Masters Club [Inactive]

Shin hummed a jaunty little tune as he followed the instructions on the flier in his hand. Even though he had found the building on a map, he was having trouble getting there on foot. After doing a casual sweep of his surroundings, he realized he was completely and utterly lost. "I have no idea where I am." He mused quietly, balling up the piece of paper in his hand and stuffing it in his back pocket. "Goku would know where to go." He muttered, thinking of his favorite Dragon Ball Z character.

Retracing his steps, he turned on his heel and walked back the way he came. He spent two hours wandering around in the dark before he found the place he was looking for. It looked exactly like the depiction on the map. It was a tall, grand looking building with a long line leading inside. Smiling in relief, he cut across the lawn, and slipped past the throng of people at the entrance. Shin was not a big man. It didn't take much for him to sneak inside, and as soon as he was safely indoors, he scratched the back of his head. "I forgot my bags." He mused, a sad little smile gracing his features.

Tapping the person in front of him, he gestured helplessly around the room. "Where's the VIP area?" He asked, his bags forgotten in an instant as he moved on to the reason he was here. He could always buy more junk later.
"The VIP room is right up here." Replied Elizabeth to the few people standing in front of Onyx, the guard. "Right this way, please enjoy your time at MC. Anything I can get a master or creature?"

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Esma walked into the club, gazing around uncertainly. She was curious of the place, though quite uncertain if there was a place she was supposed to go. She had no master to lead her, and she wasn't the type of person to walk into a place and instantly know what to do. She walked into an area with a few couches and sat down at the side of one of the couches, silently observing the place.
Nix was pacing outside of the club, looking like she was waiting for something... Or someome. She was humming a song, patiently waiting for that person to arrive. Normally she should be already up... Nix thought. The black collar to her neck contrasted with the white part of her dress. She looked up at the sky.
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