[Megalopolis Classic] Megalopolis - Discussion


Level 20 Mizard

"I reject this world and live amongst the nostalgia of a lost paradise."

~ Uro

Rumors have circulated for years in Megalopolis of people with supernatural abilities roaming the city, fighting crime and keeping the city safe. With crime rates on the rise for decades, it was a peaceful idea. While some took it as reality and hoped for these heroes to save them in their time of need, many denounced them as just an urban legend. Regardless of whatever rumors and speculation the newspapers tend to say, it wasn't so clear cut as the masses liked to portray it as. In reality there were no real heroes, or villains, and while some people did put on disguises, they were far from the colorful fanfare that people enjoyed imagining. Most of the time the popular belief of these "heroes" was over-dramatized, and their powers downplayed. It was as if people saw it as some kind of game. I guess that is why it came as such a shock to those in the city when the Price Tower Incident occurred.

Those who remember seeing the event, reminiscence about the angel-like feathers of glass shards that had fallen to the streets that day. A man who was eventually nicknamed Uro by the press, had supposedly held the police commissioner as his hostage for nearly two months. As the police search desperately for the commissioner, Uro revealed himself at the popular Price Tower, shrouded in a dark trench coat, a blue hockey mask (hiding his face), and his arms covered in scars. He gripped the commissioner around his neck. Though he held no weapons, he threatened everyone there as if he did. What exactly the man wanted was unclear, but he proclaimed that those gifted with powers should not remain in hiding and instead use their powers freely. As the building began to be surrounded by an army of police officers, a flash of light that seemed to have been created by Uro's unarmed hands, sent a powerful shockwave, shattering almost every window in the 159 story Price Tower building. After the light subsided, the Commissioner and Uro were not to be found. It was as if they were vaporized, leaving no clues behind.

The Incident at Price Tower marked the end of an era, where popular belief saw those who possessed supernatural abilities as hidden guardians, it wasn't until the mentioning of Uro, that changed everyone's idea of what was superhuman. Fear began to spread, as more and more superhumans took up Uro's creed. While some used their powers for crime, others attempted to work with police (most of the time disguised) and reform the imagine of a superhuman. This charitable work though came with little reward as the masses saw even these heroes as something to fear.

It has been five years after the Price Tower Incident, and Uro's words have never seem stronger.


The game is a casual roleplay so there is no word requirement. However it is recommended that you write at least a paragraph to help others in the roleplay understand the situation. Players are expected to respect other's decisions in characters and not to God-Mod unless given permission to by the other player.

To join, you must make a character (more than one is up to you) that resides in Megalopolis (don't worry too much about this, its a stereotypical large city, I mean extremely large). Super human abilities are optional, but should remain balanced.

After joining the RP, you should expect to post at least once a week, to be fair to other players.


To allow characters to become as unique and balanced as possible, all characters need to define what their character's advantages and disadvantages are. Advantages include things a character is best at, and what superhuman abilities they possess (if any). Disadvantages include what a character is poor at, and what limitations or weaknesses that character has to deal with. These things do not have to be specific skills, and can also be more passive abilities. As

anything that can be considered an advantage, can also be flipped into a disadvantage.

However, you MUST remember for every advantage you take, you MUST also have a disadvantage

. Though if you want to have more disadvantages, you are free to do so.

Please no more than four in each category.

Character Sheet


: (If your character uses an alias/alter-ego name also state it)






: (Try to include Height, Weight and Overall appearance not just a picture)

Advantages/Abilities Possessed

: (Advantageous Skills or Super Human abilities your character possesses that sets him or her apart from the rest of the world.)


: (Things your character is unskilled in, things that are ether their weaknesses or limitations to their powers.)


: (What does your Character do for a living, if none explain why?)

Interests and Hobbies

: (What does your character do outside of their profession)

Common Behaviors and Mannerisms

: (These are things such as what your character does when they are stressed, angry or bored, that helps add to people's understanding of them)

Mercy vs Justice

: (Is your character more likely to seek revenge (ether for themselves or others), desiring proper justice be done to them, or more likely be merciful and let things be more easily forgiven?)


: (Is he/she an Optimistic? Are they easily stressed? - etc.)


: (How your character grew up and was treated, from birth until present)

If you are interested please post below (You do not need to post with your character).
Just as a response to this because Robot has mentioned it:

Also, I am all for Weaknesses, but Having as Many weaknesses as Powers really Hurts the Idea.
Weaknesses like I said don't have to be like the Kryptonite for Superman. It could just be a disadvantage you have, such as you are bad at a certain skill or thing that usually everyone would be pretty good at (like using numbers, or navigation or or something similar), as long as it balances it out and so your character isn't the best at everything. This system has worked in other RPs before.

Just wanted to make sure everyone understood that.
I did talk to Robot about his character beforehand, and allowed an Alien. (Because sure why not as long as it doesn't dominate the plot).

As for Advantages and Disadvantages, I do see how it can be seen as uneven, but I think I can trust you to remain balance. Plus speaking that your powers are overly powered and the disadvantages such as the allergies are so unique that I think they have some sort of balance.

I like the Character too :D

I'll be posting a few characters soon.
did someone have a issue with my character? it seems like there's a post between mine and yours that isn't there anymore..


As for Unbalanced, I'd direct you to the Teen Titans animated series, as my character is a Blatant fangasm of the Titan Starfire, Who tends to get knocked through walls more then anyone else, usually cuz someone said something that confused and distracted her.

Further, Greyfire has no actual.. training of any sort, and is about as Creative a Fighter as a CANNONBALL.
No there was no one between my posts, that was for future reference for anyone who had questions. This week is just my School's homecoming, so I am a little bit preoccupied but I will have my characters up soon. Wizard says he will have his up... :eek:
I got kaza interested and he will post his character soon. I am almost done with mine.
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]Thats fine :) . We really liked your headless character back in overlord RP :) .

i wanted to finish but i was busy
[QUOTE="Cliff Robotnik]Wow. Sausage-Fest.
The only Girl on the Team isn't even a primate.

Or from this Solar System.

Yeah, I might be working on trying to change that.

I am looking at everyone's characters, we got a lot of old people, I mean old old, so I wasn't planning on that but, I think I can make it work :P

Edit - Weird Errors with my Post?
I like everyone's characters so far. I am not entirely sure with more so of the magical themes, but for Wiz's bio its hard to not include.

Kaza you are also all good to go too.

However for your bio, Knight, if you don't mind editing it, you could probably still include the cult book so that it gave your character the idea for human sacrifice, but I feel your powers should stem from yourself. That way it doesn't cross the boundaries at much into "magic" use.

That is up to you, but that is what I had to say on it. After that, they are all really interesting bios, a lot of different abilities. I think my favorite is the Glass manipulation, I haven't seen that one before, but Blood manipulation is also a nicely done one.

We will be probably starting this weekend, but I think a few more people might be joining (or at least told me they were). I also will have my first few characters up soon, probably tomorrow.
Some of the Best Superhero's use Magic, Like Zatanna, Dr.Strange and....um...

Did i say Dr.Strange yet?

Dr Strange: When you absolutely need to perform heart Surgery and shoot Fireballs at the exact same time!

Aint i right, max?
Also, If i had any Say in the character confirmation, I'd keep it at One Magic, one Alien, one Techy, Ect...

Otherwise it'd get into a Shitstorm over them all trying to do the same thing better then anyone else.

Why I'm a Alien, I Rely on my Natural Abilities, as far as my specie goes, I'm a Average at best as a CITIZEN, Muchless a Crime Fighter.

When your Homeworld makes Hell look like a Vacation spot, your specie evolves to be tough.
I added wealthy to my advantages. It makes sense but he doesn't use it to live some super special awesome life. Its just been sitting there for 2000 years.
Ok so I make the book more important and a constant also, take the magic and make it pure manipulation?

Also make it a self use rather than a external? If so can I make it so he carries the vial of blood or uses his own blood to manifest the attack?
Well you don't have to make the book more or less important , I am more so for taking the manipulation stand on it, not so much magic. Your character can believe it to be magic though. You get what I mean?
Oh I see and edited previous post to as another question... Also then I'll edit and is it ok that he's a new immortal, rather than just a older guy. He's only got 20 years plus it's not really immortality, just a added years thing...
What is with everyone and their immortality? :P

By immortality if you mean he added years to his life or something by stealing blood, like extending his life, than I don't see it as a problem. As for just regular immortality for just the sake of it, I don't entirely see why it is necessary as your character is good as he is.

Edit - Having a bunch of older/ancient characters really isn't the setting of this RP, so I mean just because one or two people have done it doesn't mean its required.

Edit 2 - If I missed what you were trying to ask, I probably need your idea to be explained to me.

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