Masters Club [Inactive]

"Well, maybe my daughter may choose you." He said kissing his daughter on the forehead. "Enjoy your night." He said walking back downstairs.

"Edger, I think we should tell him..." She said getting a piece of the sandwich. "I need to show you something."

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Edgar bid Mr. Calloway farewell with a small nod before turning to Elizabeth, "we can tell him if you want.." And stopped when he heard her say something else and waited, "alright."
"Follow me." She took his hand and headed down the stairs. "Onyx, please let anyone wit the password up to enjoy food and water. I'll be back later." She continued towards a secret door. "As a master, my father invites you to stay with us." The made their way to an underground loft. "Master Sancuray. For both masters and creatures."

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Edgar looked around, interested in their surroundings. "Wow...are others here?" He questioned his brown bangs covering a part of his glasses.
"O-oh, I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up..." He squeezed her hand a bit to tell her he was there.
Edgar thought for a moment, "would that be okay?" He looked over at Elizabeth.
"Yea, my father is okay with anyone who is a master or creature. Make yourself home, I got to get back to the VIP room." she paused as she headed back. Stopping at the door she turned, "You can come back with me if you want." and left towards the VIP room.
Edgar jogged after her, "don't you think we should tell your father?" He looked at her profile.
"Yea." she replied as he looked at her. "Edger, thank you." She saw her father off at the bar talking to some people. They walked over and taped on his should. "Father, may we talk?"

"Yes dear. he turned to the one her was speaking to, "Excuse me for a minute." and walked towards the side.

"Father...Edger and I...." she was nervous.
Edgar took a small breath, "Mr. Calloway, your daughter and I have chosen to be the others partner...and wished to tell you.." He attempted to hide the anxiousness he was feeling.
"My dear daughter. That is such wonderful news. Come, Edger I'd like to get to know you. Do you mind leaving us me dear?" He said with a grand expression on his face. He placed his arm around Edger's shoulders and towards the secret door. "Oh and Elizabeth, take care of the guests."

"Yes father, please, don't embarrass me." replied Elizabeth as she headed towards the VIP where people tried to enter.
Edgar grew tense as her father draped his arm over his shoulders, "um what do you wish to know, Mr. Calloway?"
Edgar looked at the man hesitantly, "shouldn't the past stay a memory? Instead of being brought to the present?" He didn't know why but he just didn't quite like talking about himself. Attention is the last thing he would receive at home, so it was alien to him.
Edgar pushed up his glasses, "well um...I guess I can be a little protective over others, I'd like to think I'm loyal to those who are nice to me. And I'm pretty hard to anger, and I'm not one to yell.." Talking about himself felt unnatural and he didn't see why some people liked it so much.

"People call me overly modest as well..." He chuckled awkwardly.
"I think those traits are great. Come, lets celebrate your partnership." He snapped his fingers and a waitress came with two glasses and champagne. Opening the bottle, the poured to glasses. "It's only bubbly cider." The waitress walked away. In the mean time, Elizabeth noticed some people trying to come into the VIP room, and walked towards them.
Edgar held the cider not interested in drinking it, "Others are attending the party tonight correct?" His voice etched with his Norwegian accent, as he tapped the toe of his shoe on the floor as he waited, hoping to meet others soon. Edgar found his brown eyes gracing the room wondering if any of them where here already.

(There you may enter now)
Violet was among one the few who had tried to enter into the VIP, standing in the very front of the line. Her expressioned looked quite intolerant, perhaps due to her solemn facial expressions mixed with the professional clothes she wore... or it was simply a facade. Upon the upcoming girls walk towards her, Violet spoke up. "Pardon, but may I enter?" Her tone held that of a deep germanic type, expressed by the stronger pronounciation of certain vowels over other letters. English was obviously not her native accent. She had only been in this city for so long actually, only here for now to rest. She had heard of this master and creature place... perhaps this would do for a few nights. She was yet to be claimed by a human, so no doubt she couldn't stay here very long.
The sound of Adrian's alarm was loud enough to wake him up. Slowly he began to open his eyes and when they were fully opened he saw how his room was a as dark as it could get. For a couple of minute he just lay on his bed, staring up at the ceiling but then with a big sigh he incorporated himself and then sat on the edge of his bed. Adrian was wearing a white t-shirt and a pair of black shorts as a pajama. He rubbed his eyes with his fists so that he would be able to wake up quicker and then he stood up. Today was a very cold day but since Adrian was exposed to a lot of cold weather while he was living in Germany he barely felt it.

While still wearing his pajama he walked out of his room, into the hall, down the staircase and into the kitchen. While his toasts were getting toasted he filled a mug with some cold black coffee. He placed it inside the microwave and waited for it to heat up.
The sound of Adrian's footsteps and movements in the kitchen woke Yuki up. He wasn't exactly loud, but, being a creature, Yuki had very sharp hearing. She rubbed her eyes as she sat up, yawning, and walked out of the door. Her room was across Adrian's, so she also had to walk down the stairs to get to the kitchen. As she walked, the silver cross dangling on a thin chain around her neck swayed rhythmically.

Yuki peeked around the corner, looking into the kitchen. "Good morning," she greeted Adrian softly, a sleepy smile on her face.

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