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We've just become roommates in a decent sized apartment. Will this become a romantic sort, or a hellish nightmare?
I walk into the apartment complex, my jacket failing to keep out the cold. My hand is shaking as I pull out my keys to unlock apartment 11. As I unlock the door, I'm greeted with the sweet aroma of mixed incense. I shrug off my jacket and hang it up on a coat rack hanging on the wall. Fumbling around, my hand runs the wall until it reaches the light switch. I flick it on and walk to the kitchen. I open the cabinet and pull out the tea kettle. I walk over to the sink, kettle on hand, and fill the kettle up before walking to the stove. I turn on the burner then I walk to the living room, and I take off my shoes then I set them aside.

I pick my book off the table and begin reading where I had left off, not much later I hear the soft meow of Opeth as she greets me from the other side of the room. I click my tongue and scratch the couch. "Come here girl." I chuckle. I glance at the page number of my book and I set it back down. I walk to my room and see that Opeth and Thall are out of food, so naturally I feed them. I smile as I see Thall curled up on my pillow, then I walk back out to the living room.

Teeth chattering already, I step out into the frosty evening, "Oh how I wish I had a car at times like these.." I mutter to myself as a blast of wind blows through the street lifting my floppy mass of hair from my neck to my face in an oh so glamorous fashion. The leather band of my dogs chain hung loosely from my wrist, metal links chiming as I rub my hands together in hopes the friction would bring warmth to their chilled feel.

The apartments in sight my speed quickened instinctively, slipping only a bit on the icy path I dug for my key in my messenger bag, icy fingers numb and breath billowing from my mouth like a dragons I sigh.

Raising my hand to the door I tapped the cold frame of door 11, having given up the search of the key with my winter curled fingers. Looking down at Kitty my fluffy Shetland Sheepdog, making a funny face at her as she seemed perfectly content in the bone chilling weather.

Between Opeth's meowing, and the tea kettle whistling I barely made out a faint tapping on the door. I run to the kitchen, sliding around the corner, I barely manage to keep my balance. I turn the burner off and fix my messed up hair. I walk to the living room, and head to the door. Taking a deep breath, not wanting to let the chill in, and open the door. I look down and I see the face off a fluffy dog and I smile.

"Hey, come on in. I have some tea in a kettle that's nice and hot." I say as I notice the shivering. I step back from the doorway to let you enter and I step into my slippers, as my feet were beginning to get a bit chilled.
"Thanks," I grin, my teeth set on edge as I slip past you. Slipping past you I shivered in delight and pain as the instant warmth eating at my chilled hands. Letting Kitty off her chain I gave her a look to which she let out a playful 'yip' disappearing in the direction of my room. Slipping my shoes off I close the door, "Good day?" I ask picking up my shoes to put in my room, sliding on my fuzzy socks down the hall towards the kitchen making clicking noises at John as his head popped out from under the couch.

Smiles, watching you. "Yeah, chilled. But my day was good. How was yours?" I say as I walk to the kitchen and get two cups from the cabinet down. Taking a pot holder, I pour two cups of tea. I begin walking back to the living room, careful not to spill anything on the floor. I set the cups on the living room table and then begin walking to my room, picking up Opeth along the way.
The telltale squeak of a chew-toy showed that Kitty had made it to my room and was now occupied with something other than mischief, placing my shoes by my bedrooms door I shrug, both taking off my jacket and answering the question, "The diner was crowded with tourists, and the library full of finalists attempting to get in a good study before their Monday finals." I laugh pulling a fuzzy sweater covered in cat fur over my head before setting myself on the untouched side of the couch, legs curled under me, yet leaned against the armrest.
"Sounds like an eventful night. I had only 10 customers at the cafè. It was so slow."I reply. I hear Thall's stretching meow as he steps out of my bedroom. I reach for one of his toys that somehow managed to squeeze itself under the table. After a few attempts of pulling, it finally comes free. Watching where Thall is, I softly throw the toy in his direction. The toy landed a few feet infront of him, and he lowered then he pounced. Shaking my head, I reach for my tea. Blowing slightly on it, I take a sip, as to not burn my mouth.
"Exciting..." I mutter as I too pick up my cup, the heated porcelain burning my fingers- but in a good way. Glancing down as a ball of fluff catches my eye as it streaks down the hall towards my resting spot. Lifting my cup just in time as Oliver my loopy fluff ball launched himself onto my lap- a kitty hearted of needy attention.
I chuckle as I set the fragile cup back on the table. I pick my book up and open to the page I was on and began reading. Not very long after, Thall hops up in my lap and blocks my view of the book. "Hello Mr. Attention Seeker.." I smile as I pet him. I, once again, set my book down, only leaving it open this time. I cradle Thall in my arms and his soft, yet low purring begins to vibrate his body. I scratch behind his ears, as he likes. Once I stop petting behind his ear, he licks my hand in approval and strides back to his sleeping area, my right pillow on my bed.
Eyes closed as Ollie's loud purr vibrated my body, I sit in the silence filled with peace as the warmth from the house soaked into my bones. "Hickory dickory dock.." I mutter, taking a sip from the steaming brew before resting my head on the plush of the couch. Ollie shifted to where his back was pressed firmly to my stomach, his head rubbing my wrist from time to time.
I glance over at you and smile, quickly looking away and picks up my book. I try to concentrate on reading, but I catch myself glancing over at you every few moments. After a moment of silence and glancing, I set my book down and pick up my cup to carry it to the kitchen. I set it on the counter and stand in front of the sink, hands resting on the counter. I stare off into space getting lost in thought, not noticing Opeth rubbing against my legs.
The shifting of the couch causes me to open my eyes for a moment, before they slip closed once again. After a few minutes I had slipped into a light doze, the purring of Ollie acting as a lullaby, the warmth of the cup that had beenough emptied of most the contents furthered my doze to a comfortable snooze. Cup held lightly in my grasp my head leaned back on the couch, breath deepening to not quite a snore.
I walk back in the living room and see you dozed off with your cup in hand. I walk over and gently wake you up "Hey, why don't you go on to bed, I'll clean up." I smile at Ollie.
"Are you sure?" I mutter rubbing my eyes with my hand, eyes still heavy with sleep envy. Shifting so my legs could touch the ground I smile up at you, "Thanks Oli, Your too nice.." I groan as I stand to my full height of 5'2'' stretching my hands far above my head, after handing off my mug to you I slip off to my room.
Smiles, and says "Goodnight. Sleep well." I walk to the kitchen and run water to clean the kettle. I stare off into space again, leaving the water run. Only to be snapped out of my thoughts by water dripping to the floor. I see the water beginning to flow to the ground and I quickly shut the water off and plunge my hand into the sink to pull the plug up. Frantically, I search for the mop. Slipping on the water, nearly falling, I catch myself on the counter. "Oli you idiot, you need to stop spacing out and focus on the tasks you are doing." I mutter to myself. I walk to the closet in the hallway, leaving a trail of wet footprints behind me. I sigh as I grab the mop, then I begin to clean up my stupid mess.
Yawning I shuffle out of the room, now dressed in baggy sweats and a tank-top I'm making my way out of the bathroom, from washing up when I spot the footprints on the ground. shifting over the spots with a hand towel I make my way to the kitchen. "Everything okay?" I yawn bending at the knees to pick up the dampened towel.
Blushes and hides my face "Y-yeah. Everything's fine" I slip on the water and falls down, barely missing the counter. I sigh and just lay there, now covered in water. "Bloody hell..." I sit up and look around feeling like an idiot. I laugh to myself, stand up and begin walking to my bedroom. "It's like a pond in there... I'll clean it up after I change." my face completely red.
Bitting my lip in attempts to cover up a disgraceful snort that threatened to escape my throat is wave to him in dismissal, "I've done this myself plenty a time, 'cept I was the only one present to clean it." Shaking my head as I reached into the cupboard, retrieving a thick towel that would normally be used for drying something. Unfolding the fluffy thing, I then got down on my knees to become to mop up the puddles as well. "Never a fun task, cleaning up disasters. . Expecially alone."
I sigh in shame and slip out of my wet clothes. I slip on my sweatpants, then walk back to the kitchen to help. I look at you "Let me help, I'm just a clumsy person." I bite my lip in anxiousness.
"Sure thing Oli," I laugh, gesturing to the cupboard holding the fluffy cloths I smile warmly, "You can work on the counters."
I chuckle and grab a towel. I begin wiping off the counters, trying not to make any water go on the floor. "Hey, Al. Im sorry for waking you. I was trying to be quiet." I look over at you, whilst wiping the remaining water off the counters. "I've just been spacing out lately and I can't focus on nothing really anymore." I say as I take the towel and help clean the floor.
Lifting my sopping towel from the floor I blow hair out of my face, "Don't worry about it Oli, Its not like you murdered the ice cream or anything like that." I joke bumping your shoulder, lifting my towel I place it in the sink so it could drain.
I chuckle as I place the towel in sink as well. "I think I'd punish myself if I did that." I smile and look at you for a moment before looking away, then I begin to walk to the living room. Hiding behind what hair I have to hide my blushing. "So uh, do you want to watch a movie or something?"
Shrugging I grab one of your sweaters that was hanging on the back of a kitchen chair, I had long past grown comfortable with you, so I was not afraid to do such an act. "That depends, what kind of movie are you in the mood for?" I ask you as I slip the sweater over my top before sinking down into the couch as well.

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