Maxwell Mansion (actual rp)

"Yeah the guys kinda crazy but he knows his stuff" she said and looked at him still thinking about what he was going to say.
"Oh, really? I just hope this is fun." Ivan replied. Maybe Ivan would show Jasmine his painting collection later. But would she think the paintings were lame? Or it was lame of Ivan to bring 'em here?

[uh, sorry, I couldn't come up with anything else. .... But where's everyone?]
((I have no clue...)

Jasmine nodded and looked on to the stage and saw him standing. "is everyone ready to start" he said "Oh okay I need one Volunteer" he said And scanned the class "You sir" he said and pointed to Ivan.
Ivan politely payed attention to the guy on stage. But when he said he needed a volunteer, he just hoped he wouldn't pick him. So when he did point to Ivan, Ivan turned back to the guy sitting behind him, tilted his head to the stage and said: "Go."
((omg im so sorry! I've been so busy!))

Ruby nodded. "Yup. Thought I'd get a break from her but i guess not." she said giggling. Ruby explained how she had the bad girl rep and how her dad made her come to this school. "How about you?"

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Chandler didn't quite expect the whole bad girl thing. Ruby didn't look like that kind of girl. When she asks him about himself, he looked down at his hands. Clearing his throat, he looked back at Ruby. "Well, there's not much to say about ol' Wilde here. I'm a pretty boring dude. I have no siblings, a few friends, a pretty awesome dad that I'm starting to miss." He finished with a small chuckle. "That's about it really. I never did like attention very much."
Ruby nodded and looked at him. He didn't look boring, he looked fun. Guess not though. "Well i'm not that happy with my dad. He knew I didn't want to go to this school, but he forced me. I kinda like it though. It's cool. The only sucky part is that i'm, again, sharing a room with my sister." She shared one with her at home, since they couldn't afford another room to be built on, or another house. Ruby stood up and looked at Chandler. "You wanna take a walk or something?"
Chandler grinned. "I'd share a room with a sibling, just to have a sibling." he said. He flipped his hair out of his eyes as his grin turned into a smile. When Ruby stood, he followed suit. "Sure, I haven't gotten to see the place yet." He adjuste his bag over his shoulder. "But could you maybe help me find my room first? I think it's room five...?"
"Sure, let's go." Ruby said starting to walk slowly, next to Chandler. She looked at the ground and kept quiet until they got to the boy's dorms. She walked to the door with the five on it and did a hand motion. "Here we are." She smiled and turned the knob, opening the door and motioning him in.
Chandler didn't quite understand why Ruby had to open the door for him. He was quite capable of doing it himself, but he appreciated the gesture. He pushed the door open a bit further and walked in, looking around. "That's..." He took in the way the green of the room popped out more than other colors. "That's a lot of green." he said quietly, feeling out of place with his dark gray skinnies, black Of Mice and Men tank, and red TOMS. He reached up and tugged the black beanie off of his head. "And..." His eyes grazed over the two beds before he glanced at Ruby and let his bag drop to the floor. "Do you know who else is in this room?"
Ruby shook her head slowly. "Nah, I barely know all of the other students. I can find out though?" She asked. She didn't know how to act around the kid. He seemed really nice, but she felt as if she was annoying him. Ruby looked around the room then her gaze went to his shirt. "I love Of Mice and Men." She said, smiling and her eyes widening.
Chandler nodded and kicked his bag into a corner. He'd put his stuff away when he learned which bed was his. He smiled when Ruby pointed out his shirt. "Thanks!" He chirped, almost like a child. "They're a cool band; number four on my list of top five." He walked to the door and held it open for Ruby. "How 'bout that walk?"
Ruby smiled and walked out the door. "Thanks, I don't really know where to go though, lunch is going to be over soon, but I don't really care much for my classes anymore." She explained as they walked down the hallway.
Chandler rose an eyebrow as he followed after Ruby, closing the door to his room. "Do you know your way around? Maybe you could give me a tour." he suggested.
Ruby shrugged and frowned. "I've only been in three rooms, not including classrooms." She felt so embarrassed, and started to turn red. Noticing the heat in her cheeks, Ruby put her head down and stared at the floor.
Chandler tilted his head as he noticed Ruby's sudden embarrassment. "Oh, well maybe we could explore the place together!" he claimed, excitement in his eyes. "How old are you?" he asked suddenly.
"Uh, I'm fifteen. Sixteen in two months." Ruby said, smiling at Chandler. She walked a little, then asked, "How about you?" She looked down at her shoes, then back at Chandler, not red anymore.
Chandler didn't hesitate to answer. "Eighteen, nineteen in September." He stuffed his hands into his back pockets as he walked, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Most people don't think I'm that old. They sometimes think that I'm sixteen. Or so I've been told."
Ruby shook her head. "I knew you had to be eighteen, you look to mature for sixteen." She said, giggling a bit. "Although a bit young in the face, I guess." She added, looking at his face. Ruby walked in pace with Chandler, not really knowing what else to say, she felt weird. A good weird.
Chandler quietly chuckled. "Mature, huh? The people at my old school and neighborhood always said differently. 'Chand, you're so cute. So much like a kid.' 'C'mon, Wilde. Can't you take anything seriously?'" he finished off with imitating a couple of different voices. He grinned at Ruby as they eventually made it to a different living room than the one before.
Ruby giggled at Chandler. "I would make up a nickname for you like I do to everyone else, but I like your full name. It's unique." She said, complimenting him. As they reached into the room, she plopped down on the couch. She quickly looked up at him, "Wanna watch some TV? I'm not really in the mood to walk." She said, smiling.
Chandler's smile slightly fell. "Thanks... My mom picked it out..." he trailed off, a sad expression flickering onto his face before the smile returned. He let himself fall into the couch next to Ruby, a small distance away from her. "Laziness wins all."

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