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Futuristic Mech War: The Wasteland


Creator and Destroyer of One Thousand Realities
It's what it sounds like. 2053, December 21st, an alien Mothership hovered over Earth. 2053, December, 22nd, communication is futile, and a bright blue glow is erupting from the Mothership. 2053, December, 23rd, the Mothership blasted down a large blue beam that was visible all around the world. The beam sent a wave of massive amounts of radiation and heat, destroying many nations in the blink of an eye, and evaporating 50% of our water.

2068, February 2nd. Humanity begins forming civilizations again, and start to rebuild. The Mothership is gone, and the survivors have crawled out of their bunkers. 2074, March 3rd, a few cities have been rebuilt, and water is hard to find. Strange creatures dwell on the surface.

2079, October 23rd, Humanity has formed two factions, the Iron Blood Clan and the Winged Clan. The Iron Bloods believe that they need to strike back at the aliens, as some of their scouts have been spotted. The Winged believe that they need to hide in the shadows, and grow before beginning the fight for payback.

2080, January 1st, the Iron Blood Clan and the Winged Clan's disputes grow. Over territory, over multiple supposed 'attacks' on one another, and over what to do as a species. A war begins.

However, this was was not fought only by normal guns and hands. Not by only man. These mech suits are many inches of metal, wrapped around the body of the driver. With every movement, the suit obeys. The two become one and the same. They're machines.

Machines in the Wasteland, the new name for Earth.


A typical Winged Clan Mech Suit. Winged suits clearly show some human aspects to them and are usually very elegant and attractive. Winged suits also sometimes have parts of the user exposed, however trade that in for much more energy and fire power. The exposed parts are usually guarded by a light energy shield.


A typical Iron Blood mech suit. The Iron Blood's suits are much more savage and brute, focusing on complete fire power.

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