentatively allowed to return and finish your third year, but there doesn’t seem to be a point. You know the truth. You’re on borrowed time, and the old campus plans on taking you back when graduation comes, so long as your younger sibling comes with you.

SNARE is the older sibling of SCION.
With grades like yours, you could’ve gone to any high school you wanted. But you took your talents and squandered them on a place like Shinshirei, all because you wanted to join their Occult Research Club and discover the truth behind the old campus, a mystery that’s fascinated you since you discovered its existence. When you started your first year, you found yourself the only club member, and none of your enthusiasm was able to pressure your peers into joining. But your dreams of ghost hunting haven’t ended just because you’re alone: It’s only fair that your frequent visits to the old campus finally culminate in a real supernatural experience. In a way, being marked for disappearance day is a dream come true. Now you have five peers who are forced to indulge in your fantasies.

ZEALOT is classmates with FRESH MEAT and is the reason they both entered the old campus.
fresh meat
Most assume you have to be suicidal or completely clueless to transfer to Shinshirei when disappearance day is on the horizon. But you were neither: All you were was desperate, and Shinshirei’s mysterious reputation seemed like an escape. Years of sensitivity to otherworldly phenomena have left you with a mysterious reputation yourself, feared for your affinity with ghosts and the supernatural. Shinshirei was supposed to be a strange enough place that you could fade into the background, finally playing the part of an ordinary student. Had you known just what would happen only days after your fresh start at a new school, maybe you would’ve stuck it out for one last year with the familiar.

FRESH MEAT is classmates with ZEALOT, and has been unable to resist their obsession with the supernatural. They took up the offer to enter the old campus at night after repeated pestering on the matter.
You don’t care about ghosts or supernatural occurrences: All you want is to complete the year with pristine perfection, as always. The nonsensical rumors about Shinshirei High School’s old campus have never mattered to you in the slightest when you focus on this goal. As an officer of the student council, you see it as your duty to correct any bad behavior you see in your peers, and you take this task more seriously than your teachers. You only snuck into the old campus that night to investigate much more mundane rumors, all pointing to the school being trespassed on by your most delinquent classmate. You only wanted proof so you could clean up the school, and look where that got you. All you can hope is that this campus curse doesn’t mess up your perfect record.

HAMMER is acquaintances with NAIL, and came to the old campus to catch them in the act of breaking and entering.
You don’t know why nobody believes you. You may have a reputation for disruptive activity and skipping class, but that doesn’t mean every bad thing that occurs while you’re around is your fault. You think whatever’s haunting the school must find it funny, to flicker the lights and knock breakables off shelves whenever you’re around, just to watch you take the blame. It’s resulted in an obsession with the old campus and the thing haunting it: If you can get proof, you think, maybe you can clear your name once and for all. Of course, those lofty hopes only resulted in the old campus really taking notice of you when you snuck inside on the wrong night.

NAIL is often chewed out by HAMMER, especially for sneaking into the old campus.

Discord will be required for ooc for posting schedules, plotting, and an in character groupchat. Please be willing to communicate and cooperate with other players, and pretty please don't cause me any headaches! Character relationships will be a big part of this premise, which makes plotting in the server pretty important. Problem players will be booted without remorse; Feel free to dm me with any issues.
Activity and literacy requirements are lax. No need to wax poetic, but please be capable of meaningful posts that move the story forward. There will be a loose posting schedule, but players can always feel free to communicate about their availability if something comes up. I'll reach out in the event of complete radio silence, and if no communication is given, the player will eventually be booted.
This is a small group with limited roles, and as such is going to be application based. Further details will be in the cs thread if the gets some interest; All you need is a short application there, and once it's been approved, I'll send a link with the discord and you can move forward with a full cs. Always feel free to dm with questions or character ideas!

Although the characters are high schoolers, all applicants should be 18+, since this thread will likely delve into heavier subject matter.

{art by hoshibackyard}
© reveriee
Yes I will join Memento Mori

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