[Mean Streets, Cruel Towers]The Dive

I'm liking it so far.

That said, if each point of augs is worth 1000 creds, how much is other equipment, such as weapons, clothing, housing, and transport? If we don't spend our entire 5 points on augs, can we spend them on other sweet bennies?
Silvertongued said:
I'm liking it so far.
That said, if each point of augs is worth 1000 creds, how much is other equipment, such as weapons, clothing, housing, and transport? If we don't spend our entire 5 points on augs, can we spend them on other sweet bennies?
Yeah, I suppose so. A standard pistol would be 120 Creds, which can also be weekly rent on a not-too-terrible place. Public transport is betwen 5 and 20 Creds. Owning a vehicle is expensive. Staple foods like Chairman Meow's Super-Ethical People Chow is 5 Creds a can. A cheap but adequate meal might cost you 15. Clothing starts as low as 25 Creds and goes up with quality/fashionabilty.

Fancier gear will start costing as much or more than Augs.

Just give me your shopping list and it'll help me set prices.
Alright, here's what I'd like Igo to have:

  • Weapons:
    High quality, scoped sniper rifle with suppressor, high end brand, but not unique.
  • Tonfa, or nightstick, possibly magical, but again, something that can be bought in a store.
  • Pistol, high quality, light.
  • Knife, high quality, survival.
  • Grenades, fragmentation.
  • Grenades, chaff.
  • Grenades, smoke.
  • Grenades, flash.
  • Plastic explosives or the equivalent, and the trimmings.
  • Garrotte.


  • Wide, upturned bowl shaped hat, good for keeping the rain off the head and the sun out of the eyes.
  • Night vision goggles, gasmask/ventilator combo, high end.
  • Light bullet proof armor.
  • Pistol holster, shoulder.
  • Camouflage raincoat/poncho, high end, possibly magical.
  • Slum clothes.
  • Mediocre clothes.
  • Fancy clothes.


  • Carrying Case (For rifle and explosives), preferably high end, shielded, looks mundane, possibly magical.
  • Bus/Train pass, or appropriate alternative.
  • Liveable apartment, basic utilities and food. Cheap.
  • Safehouse, slums, no utilities, stocked with non-perishable food. Good door and lock. Possible surveillance system.
  • Turtle, terrarium, and turtle chow.
Alright, that's all I can think of at the moment. I realise that most of this is probably more than 5000 creds, and even then probably more than that and our starting cash, but I'll take concessions where I need to.

Oh, also, you never said what was the point or benefit of having tattoo carriers, or needing a Neural Spike. I mean, I figure it's to actually use the augs, but the text was kinda lacking on explanation.
You can afford a lot of it, though. Especially if you'd be willing to use any lower quality weapons.

And yeah, you need the Spike to have augs at all. Tattoo carriers are cheap and almost impossible to disrupt, but they're obvious and can't really be recalibrated.
I think the rifle, camo, and armor, need to be pretty high end, but everything after that doesn't need to be. Igo is real paranoid about being identified, so if he has to leave shit behind, he doesn't want it leading a trail back to him.
Grey, could you link the crucible rule book that you are basing this off of. I don't think I saved a copy of your book to my computer.
Oh yeah, a few more things, being:

  • Lockpicks, perhaps including electronic/magical variants.
  • A crowbar.
  • Rope, and a grappling hook.
  • Contacts, such as those with up to date blueprints and the like.
Luckily, the contact can be covered by the friendly NPC in your backstory. I'll let you know how much it'll all cost soonish, but you might as well make the character first.
I am here.

And I'll get to work soon. I'll include an Equipment list on the Char for you to approve, and I assume contacts are /not/ equipment.
Dude, you need a character sheet you can append to your rulebook. Maybe in pdf format. But I am also here and working on a concept.

EDIT: Grey, does a retired TCU count as a professional?
DreamingofRoses said:
Dude, you need a character sheet you can append to your rulebook. Maybe in pdf format. But I am also here and working on a concept.
EDIT: Grey, does a retired TAC count as a professional?
TAC? Maybe I'm tired, I'm not getting.

And yes, a sheet would be nice. Oh, actually...<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bfe3a4760_CrucibleCharacterSheet_pdf.b3f67538568fcb02465feb2f8dbcf501" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24551" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/57a8bfe3a4760_CrucibleCharacterSheet_pdf.b3f67538568fcb02465feb2f8dbcf501" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Crucible Character Sheet.pdf


  • Crucible Character Sheet.pdf
    39.6 KB · Views: 14
Working on backstory and somewhat confused. Can one have a tattoo instead of a spike if they want to avoid getting hacked?
The spike is connected to your brain, and tattoos connect your other augs to the spike. Subdermal tattoos aren't as visual, but still get the job done. Both are near impossible to hack. Wireless spikes don't need tattoos at all, but are easier to hack.

At least, that's how I understand it.
Cirno said:
Working on backstory and somewhat confused. Can one have a tattoo instead of a spike if they want to avoid getting hacked?
You always have to have a Spike. Silver is right - you need the tattoos or carrier-fibres to connect the Spike to your augs.
Oh yeah, when you were outlining Augs, you never touched on Guardian or Communer. Communer Augs I can understand, that'd be more the purview of the Biopurists, but what about Guardian?
I was thinking.. up to five points of Augs?

2 Of the Stormlord Pattern equivalent

2 of the Heartwright Pattern Equiv

1 of some kind of.. physical, augmentation Aug? Like, good Old Fashoned Cybernetics?
Guardian Augs would be the closet to mundane cybernetics. Silly me for not remembering them.

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