Maxwell Mansion (actual rp)

Anna Estes

((I don't know if you want how you want to do this but if you want we can do third person or first person so I'm going to start in first but it's whatever)


I get out of the taxi "Jason will you shut up" I say annoyed. He's been annoying the whole trip here, I sigh.


"Aw Jas are you annoyed?" I chukel and get our suitcases out

(( SliverOfHope, KrisiStar, BailyA, and Alyson Bowman))

It's been quite a ride. Little 'pew pew' noises the whole time. I have no clue if Josh can be more involved in his games. I finally get out of my dad's car and pull Jason out behind me.


"Do I HAVE to go?" I whined while my bigger sister Ginger pulled me out of the car.
Jake opened the taxi cab car door open as he handed five dollars to the driver. He looked at the man's shocked expression getting ready to yell so he slammed the door and smiled as he walked down the street. The place was supposed to be right around the corner.
Max gets out of the taxi and smiles slightly when she sees the school. She grabs all of her belongings, pays the driver, and walks into the school. She goes to the girls area and opens the door to room 3 while looking at the interior inside.
Piper would arrive by a black SUV driven by her mother. The whole trip they had not said one word to one another and Piper was mad she even came along. ~hell this was going to be a real hell~ her thoughts were already negative. Sure the place was nice but to be stuck anywhere would eventually be a problem. Green eyes would look out the window as Maxwell Mansion came into view. Sitting up she'd take in the whole outside view and a small smile would creep onto her pink lips. "Okay...maybe a little better than hadees" her mother would look at her and Piper would once again scowl. As her mom pulled up she'd turn the SUV off and get out to wakl with Piper to get her things from the back of the vehicle. "Baby please try to behave yourself, your father and I are only doing this so you have structure" Piper said nothing and just grabbed her two suitcases and laptop bag from the back. She'd set a larger bag on top of one suitcase and then walk over to her mom. She'd hug her without almost any touch "You know mom, what ever, I'll see you in the summer... unless you ship me off to camp too." With that she would turn on her heel to grab her luggage and begin pulling it towards the large door.

Passing a pair of siblings, boy and girl, Piper would smile and give a nod of greetings. Her blonde hair would be straightened and her pink highlights would be bold and freshly done for the occasion. Mostly to see her mothers face this morning when she awoke with the unnatural color. "Hmm, what room was it on my letter? Three I think?" she'd slide through the door way with her bags rolling behind her and stop in the first living area. Setting her bags up she'd take a moment to look around "Whoa...this place is nice" Piper was dressed in a pair of blue jean shorts with a white tank top covered by a black and pink plaid shirt that was tied up halfway. Her pink tennis shoes would be decorated with two little charms on each shoe. One a letter "P" and the other "N".
He chuckled as he watched a pair walking toward the mansion as well, when he got to the door step he simply knocked on the door twice and then walked in.

I walk into Room 4 after glancing at my letter and see that no one is in that room. "Yay!" I think to myself.


Once I actually get inside, I walked into room 1. I see a guy waiting on his own bed.
Jasmine looked at her paper "Room one" she mumbled to her self while she looked around. She rolled her suitcase to her room. When she got their she knocked on the door and walked in.
Piper finally makes her way to Room #3 for the girls and sees a girl in there. "Oh hello" she says quietly with a smile "I'm Piper, this your room too?" Looking around she'd tuck a pink strand of hair behind her ear and pull her two suitcases against a wall "Oh cool bunkish..beds.. you want bottom or top?" she'd set her laptop bag on one of the desks and then take a deep breath. Hopefully her roommate wasn't a total freak. That would just be horrid for this whole boarding school experience.
Ginger looked back at her letter and saw that her little brother had written a number 4 over the 1. "Crap." she said and then walked back out and into room number 1. She saw a girl who may have been younger than her but she couldn't really tell.
Jake looked down at his sheet to see that he was in Room #1. He made his way to the door and walked straight into the room examining it carefully as he sat down on the bed along with his bag of clothes and other things he packed. He packed a lot of stuff he really didn't need he thought to himself while he put away his things into one of the drawers. He lay bak down on the bed and stared at the ceiling.
Max smiles at the girl as she walks in before looking at her hair. "Hey Piper, I'm Maxine but please call me Max." She looks over at the beds after putting her possessions against the wall. "I'll take the top bunk if you don't mind... Oh and I like your hair." She adds the last part as an afterthought.
Jasmine looked at the girl as she walked in "Uh hi I'm Jasmine...I was waiting to see which bed you wanted since your the room leader"
"Um hi. I'm Ginger. I don't mind. Whatever bed you want." Ginger said shyly.

Joshua was ready to kill over when he saw the senior in the room. "Hi. I'm J-Josh-Joshua." He said to the older boy.
Jason walked to his room and the door was open, he looked at the guy and started to unpack. Once he was down he look at the guy "Im Jason"
"Alright Max" Piper would smile and set her two suitcases and one large bag on her bed to begin going through stuff. As the girl complimented her hair Piper would turn and smile " mom, well she hated it" a slight chuckle escaped her. Bright green eyes would look around as she halfway put her stuff all around her bed then she'd stop to stretch. "Hey, wanna go explore a little... I don't think classes start for another day" she'd run her right hand through her loud hair and wait for Max's answer.
Max chuckled slightly at the girl. "Well you can pull of the colors really well and sure, exploring this place would be fun." Max finished unpacking most of her things and placed her laptop on top of her bed before turning back to Piper. "Okay i'm ready."

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