Meeting Room

Alrighty, lovelies, we're gonna need some more males. I've already begun creating my babeh Nate, so if anyone is will to play double characters I'd apprieciate it.
Okay, dears, my babies are done and as soon as everyone has finished all their charries we'll begin discussing some sort of plot. Please follow this thread to keep yourself updated. 
Angelina is up and ready for any relationships/crushes. I don't mind it being boy or girl. Just PM me!
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Like you guys said, if anyone wants to set up relationships send a PM. I don't mind. But honestly if anyone were to develop feelings for Kylie, I'd prefer it be during the RP to make it more interesting and to see the development between them. That's understandable, right?
Like you guys said, if anyone wants to set up relationships send a PM. I don't mind. But honestly if anyone were to develop feelings for Kylie, I'd prefer it be during the RP to make it more interesting and to see the development between them. That's understandable, right?

Of course, hun! 

Imma throw a starting date out there for all you lovelies, I wanna start Tuesday at the latest. Monday or tomorrow would be ideal so, because of that, anyone who hasn't finished their characters has a deadline of tomorrow at 5:00 PM central time. Thank y'all!
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Alrighty everyone, I got caught up in some other things yesterday so if your ready you can go ahead and post. We'll start on the mornings if the first day of school simply for convienience. I myself might not be able to get a post out until later, but if you can please feel free to. :)
Kk, both my posts are up, lovelies. Y'all can get your posts up whenever your available to! Thank y'all!

Oh, also, @Eternal-Weekend thanks for getting your post up so quickly. :)
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i made a post for blake. sorry it sucks and yeah.


working on a lot rn.


i'll get carter up as soon as i can.
:0 I MADE A MISTAKE. EVERYONE COMPLETELY DISREGARD JAMES' POST. I'm so scatter brained. I'm sorry, I completely jacked up who James' crush was. :$  *sigh* I suck at this.
Okay nooowww you're allowed to pay attention to James' post. I fixed it.

....I still can't belive I did that....*facepalm*
@LoneSniper87 Unfortuantely, love, you were supposed to wait for me to except you before posting. I'll let it slide though, since we need more males any how. However, I am going to need you to find a younger face claim or settle for a description. :(  I'd be more than willing to help you find a face claim if you want. (I have and endless directory of random faces.) Please don't take this the wrong way.

Other than that, you're smooth sailing, love. :)
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Ok, might I say you only wrote accepted under like two people.

I did. And that's my mistake, I started writing accepted and stopped in the middle and just started liking them. I apologize if any confusion came as a result of this. Thanks for pointing that out, I probably should've been more organized in my accepting. 

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