Meeting Room

I am here, people, I'm not dead I promise. Okay, a few more people had commented on the interest thread and I'm gonna hell then find their way over here to increase the population of our little town here.

:)  The coming of some sort of conflict is on its way, planning on having le horrible principal do something dumb.
@Tola Hiya, hun, welcome. Things have gotten kinda slow due to me dissapearing for a bit. But I've returned and am ready to get things rolling! So go ahead and get a character or characters up and wait for me to like it before posting.

Also follow this thread so you get notifications of any updates, please. :)
Alright, I've finished my precious Jaxx, and will post him shortly. Just so that I don't ruin this RP, what all has happened so far?
Oh, by the way everyone, I might have to assign someone a small co-GM incase I get busy and drop off the face of the Earth again. So, it'd be fab if anyone was willingly to help out there. :)
I'd be willing to. I know that I'm inexperienced as far as the role play, but I'm sure I could manage it.
Angelina is still up for some interaction or future crushes and relationships. Just cause she has a crush already doesn't mean she can't have more than one.!
Same for James and Nate. I about to get another post up for James since I had to delete a few of her past ones. She's completely open for anything right now.
Well then, looks like all of us need some sort of interaction. Let's take down that writer's block, and get to it! (My lame attempt at an unneeded pep-talk)

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