Maxwell Mansion (actual rp)

"That's cool." Ivan said to Jasmine. "So... You like it here or not? And what classes are you taking?" He asked her.

Ember realized that she had to go to her room to unpack her stuff, still. Right. But that can be done later. She walked up the stairs, but then her foot sort of twisted and she started falling back. A shriek escaped her mouth as she tried to grab hold of something. And she did get hold or something. ....An arm. She looked at the person's face. A guy. He looked too young to be a teacher .... and kind of old to be a high school student... "Ah, sorry." She said, but didn't let the arm go. Uh, let's go...? A part of her mind said. But what about the foot? What if I twisted my ankle?

[You wished for Ember? Well, here she is.]
"I'm taking hockey, soccer, sketching and... voice." Ivan grinned. He thought for a moment that lunch was quite long, but he surely didn't have a problem with it.
"ah so I'm in two of your classes" she said with a smile and looked at him. She didn't really know what time it was, and didn't really care.
"Yeah, that's right." Ivan thought of another subject to talk about. "So... earlier you said that you have a brother?"
"Oh... I wish I had a brother or sister. It's kind of lame, not having someone to talk to when you need to talk to someone." Ivan explained.
"Well sometimes yes, but he so annoying and he doesn't think I'm good at anything. So when I need to talk to him about something he just jokes around and doesn't take me seriously" she said and looked at him.
"Well, some people are going to be like that." Ivan said. "But still, it's better to know that someone is there for you." Ivan sat up and started playing with the grass.
"Yeah... Don't we have voice after lunch?" Ivan asked. Maybe he did have voice... he should know better.
Ivan stood up. "Yeah, sure." He answered with a smile. He spotted something on Jasmine's hair. "Jasmine there's something on your hair..." He reported.
Ivan leaned close to Jasmine and a hand reached to her hair to where the thing was. He gently took it out of her hair. "It's some sort of a bug." Ivan looked at it closely.
"You're welcome." Ivan smiled at Jasmine. "Hey, you wanna-" Ivan started, but then the bell rang and interrupted. ..... "Yeah, so where do we go now?"
"Follow me" I say and walk to the voice class which is in the Auditorium right beside the house. She started to walk there.
"Okay..." Ivan put his hands into his jean pockets and simply followed Jasmine to where ever she was going.
"Huh?" Ivan thought about what he was going to say. "Oh, that. Never mind." He decided it was way too early.
Jasmine nodded. She was kinda curious about what he was going to say. She entered the auditorium with him and sat down.

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