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Fantasy Medieval fantasy roleplay. Recruitment Status: Open. 1 spot left.

Weapon and armor: Mysterious armor, mace, buckler. +2 Goblin war gloves. Reinforced leather bracers.
Accessories: Minor alchemical equipment, adventurer’s guidebook.
Money: 103 silver coins, 17 copper coins.
Supplies: One blinding grenade; two health potions, one stamina potion.
Loot: None.

In spite of his best efforts, Levi found himself covered in flecks of gelatinous gore. He did not bother removing them. What did it matter anyway? He was already somewhat tainted by goblin blood (which does not wash off easily, though he tried his best at the water trough) and, well, he was dressed in rags. A cold fatalism slowly seeped into his brain.

He droned towards his drop and put them on his forearms. Due to both the bracers and the gloves, his arms appeared disproportionate in size relative to his otherwise somewhat scrawny body. He almost shed a tear: this was not Fashion Souls, man.

He turned towards the adventurer and then gaped. Now that he had a good look, he could see that the hammer was really outsized. It was taller than her: hell, it was even taller than his own meager 5ʼ6 feet of puniness.

“How does that...” Levi began before shaking his head. “Never mind.”

He listened to her speak and sagely nodded his head. However, because of the cold fatalism that had previously overcome him, his voice came out in an oddly robotic tone. He said, “Youʼre welcome. The lake?—ah, yes, the lake of dreams. Itʼs straight ahead through this path.” He gestured at a narrow beaten path that trailed through the forest, intersecting with the clearing where the action had occurred. He had encountered the lake on his brief travels in the forest. Why was it the lake of dreams? He had no idea, but it seemed like the right thing to say; perhaps it was a premonition of sorts.

He glanced around. Tyrone was nowhere to be found. He had completely disappeared. Was he a ghost—or a figment of Leviʼs imagination? Indeed, was he the man suffering from the existential crisis? (And a dude having to put up with being a hallucination was, indeed, in Leviʼs book a case of existential crisis. Literal existential crisis.)

nikoneko10 nikoneko10 FujoshiStar FujoshiStar
Syan Syan FujoshiStar FujoshiStar
Tyrone strolled out of the underbrush like he had all the time in the world, hands in his pockets, head slightly tilted as he took in the scene. Levi was still coated in jelly, looking like he had lost a fight with a particularly aggressive dessert. The white-haired girl with the giant warhammer wasn’t much better off. Tyrone clicked his tongue, shaking his head like a disappointed older brother.

"Man, y’all lookin’ rough right now," he said, cracking his knuckles. "Can’t be out here drippin’ like some damn slimes just ran your pockets." He lifted one hand and made a quick motion, a faint shimmer of energy spreading through the air like a gust of wind.

In an instant, the sticky mess vanished from their clothes, skin, and weapons, leaving them looking fresh like they had just stepped out of a tailor’s shop. Tyrone smirked, admiring his own work.

"Yeah, that’s better. Can’t be movin’ like some busted-up mopheads," he said, brushing some imaginary dust off his shoulder. Then his expression shifted like he had just remembered something important. "Aight, so listen—had some business to handle, but I’m back now. We still on this, uh…" He waved his hand in a circle, searching for the right words. "Existential crisis quest? Yeah, yeah. Big brain time. Let’s get it."
nikoneko10 nikoneko10 Syan Syan
She watched as the newcomer picked up a strange item she only now became conscious of. As she watched him put on his equipment she noticed red splatters on his clothing - some of it smears other specks. He didn't seem too bothered by the goo either. She wondered how long he was in this world by himself - he seemed so collected despite everything that just happened. Even as he spoke to her there was an unusual coldness to his tone that unnerved her. Seneca quickly got up from her knees and made some separation between herself and her 'savior' after picking up her item.

She felt guilty. She was appreciative for his help, but wasn't sure if she could trust him at all.

She began to put on what seemed to be a shoulder guard. It looked heavier than it actually was and sturdy too. She was happy with her new found equipment, it made her feel more prepared for the challenges ahead.

She turned to see a new man strolling up to them casually. She assumed he was part of the strangers party. He was tall, built, and rugged looking with a crossbow over his shoulder. Her Speculation proved to be correct as he blew the slime off their clothes in a flash. She couldn't hold back her look of amazement at his power.

"Thank you." She said simply and smiled sheepishly at his quips. Her eyes darted from the stranger and his partner and it seemed they were already on their own separate pursuit of something from the sounds of it.

She cleared her throat before beginning again, "I have no idea what's going on here, but I do have my own quest to complete. Mind if I tag along?" She tried to seem casual with her request but in her head she hoped - prayed even - they wouldn't turn her down. As weary as she was of the both of them, she still didn't want to be left alone here.

Character Name: Seneca
Class: Paladin Tier 1 – Initiate of Light

Weapons & Armor:
Large Warhammer, Hardened Slime Shoulder Guard

Accessories: Adventurer’s Satchel

Money: 52 Silver Coins

Supplies: Mana Recovery Potion (x3) , Antidote Elixir (x2), Stamina Draught (x2), Health potions (x3)

Loot & Monster Drops: Hardened Slime-Plated Shoulder Guard (20 silver coins)
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Luna stood at the entrance of the Adventurer's Guild, scanning the list of available commissions. Each task promised excitement and reward, but her eyes landed on one in particular: the Goblin Nest Patrol. The guild was seeking adventurers to investigate a group of goblins spotted near the outskirts of the city. Although the goblins had not shown aggression yet, there was a risk they could become a threat. The reward for the task was 8 silver coins—a fair sum for a budding adventurer like Luna.

While other tasks offered greater rewards, Luna felt drawn to the Goblin Nest Patrol. It wasn't just about the coins; it was about the challenge and the opportunity to prove her skills. Luna had always been fascinated by tales of goblins—mischievous creatures known for their cunning and resourcefulness. This was her chance to encounter them firsthand and perhaps learn more about their intentions.

Before heading out, Luna made sure she was fully prepared. She equipped herself with a sturdy greatsword and a small shield, practical choices for close encounters. Her leather armor provided both mobility and protection, essential for navigating through potentially hostile territories. Luna also packed a few essential supplies: a map of the area, a small pouch of healing herbs, and some rations to sustain her throughout the journey.
The Journey to the Nest
The path to the goblin nest was lined with dense trees and underbrush, creating a natural barrier between the city and the wilderness beyond. Luna moved cautiously, her senses alert for any signs of movement. The woods were eerily quiet, save for the occasional rustle of leaves underfoot. She followed the map closely, using landmarks to guide her way.
As she neared the outskirts of the city, Luna could sense a change in the atmosphere. The air felt charged, as if the forest itself was holding its breath. It wasn't long before she spotted the telltale signs of a goblin presence: small footprints on the ground and crude markings on the trees.

Luna finally reached the edge of a clearing where the goblins had been sighted. She crouched behind a bush, observing the scene before her. A group of goblins milled about, chattering in their peculiar tongue. They seemed more curious than aggressive, occasionally glancing towards the city but making no move to approach.
Realizing that the goblins were not an immediate threat, Luna decided to take a closer look. She edged forward carefully, making sure not to startle them. As she watched, she noted their numbers and demeanor, preparing to report back to the guild with her findings.

Satisfied with her observations, Luna began her journey back to the city. The goblins, for now, appeared to be more of a curiosity than a danger. However, their presence so close to the city could not be ignored.
Upon returning to the guild, Luna delivered her report. The guildmaster listened intently, nodding as Luna recounted her findings. The information would help the guild decide on further action, ensuring the safety of the city and its inhabitants.
As a token of gratitude, the guildmaster handed Luna her reward of 8 silver coins. It wasn't just the coins that made Luna smile—it was the knowledge that she had taken her first step as an adventurer, proving her worth and setting the stage for future quests.
With a sense of accomplishment, Luna left the guild, ready to take on whatever challenge awaited her next.

Levi expressed enlightenment at the cleaning spell: not only was his body being cleaned up, but his soul as well. He could feel his mind stat leveling; like he had achieved a zen-like state of existence. Only once before had he entered a state like that, and it was during a speedrun competition of Final Doom when he found himself stuck on one level or the other from The Plutonia Experiment. Now that was something.

“Tyrone,” he managed to say, albeit weakly, “thank you.” The world swirled around him; he almost fainted on the spot, nearly falling on the hammer-wielding adventurer (for whatever reason, they had not introduced themselves, so he had zero clues about her name); he realized, with sudden horror, that he had almost fallen into the nightmarish pit that was a flirty moment (God forbid that happens). He shuddered and then sighed in relief, wiping sweat off from his brows. Lord, he prayed in his thoughts, grant me chastity and continence!

“Thank you all, thank you,” he said with a bow. Addressing the new adventurer, with a glance towards Tyrone (whose appearance he took to be a sign from God), he said, “My name is Levi. I am an adventurer of some, say, thirty or forty minutes, give or take.” He blushed. “You could say... Iʼm a veteran.”

He allowed the two to introduce themselves before continuing,

“Now, I have a quest. We can do it together and split the profits,” Levi said, wringing his hands together. “The quest is simple. A man with an existential crisis—he requires our help. How, why, what—I donʼt know. Where though, I do know. So letʼs get on with it!”


The location of their quest was ripped off from a horror double feature (in a grimy theatre, on a Tuesday, so an exceptionally bad double feature). It seemed like there would be ghosts; and it equally seemed like there would be ghosts, but those ghosts would be people pretending to be ghosts. Either way, it spelled trouble.

In fact, he saw something ghostly peeking through one of the windows. The creature (hostile or friendly, he had no idea) looked only mildly evil and absolutely translucent, like a thin layer of milk walking around in bodily form.

With a sinking realization, Levi understood what the quest was about. It was about a literal existential crisis...

nikoneko10 nikoneko10 FujoshiStar FujoshiStar
Syan Syan
Tyrone adjusted his hood, glancing up at the decrepit building before them. The ghostly figure in the window flickered like a bad streetlamp, barely keeping itself together. He exhaled through his nose, shaking his head.
"Ayo, Levi," he said, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "This whole joint got that busted-up Scooby-Doo energy. Like, straight up, if a dude in a mask jumps out talkin’ bout some ‘meddlin’ kids’ type beat, I ain't even gon’ be surprised." He tilted his head toward the milky apparition. "You leadin’ this, bro. You got the crisis, you got the plan. We here to back you up, but you gotta make that first move."
Behind them, Seneca, the ever-silent paladin, stood like a statue, her armored presence reassuring but unreadable. She was ready to act when necessary, but for now, she simply followed.
Tyrone rolled his shoulders, cracking his neck. "Aight, so what’s the vibe? We knockin’ on the door like we tryna sell life insurance, or we just walkin’ in like we own the place?"
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